

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


  This distinguished journal publishes original, peer-reviewed reports on clinical and laboratory investigations in diagnostic imaging, the diagnostic use of radioactive isotopes, computed tomography, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, digital subtraction angiogrpahy, and related modalities. Emphasis is on early and timely publication. Primarily research-oriented, Investigative Radiology also includes a wide variety of features of interest to clinical radiologists.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submission
A submitted manuscript must be an original contribution not previously published (except as an abstract or preliminary report), must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and, if accepted, must not be published elsewhere in similar form, in any language, without the consent of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Each person listed as an author is expected to have participated in the study to a significant extent. Although the editors and referees make every effort to ensure the validity of published manuscripts, the final responsibility rests with the authors, not with the Journal, its editors, or the publisher.

Patient anonymity and informed consent:
It is the author's responsibility to ensure that a patient's anonymity be carefully protected and to verify that any experimental investigation with human subjects reported in the manuscript was performed with informed consent and following all guidelines for experimental investigation with human subjects required by the institution(s) with which all of the authors are affiliated. Authors should mask patients' eyes and remove patients' names from figures unless they obtain written consent from the patients and submit written consent with the manuscript.


All authors must sign and date a copy of the Journal's Authorship Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, and Copyright Transfer form and submit it with the original manuscript.

Authors must submit written permission from the copyright owner (usually the publisher) to use direct quotations, tables, or illustrations that have appeared in copyrighted form elsewhere, along with complete details about the source. Any permissions fees that might be required by the copyright owner are the responsibility of the authors requesting use of the borrowed material, not the responsibility of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Preparation of Manuscript
Manuscripts that do not adhere to the following instructions will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revision before undergoing peer review.

General format:
Submit manuscripts in English in quadruplicate (one original and three copies) and printed on standard 8?x 11-inch (21 x 28-cm) paper with at least a 1-inch (2.5-cm) margin on all sides. Include page numbers at either the top or bottom of each manuscript page. Double-space all copy, including legends, footnotes, tables, and references, and print on one side of the sheet only. Authors are advised to retain at least one copy of each submitted manuscript. If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors must then submit the final, revised, accepted version of the manuscript on disk, prepared using standard word-processing software.

Title page: Include on the title page (a) complete manuscript title; (b) a short title of 50 characters or fewer, to be used as a running head in the printed Journal; (c) authors' full names, highest academic degrees, affiliations, and addresses; (d) authors' current affiliations and addresses, if different from above; (e) name and address for correspondence, including fax number, telephone number, and e-mail address; (f) address for reprints if different from that of corresponding author; and (g) sources of support that require acknowledgment.

Second page: Print the full title only of the manuscript.

Structured abstract and key words: Limit the abstract to 150 words. Do not cite references in the abstract. Limit the use of abbreviations and acronyms. Use the following subheads: Rationale and Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. List three to five key words. An abstract and key words are not required for "Case Reports," "Technical Notes," or submission to any section of the Journal other than "Original Investigations."

Text: Organize each "Original Investigations" manuscript into four main headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Define abbreviations at first mention in text and in each table and figure. If a brand name is cited, supply the manufacturer's name and address (city and state/country). Acknowledge all forms of support, including pharmaceutical and industry support, in an Acknowledgments paragraph. Flexibility in the format of any manuscript submission other than "Original Investigations" is permitted.

Abbreviations: For a list of standard abbreviations, consult the American Medical Association Manual of Style, 9th edition (available from the American Medical Association, 515 N. State St., Chicago, Il, 60610) or other standard sources. Write out the full term for each abbreviation at its first use unless it is a standard unit of measure. Temperatures should be expressed in degrees Celsius.

References: The authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Key the references (double-spaced) at the end of the manuscript. Cite the references in text in order of appearance. Cite unpublished data, such as papers submitted but not accepted for publication, material published in abstract form only, papers presented at meetings, or personal communications, in parentheses in the text. If there are more than three authors, name only the first three and then use et al. Refer to the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus for abbreviations of journal names, or access the list at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html. Sample references are given below.

Journal article
1. Martin-Chouly CA, Youmine H, Saiag B, et al. In vitro evaluation of vascular permeability to contrast media using cultured endothelial cell monolayers. Invest Radiol 1998;34;663-668.

Book chapter
2. Griffey RH, Harms SE. Generation and manipulation of magnetic resonance images. In: Stoller DW, ed. Magnetic resonance imaging in orthopaedics and sports medicine. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott Co.; 1993:1-23.

Entire book
3. Elster AD, de Roos A, eds. Multiple perspectives in MR contrast. London, UK: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1999.

4. Epi Info [computer program]. Version 6. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 1994.

Online journals
5. Friedman SA. Preeclampsia: A review of the role of prostaglandins. Obstet Gynecol [serial online]. January 1988;71:22-37. Available from: BRS Information Technologies, McLean, VA. Accessed December 15, 1990.

6. CANCERNET-PDQ [database online]. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute; 1996. Updated March 29, 1996.

World Wide Web
7. Gostin LO. Drug use and HIV/AIDS [JAMA HIV/AIDS web site]. June 1, 1996. Available at: http://www.ama-assn.org/special/hiv/ethics. Accessed June 26, 1997.

