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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The reference journal at the service of rheumatologists, Joint Bone Spine publishes original articles, editorials, general reviews, clinical cases, letters to the editor, etc., concerning joint, bone and spine diseases and all the latest advances in the specialty.
Joint Bone Spine gives priority to medical and basic science studies pertaining to the many facets of rheumatology. The articles submitted to Joint Bone Spine in English are also published in the Revue du Rhumatisme, the official publication of the French Society of Rheumatology.

e-mail: joint-bone-spine@elsevier.fr

 Joint Bone Spine on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)

Instructions to Authors

 Joint Bone Spine, formerly called Revue du rhumatisme - English edition, publishes papers that deal with diseases of the joints, bone, and spine, spanning the entire range of rheumatology. Six types of papers are published: editorials, review articles, original articles, case reports, technical notes, and letters to the editor.

All submitted manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Only papers approved by these reviewers are published. Reviewers may request modifications to submitted manuscripts prior to approval. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published or submitted elsewhere. Submitted manuscripts and all correspondence to the editor should be sent to the editorial offices of the Joint Bone Spine: Editions Elsevier, departement medical, 23, rue Linois, 75724 Paris cedex 15, France. Three copies should be submitted (one original and two photocopies that do not bear the authors' names) with a cover letter signed by all the authors and providing the full mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. Do not include disks with initial submissions. A copyright transfer form is sent to the corresponding author with the receipt for the submitted article; it should be fully completed by the first author, signed by all the other authors, and promptly returned to the editor.
When an article is accepted for publication, this decision is usually communicated to the corresponding author within five weeks of receipt the manuscript, in a document that also indicates any modifications requested by the reviewers. Accepted scientific articles will be published in both the French- and the English-language editions of the journal.
Revised manuscripts should be sent either by mail on paper and on a PC or Apple disk or by e-mail to: joint-bone-spine@elsevier.fr. No documents will be returned to the authors.

The manuscript must be typed single-sided, on A4 paper (210x297 mm), double-spaced, with a 4-cm margin on the left. Each A4 sheet holds about 250 words or 1500 characters. Manuscripts - not including the references, tables, and figures - should be no longer than 12 sheets for original articles and reviews, six sheets for editorials, four sheets for case reports and technical notes (with no more than 15 references and three figures or tables) and two sheets for letters to the editor (with no more than ten references and two figures or tables). Original articles should be arranged in the following manner: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, tables, figures, and figure legends. The following rules should be followed when preparing manuscripts on disks:
- the disk should bear a label showing the names of the file, of the operating system (e.g., Windows 98), and of the word processor (e.g., Word 97);
- the disk should carry only the file or files containing the article accepted for publication; the entire text (without the images) should be included in a single file;
- when keyboarding the manuscript, no use should be made of any advanced word processor functions such as automatic insertion of characters, fields, footnotes, or images;
- the figures supplied on the disk must be accompanied with a high-quality paper copy and saved in separate files in "EPS" or "TIF" format.

Title page
The title page must include:
- a concise title that indicates clearly the focus of the work and contains no abbreviations; the Editorial Board reserves the right to change the title to improve concision;
- the first and last names of the author(s) in lower case characters with the initials in upper case characters; if the authors work in different departments, the name of each should be followed by a number in superscript referring to a note indicating the department or address of that author;
- the names and full addresses of the departments, laboratories or organizations the authors are affiliated with; the phone and fax numbers and the e-mail address of the corresponding author, who will receive all correspondence about the article, the galley proofs, and the reprint request forms;
- if applicable, the date and place of any meetings at which the work has been presented, all sources of financial support including research grants, and acknowledgements for technical help in performing and typing the work;
- and a running title (no more than 40 characters including spaces), which will be placed at the top of each page of the printed article.

Summary and key words
All submitted materials except editorials and letters to the editor should include a summary of no more than 250 words for original articles and 150 for other types of papers. The summary should contain no abbreviations or references and should be accompanied with no more than five key words. Summaries of original articles should be arranged in four parts: objectives, patients/materials and methods, results, and conclusions. The key words should not appear in the title and should be relevant or descriptive. They will be reviewed by the Editorial Board for efficacy in indexing the paper and for conformity with the Medical Subject Headings in the Index Medicus, which are revised every year.
Writing. The text should be clear, concise, and easy to understand by a reader from another specialty. The number of paragraphs should be limited. Past events should be reported in the past tense, particularly in the sections Materials/Patients and Methods and Results. If the text cites names of authors of articles listed as references, the name or names should be given for articles written by one or two authors, and the first name followed by "et al." for articles written by more than two authors. Headings and subheadings of identical value should be typed in the same way. Latin phrases and expressions commonly used in English should be in roman (not italic) characters (et al., a priori, in vitro...).

