

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS), published monthly in print and online, is an official journal of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), an international organization whose purposes are to encourage and assist research, training, publication, and dissemination of knowledge in vision and ophthalmology. Included are original contributions that emphasize clinical and laboratory hypothesis-based research with statistically good results that clearly advance the fields of ophthalmic and vision research. IOVS de-emphasizes purely descriptive research. Subjects cover the 13 sections represented by ARVO's membership. Short updates on notable new developments in important research areas are also published, but only by invitation. Summaries of meetings/symposia and general review articles are not considered.


Instructions to Authors


Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS), published monthly in print and online, is an official journal of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), an international organization whose purposes are to encourage and assist research, training, publication, and dissemination of knowledge in vision and ophthalmology. Included are original contributions that emphasize clinical and laboratory hypothesis-based research with statistically good results that clearly advance the fields of ophthalmic and vision research. IOVS de-emphasizes purely descriptive research.

Contact Information for IOVS Editorial Office

Address:   12300 Twinbrook Parkway

   Suite 250

   Rockville, MD 20852-1606

Phone:   240-221-2920

Fax:   240-221-0355

Email:   iovs@arvo.org

Manuscript Submission: Submit your manuscript through Manuscript Central at http://iovs.manuscriptcentral.com. (Paper submissions are not accepted.)

Manuscript Central Support

If at any time during the online submission process you have a question or need help, click on the orange question mark icon titled "Get Help Now" in the upper right hand corner of each page. From here you are able to:

  • "Find Answers" - search ScholarOne's database of solutions to previously resolved questions.
  • "Ask a Question" - email your question to ScholarOne Support staff. They will reply by email within 24 hours.

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434-817-2040 x 167

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Monday through Friday, 3:00 AM to 5:30 PM EST (8:00 AM to 10:30 PM GMT)


ARVO Animal Statement | Commercial Relationships Policy | Copyright
Declaration of Helsinki | Manuscript Preparation | Manuscript Review | Manuscript Revisions
Manuscript Types | Volunteer Editor Program | Accepted Manuscripts



Articles present new data in one or more areas of vision research and are written concisely for a broad rather than a highly specialized audience. To be considered for publication, papers that are merely descriptions of new methods must be exceptional contributions, with implications extending beyond the particular applied area. Summaries of meetings/symposia, obituaries and general review articles are not considered.

Lectures are written versions of ARVO awardees' presentations given at each Annual Meeting.

Letters to the Editor will be considered for publication whether their relevance is to material published in IOVS or to issues of general interest to vision scientists. Letters about material published in IOVS may correct errors; provide support or agreement; and offer different points of view, clarification, or additional information. Letters will be reviewed and the author(s) whose article is discussed in a Letter will be given an opportunity to reply. Letters are published online and referenced in the printed journal.

New Developments in Vision Research are solicited short reviews of new research findings or new general methodologies that are of broad interest to the ophthalmic and vision research community.


ARVO is organized into 13 Scientific Sections. IOVS authors are asked to select and indicate the section code that best suits their research area. For a complete description of each Section, please see the ARVO website at http://www.arvo.org/Membership/sections.asp.


  1. Copyright
    1. Prior Publication/Duplicate Submission

IOVS will not consider any paper or component of a paper that has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Do not submit a new manuscript more than once; this constitutes a double submission and is a violation of the IOVS copyright statement. Distribution on the Internet may be considered previously published material and may compromise the originality of the paper as a submission to IOVS.

    1. Copyright Transfer

Authors must send a Copyright Transfer Form, signed by all authors of the manuscript. When the first decision has been made, the decision email will contain a link to the PDF of the Copyright Transfer Form (http://www.arvo.org/PDF_Files/iovsCright.pdf), which the authors should download and sign. Authors may scan the signed form and upload it with their revised manuscript or fax or mail it to the Editorial Office.

    1. Permissions

If you plan to include figures, photographs, or tables from other publications, obtain written permission from the copyright holder to reprint such items in IOVS, and submit this permission to the Editorial Office.

If you would like to use any part of an IOVS article in another publication, please use the Copyright Clearance Center website at http://www.copyright.com to obtain permission.

