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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


 The official publication of the German Society for Ornithology (DO-G) has been published by Blackwell Science since 1998. This German and English language journal on ornithology and avifauna, founded in 1853, publishes peer-reviewed original articles, reviews, short communications, letters to the editor, and society news. It is indexed by the most important international abstracting services including Current Contents.

Fields of Interest:
Scientific Ornithology, in particular Ecology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Taxonomy, Biology of Breeding and Ethology of Birds.


Journal of Ornithology

Instructions to Authors

1. General

The Journal of Ornithology publishes articles in all areas of ornithology. In addition to original papers, reviews will be welcomed. Short communications, news about current research, and contributions to critical discussion are also possible.

Original papers should contain new findings; reviews chronicle recent progress in particular areas of research, but they are not to summarize the author's work. Short notes are intended for rapid communication on new findings.

News articles report on specific new developments published in the primary literature. They are not appropriate for publishing the author's work. Comments address topics raised in recent issues of J. Ornithol. They principally serve to promote well-informed, constructive-critical discussion, and the author(s) of any article criticized will generally be invited to reply. Comment and reply will always be published in the same issue.

Manuscripts may be submitted in German or English.

2. Submission and acceptance of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted in triplicate to the Editor, with double line spacing and typing only on one side of the sheet. Figures should be accompanied by photocopies sized to the approximate print size.

The Editor's address is:

Prof. Dr. Franz Bairlein
Institut für Vogelforschung
"Vogelwarte Helgoland"
An der Vogelwarte 21
26386 Wilhelmshaven

Fax: +49-(0) 4421-968955
E-mail: franz.bairlein@ifv.terramare.de

All manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Incomplete papers or those not complying with the instructions for authors will be rejected without review. The Editor is soley responsible for deciding upon acceptance for publication.

Upon acceptance of your paper, please submit your manuscript on diskette, zip, or CD-ROM with two hardcopies and retain a copy for yourself. Manuscripts must conform to the journal style and should be submitted in the final version containing all revisions. Originals of artwork should first be submitted at this point.

Once your manuscript has been accepted, you will receive the form "Manuscript Submission" to be completed and returned to the editor within (5) days. This form includes, among other items, your complete correspondence address, the copyright transfer agreement, and the guidelines for colour print charges.

Your manuscript will be destroyed three months after publication. Only appropriately marked originals will be returned. The publisher cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss through the post.

3. Requirements for manuscripts

3.1. Format

Original papers, reviews and short notes in English always contain a summary in English and German. English-language contributions should include an extended German summary and vice versa. An extended summary should cover the line of questioning, main methods, results, and the core of the discussion so that a reader of English can understand the essential content of the work. Original papers and reviews should contain 5 keywords not used in the title.

The manuscript comprises a printout of the text and a list of all figures and tables with their legends on a separate piece of paper. We ask that you convey the essential information within the first 60 characters of the captions to accommodate the online edition. Each figure, table, and bibliographic entry must have a reference in the text. For all figures please include reproduceable artwork (marked with the author's name, short title, and figure number). Any corrections requested by the reviewer should already be integrated into the file.

The data carriers (diskette, etc.) must be PC/Windows-compatible and may not contain any files other than those for the current manuscript. Please include a list of the files, noting the file name, the computer program and its version number. Do not import the figures into the text file. The text should be prepared using standard software (Microsoft Word, Word Perfect) or saved in rtf format; do not use automated or manual hyphenation. Journal style does not forsee footnotes.

3.2. Length

Original papers and reviews generally should not exceed 10 printed pages (including tables and figures). Short communications should contain a maximum of 2 to 3 printed pages, news a maximum of 1 printed page, and discussion contributions maximally 250 words.

3.3. Units, abbreviations, and nomenclature

Please adhere to the SI system. Abbreviations should only be used when internationally recognized and otherwise should be spelled in full at first mention.

Abbreviations and symbols: arithmetic mean =x overline; standard deviation = s. d.; standard error = s. e.; probability level = p < 0.001; not significant = n. s.

