

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Journal of Anatomy publishes original papers, invited review articles and book reviews. Its main focus is on contributions to understanding development, evolution and function through a broad range of anatomical approaches. Articles covering bioinformatics and other topics that clarify or provide tools for functional anatomical understanding will also be sympathetically considered. Priority will be given to experimental studies, to contributions based on molecular and cell biology, and on the application of modern functional imaging techniques. Studies that are essentially descriptive anatomy will only be published if the Editors consider that they are of functional significance.

Journal of Anatomy also publishes Brief Communications: these are brief papers (up to 3 journal pages) that present new ideas or data of particular originality and timeliness. The editors will also consider publishing Letters (1-2 pages) on scientific issues of clear relevance to the scope of interest of the Journal.

Submit online at http://janat.manuscriptcentral.com.


Instructions to Authors

Full instructions for preparing and submitting manuscripts online are provided at the submission site: http://janat.manuscriptcentral.com. Click on the 'submit online' button below left.

Please do not duplicate your submission by submitting online and by post.

Original Papers should not normally exceed 8000 words in total length. There are no page charges, and charges are not made for colour illustrations if, in the opinion of the Editor, they are essential (otherwise the cost must be met in full by the authors: estimates may be obtained in advance). Submitted artwork must be of high quality.

Submission of manuscripts Online:

Journal of Anatomy strongly encourages online submission of manuscripts at http://janat.manuscriptcentral.com. Submission online enables the quickest possible review and allows online manuscript tracking. Manuscript submission online can be in Word document (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), Portable Document Format (.pdf) or PostScript (.ps). Each of these file formats will be automatically converted to PDF for reviewing. Figures can be embedded in the native word processor file or may be uploaded separately in one of the following formats: GIF (.gif), JPEG (.jpg), TIFF (.tif), EPS (.eps). Figures uploaded separately in these file formats will be automatically converted to small jpegs for reviewing. Other file formats may be uploaded, but these will not be converted to an easily opened format and Editors and Referees will require the necessary software to view these files.

Full upload instructions and support are available online from the submission site via the 'Get Help Now' button. You can also email for online submission support. Please note that you should submit your covering letter or comments to the Editor-in-Chief, when prompted online.

Please do not duplicate your submission by submitting online and by post.

Please note that following acceptance of your manuscript for publication in Journal of Anatomy, you will be required to supply your manuscript and figures on disk (for disk instructions see Disk submission of manuscripts.


If authors are unable to submit electronically, hard copies may be submitted.

Manuscripts (four copies for paper submissions, together with a PC disk, and laser copies of the figures, which will not be returned to the authors) should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Gillian Morriss-Kay, Department of Human Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QX, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1865 272165, fax: +44 (0)1865 272420, email: janat@anat.ox.ac.uk. All manuscripts must also be submitted on disk (3?), saved both in wordprocessor format and as ASCII files (see Disk submission of manuscripts). Provision of the manuscript and illustrations on disk will facilitate handling by the editorial office. Authors may elect to have their manuscript handled by a particular receiving editor, or may leave this decision to the Editor-in-Chief. The covering letter should include one or two sentences describing the contents of the paper and its relevance to the focus of the journal. Manuscripts will be sent to at least two reviewers; authors may if they wish suggest the names of up to three potential reviewers who have had no part in the work; the editors may at their discretion choose one of them. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Anatomy, or any part of the work described therein, must be original and must not be simultaneously under consideration for publication elsewhere. Work previously published in abstract form should be referred to in the introduction. The Editors cannot accept responsibility for damage to or loss of papers submitted to them.

Presentation of manuscripts

Manuscripts, including the references, should be printed, double-spaced, in grammatically correct English. The title page should state the title of the paper, the names and addresses of the authors, a short title for running headlines, the full address of the corresponding author. An Abstract of not more than 200 words should include the reason why the work was carried out, the key techniques, the results and the major conclusions, followed by five key words, which should not duplicate words in the title. Original articles should include, in the following order, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Figure legends (starting on a separate sheet), Tables. The text should preferably be in MS Word (PC or Mac format) and the illustrations must be submitted as high-resolution (300 dpi) EPS or TIFF files (see below).

