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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Journal Aims and Scope
The Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics seeks to publish creative and scholarly economic studies in agriculture, natural resources, and related areas. Manuscripts dealing with the economics of food and agriculture, natural resources and the environment, human resources, and rural regions are encouraged. The Journal seeks to provide a forum for topics of interest to those performing economic research as well as to those involved with economic policy and education. Submission of comments on articles previously published in the Journal is welcomed.

Instructions to Authors
Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Contributors are requested to use the following guidelines in preparing manuscripts for submission:

1. Cover Letter. In a cover letter accompanying the manuscript, indicate (a) why the manuscript would interest JARE readers; (b) whether the material in the manuscript (or modification thereof) has been published, is being published, or has been submitted for publication elsewhere; (c) that the material in the manuscript, to the best of the author's knowledge, does not infringe upon other published material protected by copyright; and (d) that the author has read and agrees to the policy on data access and estimation procedures outlined below.

2. Data Access and Estimation Procedures. Authors are expected to document their data sources, data transformations, models, and estimation procedures as thoroughly as possible. Authors are also expected to make data available at cost for replication purposes for up to five years.

3. Title Page. On a separate page, provide the title of the manuscript and author(s)' name(s) centered and in boldface type. At the bottom of the same page, provide university title(s), institutional affiliation(s), acknowledgments of colleague reviews and assistance, and institutional support as an unnumbered footnote. Do not place the name(s) of the author(s) on the first page of the text.

4. Abstract. Include an abstract of 100 words or less, followed by up to eight key words (or short phrases) listed in alphabetical order.

5. Text. Double space all text, including the abstract, acknowledgments, endnotes, and references. Use a 12-point Times Roman font and allow 1" margins on all sides. Do not use right-justified margins (i.e., use jagged right margins). Do not use end-of-line hyphenation feature.

6. Style, Grammar, and Punctuation. The JARE uses The Chicago Manual of Style by the University of Chicago Press, and Webster's Third New International Dictionary for style, format, and spelling.

7. Footnotes. Manually insert superscript numbers within the text to denote footnotes, numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript. Do not use software footnote/endnote feature. Combine all footnotes on a separate page immediately following the manuscript text. Do not place footnotes at bottoms of manuscript pages.

8. References/Text Citations. In a reference section immediately following the footnotes page, list all works cited in the text, alphabetized by author last name. Refer to current issues of the JARE for format. For within-text citations (either parenthetical or as part of narrative), spell out up to three author last names; use first author's name followed by "et al." for works with four or more authors. Include the publication year only if there is more than one work by the same author(s). When citing a direct quotation, include page number(s) from the author's work.

9. Figures and Tables. Place each figure and table on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. Computer-generated graphics for figures (Microsoft Excel, Corel Presentations, Corel Quattro Pro, Word Perfect) are preferred. Do not place figure title/caption within graphics Image.

10. Math/Equations. Consecutively number equations throughout the text. When displaying equations, place equation number within parentheses at flush-left margin; center the equation. Use italic typeface for all variables, and use boldface (no italics) for all vectors and matrices--both within equations and within narrative.

11. Publication Costs. Authors submitting manuscripts are expected to assume obligation for payment of page charges at the time their manuscripts are published. Current page charges are $60/printed page for WAEA members and $70/printed page for nonmembers.

12. Submissions. Send four good quality copies to the address below. Do not send a disk file until requested by the editor. Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged by return mail.

Gary D. Thompson, Editor
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics
PO Box 210023
1110 E. North Campus Drive
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0023

Editorial Board


Gary D. Thompson
University of Arizona


Satheesh Aradhyula
University of Arizona

George Frisvold
University of Arizona

Russell Tronstad
University of Arizona

Editorial Council (2001 - 2003)

Dee Von Bailey
Utah State University

Gary W. Brester
Montana State University

Lilyan E. Fulginiti
University of Nebraska, Lincoln

George Goldman
University of California, Berkeley

Richard Green
University of California, Davis

Daniel Hellerstein
Economic Research Service

David A. Hennessy
Iowa State University

Ray G. Huffaker
Washington State University

Alan P. Ker
University of Arizona

Anya McGuirk
Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Jim Unterschultz
University of Alberta


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