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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Guide for Authors
Guide to Online Submission
Online Submission
Artwork Instructions

The Journal of Autoimmunity publishes papers related to the diverse aspects of autoimmunity: the mechanism of self-recognition, regulation of autoimmune responses, experimental autoimmune diseases, diagnostic autoantibody tests, and the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of autoimmune diseases. Special, but not exclusive, attention will be given to papers dealing with genetic, molecular biology, and cellular aspects of the discipline.

Research Areas Include:

  • Underlying mechanisms of autoimmunity
    - Immunologic
    - Molecular
    - Cellular
    - Genetic
    - Virologic

Areas of Clinical Interest:

  • Rheumatology
  • Dermatology
  • Endocrinology
  • Nephrology
  • Haematology
  • Immunopharmacology


Instructions to Authors

The submission of a manuscript is taken to imply that the authors guarantee that the material is original, and that no similar paper has been published previously or will be submitted for publication elsewhere. If previously published tables, illustrations, or more than 200 words of text are included, then the copyright holder's permission must be obtained. Copies of permission letters should be enclosed with the submitted manuscript.

Preparation of Manuscripts
An original and two copies of the manuscript should be submitted.Manuscripts should be typewritten in English on A4 or 8.5 x 11 inch white paper, with double spacing and liberal margins. Articles should be organized as follows: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and References. Figure legends and tables, in this order, should be added at the end of the manuscript.

Title. The title page should be on a separate sheet and should include the title,name(s) of the author(s) and author affiliations, the name, facsimile and telephone number of the person in the contributing laboratory who may be contacted with questions concerning the manuscript, one complete address for one author for mailing of proofs and for reprint requests, and a shortened version of the title that does not exceed 45 characters, including spaces. Up to five key words, which may or may not appear in the title, should be given in alphabetical order, below the title.

Abstract. An abstract must accompany each article and should not exceed 200 words. No references are allowed in the abstract.

Materials and Methods. These should be presented in a form whereby peers of the author can repeat the experiments and test the conclusions. The names and addresses for suppliers of uncommon reagents or instruments should be included.

Tables. All tables must be cited in the text. The appropriate location of each table should be indicated in the margin of the manuscript in pencil. Tables should be numbered with arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2) in order of their text citation. Each table should be typed (double-spaced throughout) on a separate sheet of paper and should have a title. Use spaces, not vertical rules, to separate columns. Each table should have a legend in sufficient detail to allow understanding without reference to the text.

Figures. All figures must also be cited in the text. Figure legends should be numbered with arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2). Legends should be typed double-spaced on manuscript paper that is not attached to the figures themselves, and should be sufficiently detailed to allow understanding without reference to the text. Figures should be identified (with soft pencil on the back) by the author's name as well as by figure number and TOP should be marked likewise. Maximum cropping may be indicated on an overlay if necessary.

The Journal will accept line drawings, half-tones and laser-quality computer output. Line drawings should be submitted as glossy black and white prints; for half-tones, good photographs should be supplied. The author should retain negatives. Photocopied illustrations or authors' sketches are not suitable for reproduction in the Journal (however, photocopies of line drawings are acceptable as duplicate copies). Colour prints are not acceptable for reproduction as black and white prints. Illustrations in colour can be accepted only if the authors defray the cost, and the Editor feels it is essential. If any illustration has been previously published, a copy of the letter of permission from the copyright holder must accompany the illustration. The source of the illustration should be included in the figure legend.

Acknowledgements. These should be included at the end of the text.