  1. Other Policies
    1. Declaration of Helsinki

For research involving human subjects, IOVS requires that authors state in the Methods section of their manuscript that their research adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. For the full text of the Declaration of Helsinki, please see the ARVO website at http://www.arvo.org/AboutARVO/helsinki.asp.

    1. Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research

If experimental animals were used in the research, IOVS requires that authors confirm adherence to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research in the Methods section of their manuscript. For the full text, please see the ARVO website at http://www.arvo.org/AboutARVO/animalst.asp.

    1. ARVO Commercial Relationships Policy for IOVS

The ARVO Commercial Relationships Policy ("Policy") for authors, revised as of May 4, 2000, is intended to clarify and simplify the reporting procedures with respect to financial interests in order to promote a better understanding of, and enhanced compliance with, the Policy. For the full text, please see the ARVO website at http://www.arvo.org/AboutARVO/commerci.asp.

  1. Publication Costs
    1. Manuscript Charges

Accepted manuscripts are subject to a $60 per page charge for the first eight (8) pages and $150 per page thereafter (ARVO Board of Trustees, May 4, 2000). The following guidelines may be used to estimate the length of your manuscript in journal pages:

3 double-spaced manuscript text pages/12 point type size=1 typeset journal page
45 references=1 typeset page
Each figure or table=1/4 to 1/2 typeset page
Title, authors' names, and abstract=1/2 typeset page

    1. Color Charges

The cost for color illustrations, currently $500 per page, is borne entirely by the authors. It is recommended that authors submit images in color only if they are prepared to pay the color charge. Authors of accepted manuscripts will be asked to mail or fax a signed Color Charge Approval Form to the Editorial Office. Please note: if more than one color figure is submitted, it may be necessary to print them on separate pages. For the PDF version of IOVS's Color Charge Approval Form, see http://www.arvo.org/PDF_Files/iovscolor.pdf.

  1. Manuscript Preparation

Structure—the main manuscript document should be organized as follows:

a. Title Page
b. Structured Abstract: 250-word limit
c. Text embedded with figure legends, tables and figures
d. Acknowledgments
e. References
f. Figure legends, tables, and figures, if not embedded in text

      1. Title Page

The title page, which must be part of the main manuscript file, should include the title, authors' names and institutions, and other manuscript information such as word count and grant information. The title must contain no more than 150 characters, including punctuation and spaces.

      1. Structured abstract

A structured abstract of less than 250 words is required for articles and should be arranged under the following headings: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Define abbreviations at first mention, and do not include references. The abstract must be included as part of the main manuscript file.

      1. Text

IOVS recommends a 3,500 or less word count, excluding title page, legends, and references.

In a brief Introduction (don't use any subheadings), provide the research rationale and objectives without extensively reviewing the literature.

In the Methods section, describe the experimental design, subjects used, and procedures followed. Previously published procedures should be identified by reference only. Provide sufficient detail to enable others to duplicate the research. Use standard chemical or nonproprietary pharmaceutical nomenclature. In parentheses, identify specific sources by brand name, company, city, and state or country.

If human subjects were involved in the investigation, the Methods section must confirm that: (1) the research followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki; (2) informed consent was obtained from the subjects after explanation of the nature and possible consequences of the study; and (3) where applicable, the research was approved by the institutional human experimentation committee or institutional review board (IRB).

If experimental animals were used in the investigation, the Methods section must confirm adherence to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research and, where applicable, approval by the appropriate IRB.

Present the Results with a minimum of discussion. Cite all tables and figures in numerical order.

Limit the Discussion to statistically significant data and their limitations. Do not reiterate results.

Please review your manuscript carefully prior to submission. Authors needing or seeking assistance with English grammar and usage may utilize the IOVS Volunteer Editor Program (see http://www.iovs.org/misc/voleds.shtml).

      1. Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments should be written in the third person and be limited to colleagues and research assistants. Acknowledgments are not meant to recognize appreciation for personal or manuscript production support. Including dedications to individuals or groups is not permitted by IOVS journal policy.

      1. References

List references numerically by order of citation in the text, not alphabetically. All references must be cited in the text or tables, shown as superscript numbers. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references.