Figures: Cite figures consecutively in text, and number them in the order in which they are discussed. Write the first author's last name, figure number and figure part (e.g., 1A, 1B), and an up arrow to indicate the top of the figure on a label pasted to the back of each figure. Submit all artwork in triplicate in camera-ready form; illustrations should be glossy prints or high-quality, laser-printed illustrations. Photocopies are unacceptable. Lettering should be large enough to be legible after figure reduction; typewritten or unprofessional lettering is unacceptable. Figure parts (e.g., A, B) may be left unlabeled (but clearly marked on the back) for professional placement by the Journal's printer.

Figure legends: Legends must be submitted for all figures. They should be brief and specific, and they should appear on a separate manuscript page after the references. Use scale markers in the image for photomicrographs, or indicate original magnification in the figure legend. Indicate any type of stain used.

Color figures: The Journal accepts for publication color figures that will enhance an article. Authors who submit color figures will receive a cost estimate for color reproduction. If they decide not to pay for color reproduction, they can request that the figures be converted to black and white at no charge.

Digital figures: Electronic art should be submitted as either a TIFF (tagged image file format) or an EPS (encapsulated postscript) file. Line art must have a resolution of at least 1200 dpi (dots per inch), and electronic photographs?radiographs, CT scans, and so on?and scanned images must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. If fonts are used in the artwork, they must be converted to paths or outlines or they must be embedded in the files. Color images must be saved and submitted as CMYK files. All electronic art must be accompanied by high-resolution laser prints of the images. Files can be submitted on a 3?inch high-density disk, a CD-ROM, or an Iomega Zip disk. Please note that artwork generated from office suite programs such as Power Point, Corel Draw, and MS Word and artwork downloaded from the Internet (JPEG or GIFF files) cannot be used.

Tables: Cite tables consecutively in text, and number them in that order. Key each on a separate sheet, and include the table title, appropriate column heads, and explanatory legends (including definitions of any abbreviations used). Do not embed tables within the body of the manuscript. Tables should be self-explanatory and should supplement, rather than duplicate, the material in text.

Style: Pattern manuscript style after the American Medical Association Manual of Style (9th edition). Stedman's Medical Dictionary (27th edition) and Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th edition) should be used as standard references. Refer to drugs and therapeutic agents by their accepted generic or chemical names, and do not abbreviate them. Use code numbers only when a generic name is not yet available. In that case, supply the chemical name and a figure giving the chemical structure of the drug. Capitalize trade names of drugs and place them in parentheses after the generic names. To comply with trademark law, include the name and location (city and state/country) of the manufacturer of any drug, supply, or equipment mentioned in the manuscript. Use the metric system to express units of measure and degrees Celsius to express temperatures, and use SI units rather than conventional units.

Address for manuscript submission
Send the manuscript with cover letter that includes the corresponding author's e-mail address to Karen Harmon, Managing Editor, Investigative Radiology, 4938 Hampden Lane, #347, Bethesda, MD 20814; phone 301-986-1915; fax 301-986-1061 (please see checklist at the end of these Instructions before mailing manuscripts). The editorial office will acknowledge receipt of your manuscript and give you a manuscript number for reference. Address all inquiries regarding manuscripts not yet accepted or published to the Journal's editorial office.

After Acceptance

Disk submission
Authors must submit an electronic version of the final, revised, accepted manuscript along with one hard copy. Electronic files should be submitted in a standard word-processing format; Microsoft Word (or Corel WordPerfect) is preferred. Although conversions can be made from other word-processing formats, the vagaries of the conversion process may introduce errors. Do not submit ASCII text files. Do not use automatic numbering or footnotes for references. The Journal does not assume responsibility for errors in the conversion of customized software, newly released software, and special characters. Authors preparing manuscripts on Macintosh computers should not use the Fast Save option. Each submitted disk must be clearly labeled with the name of the author, item title, Journal title, word-processing program and version, and file name used. The disk should contain only one file--the final version of the accepted manuscript.

Page proofs and corrections
Corresponding authors will receive page proofs to check the copyedited and typeset article before publication. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that there are no errors of content in the proofs. Changes that have been made to make the article conform to Journal style should be allowed to stand if they do not alter the authors' meaning. Authors may be charged for alterations to the proofs beyond those required to correct errors or to answer queries. Proofs should be checked carefully and returned within 72 hours of receipt, as requested in the cover letter accompanying the page proofs.

Authors will receive a reprint order form and a price list with the page proofs. Reprint requests should be faxed to the publisher with the corrected proofs, if possible. Reprints are normally shipped 6 to 8 weeks after publication of the issue in which the item appears. Contact the Reprint Department, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 530 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 with any questions.

