

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY publishes papers describing the instrumentation and methodology used in atmospheric and oceanic research including computational techniques; methods for data acquisition, processing, and interpretation; and information systems and algorithms
Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts for the JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY should be sent to Dr. Edward V. Browell or Dr. Kevin D. Leaman (please see above listing for affiliations and contact information). Manuscripts related to atmospheric technology should be submitted to Dr. Browell and those related to oceanic technology to Dr. Leaman. When a manuscript is submitted, the author must inform the Co-Chief Editor if it has been previously published in any language or if it is under consideration for publication by another journal. The author must also promptly inform the Co-Chief Editor if it is submitted for publication elsewhere before its disposition by the JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY.

Each manuscript should be accompanied by a statement transferring copyright from the authors (or other holder of the copyright) to the American Meteorological Society. The appropriate form for the transfer of the copyright to AMS is printed near the back of the January and/or December issue of AMS journals; copies of the form are also available from the Chief Editor's office or from the Society. The written, signed transfer of the copyright is required under new U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17 USC, as revised by P.L. 94-533) in order for AMS to have valid rights to continue its wide dissemination of research results and other scientific information. Editorial action on a manuscript that is not accompanied by the completed copyright transfer form, signed by all authors, will be delayed until the form is received.

Two departments are maintained in the journal: Articles and Notes and Correspondence. The latter department is intended for informal comment, discussion of published papers, and short notes that present preliminary results of continuing investigations or summary of results of lengthy computations that would otherwise appear only in special reports of limited distribution.

Authors will receive the page proof for correction. Authors' institutions are requested to pay a publication charge, that, if honored, entitles them to 100 free reprints. The rate is $125.00 per page. Reprint order blanks will be furnished by the Society. Each manuscript must be complete and final when submitted. Article length should be less than 7500 words or about 26 double-spaced typed pages. Five copies of the text and small photocopies of large drawings are required. All copy (including tables, references, and figure captions) must be double-spaced on one side only, have wide margins, and all pages must be numbered consecutively. Each manuscript should include the following components, which should be presented in the order shown.

1) Title, name, and affiliation of each author, and dateline. These items should appear on an unnumbered cover page, separate from the remainder of the manuscript. The affiliation should be concise and should omit street and/or P.O. Box. The date of receipt of the manuscript will be supplied by the editors.

2) Abstract. A brief, concise abstract is required at the beginning of each article and, at the discretion of the Chief Editors, at the beginning of appropriate shorter contributions. Authors are reminded to summarize their conclusions and methodology in the abstract. References should be omitted since they are not available per se to abstracting services.

3) Text. The text should be divided into sections, each with a separate heading and numbered consecutively. The section/subsection headings should be typed on a separate line (e.g.: 1. Introduction; a. Data; 1) RADIOSONDE; (i) Experiment 1. The 1) and (i) subheadings are indented.

4) Acknowledgments. Omit the word "number" from grant or contract acknowledgments. Contributions (numbered) from author's affiliation should appear as a footnote on the cover page.

5) Appendix. Lengthy, mathematical analyses whose details are subordinate to the main theme of the paper should normally appear in an appendix. Each appendix should have a title.

6) References. References should be arranged alphabetically without numbering. The text citation should consist of the author's name and year of publication, [e.g., "according to Halley (1686)," or "as shown by an earlier study (Halley 1686)"] When there are two or more papers by the same author in the same year, the distinguishing suffix (a,b, etc.) should be added. In listing references, each one must be complete and in the following form. For an article: author(s), year: Title of article. Title of Journal (abbreviated), volume number, inclusive pages. For a book: author(s), year: Title of Book. Publisher, pages. Abbreviations for journal titles should conform to the current Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index, published by the American Chemical Society or the AMS Authors' Guide http://www.ametsoc.org/AMS/pubs/ag_docs/ag_mainpage.html). Authors are requested to avoid references to nonstandard material such as internal or project reports and unrefereed preprints whenever possible. When such a reference is essential (e.g. a long data tabulation), it is the author's responsibility to determine whether the referenced material is available from the Library of Congress, NTIS, or other public depositories, and to include this information as part of the citation in the References section. Nonstandard references should be included alphabetically with all other references. Authors should follow the journal style in preparing their list of references.

7) Figure captions. Each figure must be provided with an adequate caption; all captions should be listed together (double-spaced) for typesetting. Authors should include single-spaced captions on the figures used for the reviewer copies, but the figure originals should not have captions on them.

8) Illustrations and tables. Each figure and table should be cited specifically in the text. The figure number and caption will be typeset and should not be part of the illustration. Authors should label figure panels with lowercase lettering, preferably within the upper-left corner within the figure panel. All tables should have a title or legend.

9)Mathematical symbols and formulas.Authors should attempt to visualize mathematical expressions as they will appear in print.

*Additional information for authors on the preparation and submission of manuscripts is contained in the AMS Authors' Guide available online at http://www.ametsoc.org/AMS.

Editorial Board

Co-Chief Editors¡¯ Offices

Atmospheric Technology

Dr. Edward V. Browell ¨C NASA Langley Research Center

  • Phone: 757-864-1273
  • Fax: 757-864-7790
Oceanic Technology

Dr. Kevin D. Leaman ¨C RSMAS, University of Miami

  • Phone: 305-361-4058
  • Fax: 305-361-4696


Prof. Viswanathan N. Bringi ¨C Colorado State University
Dr. Hans C. Graber ¨C University of Miami
Dr. Marcia K. Politovich ¨C NCAR/RAP

Editorial Assistants

Joy Duke ¨C Assistant to Dr. Browell

  • Phone: 757-864-2698
  • Fax: 757-864-7790

Rosanne Kolaczynski ¨C Assistant to Dr. Leaman

  • Phone: N/A
  • Fax: N/A

Jean O. Charney ¨C Assistant to Dr. Bringi
Carol Makowski ¨C Assistant to Dr. Politovich

Submit Manuscripts Electronically

Postal Mail:

Dr. Edward V. Browell
Atmospheric Sciences NASA Langley
Research Center MS-401A
Hampton, VA 23681-2199
  Dr. Kevin D. Leaman
Div. of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography
University of Miami
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149-1098


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