        • Unpublished data (including material in preparation or submitted) or personal communications should be listed parenthetically in the text only with year received or recorded.
        • References to journal articles should include (1) author(s) (if there are more than six, write "et al." after the third name), (2) title, (3) journal name (as abbreviated in Index Medicus), (4) year, (5) volume number, and (6) inclusive page numbers.
        • References to books should include (1) author(s), (2) chapter title (if any), (3) editors (if any), (4) title of book, (5) city of publication, (6) publisher, (7) year, and (8) inclusive page numbers.
        • ARVO abstract citations are to appear parenthetically within the text, not as bibliographic references. For ARVO abstracts from 1977 to 2001, citations should include (1) name of first author, (2) "IOVS", (3) year, (4) volume number, (5) "ARVO Abstract", and (6) program number. For ARVO abstracts from 2002 forward, citations should include (1) name of first author, (2) "IOVS", (3) year, (4) volume number, (5) "ARVO E-Abstract", and (6) program number.
        • Reviewers are not required to look up online website references.



Choudhury A, Palkanis VA, Bowers WE. Characterisation and functional activity of dendritic cells from rat choroid. Exp Eye Res. 1994;59:297-304.


Stryer L. Biochemistry. 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA: WH Freeman; 1981:559-596.


1977-2001: (Otaishat NM, et al. IOVS 1997;38:ARVO Abstract 1417)
2002- : (Roska BM, et al. IOVS 2002;43:ARVO E-Abstract 1415)

      1. Tables, legends, figures, movies

a.       Tables must be included in the main manuscript file. Each table should have a brief, self-contained title, understandable without reference to the text. Assign a short heading to each table column. Footnotes in tables should use symbols in the following sequence: *, ? ? ? ||, and #. Data that can be given in the text in two or three sentences should not be presented in table format.

b.       Legends should sum up the intent and content of the data contained in the figure. Use complete sentences or noun phrases with necessary modifiers, and conclude with a period.

c.       Figures should be cited in the text, in numerical order using Arabic numerals. Figures must be placed within the main manuscript file, not uploaded separately. They may be embedded throughout the text after first mention or all together at the end. If a figure contains multiple parts, it should be assembled on one page; Figures 1A and 1B should not appear on separate pages. Please label each figure appropriately just beneath the inserted image. For example, labels should read "Fig. 1" or "Figure 1."

If you would like to submit separate figure files for the reviewers' reference in addition to those embedded in the manuscript file, please format them as GIF, JPEG, EPS or TIFF.

In the event that your manuscript is accepted, the Editorial Office will require you to upload your figures as TIFF or EPS files for the printer. Therefore, while any type of file may be embedded within the manuscript file, it is recommended that graphics be prepared using a program which can save files in a format that can ultimately be saved and submitted as EPS or TIFF. In order to achieve the best quality graphic in the printed version of IOVS, graphics should be saved in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) rather than RGB (Red, Green, Blue). The resolution specification for TIFF and EPS files is 1200 dpi for monochrome, such as lineshots that are black and white only; 300 dpi for gray/CMYK, such as black and white or color photographs; and 600 dpi for combinations, such as photographs labeled with letters or other markings containing thin lines. For more detail regarding digital graphics, see http://cpc.cadmus.com/da/guidelines.asp. Authors of accepted manuscripts can see http://www.iovs.org/misc/accepted.shtml for further details regarding figure requirements for publication.

d.       Movies can be saved as QuickTime files. Since movies can only be viewed online, a movie may be linked to an image (for example, a frame or frames from the movie) that appears as a figure in the manuscript.

2.    File Formats

Manuscript files will be converted into an unalterable PDF format that will be sent to the reviewers. The main manuscript document (including title page, text, references, tables, figures) must be submitted in one of the following formats:

      • Microsoft Word (.doc): Mac users should manually type in the .doc extension at the end of the file name when they save their document.
      • WordPerfect (.rtf): WordPerfect documents must be saved as Rich Text Format files. Because WordPerfect fonts are not compatible with Adobe, the PDF that Manuscript Central creates may display special characters such as Greek letters and mathematical symbols incorrectly. After you have finished uploading, please be sure to proof the PDF files before clicking on the final submit button. If the special characters do not show up properly, you may have to go back to your original file, change the fonts, and re-upload the file.
      • PDF (.pdf): Should you choose to initially upload a PDF document for peer review, please note that you will need to upload a word processing document, with either a .doc or .rtf extension, upon acceptance.
      • Rich Text Format (.rtf).

