

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Targeted for leading-edge industrial practitioners and applied researchers, ISA Transactions aims to be the respected journal of advances and state of the art, in the science and engineering, of measurement and automation.

The topics of 'measurement' include sensors, perception systems, analyzers, signal processing, filtering, data compression, data rectification, fault detection, inferential measurement, soft sensors, hardware interfacing, etc.; and any of the techniques that support them such as artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, communication systems, and process analysis. The topics of 'automation' include statistical and deterministic strategies for discrete event and continuous process control, modeling and simulation, event triggers, scheduling and sequencing, system reliability, quality, maintenance, management, loss prevention, etc.; and any equipment, techniques and best practices that support them such as optimization, learning systems, gaming strategy development, and human interfacing and training.

The intended audience is research and development personnel from academe and industry in the field of process instrumentation, systems, and automation.

The journal seeks to bridge the theory and practice gap. This balance of interests requires simplicity of technique, credible demonstration, fundamental grounding, and connectivity to the state of the art in both theory and practice.

Articles may be from the following categories:

¡¤                     Analysis: Clearly develop a fundamental, theoretical analysis of a practice-relevant issue. Explicitly state implications and recommendations for its application. Provide credible examples.

¡¤                     Design: Present a complete "how-to" guide. Connect design procedures to first principles. Explicitly state necessary heuristics and limits of applicability. Provide evidence that the procedures are practicable.

¡¤                     Application: Present the results of new (or under-utilized) techniques or novel applications. Provide a complete description of results, including pilot- or plant-scale experimental data, and a revelation of heuristics and shortcomings.

¡¤                     Tutorial: Present what might become a chapter in a text - a comprehensive exposition or survey of the analysis, design and application of a technique that is practice-important but not yet common textbook material. Include a critical review of the state of the art to guide practitioner choices.


Instructions to Authors

Articles may be from the following categories:

Analysis: Clearly develop a fundamental, theoretical analysis of a practice-relevant issue. Explicitly state implications and recommendations for its application. Provide credible examples.

Design: Present a complete "how-to" guide. Connect design procedures to first principles. Explicitly state necessary heuristics and limits of applicability. Provide evidence that the procedures are practicable.

Application: Present the results of new (or under-utilized) techniques or novel applications. Provide a complete description of results, including pilot- or plant-scale experimental data, and a revelation of heuristics and shortcomings.

Tutorial: Present what might become a chapter in a text - a comprehensive exposition or survey of the analysis, design and application of a technique that is practice-important but not yet common textbook material. Include a critical review of the state of the art to guide practitioner choices.

For your article to be considered for publication in ISA Transactions, it must conform to the following guidelines:

Submission: Authors may submit either paper or electronic versions of their manuscript. If paper, submit six paper copies to either the Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief whose technical interests most nearly match the manuscript. When in doubt, use the Editor-in-Chief. If electronic, e-mail the file as an attachment. The manuscript must be a single file (including tables, figures, etc.) using either an Adobe-compatible portable document format (preferred) or an MS Word *.doc. Submit the manuscript without the authors' names and affiliation. Along with it, submit a cover page that includes the manuscript title, authors' names and affiliation, and the corresponding author's name and contact information (full postal and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers).

Review: Quality is important. We aim to provide useful material to the ISA T readers. Accordingly, about 3.5 experts (at least one from academe and one from industry) review each submission to feedback balanced and comprehensive direction for manuscript improvement. The review process normally takes 3 to 6 months. To minimize bias, authors are encouraged to submit their names and affiliation on a separate title sheet.

Length: Include all necessary material; but only that which is necessary to define the need, develop the contribution, and defend the conclusion. Normally 6-10 printed pages is sufficient. Manuscripts in excess of 13 pages may be assessed a page charge of $50.00 per page.  As a reasonable estimate of the number of printed pages, divide the number of double-spaced, figure-free, table-free manuscript pages by three and add to this one-fourth of the number of tables and figures. The excess page charge ensures that ISA Transactions publishes as many suitably concise and useful manuscripts as possible to satisfy the needs of authors and readers.

Format Manuscripts should be typed in double spacing on one side of letter or A4 paper in 10 or12-point font. All pages should be numbered consecutively.

Language The language of the journal is English. Manuscripts will be reader-friendly. Proficient English usage is essential.

Style For review the manuscript should be organized in the following order: Title; abstract (not exceeding 200 words in length); keywords; main body of paper (divided into numbered sections and subsections); acknowledgement (where applicable); references; tables; figures; appendices (where applicable). An abbreviated title of less than 40 characters (including spaces) should also be suggested. (Authors' names and affiliations will be included once the manuscript has been accepted.) Organization is that of a standard scientific paper. See previous ISA Transactions papers or visit the American Institute of Physics web site (http://www.aip.org) for detailed style instructions

Content: Commercialism, any attempt to promote the author's products, organization, country, or viewpoint is strictly forbidden. Claims must be supported by evidence, and be consistent with any limits or idealizations of the development.

