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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The journal publishes new and significant papers that advance basic and applied research concerning wildland fire. The Journal wishes to attract papers on a broad range of wildland fire issues that may include subjects beyond the range of papers published in recent issues. The Journal has an international perspective, since wildland fire plays a major social, economic and ecological role around the globe.

Instructions to Authors

Submission procedures
In the interests of rapid peer-review, all stages of consideration will be handled electronically, through the Publisher. Therefore, please submit your paper directly to CSIRO PUBLISHING. See ´Submitting your manuscript for review´ for details.

Licence to publish
At the same time as you submit your paper, please fax a completed Licence to Publish form to +61 3 9662 7611, or include a scan of the completed form with your electronically submitted manuscript. Material first published in International Journal of Wildland Fire may be republished at the author´s discretion, provided that the new publisher understands that the material has already been published. For further details regarding copyright, please see Copyright/Licence to Publish.

Editorial structure
A decentralised editorial structure has been established, to spread the workload and so provide authors with a more rapid decision. The Editor in Chief is assisted by an international panel of Associate Editors who represent the range of subjects and geographical regions covered by the Journal.

The Associate Editors will manage the peer-review of papers in their subject areas, using at least two expert reviewers for each paper, and make recommendations to the Editor in Chief, who will communicate a decision to the authors.

Publication charges
A page charge of $US60 per printed page applies to all papers; this charge is reviewed annually. The extra cost of colour printing must be borne by the author; the Journal Manager will provide a quotation for colour printing on sight of the copy.

Journal policy
International Journal of Wildland Fire welcomes manuscripts on all aspects of wildland fire science, including fire ecology, management, impacts, behaviour, weather and history. The Journal wishes to attract papers on a broad range of wildland fire issues that may include subjects beyond the examples above; for example, papers reporting social science analysis of wildfire issues may be relevant to our readership. The Editor in Chief welcomes enquiries from authors seeking advice on the suitability of their paper. The Journal will also consider papers on structural fire, if they relate to wildland-urban interface issues. We publish full experimental papers, review articles, letters and shorter notes. All papers will receive peer-review.

Submission of a paper is taken to mean that the results reported have not been published and are not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. However, papers that have previously been published in symposia of limited circulation are acceptable. The Journal assumes that all authors of a multi-authored paper agree to its submission. The Journal will use its best endeavours to ensure that work published is that of the named authors except where acknowledged and, through its reviewing procedures, that any published results and conclusions are consistent with the primary data. The Journal takes no responsibility for fraud or inaccuracy on the part of its contributors.

The use of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the author(s), by the Editorial Board, by the International Association of Wildland Fire, or by CSIRO PUBLISHING. Opinions expressed by the authors published in the Journal are not necessarily those of the IAWF.

Submitting your manuscript for review
To submit your paper, please use our online journal management system OSPREY, which can be reached directly through this link or from the icon on the journal´s homepage. Choose International Journal of Wildland Fire and log in via the New User box if a first-time user, or use your existing username and password to log in. Choose ´Submit manuscript´ from the menu on the left side of the screen and then follow the steps, providing the information requested under each step.

A covering letter must accompany the submission and should include the name, address, fax and telephone numbers, and email address of the corresponding author. The letter should also contain a statement justifying why the work should be considered for publication in the journal, and that the manuscript has not been published or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Suggestions of possible referees are welcome. A completed Licence to Publish form (which you will be asked to download from the website as part of the submission process) should be faxed or mailed to the journal as soon as possible after submission.

If you encounter any difficulties, or you have any queries, please contact publishing.ijwf@csiro.au.

Suggestions for possible reviewers are welcome; however, the Journal is not bound to accept any such suggestion.

On acceptance of the paper, you will be requested to submit the electronic files from which the paper will be typeset in Word or RTF format, with text and tables as one file and each figure as a separate file (see ´Tables´ and ´Preparing your illustrations for publication´).

Supplementary material that may be useful to other workers but which is not essential to the published paper may be lodged as an Accessory Publication, provided that the material is submitted with the paper for inspection by the referees. This material will be made available from the Journal´s web site, and a note to this effect should be included in the paper.

If a part not yet published needs to be consulted for a proper understanding of the submitted paper, please provide a copy for use by the Editors and reviewers.

Types of manuscripts
Full papers
These should be large pieces of original work dealing with any area of wildland fire. They ought not exceed 5000 words of body text (not including titles and author details, abstract figure captions, tables, and references and abstract) and contain no more than a sufficient number of figures and tables to present your research effectively.

Technical notes
These are narrower, focused reports. A technical notes must not exceed 2000 words of body text and 3 graphics.

The journal welcomes review articles. They should be formatted as simply as possible, and summary diagrams should be used to reduce the amount of description to introduce a topic. Authors should remember the wide readership of the Journal when preparing their article, and are strongly advised to discuss the topic and scope with the Editors before submission.

Preparing your manuscript
General presentation
Write the paper in clear and concise English. Papers featuring numerous spelling errors, ambiguous expression, or lack of a clear focus will be returned for reworking prior to any assessment. As International Journal of Wildland Fire is an international journal, either ´English´ or ´American´ English is acceptable, so long as it is used consistently.

Please double space all text, including references and figure captions, and number each page. Line numbers must be included. Although your paper if accepted will be printed in two columns, please prepare the manuscript in a single column. There are no arbitrary limits on the length of manuscripts, but we stress the need for length to be commensurate with message. We encourage you to include detail in discussion of methods, to avoid jargon, and to explain terms carefully for our broad readership.

