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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The journal includes observational and analytical reports on treatments outside the realm of allopathic medicine which are gaining interest and warranting research to assess their therapeutic value. It includes current concepts in clinical care, including case reports that will be valuable for health care professionals and scientists who are seeking to evaluate and integrate these therapies into patient care protocols and research strategies. Indexed in Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index-Expanded, ISI Alerting Services, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, CISCOM-Centralised Information System for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, AMED, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL).

Click here for a paper on Medically Supervised Water-Only Fasting for Borderline Hypertension

Click here to read a key paper on Types of Alternative Medicine Used by Patients with Breast, Colon, or Prostate Cancer


Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submissions



THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and Policy is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal. It includes observational and analytical reports, ideas, commentary, and opinions on therapies currently thought to be outside the realm of conventional Western biomedicine that are gaining interest and warranting research to assess therapeutic value. The Journal includes current concepts in clinical care, including case reports, which will be valuable for physicians and other health care professionals who are seeking to evaluate and integrate these therapies into patient care protocols.

A primary goal of this international peer-reviewed journal is the establishment of rigorous and appropriate research methodologies; the Journal will develop and encourage publication standards to foster effective and reliable measurement, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The Journal does not publish papers that have been submitted elsewhere.


Submit manuscripts to: Marianne Lonergan Curtis, CAMT, Managing Editor, 691 Fifth Avenue., San Francisco, CA 94118-3914. Submit the original and three copies including illustrations and tables. The author should keep an exact copy of the manuscript. Submissions should be accompanied by a covering letter that designates one author as correspondent and includes a complete address with street number and postal code, telephone, fax, and e-mail numbers. The covering letter should contain, for the Editor’s consideration, the names, addresses, and phone numbers of up to five potential reviewers familiar with the field. Anyone whom the author does not want to be considered should also be named in the covering letter. The letter should state that the material has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Upon receipt of the manuscript, the Managing Editor will mail a confirmation notification to the sender indicating the title of the manuscript and the publisher’s identification number. Please refer to this number when making inquiries. All material published in the Journal will be copyrighted by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., and may not be republished without written permission.

Authorship. All authors, including the co-authors, should be responsible for a significant part of the manuscript. All authors and co-authors should have taken part in writing the manuscript, reviewing it, and revising its intellectual and technical content. Any author whose name appears on a paper assumes responsibility and accountability for the results.

Preparation of Manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted double-spaced on 8 ?x 11 paper. Leave ample margins on both sides, top and bottom. Submit the original and three copies, including original illustrations, figures, and tables. Electronic submission is required, and the submission must match the hard copy exactly.  Disks may be submitted in PC format, preferably in Microsoft Word.  In lieu of a disk, you may e-mail the electronic copy to jacm@acupressure.net, saved to be compatible with Microsoft Word for Windows. For controlled trials of acupuncture, use our preferred reporting criteria based on the STRICTA Guidelines, which are at: www.ftcm.org.uk/stricta.htm or in McPherson et al. Standards for reporting interventions in controlled trials of acupuncture: The STRICTA recommendations. J. Altern Complement Med 2002;8 (1) :85-89.

Guidelines on Length. Manuscript length varies according to the type of article, subject matter and authors?judgment. Original research papers would normally be less than 3,000 words; review papers may exceptionally be longer (up to 5,000 words and should have a 150-word summary); case studies would normally be less that 2,000 words; short reports should be less than 1,000 words with no more than one table or illustration and up to ten references. We are happy to entertain unsolicited editorials of up to 1,000 words, which will be externally peer reviewed. Letters to the editor should be no longer than 500 words with no more than 5 references except in exceptional circumstances when the argument for this should be laid out in an accompanying letter. One table or illustration may accompany letters. Personal view articles, drug/
therapy/intervention reports, critical review and debate and reports drawing attention to potential clinical problems will be welcomed.

Title Page. The title page should include the contributors?names with highest academic degrees, affiliations, key words, and a running head of no more than 45 characters.

Abstract. Provide a structured abstract, double spaced, of no more than 300 words with the following headings where applicable: Objectives, Design, Settings/Location, Subjects, Interventions, Outcome Measures, Results, and Conclu-sions. Reference citations are not permitted in the abstract of a paper.

Text. Organize the text as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, and References. Use only standard abbreviations, which can be found in the AMA’s Manual for Authors & Editors or the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual. At the first usage, spell out the term and give the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter, use only the abbreviation. It is not necessary to spell out standards of measure, even at first usage. For botanical names, use the Linn. classification in its first appearance in the text; thereafter, use either the common or Latin name. Use generic names for drugs if possible. If you wish to use a proprietary drug name the first time it appears, use the generic name followed by the proprietary name, manufacturer, and city in parentheses.

Acknowledgments. The author should acknowledge only those people and institutions that have made significant contributions to the study. Details of sources of funding must be given and any potential conflicts of interest declared, e.g., financial, personal, political or academic.