Illustrations: Photographs, charts and diagrams are to be referred to as Figure(s) and should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned. They should follow the manuscript on separate pages (not included within the manuscript). If accepted, original line drawings or glossy prints (preferably not photocopies), suitable for immediate reproduction, should be submitted. All illustrations should be clear and suitable for reduction (to 50% original size). Lettering must be clear and open and must also be large enough to be reduced by the same proportion. Figure legends should be typed on a separate sheet and placed at the end of the manuscript. The amount of lettering on a drawing should be reduced as far as possible by transferring it to the legend.

Mathematical expressions Mathematical symbols and formulae should be typed. Particular care should be exercised in identifying all symbols and in avoiding ambiguities. Distinction should be made between the number one (1) and the letter l, and between the number zero (0) and the letter O. Vectors and tensors should be marked clearly on the manuscript. Equation numbers should appear in parentheses; equations must be numbered consecutively. All equation numbers must appear on the right-hand side of the equation and should be referred to within the text. Use the following sequence of parentheses: ) ] }.

Tables: Particular care is needed to ensure that tables are clearly and legibly set out.

References: References to published literature should be quoted in the text by numbers in square brackets. References should be listed together at the end of the paper in numerical order. Double-spacing must be used throughout.

Journal references should be arranged thus: 1. Hinton, E. and Rao, N. V. R., Structural shape optimization of shells and folded plates using two-noded finite strips. Computers and Structures, 1993, 46, 1055-1071.

Book references are given as follows: 2. Ashby, M. F., Materials Selection in Mechanical Design. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1992.

Units: All measurements and data should be given in SI units, or where other units are used, provide the SI value in parenthesis. Each paper should be self-consistent as to symbols and units, and all are to be properly defined.


Proofs: Page proofs will be sent to the author for correspondence for checking. Corrections to the proofs must be restricted to printer's errors: any other changes to the text, in equations or grammar, may be charged to the author. Authors will be asked to return proofs within 48 hours of receipt. The original manuscript and diagrams will be discarded one month after publication unless the publisher is requested to return original material to the author.


Reprints: The corresponding author will receive 25 offprints of the paper free of charge. Extra reprints and copies of the journal may be ordered using the order form that accompanies the proofs.

Copyright and originality: All authors must sign the Transfer of Copyright agreement before the article can be published. This transfer enables ISA to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, but does not relinquish the author's proprietary rights. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microform or other reproductions of similar nature and translations, and includesthe right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and incorporation in retrieval systems. Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any figures for which copyright exists.

Submission of ACCEPTED articles on disk: Authors are requested, where possible, to submit electronic versions of accepted papers. Refer to the information published in most issues for full details.


Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. R. Russell Rhinehart, Bartlett Chair and School Head, School of Chemical Engineering, 423 Engineering North, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-5021, USA.

Email: rrr@okstate.edu

Phone: (405) 744-5280

Fax: (405) 744-6338

(Computer Perception. Virtual Managers. System Safety, Reliability, and Management. Measurement and Instrumentation. Enterprise Automation. Nonlinear MPC.)


Associate Editor: Dr. Karlene A. Hoo, Associate Professor & Graduate Director, Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-3121, USA.

Email: karlene.hoo@coe.ttu.edu

Phone: (806)742-4079

Fax: (806)742-3552

(MPC. Controller Synthesis. Process and Plant-wide Modeling, Control, and Design. Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Performance Monitoring and Data Interpretation.)


Associate Editor: Dr. Ahmad B. Rad, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, HONG KONG.

Email: eeabrad@polyu.edu.hk

Phone: +852 2766 6117

Fax: +852 2692 2252

(Control. Intelligent. Fuzzy. Evolutionary Computation. Adaptive. System Identification and Modeling. Robotics. Discrete.)


Associate Editor: Dr. Qing-Guo Wang, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260, REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE.

Email: elewqg@nus.edu.sg

Phone: 65-8742282

Fax: 65-7791103

(System Theory, Modeling and Identification. Control. Optimization. Adaptive. Nonlinear. Multivariable. Mechatronics. Automation technology.)


(Authors should submit manuscripts to the Editor or Associate Editor whose expertise best matches the manuscript subject. See the Instructions to Authors on the inside back cover.)


Editorial Advisory Board


Celal Batur, Akron, OH, USA

Oscar E. Camacho, Merida, Venezuela

Elio A. Comelio, Calmachie, ON, Canada

Armando B. Corripio, Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Victor S. Finkel, Rio de Janerio, Brazil

Sri Kolla, Bowling Green, OH, USA

Victor J. Maggioli, Newark, DE, USA

Daniel T. Miklovic, Issaquah, WA, USA

Brian Surgenor, Kingston, ON, Canada

Angela E. Summers, Houston TX, USA

Michael H. Waller, Oxford, OH, USA


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