

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Journal of Avian Biology publishes empirical and theoretical research in all areas of ornithology, with an emphasis on ecology, behaviour and evolutionary biology. Preferably papers should test hypotheses or explore new ground. Purely descriptive studies are accepted only when they contain important, new information on poorly known species or phenomena. Papers are printed under five main headings:

Reflections are short commentaries (two pages) related to a paper published in the same issue, discussing the implications of the new findings in a wider perspective. Reflections are normally written by editors or referees that have handled the focal paper.

Point-of-view are short papers on selected topics written by invited authors who are given great freedom and are encouraged to be provocative and argue their views on controversial issues. Readers, who have suggestions for suitable topics or potential authors, are welcome to contact the editorial office jab@ekol.lu.se

Research articles are normal full length papers which make up the bulk of each issue.

Forum is intended as an arena for communication and comment, including views on published articles. Forum is also open for contributions presenting new ideas and re-evaluations of published data and hypotheses.

Short communications are short papers, in principle not exceeding four printed pages, presenting the results of less extensive empirical studies, biologically interesting observations and notes on methodology and equipment.



Instructions to Authors


Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that the work has not been published before, is not being simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere and, in cases of multiple authorship, that the manuscript has been read and approved by all its authors. Manuscripts judged to be potentially suitable for the journal are sent out to external reviewers. Authors will usually be notified within two months of the acceptance, rejection or need for revision of their manuscript. 50 offprints are supplied free but additional ones can be ordered at cost. An order form is enclosed with the two sets of proofs that the author will receive directly from the printers, together with the original manuscript.


Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, exclusive copyright is shared between the author and the journal, which means that the work must not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of both the author and the journal. Articles are protected by copyright. This includes translation rights and the right to reproduce and distribute all of the articles printed in the journal. No material published in the journal may be stored on microfilm, video cassettes or in electronic data bases and the like without prior written permission from the journal.

Download Copyright Assignment Form

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts should be submitted in four copies and be sent to the managing editor. They should be in English, either American or British English as long as it is used consistently. Any figures should be in the form of copies ; originals will be requested if and when the paper is accepted. The manuscript should contain a brief abstract presenting information on, e.g. study topic, methods, results and conclusions, and should be useful for indexing and information retrieval. The address of the author(s) should be given on the manuscript. If available, the inclusion of an e-mail address to the corresponding author is useful.

Manuscript format

In general, the format of the manuscript when first submitted is not particularly important, but authors will save time and effort by using a recent issue of the journal as a guide. The text should, however, be type-written or in the form of a good PC print-out, double-spaced in with margins wide enough for the reviewer to write comments. When a manuscript has been accepted for publication, an edited copy will be returned to the author for approval and amendments. At this time a final draft will be requested, together with the text on diskette, if possible.


Tables should have a legend above them and be intelligible without recourse to the text.


Copies of all illustrations, whether diagrams, graphs, maps or photographs, should be included with each manuscript copy. The legends for Figures should be written on one or more separate sheets. Illustrations are normally printed in single- one-and-a-half or double-column width. Plan your figures, for instance labels on the axes of graphs, for the smallest (printed) size possible. Simple fonts, such as Geneva or Helvetica, are preferable to, e.g., Times. Colour plates may be included at the author's expense.


References In the reference list, please use the abbreviations for journal titles used in Biological Abstracts. For other details relating to references, see a recent issue of the journal

Editorial Board

Thomas Alerstam

Managing Editor
Dr. Roland Sandberg
Ecology building
SE-223 62
Tel +46-46-222-3793
Fax +46-46-222-3790

Editorial Office
P.H. Enckell
Department of Ecology
Lund University
Ecology Building
S-223 62 Lund
Tel. +46-46-222-3791
Fax +46-46-222-3790

Peter Arcese, Vancouver
Staffan Bensch, Lund
Wesley M. Hochachka, Ithaca
Richard T. Holmes, Hanover (NH)
Ellen D. Ketterson, Bloomington
Robert D. Magrath, Canberra
Patricia Monaghan, Glasgow
Val Nolan Jr, Bloomington
Theunis Piersma, Den Burg and Groningen
Morn¨¦ du Plessis, Cape Town
Henrik G. Smith, Lund
Henri Weimerskirch, Villiers en Bois
Joseph B. Williams, Columbus


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