Abbreviations. Only well-established abbreviations are acceptable, and their number should be kept small. The first occurrence of each abbreviation in the text should be preceded by the spelled out word or words, except for international measurement units. Abbreviations should not be used in the title and are best avoided in the summary. Numbers, units, symbols, and commercial name. Scientific symbols and units should be coherent and should conform to international standards. Drugs should be identified by their generic name (international non-proprietary name), with all the letters in lower case. Brand names of drugs that are not widely known can be given in parentheses, with the first letter in upper case and the last letter followed by the symbol ?and by the name of the pharmaceutical company. Brand names of devices and apparatus should be followed by the abbreviation TM and, in parentheses, by the name of the manufacturer or distributor. In sentences, numbers from zero to ten should be spelled out; decimals should be preceded by a point in English and by a comma in French. Isotopes should be indicated by their symbol following their atomic mass in superscript (131I).

The reference list should be typed on one or more separate pages, with the references listed in citation order. The references should be identified in the text, tables, and legends by Arab numerals enclosed within brackets. References cited only in legends, tables, or figures should be assigned the number that follows the last reference cited in the text before the first mention of the table or figure. Two, consecutive or non-consecutive reference numbers should be separated by a comma, and at least three consecutive numbers should be indicated as the first and last number separated by a hyphen: [5,7], [9-11], [5, 7, 9-11, 13]. The reference list should include only material that was reviewed during preparation of the manuscript. Only references accessible to all readers should be cited. All the references cited in the text should be on the reference list and vice versa. Summaries of oral communications or posters can be cited only if they were presented or published within the last 5 years; their title should be followed by the word [abstract]. Titles of letters to the editor should be followed by the word [letter]. The names of the first six authors of each reference should be given; if the number of authors exceeds six, the names of the first six authors should be given and followed by a comma and by 'et al.'. Unpublished articles can be included in the reference list provided they have been accepted for publication; the journal, year, and volume should be indicated and followed by the words (in press). Personal communications, dissertations, manuscripts in preparation, and submitted manuscripts can be mentioned in the text only in parentheses and should not be included in the reference list. The references should be checked by the authors against the original documents.
The reference list should conform to the 'Vancouver System' (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Fifth edition. N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 309-16).

Article from a journal
1 Troussier B, Marchou-Lopez S, Pironneau S, Alais E, Grison J, Pref G, et al; Back pain and spinal alignment abnormalities in schoolchildren. Rev Rhum [Engl Ed] 1999 ; 66 : 370-80.

Article from a supplement to a volume
2 Bas S, Vischer TL. Humoral immunity in Chlamydia trachomatis arthritis. Rev Rhum [Engl Ed] 1999 ; 66 1 Suppl : 34-6.

3 Kanis JA, ed. Pathophysiology and treatment of Paget's disease of bone. London: Martin Dunitz; 1991.

Chapter in a book
4 Schumacher HR. Sarcoidosis. In: McCarthy DJ, ed. Arthritis and allied conditions, 11th ed. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger; 1989. p. 1294-300.

Each table should be typed double-spaced on a separate page; the citation order of the table should be given at the top of the page (in Roman numerals), followed by the title. Any explanatory notes (e.g., abbreviations or acronyms) should be written at the bottom of the page. The units should be specified at the beginning of each row or column. The tables should not be redundant with the figures.

The authors must provide a high-quality print of each figure, even if the figures are also supplied in an electronic file. Figures should be numbered using Arab numerals, and an arrow should indicate the top of the figure. Radiographs should be provided as sharply contrasted photographs. The legends to all the figures should be typed on a single, separate page. Each figure with its legend should be self-explanatory. No publication fees are charged for black and white figures; however, the cost of printing color figures must be borne by the authors.
If any material from a previously published document is used, the authors must obtain written permission from the editor and authors of that document.

Changes to the content are not accepted at the proofreading stage. Only typographical errors can be corrected. The authors should return the corrected proofs to the publisher within 48 hours of receipt of the proofs, whatever the period of the year. If this deadline is not met, the publisher reserves the right to print the document without the authors' corrections. The first 25 reprints are free of charge. An order form for additional reprints is sent with the galley proofs.
Once the document has been published, all requests for permission to reproduce it should be sent to the publisher.