Numbers higher than one thousand are written as follows: 1234, 12,345, and 1,234,456.

Numbers and units (including percent signs) should always be separated by a space, e.g. 34 g, 34 °C, 34 %, 34 ?2,3, p < 0,001.

Units: seconds = s, minutes = min, hours = h, kilojoule/day = kJ d-1 (in formulae: DEE [kJ d-1]); time: e. g. 08.00, date: e. g. 12.08.1997, currency: e. g. 25.00 $.

All scientific genus and species names are italicised, but not family or order, e. g. Sylvia spec., Sylvia atricapilla, but Sylviidae and Passeriformes.

3.4. Illustrations and tables

Figures should be saved in a neutral data format such as TIFF or EPS, and a printout should always be included. Powerpoint and Word graphics are unsuitable for reproduction. Please do not use any pixel-oriented programmes. Scanned figures (only in TIFF format) should have a resolution of 300 dpi (halftone) or 600 to 1200 dpi (line drawings) in relation to the reproduction size. Please submit the data for figures in black and white. Colour photos can be reproduced in black and white, with a possible loss of contrast. Figures printed in colour are subject to an additional charge: a single page in colour costs 620 € plus VAT. For additional prices please contact the publisher. Colour print charges are explained on the manuscript submission form (see 2.). Colour graphics should be created using the CMYK colour palette (print colours), not RGB (monitor colours). There is a charge for alterations to figures when carried out by the publisher.

All figure and table legends must be provided in both English and German and should be self-explanatory when presented with the figure or table. References to the text are only allowed as an exception.

Please note that figures will generally be reduced to fit within the column-width or the print area. This means that numbering and lettering must still be readable when reduced (e.g. maps) and that the scale might not correspond with the original (microscopic pictures), thereby invalidating references to scale in the text. If a figure is to be cropped, please mark the lines on a photocopy or tracing paper. Printouts should be made with a laserprinter at the highest resolution (¡Ý 600 dpi). If artwork is to be scanned, line drawings should only be contour drawings without halftones (shades of grey). Please do not use patterns; rough hatching is possible.

Graphs with an x and y axis should not be enclosed in frames; only 2-dimensional representations, please. Do not forget the labels and units. Legends for the figures should give a precise description of the content and should not be repeated within the figure.

Tables should be created using the table function.

3.5. References

Citations in the text are to be noted with the author's name and year, e.g. Berthold & Querner (1988) or (Czeschlik 1977); no other text may be included within the brackets. If a work has three or more authors, only the first is named, e. g. (Berthold et al. 1972). If more than one work by one author in the same year is cited, the citations must be distinguished using a, b, etc. after the year, e.g. (Maier 1998 a) or (Maier 1998 a, b).

The citations should be listed in alphabetical order in the reference list, including all author names, year of publication, title of paper, and work or journal in which it appeared. Abbreviations should follow the international rules.


Czeschlik, D. (1974): A new method for recording migratory restlessness in caged birds. Experientia 30: 1490-1491.

Pulido, F., Berthold, P. & van Noordwijk, A. J. (1996): Frequency of migrants and migratory activity are genetically correlated in a bird population: Evolutionary implications. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 14642-14647.

Berthold, P. (1976): Endogenous factors involved in bird migration. In: E. Kumari (Ed.): Bird Migration: 45-58. Tallinn.

Berthold, P. (1996): Control of Bird Migration. London.

Howard, H. E. (1909): The British Warblers, Vol. 3. London.

4. Copyright

Publication in the journal can only take place under the condition, that the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Upon submission of the manuscript to the publisher, the author certifies that neither his contribution nor any foreign text or figures contained therein that he procurs infringe upon the rights of a third party, and that he alone is authorized to dispose of the existing right of utilization with regard to copyright. The author will refrain from any other duplication and distribution or digital transfer and reproduction (e.g. on the Internet) during the period of the contract. For the duration of the lawful copyright, the author grants the publisher regardless of location the exclusive right of duplication and dissemination (right of publication) without restriction as to the intangible reproduction of the article, the right to make the article available to any individual online as well as the right of issuance of licenses to third parties nationally and abroad for the exercise of the granted ancillary rights. The publisher is authorized to make use of the utilization rights to which he is entitled, however, he is not obligated to do so.