Supplementary material and the online edition of the Journal

Supplementary Material, such as data sets, additional images or tables, that will not be published in the print edition of the journal, but which will be viewable via the online edition, may be submitted.

It should be clearly stated at the time of submission that the Supplementary Material is intended for publication through the online edition. Supplementary Material will be made available in electronic form free of charge either through these web pages or on request from Blackwell Science. Alternatively, if the size or format of the Supplementary Material is such that it cannot be accommodated on the journal's Web site, the author agrees to make the Supplementary Material available free of charge on a permanent Web site, to which links will be set up from Journal of Anatomy's Web site. The author must advise Blackwell Science of any change in the URL of the Web site where the Supplementary Material is located.

The availability of Supplementary Material should be indicated in the main manuscript by a paragraph, to appear after the References, headed 'Supplementary Material' and providing titles of figures, tables, etc. The Supplementary Material should be submitted to the Editorial Office in final form, ready for viewing, or alternatively, if the size or format is such that it cannot be submitted, the author should make the Supplementary Material available for viewing in final form via the Web by the Editorial Office and by reviewers. This Supplementary Material is an integral part of the article and will be reviewed accordingly.


References in the text. References to papers having three or more authors should give the name of the first author only, followed by 'et al'.

Reference list. References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the article and should conform to the formats of the following examples:

Le Rouëdec D, Rayner K, Rex M, Wigmore PM, Scotting PJ (2002) The transcription factor cSox2 and neuropeptide Y define a novel subgroup of amacrine cells in the retina. J. Anat. 200, 43-50.

Kaufman MH (1994) Atlas of Mouse Development. 2nd edition, Academic Press, New York.

Janvier P (2001) Ostracoderms and the shaping of the gnathostome characters. In Major Events in Early Vertebrate Evolution (ed. Ahlberg PE), pp. 172-186. London and New York: Taylor and Francis.

Journal titles should be abbreviated as in the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations. Articles with more than six authors should list the first six followed by "et al". References should be checked carefully to make sure that all references given in the text (and no others) appear in the list of references and that the spelling of authors' names and the dates are correct.


Illustrations must be in a finished form ready for reproduction. Subdivided figures should be lettered A, B, etc. in the top or bottom left hand corner. The maximum figure size is 165 x 230 mm. Magnifications should be indicated by scale bars. Labelling letters should be approximately 3 mm in height. Figures should be referred to in the text as (Fig. 10). The author's name, the figure number and orientation should be shown on the back of each illustration. Authors may be asked to reduce the number of figures if some are considered to be inessential.

Electronic artwork. We would like to receive your artwork in electronic form. Save line art (vector graphics), uncompressed if possible, in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format and bitmap files (halftones or photographic images) in Tagged Image Format Files (TIFF). Detailed information on the submission of electronic artwork can be found at www.blackwell-science.com/elecmed/authors.htm.

Disk Submission

When supplying your manuscript on disk, please follow these instructions and return the disk, File Description Form and hard copy of your manuscript to the Editorial Office.

  • Final version of the hard copy and the floppy disk must be the same. It is essential that the disk contains any last-minute changes.
  • File name(s) should be given with the disk, with separate file names for: text, references, tables, figure captions.
  • If possible, files should be supplied in both word processor and ASCII formats.
  • Be consistent. Use the same presentation for all headings, etc. that are to appear the same in the finished printing.
  • Tables may not be set from disk, and it is essential that an adequate hard copy is supplied.
  • Advise us about any matter that you think could cause a problem.
  • A File Description Form is available to print out or can be obtained from the Editorial Office.
  • Do not use the carriage return (enter) at the end of lines within a paragraph.
  • Disks will not be returned to authors.
File Description Form and Copyright Assignment Form

The disk of the final (revised) version of the manuscript must be accompanied by the completed File Description Form and Copyright Assignment Form. These forms can be downloaded from the above links. Until these forms are received, the manuscript cannot be put into production. Text Files should be formatted as double-spaced and have no hard returns within paragraphs. Please type your text consistently, e.g. take care to distinguish between '1' (one) and 'l' (lower-case L) and '0' (zero) and 'O' (capital O), etc.