Publisher's contact
Send corrected page proofs, reprint order forms, color proofs, and any other related materials, via courier service or U. S. Priority Mail, to Journal Production Editor, Investigative Radiology, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 530 Walnut Street, 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Manuscript Checklist (on submission)
  • Four copies of the complete manuscript
  • Three sets of clearly labeled figures
  • Cover letter
  • Title page
  • Second page (with full title only)
  • Abstract and key words (required for "Original Investigations")
  • References double-spaced in AMA style
  • Corresponding author designated (in cover letter and on title page)
  • E-mail address of corresponding author included in cover letter and on title page
  • Permissions to reproduce copyrighted materials and signed patient consent forms
    Acknowledgments listed for grants and technical support
  • Materials packed in extra-strength envelope
  • Authorship Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, and Copyright Transfer form signed and dated by each author
  • Disk and high-quality prints of electronic art
    Disk containing the original version of the manuscript
Manuscript Checklist (after acceptance for publication)
  • At least one copy of the complete final, revised, accepted manuscript
  • Three sets of any revised figures, clearly labeled
  • Disk containing thefinal, revised, accepted version of the manuscript
  • Any missing materials from the above list not provided on initial manuscript submission

      Business Correspondence

    Andrea Allison-Williams
    Associate Publisher

    Carol Miranda
    Advertising Sales Representative

    LWW Business Offices
    530 Walnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Phone: 215-521-8300

       Editorial Correspondence

    Val M. Runge, MD
    Scott and White Clinic and Hospital
    Texas A&M University
    Health Science Center
    Temple, Texas
    Email: runge@att.net

    Karen Harmon
    Managing Editor
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    4938 Hampden Lane, #347
    Bethesda, MD 20814
    Email: harmonKB@aol.com

Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Val M. Runge, MD
Scott and White Clinic and Hospital
Texas A&M University Health Science Center
Temple, Texas

   William G. Bradley, Jr., MD, PhD, FACR
San Diego, California

Kee-Hyun Chang, MD
Seoul, Korea

Claus D. Claussen, MD
Tubingen, Germany

Rosalind B. Dietrich, MB, ChB
Orange, California

Prof. Robert F. Dondelinger
Liege, Belgium

William C. Eckelman, PhD
Bethesda, Maryland

Robert R. Edelman, MD
Evanston, IL

Roland Felix, MD
Berlin, Germany

Paul Finn, MD
Los Angeles, CA

Nicholas C. Gourtsoyiannis, MD
Crete, Greece

Rolf W. Günther
Aachen, Germany

Juerg Hodler, MD
Zurich, Switzerland

Herwig Imhof, MD
Vienna, Austria

Michael V. Knopp, MD
Columbus, Ohio

Gabriel P. Krestin, MD
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

A. C. Lamont, FRCR
Queensland, Australia

Wilfried K. Loeffler, PhD
Erlangen, Germany

Robert B. Lufkin, MD
Los Angeles, California

Claude Manelfe, MD
Toulouse, France
   Alan R. Moody, MA, MRCP, FRCR
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Robert N. Muller, PhD
Mons, Belgium

Lawrence R. Muroff, MD FACR
Tampa, Florida

Kevin L. Nelson, MD
Omaha, Nebraska

Kuni Ohtomo, MD
Tokyo, Japan

Roberto Passariello, MD
Rome, Italy

Roderic I. Pettigrew, PhD, MD
Bethesda, Maryland

Johan H. C. Reiber, PhD
Leiden, Netherlands

Didier Revel, MD
Lyon, France

Jeffrey S. Ross, MD
Cleveland, Ohio

Plinio Rossi, MD FACR
Rome, Italy

Francis W. Smith, MD
Foresterhill, Scotland

Ulrich Speck, MD
Berlin, Germany

David D. Stark, MD
Brooklyn, NY

H. William Strauss, MD
New York, NY

Julien L. Struyven, MD
Brussels, Belgium

Gordon K. Sze, MD
New Haven, Connecticut

Michael F. Tweedle, PhD
Princeton, New Jersey

Michael L. Wood, PhD
Milwaukee, WI

   David J. Allison, BSc, MD, MRCP, FRCR
London, United Kingdom

Yuji Itai, MD
Ibaraki, Japan

   Brian S. Worthington, MD
Nottingham, England

Ad E. Van Voorthuisen, MD
Oegslgeest, Netherlands

   Shigeki Aoki, MD
Tokyo, Japan

Martin Blomley, MD, FRCR
London, United Kingdom

Arno Buecker, MD
Aachen, Germany

John Damilakis, PHD
Grete, Greece

Stephan Duda, MD
Tuebingen, Germany

Thomas C. Gerber, MD, FACC
Jacksonville, Florida

Jin Mo Goo, MD
Seoul, Korea

Mark Griswold, PHD
Wuerzburg, Germany

   Tomoaki Ichikawa, MD
Yamanishi, Japan

Alexander L. Klibanov, PHD
Charlottesville, Virginia

Andrea Laghi, MD
Rome, Italy

Riccardo Lencioni, MD
Pisa, Italy

Peter Pattynama
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Christian W.A. Pfirrmann, MD
Zürich, Switzerland

Stefan Schönberg
Munich, Germany

Berend C. Stoel, PHD
Leiden, Netherlands
   Andrea Allison-Williams
Associate Publisher

Michael Klinman
Account Manager

Karen Harmon
Managing Editor

   Carol Miranda
Advertising Sales Representative

Peter J. Carley
Production Editor


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