References. These are numbered consecutively as they appear in the text, in square brackets (e.g. [1], [2-6], etc.) In the reference list, all authors should be cited; the reference style is as follows:

Journal article
Sciavolino P.J., Vilcek J. 1995. Regulation of metallothioneingene expression by TNF-a and IFN-b in human fibroblasts. Cytokine 7: 242-250

Chapter in a Book
Blackman M.A., Kappler J.W., Marrack P. 1991. T cell tolerance. In Molecular Autoimmunity. N. Talal, ed. Academic Press, London, pp 127-152

When citing an Academic Press journal, include the digital object identifier (DOI), if noted, from the article's title page. Please note the following examples:

Caya J.G., Truant A.L. 2000. Clostridial Bacteremia during the first year of life: an analysis of 53 patients including two new cases. Anaerobe 6: 1-9, doi:10.1006/anae.1999.0313

Marzo A. 1999. Pharmacol Res 40: 357-368, doi:10.1006/phrs.1999.0528

Personal communications (J. Public, personal communication) should be authorized in writing, and unpublished data should be cited as such. Manuscripts in preparation should be cited in the text (U. Sam and A.N. Other, in preparation) and should not be included in the reference section.

In general, manuscripts should conform to the stylistic guidelines of the CBE Style Manual published by the Council of Biology Editors, Bethesda, Maryland, 5th edn., 1983. Follow Chemical Abstracts and its indexes for chemical names; for biochemical terminology, follow the recommendations issued by the IUPAC-IUB Commission of Biochemical Nomenclature as given in Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents, published by the Biochemical Society, UK. For enzymes, use Enzyme Nomenclature, published by Academic Press, San Diego, 1980. Where possible, use recommended SI units.

Digital Object Identifier
Academic Press assigns a unique digital object identifier (DOI) to every article it publishes. The DOI appears on the title page of the article. It is assigned after the article has been accepted for publication and persists throughout the lifetime of the article. Due to its persistence, it can be used to query Academic Press for information on the article during the production process, to find the article on the Internet through various Web sites, including IDEAL, and to cite the article in academic references. When using an Academic Press article in a reference section, it is important to include the article's DOI in the reference as volume and page information is not always available for articles published online. The References section, above, shows samples of DOI included in references. Further information may be found at http://www.academicpress.com/doi

Copyright Assignment
Authors submitting a manuscript do so with the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, copyright of the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to the publisher. The Copyright Transfer Agreement, which may be copied from the pages following the Information for Authors or found on the journal home page listed here, should be signed by the appropriate person(s) and should accompany the original submission of the manuscript to this journal. The transfer of copyright does not take effect until the manuscript is accepted for publication. Exceptions: it is the policy of the publisher that authors need not obtain permission in the following cases only: (1) to use their original figures and tables in their future works; (2) to make copies of their papers for use in classroom teaching and (3) to include their papers as part of their dissertations.

Authors will receive page proofs. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked for typographical errors only and returned to the publisher within 48 hours of receipt by the fastest possible method. Excessive alterations may delay publication of the article to a subsequent issue and may be subject to a charge.

Fifty (50) reprints are supplied to each group of contributors free of charge. Orders submitted after the journal is printed are subject to increased prices. Additional reprints are available when ordered in advance of publication. An order form, including cost of reprints, is sent with proofs.

Electronic typesetting from floppy disk
When submitting the final accepted version of your paper please include, where possible, a disk of your manuscript prepared on PC-compatible or Apple Macintosh computers, along with two hard copy print-outs. 5 1/4 inch or 3 1/2 inch sized disks and most word processing packages are acceptable, although WordPerfect and Microsoft Word are preferred.

Please follow these guidelines carefully:

  • Ensure that the files are not saved as read-only.
  • The hard copy must be printed using double-spacing, and may be used if setting from the disk proves impracticable.
  • Ensure that the final version of the hard copy and the file on disk are the same.
  • It is the authors' responsibility to ensure complete compatibility. If there are differences the hard copy will be used.
  • The directives for preparing the paper in the style of the journal as set out in the Instructions to Authors must be followed, i.e. ensure the document is in the following order: Title; Authors; Addresses; Short title; Abstract; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Acknowledgements; References; Tables; Figure legends; Footnotes.
  • The operating system and the word processing software used to produce the article should be noted on the disk (e.g. DOS/WordPerfect), as well as all file names. If UNIX, method of extraction should also be noted.
  • The disk/tape should be labelled with the journal reference number (if known), author name(s), hardware and software used to generate the disk file.
  • Do not include copyright material, e.g. word processing software operating system files, on the disk as this can create difficulties with Customs clearance.
  • Package floppy disks in such a way as to avoid damage in the post.