Do not use other word processing systems as they are not supported by Manuscript Central, nor are they all readily available to those involved in the review process.

    1. Style

Follow guidelines of style, terminology, measurement, and quantitation as set forth in the American Medical Association Manual of Style (9th ed., Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1998).

      • Use initial caps and descriptive clauses for titles and subheadings, avoiding complete sentences or questions.
      • Keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum and define them at first mention.
      • Use Système International (SI) measurements (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/units.html) throughout the paper.
      • Please use basic fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman. Arial is recommended as the font that causes the fewest problems during conversion to PDF.
      • Place equations in their appropriate locations within the text of the manuscript. This will ensure their accurate appearance in the PDF proof.
  1. Web Uploading Instructions

By submitting online, authors will not only speed the review process, save on mailing and image duplication costs, but will also be able to monitor their manuscript’s progress through the peer review and decision making process. Manuscripts should be submitted online to IOVS through Manuscript Central at http://iovs.manuscriptcentral.com. Do not submit a manuscript more than once; this constitutes a double submission and is a violation of the IOVS copyright statement. Follow the directions for each screen.



After an initial review of the paper, the Editor-in-Chief selects an Editorial Board Member (EBM) who is an expert in the field and who will be responsible for guiding the paper through the review process. The EBM selects several outside reviewers to ensure that two reviewers can be obtained. Once the completed reviews arrive, the EBM critiques them, synthesizing them in a coherent manner for transmission to the corresponding author. At the same time, the EBM recommends a decision to the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief reviews all material and makes the publication decision, which is then emailed to the author. Submissions by nonmembers of ARVO will be given equal consideration. All manuscripts, including invited "New Developments" reviews, ARVO award lectures, and Letters to the Editor, are peer-reviewed.


If it is determined through the review process that your manuscript requires revision, the next version of your manuscript must be submitted within four months of the date of the decision letter. Revisions not received within the allotted time will be considered withdrawn. Any revised manuscript received after that time will be treated as a new submission, assigned a new manuscript number, and subjected to an entirely new review.

To submit your revision, log in to Manuscript Central at http://iovs.manuscriptcentral.com, enter your Author Center, and click on "Revised Manuscripts." Click on the underlined manuscript title in the "Manuscripts to be Revised" section to upload the revised manuscript files, i.e., the manuscript file and the point-by-point response. The manuscript file must include all figures, even if no changes to them were required. When the files have been uploaded, click on the "save and continue" button at the far right of the screen to continue the submission process.


If your manuscript has been accepted, please see the IOVS website at http://www.iovs.org/misc/accepted.shtml for instructions on how to prepare the final files for publication.


If you wish to submit an image to be considered for an IOVS cover, please upload a high-resolution image (either EPS or TIFF). Cover submissions may accompany manuscripts or be submitted individually. The submission can be related to a particular manuscript or it can be of a more general scientific nature relevant to IOVS. If the particular image has been published elsewhere or originated as someone else's work, a copyright release or permission must be included. When selecting a picture, please keep in mind the size and shape of the journal cover and remember that the IOVS logo will block part of the image at the top. Remember that enlargement will emphasize any imperfection, so please send the clearest, sharpest image possible.


Editorial Board


Address:  12300 Twinbrook Parkway

       Suite 250

       Rockville, MD 20852-1606

Phone:       240-221-2920

Fax:       240-221-0355

Email:       iovs@arvo.org


Anthony P. Adamis, MD

Boston, MA

 Ruben Adler, MD

Baltimore, MD

 Gustavo D. Aguirre, VMD, PhD

Ithaca, NY


Sally Atherton, PhD

Augusta, GA

 Neal Barney, MD

Madison, WI

 David C. Beebe, PhD

St. Louis, MO


David BenEzra, MD, PhD




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