

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
This journal is the official publication of the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA), a professional organization dedicated to improving geriatric mental health worldwide.

With its articles of high scientific and often ground-breaking content, this journal is at the forefront of important pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic developments. The journal also regularly publishes the winning papers of the prestigious biennial IPA Research Awards in Psychogeriatrics.

To ensure rapid communication of important new findings, International Psychogeriatrics operates on a fast-track production schedule of 6-8 months turnaround from submission of articles to publication.
Indexed / Abstracted in: Index Medicus / MEDLINE, EMBASE / Excerpta Medica, Abstracts in Social Gerontology: Current Literature on Aging, AgeLine, CINAHL, Combined Health Information Database (CHID), Mental Health Abstracts, New Literature on Old Age, Psychological Abstracts, PsycINFO & PsycLIT, , Iberoamericana de Sociedad Información Científica (SIIC) Data Bases.

Current Contents / Clinical Medicine, Current Contents / Social and Behavioral Sciences, e-psyche, ISI Alerting Services, PubMed, Social Science Citation Index, Social Services Abstracts, Social Work Abstracts, SciSearch, and ZeitschriftenbibliographieGerontologie  (GeroLIT

Instructions to Authors

International Psychogeriatrics is by and for those doing clinical, teaching, and research work with older people. It is the official journal of the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) and is published by Springer Publishing Company, New York. Although originating in geriatric psychiatry and neuropsychiatry, the journal is fully inclusive and welcomes contributions by all concerned in the field of aging.
Originally research papers are particularly sought.

The range of contributions includes articles, case reports, reviews of the literature, book reviews, letters to the editor, and editorials. Apart from editorials and book reviews, which are generally commissioned, the remainder of the contributions are spontaneously written and submitted by authors. At present, about one third of the papers submitted are accepted for publication in the quarterly journal, which is a measure of our quality. Submission of a paper implies that it is neither under consideration for publication elsewhere, nor previously published. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, either by email or on computer disk to the journal office at the address below. Manuscripts must be formatted double-spaced with ample margins on all sides. Manuscripts written in English by those whose primary language is not English should be critically edited for language prior to submission.

Reviewing the submissions
- Papers are submitted from around the world and reviewed worldwide. Reviews are carried out by associate editors and their local colleagues.
- Each paper should be submitted electronically. It will go to two reviewers and, if the two reviewers do not agree, to a third reviewer at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.
- Papers must bear the authors' names, degrees, status/affiliation, and address. This information will be seen by reviewers. At present it is up to the discretion of the reviewers whether or not to supply their names to authors. All authors will be provided a copyright transfer form to sign after acceptance, consenting to publication of the paper.
- Case reports identifying patients must be accompanied by a letter of consent from the patient.
- The author responsible for correspondence must be identified.
- Summaries should be brief and semistructured. Headings should be Background/Literature Review, Method, Results, and Discussion. Ideally, there should be no more than 30 references and no more than a combined total of 5 figures and tables. Reprints are not available from the journal.
- Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the author will be requested to submit it to Springer Publishing Company in New York electronically on computer disk and accompanied by one paper copy.
- Editorials and book reviews are generally commissioned by the editors.
- Authors and reviewers are acknowledged at year end.
- Contributors should refer to recent issues of the journal for examples of formatting (summaries, references, tables, etc.).
Send the electronic manuscript either by email or on computer disk to the:
Office of the Journal
International Psychogeriatrics
International Psychogeriatric Association

5215 Old Orchard Road, Suite 340
Skokie, IL 60077 US
Phone: +1.847.663.0574; Fax: +1.847.663.0591
Email: journal@ipa-online.org
For business matters:
Fern F. Finkel, Managing Editor
International Psychogeriatrics
5215 Old Orchard Road, Suite 340
Skokie, IL 60077 US
Phone: +1.847.663.0574; Fax: +1.847.663.0591
Email: ipa@ipa-online.org

Website: www.ipa-online.org
Office of the Editor:
David Ames, MD
Editor-in-Chief, International Psychogeriatrics
7th Floor, Charles Connibere Bldg.
Royal Melbourne Hospital

Parkville, Victoria 3050 Australia
Email: ipaj-ed@unimelb.edu.au

Phone: +61.3.9342.7705 Fax: +61.3.9349.2792

For book review submissions:
David Ames, MD
Department of Psychiatry
7th Floor, Charles Connibere Bldg.
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Parkville, Victoria 3050 Australia
Email: ipaj-ed@unimelb.edu.au
Phone: +61.3.9342.7705
Fax: +61.3.9349.2792

Editorial Board


Robin Eastwood
Cambridge, United Kingdom

Deputy Editor (Editor-in-chief elect)

David Ames
Parkville, Australia


Associate Editors

Osvaldo Almeida
Nedlands, Western Australia

Robert Baldwin
Manchester, United Kingdom

Susan Benbow
Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Manfred Bergener
Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Deputy Editor (Editor-in-chief elect)

David Ames
Parkville, Australia


Associate Editors

Osvaldo Almeida
Nedlands, Western Australia

Robert Baldwin
Manchester, United Kingdom

Susan Benbow
Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Manfred Bergener
Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Henry Brodaty
Randwick, New South Wales, Australia

Jiska Cohen-Mansfield
Rockville, Maryland, United States

Martin G. Cole
Montreal, Canada

Michael Davidson
Tel-Hashomer, Israel

Howard Feldman
Vancouver, Canada

Hans Fšrstl
Munich, Germany

 Mary Ganguli
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Serge Gauthier
Verdun, Quebec, Canada

Marion Zucker Goldstein
Buffalo, New York, United States

Janice Graham
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Thea J. Heeren
Zeist, The Netherlands

Akira Homma
Tokyo, Japan

Robert Howard
London, United Kingdom

S. Kalyana Sundaram
Bangalore, India

Brian A. Lawlor
Dublin, Ireland

Jean-Marie LŽger
Limoges, France

 Raimundo Mateos
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

John O'Brien
Newcastle, United Kingdom

Peter Rabins
Baltimore, Maryland, United States

David Resnikoff
Bosques de la Herradura, Mexico

Karen Ritchie
Montpellier, France

Robert G. Robinson
Iowa City, Iowa, United States

Kenneth Rockwood
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Ingmar Skoog
Gšteborg, Sweden

Gary W. Small
Los Angeles, California, United States

Sergio E. Starkstein
Perth, Western Australia

Peggy Szwabo
St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Jong Inn Woo
Seoul, Korea

Shen Yucun
Beijing, Peoples Republic of China


Managing Editor

Fern F. Finkel
Skokie, Illinois, United States


Statistical Advisor

John Chibnall
St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Book Review Editor

David Ames
Parkville, Australia

Past Editors

Manfred Bergener, Gene Cohen, Sanford Finkel, Kazuo Hasegawa, Akira Homma


Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief

Judith Sylph


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