References. The references should be cited in the text using the name/date system. The reference list at the end of the article should be double spaced and organized alphabetically by name and date. Use journal abbreviations as provided by the Index Medicus, National Library of Medicine. List all authors. If references to personal communications or unpublished data are used, they are not to be in the list of references. They should be referred to in the text in parentheses. Include, among the references, papers accepted but not yet published; designate the journal, and “In press.?Please send a copy of related papers listed as “in press,?particularly if they include methods published elsewhere. If it is necessary to cite an abstract, this should be so designated. All authors of multi-author papers should be listed. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references, and are reminded that inaccurate references are highly frustrating to the reader, the cited author, and indexing services. The references should be presented in the Vancouver style. Please follow the samples below.

Sample References: Journal paper: Jobst KA. Acupuncture in asthma and pulmonary disease: An analysis of efficacy and safety. J Altern Complement Med 1996;2:179?06.

Book: Ersser SJ. Nursing as a Therapeutic Activity: An Ethnography. Avebury, UK: Aldershot, 1997:

Edited book: Fulford KWM, Ersser SJ, Hope T, eds. Essential Practice in Patient-Centered Care. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 1996.

Chapter in a book: Van Wijk R, Wiegant FA. Physiological effects of homeopathic medicines in closed phials: A critical evaluation. In: Eudler PC, Schulte J, eds. Ultra High Dilution Physiology and Physics. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994:81?8.

Reprint Address. Following the references, provide the name, complete address and E-mail address of the person to whom reprint requests should be sent.

Legends. Type legends for illustrations double spaced on a separate sheet. In the legend, provide explanations for any abbreviations, arrows, etc. on the artwork. If the illustration is taken from a copyrighted publication, credit must be given in the legend.

Tables. Type tables double spaced, each on a separate sheet, and provide a title for each table. Cite tables in sequence in the text. Explain abbreviations used in the body of the table in footnotes. If the table is taken from a copyrighted publication, credit must be given in a footnote.


For hard copy submission of figures, original glossy photographs for all illustrations must be suplied with the manuscript. (Photocopies cannot be accepted.) All illustrations should be numbered and labeled with the first author's name on the back. The top of the illustration should be indicated. A legend should be supplied for each illustration and all legends should be numbered consecutively and provided (double spaced) on a seperate page. Figures should be numbered in the order cited in the text. A complete set should be submitted with each copy of the manuscript. Images should not show the name of the manufacturer. Please keep in mind that the figures will be reduced, so please do not submit large figures/graphs that contain small type because the text within the figure will not be readable after reduction. 

Electric submission of art is acceptable with the following caveats:

  • Do not include any illustrations as part of your text file.
  • Do not prepare any figures in Word as they are not workable.
  • Line illustrations must be submitted at 1200 DPI.
  • Halftones and color photos should be submitted at a minimum of 300 DPI.
  • Adobe is the preferred software. Avoid submitting PowerPoint files
  • Save art as either TIFF or EPS files. Avoid submitting JPEG files.
  • Color art must be saved as CYMK not RGB.
  • Please provide a laser printout of the art to ensure accuracy.


Materials taken from other sources must be accompanied by a written statement from both author and publisher giving permission to the Journal for reproduction. Obtain and submit written permission from authors to cite unpublished data or papers still in press.


Reprints may be ordered from the Publisher by using the special reprint order form that will accompany the proofs. Reprints ordered after the issue is printed will be charged at a higher rate.


The Journal is published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2 Madison Ave., Larchmont, NY 10538-1961. Tele-phone: (914) 834-3100; fax: (914) 834-3771; e-mail: info@liebertpub.com

Editorial Board



Kim A. Jobst, MA, DM, MRCP, MFHom
Visiting Professor in Healthcare &
Integrated Medicine
Oxford Brookes University
2 Brinsop Court
Brinsop, Herefordshire HR4 7AX, England
144-1432-761340 Fax: 144-1432-761463

Executive Editor

Richard C. Niemtzow, M.D., Ph.D, MPH
9800 Cherry Hill Road
College Park, MD  20740
Phone: (301) 937-7424
Fax: (301) 937-3205

E-mail: N5ev@aol.com

Managing Editor

Marianne Lonergan Curtis, C.A.M.T.
691Fifth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118-3914
Phone/Fax: (415) 751-8725
E-mail: jacm@acupressure.net

Associate Editors

Gerard Bodeker, EdD
GIFTS of Health, University of Oxford

Claire M. Cassidy, PhD, DiplAc, LAc
Paradigms Found Consulting
Bethesda, MD, USA

Bruce D. Curtis, MA, MDiv
Academy for Future Science
San Francisco, CA, USA

Steven Ersser, PhD, BSc, RGN
University of Southampton

Stephen Fulder, PhD
CAROB, West Galilee

Lt. Col.Wayne B. Jonas, MD
Samueli Institute for Information Biology


Fredi Kronenberg, PhD
Columbia University
College of Physicians & Surgeons

Michael McIntyre, MA, FNIMH, MBAcC
Midsummer Cottage Clinic
Oxfordshire, UK

Daniel Redwood, DC
Virginia Beach, VA, USA

Janet Richardson, PhD, CPsychol, BSc, RN
University of Westminster
London, UK

Terence J. Ryan, DM, FRCP
Wound Healing Institute
Oxford, UK

C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
Holos University Graduate Seminary