Additional points to note:

  • Use two carriage returns to end headings and paragraphs.
  • Type text without end of line hyphenation, except for compound words. Do not use lower case l(el) for 1(one) or O for 0 (zero) (they have different typesetting values.)
  • Footnotes, tables and figure legends should be keyed and saved at the end of the text or preferably in a separate file from the main text of the manuscript. However, please ensure that clear hard copies are supplied as they will almost certainly be typeset from the hard copy.
  • Be consistent with punctuation and insert only a single space between words and after punctuation.
  • Please include a list of any special characters you have used, e.g. Greek, maths.

Illustrations Submitted on Disk
Authors' illustrations should also, if appropriate, be supplied as both hard copy and electronic files. Figures drawn using Aldus Freehand (Apple Macintosh) and saved as Encapsulated Postscript files (EPS) are preferred and should be supplied on a separate disk.

Editorial Board
J.F. Bach, Immunology Department, Necker Hospital, Paris, France
Assistant Editor:
L. Chatenoud, Immunology Department, Necker Hospital, Paris, France
Honorary Co-editors
I. M. Roitt, Department of Immunology, University College & Middlesex School of Medicine, London, United Kingdom
N. Talal, Department of Medicine and Microbiology, University of Texas, USA
D. Alarcon-Segovia, Instituto Nacional de la Nutricion Salvador Zubiran, Mexico
E. Gershwin, Division of Allergy, Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, University of California at Davis, California, USA
A. Theofilopoulos, Immunology Department, Scripps Research Institute, California, USA
H. Wekerle, Department of Neurology, Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Martinsreid, Germany
G. Wick, Institut fur Pathophysiologie (ehemals Institut fur Allegemeine und Experimentalle Pathologie), Innsbruck, Germany
Editorial Board:
B.G.W. Arnason, Illinois, USA
J. Bluestone, California, USA
G.F. Bottazzo, London, United Kingdom
H. Cantor, Massachusetts, USA
R. Caspi, Maryland, USA
I.R. Cohen, Rehovot, Israel
A. Coutinho, Oeiras, Portugal
D.B. Drachmann, Maryland, USA
G.S. Eisenbarth, Colorado, USA
M. Feldman, London, United Kingdom
R. Flavell, Connecticut, USA
P. Gleeson, Melbourne, Australia
C. Goodnow, Canberra, Australia
L. Harrison, Melbourne, Australia
R. Holmdahl, Lund, Switzerland
S. Izui, Geneva, Switzerland
V. Kuchroo, Massachusetts, USA
K.J. Lafferty, Canberra, Australia
P. Marrack, Colorado, USA
S. Miller, Illinois, USA
H.M. Moutsopoulos, Athens, Greece
G.T. Nepom, Washington, USA
N.R. Rose, Maryland, USA
A. Rosen, Maryland, USA
S. Sakaguchi, Tokoy, Japan
R.S. Schwartz, Massachusetts, USA
E. Sercarz, California, USA
Y. Shoenfeld, Tel-Hashomer, Israel
C.R. Stiller, Ontario, Canada
M. von Herath, California, USA
E.K. Wakeland, Texas, USA
H. Weiner, Massachusetts, USA
H. Wigzell, Stockholm, Sweden
R. Zinkernagel, Zurich, Switzerland
Manuscripts, one original and two copies, should be submitted to:

Professor J.F. Bach
Immunologie Clinique
Hopital Necker
161, rue de Sevres
75724 Paris Cedex 15
Tel: +33 1 43 060355
Fax: +33 1 43 062388


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