The author(s) must ensure that they have adhered to the specific national legal requirements for the use of animals in research.

5. Proof correction and offprints

When you receive proofs of your article, please check, sign and return them without delay. Please be sure that you can be reached during this time. As changes to proofs are costly, we ask that you only correct typesetting errors.

Authors receive 50 offprints of the article free of charge. Additional offprints can be ordered on the form attached to the proofs. Orders placed at a later date are subject to a higher charge. Offprints and complimentary copies will be sent to the corresponding or first-named author for distribution, unless otherwise noted on the order form.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board
Editorial Board



Franz Bairlein
Institute of Avian Research
"Vogelwarte Helgoland"
An der Vogelwarte 21
26386 Wilhelmshaven
Tel. +49 (0) 4421 96890
Fax. +49 (0) 4421 968955


Subject Editors

Peter H. Becker
(Population Biology)
Institute of Avian Research
"Vogelwarte Helgoland"
An der Vogelwarte 21
26386 Wilhelmshaven

Thomas W. P. Friedl
(Behavioural Ecology)
University of Oldenburg
Institute of Biology
Box 2503
26111 Oldenburg

Anders Hedenström
(Theoretical Biology)
Department of Theoretical Ecology
Ecology Building
Lund University
223 62 Lund

Christopher G. Guglielmo
(Physiology and Endocrinology)
Department of Biology
University of Western Ontario
1151 Richmond St. N.
London, ON N6A 5B7

Henrik Mouritsen
(Orientation and Navigation)
Institute of Biology
University of Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Jon Fjelds?BR>(Biogeography and Systematics)
Zoological Museum
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 15
2100 Copenhagen

Michael Wink
(Evolution and Phylogeny)
University of Heidelberg
Institute of Pharmacy & Molecular Biotechnology (IPMB)
Department of Biology
Im Neuenheimer Feld 364
69120 Heidelberg

Editorial Board

Peter Berthold, Radolfzell, Germany
Jacques Blondel, Montpellier, France
Katrin Böhning-Gaese, Mainz
Nikita Chernetsov, Sankt Petersburg, Russia
Eberhard Curio, Bochum, Germany
John Dittami, Wien, Austria
Bob Furness, Glasgow, UK
Eberhard Gwinner, Andechs, Germany (deceased)
Johann Hegelbach, Zürich, Switzerland
Keith Hobson, Saskatoon, Canada
Dominique Homberger, Baton Rouge, USA
Ido Izhaki, Tivon, Israel
Lukas Jenni, Sempach, Switzerland
Bart Kempenaers, Seewiesen, Germany
Siegfried Klaus, Jena, Germany
Georg M. Klump, Oldenburg, Germany
Esa Lehikoinen, Turku, Finland
Bernd Leisler, Radolfzell, Germany
Yvon LeMaho, Strasbourg, France
Thomas Lubjuhn, Bonn, Germany
Erik Matthysen, Antwerp, Belgium
Frank R. Moore, Hattiesburg, USA
Ian Newton, Monks Wood, UK
Arie van Noordwijk, Heteren, The Netherlands
Hans-Ulrich Peter, Jena, Germany
Theunis Piersma, Groningen, The Netherlands
Roland Prinzinger, Frankfurt, Germany
Juan Carlos Senar, Barcelona, Spain
Lucia Severinghaus, Taipei,Taiwan
Fernando Spina, Bologna, Italy
Matthias Starck, München, Germany
Piotr Tryjanowski, Pozna? Poland
Les Underhill, Cape Town, South Africa
Wolfgang Wiltschko, Frankfurt, Germany
Hans Winkler, Wien, Austria


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