Jacqueline C. Wootton, MEd
Alternative Medicine Foundation, Inc.
Potomac, MD, USA

Editorial Board

James Ladd Bauer, MD
Marshall, CA, USA

Stephen Birch, PhD, LicAc
Foundation for Traditional
East Asian Medicine
The Netherlands

Alan Breen, DC, PhD
Anglo-European College of Chiropractic

Josef A. Brinckmann
Traditional Medicinals
Sebastopol, CA, USA

Stanley B. Burns, MD
The Burns Collection
New York, NY, USA

Raymond Chang, MD, FACP
Institute of East-West Medicine

Marc Cohen, PhD, FAMAC
Australasian Integrative Medicine Association
Victoria, Australia

Raymond Cooper, PhD
Los Altos, CA, USA

Helen Doll, MSc
University of Oxford

Vinjar Fønneb? MD, PhD
University of Tromso, Norway

Harald C. Gaier, ND, DO
The Diagnostic Clinic
London, UK

James S. Gordon, MD
Georgetown University Medical School

Richard Hammerschlag, PhD
Oregon College of Oriental Medicine

D. Corydon Hammond, PhD
University of Utah School of Medicine

Alex Hankey, PhD, MSCI
Cowden, Kent, UK

Peter J. Houghton, BPharm, PhD
King’s College of London,

Ming Hu, PhD
Washington State University

Loren D. Israelson, BS, JD
LDI Group, Inc.
Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Stephen Kayne, PhD, FRPharmS,

Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital

Konstantin Korotkov, PhD
St. Petersburg Federal Technical University

Lawrence H. Kushi, ScD
Kaiser Permanente
Oakland, CA, USA

Lixing Lao, PhD, CMD (China), LAc
Center for Integrative Medicine
Baltimore, MD, USA

Robert Leckridge, MBBCh, FFHom
Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital, UK

George T. Lewith, MB, DM, FRCP
Royal South Hants Hospital, UK

Shin Lin, PhD
University of California
Irvine, CA, USA

Klaus Linde, MD, PhD
Technical University of Munich, Germany

Rainer Lüdtke, MSc
Karl und Veronica Carstens-Foundation
Essen, Germany

Hugh MacPherson, BSC, PhD MBAcC
Foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine
York, UK

Donald G. Murphy, PhD
Universal Healing Arts
Santa Fe, NM, USA

Margaret A. Naeser, PhD, LicAc
Department of Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center Boston, MA, USA

Robert E. Nunley, PhD
Holos University Graduate Seminary


Terrence Dale Oleson, PhD
Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine

Chi-Keong Paul Ong, PhD
Mansfield College
Oxford, UK

Thomas Ots, MD, PhD
German Medical Acupuncture Society
Graz, Austria

Koshiro Otsuka
Institute for Holistic Healthcare and Medicine,
Tokyo, Japan

Candace B. Pert, PhD
Georgetown University Medical School

David Peters, MBChB, DRCOG, MFHom
University of Westminster
London, UK

Pierre Rabischong, MD
Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, France

Dean Radin, PhD
Institute of Noetic Sciences

David Reilly, FRCP, FFHom
Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital


Beverly Rubik, PhD
Institute for Frontier Science
Oakland, CA, USA

Michael Ruff, PhD
Georgetown University Medical School

Jacqueline Sawyer, MLitt, MSc
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland

Larry Scherwitz, PhD
Institute for Health and Healing
San Francisco, CA, USA

David Shannahoff-Khalsa
University of California
San Diego, CA, USA

Hari Sharma, MD, FRCPC
The Ohio State University

Venkat Sharma, PhD
University of West Florida

Cyril W. Smith, PhD
Manchester, England, UK

Wendy B. Smith, PhD
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health

Leanna J. Standish, ND, PhD, LAc
Bastyr University

Julie Stone, MA, LLB
University of Southampton School of
Medicine, UK

Dana Ullman, MPH
Homeopathic Educational Services
Berkeley, CA, USA

Roy Upton
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia
Soquel, CA

Aaron K. Vallance, MA (Oxon) MBBS
Royal Free Hospital
London, UK

Marja Verhoef, PhD
University of Calgary

Harald Walach, PhD
Institut für Umweltmedizin und Krankenhaushygiene, Germany

Peter J. Whitehouse, MD, PhD
Case Western Reserve University

Midge Whitelegg, PhD, FNIMH
University of Central Lancashire

Tom Whitmarsh, MA, FRCP, FFHom
Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital

Xiaorui Zhang, MD
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland


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