Conditions of acceptance

If a paper is accepted, the final version should be sent as two paper copies and a disk (labelled with the first author, the software and hardware used and the name of the file to be processed) containing the text and images in digital form, together with a covering letter documenting any revision that has been made as required by the Editor. Authors may be charged for changes made at the proof stage. The Editor reserves the right to make stylistic changes.

Manuscripts are accepted on the understanding that they will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in either the same or another language, without the consent of the copyright holder. If accepted, papers become the copyright of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

Ethical considerations

Papers describing animal experiments can be accepted for publication only if the experiments conform to legal requirements in the UK. Authors must provide a full description of their anaesthetic and surgical procedures, and state how the animals were killed. Papers describing experiments on human subjects must include a statement that the experiments were performed with the permission of the subjects and of the appropriate ethical review body.


Proofs will be sent via e-mail as an Acrobat PDF (portable document format) file. Therefore, the corresponding author should supply their email address when submitting the manuscript. The e-mail server must be able to accept attachments up to 4 MB in size. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following Web site:


This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. Proofs will be posted if no e-mail address is available; in your absence, please arrange for a colleague to access your e-mail to retrieve the proofs.


50 free reprints will be supplied for each article and an additional number may be purchased. The Journal does not give free offprints of published abstracts of the Proceedings of the Anatomical Society, but these can be ordered on a special form available at the time of the meeting when the work is presented

Editorial Board


Gillian M. Morriss-Kay
University of Oxford
E-mail: gillian.morriss-kay@anat.ox.ac.uk

Managing Editor

Edward Fenton
E-mail: janat@anat.ox.ac.uk

Receiving Editors

Per Ahlberg
Uppsala University
E-mail: pea@nhm.ac.uk

Robert Anderson
University College London
E-mail: R.Anderson@ich.ucl.ac.uk

Jonathan Bard
University of Edinburgh
E-mail: j.bard@ed.ac.uk

Franz Fuss
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
E-mail: mfkfuss@ntu.edu.sg

Anthony Graham
Kings College London
E-mail: anthony.graham@kcl.ac.uk

Shigeru Kuratani
E-mail: saizo@cdb.riken.go.jp

Dan Lieberman
Peabody Museum, Harvard University

John Morris
University of Oxford
E-mail: john.morris@anat.ox.ac.uk

Thomas Schilling
University of California
Email: tschilli@uci.edu

Karl Zilles
Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany
E-mail: k.zilles@fz-juelich.de

Editorial Board

P. Andrews, University of Sheffield, UK
M. Benjamin, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK
D.E. Birk, Jefferson Medical College, USA
G. Burnstock, Royal Free & University College Medical School, UK
G.J. Burton, University of Cambridge, UK
J.A. Buttner-Ennever, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat, Germany
K.E. Carr, University of Oxford, UK
J.A. Clack, University of Cambridge, UK
J. Davies, Edinburgh University Medical School, UK
K. Eto, Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan
G.R. Fink, Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany
R.W. Guillery, University of Wisconsin Medical School, USA
S.M. Hall, King's College London, UK
R. Jacobs, Caltech, USA
G. Karpati, Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada
M.H. Kaufman, University of Edinburgh, UK
P. Kaufmann, Institut fur Anatomie der RWTH, Germany
C.B. Kimmel, University of Oregon, USA
P. Martin, University College London, UK
N. Osumi, Tohoku University, Japan
A.P. Payne, University of Glasgow, UK
J. Polak, Imperial College School of Medicine, UK
A.C. Riches, University of St Andrews, UK
J. Scott, University of Manchester, UK
W. Sellers, Loughborough University, UK
J.M.W. Slack, University of Bath, UK
K.K. Smith, Duke University, USA
H.M. Sucov, University of Southern California, USA
C.A. Tickle, University of Dundee, UK
M.A. Warren, University of Sheffield, UK


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