Editorial Board

 Editorial Board

M.-C. Boissier, (Paris, France)
M. F. Kahn, (Paris, France)
Associate Editors:
F. Liot¨¦, (Paris, France)
C. Marcelli, (Caen, France)
Ch. Masson, (Angers, France)
B. Naveau, (Paris, France)
Editorial Board:
M. Alcalay, (Poitiers, France)
C. Alexandre, (Saint-Etienne, France)
B. Amor, (Paris, France)
J. Amouroux, (Bobigny, Paris, France)
M. Audran, (Angers, France)
B. Avouac, (Cr¨¦teil, France)
H. Awada, (Beyrouth, Lebanon)
B. Bannwarth, (Bordeaux, France)
F. Blotman, (Montpellier, France)
J.P. Bonjour, (Geneva, Switzerland)
D. Bontoux, (Poitiers, France)
G. Bouvenot, (Marseille, France)
M. Br¨¦ban, (Paris, France)
F. Breedveld, (Leiden, The Netherlands)
C. Br¨¦ geon, (Angers, France)
X. Chevalier, (Cr¨¦teil, France)
E. Collantes Estevez, (Cordoba, Spain)
B. Combe, (Montpellier, France)
F. Corn¨¦lis, (Paris, France)
B. Cortet, (Lille, France)
M. Corvol, (Paris, France)
A. Cotten, (Lille, France)
J.M. Dayer, (Geneva, Switzerland)
P. Delmas, (Lyon, France)
J. Dequeker, (Pellenberg, Belgium)
M. Dougados, (Paris, France)
M. Forest, (Paris, France)
B. Fourni¨¦, (Toulouse, France)
J.C. Gerster, (Lausanne, Switzerland
F. Glorieux, (Montreal, Canada)
R. Grahame, (London, UK)
P.A. Guerne, (Geneva, Switzerland)
F. Guillemin, (Nancy, France)
N. Hajjaj-Hassouni, (Rabat-Sal¨¦, Morocco)
H. Hamza, (Tunis, Tunisia)
P. Hernigou, (Cr¨¦teil, France)
G. Jean-Baptiste, (Fort-de-France, France)
C. Job-Deslandre, (Paris, France)
A. Kahan, (Paris, France)
J.A. Kanis, (Sheffield, UK)
G. Kaplan, (Paris, France)
L. Klareskog, (Stockholm, Sweden)
D. Kuntz, (Paris, France)
J.L. Kuntz, (Strasbourg, France)
A. Ladjouze-Rezig, (Algiers, Algeria)
F. Langlais, (Rennes, France)

Editorial Board

M.-C. Boissier, (Paris, France)
M. F. Kahn, (Paris, France)
Associate Editors:
F. Liot¨¦, (Paris, France)
C. Marcelli, (Caen, France)
Ch. Masson, (Angers, France)
B. Naveau, (Paris, France)
Editorial Board:
M. Alcalay, (Poitiers, France)
C. Alexandre, (Saint-Etienne, France)
B. Amor, (Paris, France)
J. Amouroux, (Bobigny, Paris, France)
M. Audran, (Angers, France)
B. Avouac, (Cr¨¦teil, France)
H. Awada, (Beyrouth, Lebanon)
B. Bannwarth, (Bordeaux, France)
F. Blotman, (Montpellier, France)
J.P. Bonjour, (Geneva, Switzerland)
D. Bontoux, (Poitiers, France)
G. Bouvenot, (Marseille, France)
M. Br¨¦ban, (Paris, France)
F. Breedveld, (Leiden, The Netherlands)
C. Br¨¦ geon, (Angers, France)
X. Chevalier, (Cr¨¦teil, France)
E. Collantes Estevez, (Cordoba, Spain)
B. Combe, (Montpellier, France)
F. Corn¨¦lis, (Paris, France)
B. Cortet, (Lille, France)
M. Corvol, (Paris, France)
A. Cotten, (Lille, France)
J.M. Dayer, (Geneva, Switzerland)
P. Delmas, (Lyon, France)
J. Dequeker, (Pellenberg, Belgium)
M. Dougados, (Paris, France)
M. Forest, (Paris, France)
B. Fourni¨¦, (Toulouse, France)
J.C. Gerster, (Lausanne, Switzerland
F. Glorieux, (Montreal, Canada)
R. Grahame, (London, UK)
P.A. Guerne, (Geneva, Switzerland)
F. Guillemin, (Nancy, France)
N. Hajjaj-Hassouni, (Rabat-Sal¨¦, Morocco)
H. Hamza, (Tunis, Tunisia)
P. Hernigou, (Cr¨¦teil, France)
G. Jean-Baptiste, (Fort-de-France, France)
C. Job-Deslandre, (Paris, France)
A. Kahan, (Paris, France)
J.A. Kanis, (Sheffield, UK)
G. Kaplan, (Paris, France)
L. Klareskog, (Stockholm, Sweden)
D. Kuntz, (Paris, France)
J.L. Kuntz, (Strasbourg, France)
A. Ladjouze-Rezig, (Algiers, Algeria)
F. Langlais, (Rennes, France)



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