We advise you to consult a recent issue of the Journal or the sample issue for details of layout. Preparation according to the Journal´s style will simplify later stages of production and so allow more rapid publication.

For the text, use only Times New Roman and Symbol fonts.

Please list the scientific name and authority with the common name of species at the first occurrence and then use either name consistently for the remainer of the paper. We encourage authors to log fire history studies with the International Multiproxy Paleofire Database.

First page
The first page should include the title, suggested running head, name of author(s) in the exact way that the authors wish them to appear, each author´s organisation, plus the email address of the corresponding author, who should be identified as such. Authors of multi-authored papers may wish to assign relative values to their contributions, or to indicate that two or more authors contributed equally to a paper. This can be done in a note at the end of the address field on the paper. Keywords that do not appear in the title may be listed as ´Additional keywords´, for example geographic locations and major plant and animal species studied. If the paper is one of a numbered series, provide a reference to the preceding part.

A scientific abstract in English of no more than 200 words must be provided; it should be informative but not include details. Avoid acronyms and references in the abstract.

Please provide a brief summary of about 50 words for the non-specialist reader, to be included in the Table of Contents. This entry is not meant to be an abstract in the formal sense; it is aimed at helping the general reader to find a paper with conclusions useful to them that might perhaps otherwise be overlooked. The relevance of a paper may not always be obvious just from the title, which is typically written for the specialist reader.

Place Acknowledgements after the Discussion and before the References.

In the text, cite references chronologically by author and date; do not number them. Check that all references cited in the text are listed in the References list, and vice versa. Use ´and´ to link the names of two authors in the text, and use ´et al.´ where there are more than two.

In the References list, list references in alphabetical order, and check them carefully for accuracy. Do not include papers that have not been accepted for publication; cite them as ´unpublished data´ or ´personal communication´ if they must be included at all. Please provide proof of acceptance for any paper cited as ´in press´.

Give titles of books and names of journals in full. Include the title of the paper in all journal references, and provide first and last page numbers for all entries.

Refer to the sample issue for the style used in citing references.

Examples of common references are:

  • Journal paper
    Hess JC, Scott CA, Hufford GL, Fleming MD (2001) El Niño and its impact on fire weather conditions in Alaska. International Journal of Wildland Fire 10, 1-13.
  • Book
    Cary G, Lindenmayer D, Dovers S (Eds) (2003) ´Australia burning: Fire ecology, policy and management issues.´ (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne)
  • Book chapter
    Gill AM, Bradstock R (2003) Fire regimes and biodiversity: a set of postulates. In ´Australia burning: Fire ecology, policy and management issues´. (Eds G Cary, D Lindenmayer, S Dovers) pp. 15-25. (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne)
  • Report
    Finney MA (1998) ´FARSITE: Fire Area Simulator-Model development and evaluation.´ USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Research Paper RMRS-RP-4. (Ogden, UT)

Use the SI system, especially for exact measurement of physical quantities. If it is a convention to use non-SI units in a particular discipline, then give the equivalent SI values in parentheses.

Do not use the double solidus in complex groupings of units; use the negative index system instead, for example mg m-2 s-1.

Mathematical formulae
Avoid two-line expressions in the running text. Display each long formula on a separate line with at least two lines of space above and below it. Set up complex mathematics using an equation editor using Times New Roman, Arial and Symbol fonts only.

Tables will usually be one or two column widths, but large tables may be set ´landscape´ on the page. Refer to every table in the text. Number each with an Arabic numeral and supply a concise title. Provide explanatory material relevant to the whole table in a separate headnote, which should start on a separate paragraph from the title. Use footnotes to refer to specific elements in the table. Use superscript capital letters for table footnotes, and use asterisks only for probability levels. Use only horizontal rules in tables; do not use vertical rules.

If using Microsoft Word (preferred), please use Table Formatting (i.e. use table cells, but do not use hard returns within them). In column headings, include the symbols for the units of measurement in parentheses, and use standard SI prefixes to avoid an excessive number of digits in the body of the table.

Preparing your illustrations for publication
After the paper is accepted, you will be asked to send the final text and graphics as separate files electronically. These files may be sent by email, or via our ftp site. Refer to the sample papers for further guidance on style. If any graphics have been prepared using specialised software that you suspect may not be compatible with standard typesetting systems, we recommend that you scan hard copy and submit the files in the appropriate format (at the appropriate resolution) as described below.

Line diagrams
Supply all line diagrams in one of the following formats: Adobe illustrator (.ai), encapsulated postscript (.eps), Word, Powerpoint or Excel. In all cases they should be editable graphic files. The submission of scanned images or illustrations prepared in a paint program and saved in .bmp, .tif or .gif format is discouraged because of the difficulty in making editorial corrections; however, these may be submitted at a resolution of 600 dpi if necessary. Use CMYK not RGB format. Colour printing will involve an extra charge.

Legends to figure axes should state the quantity being measured followed by appropriate units in parentheses. Please ensure that the sizes of lettering and symbols will have a final size of at least 8.5 points, and that all lines will have a final thickness of no less than 0.5 points.

Digital images must be prepared and photographs scanned at a resolution of at least 300 dpi and saved as .jpg, .tif or Photoshop files. Use CMYK not RGB format. Colour photographs will be accepted if they are essential but the cost of colour reproduction must be borne by the author. The Journal Manager will provide a quotation for the cost before production.

Proofs and Reprints
To speed publication, proofs will be emailed to the corresponding author as a PDF file. If changes are simple, a list of corrections needed may be emailed to the Production Editor. Only essential changes and corrections of printing errors will be accepted at proof stage; excessive author changes may be charged for.

The corresponding author of each paper will receive a free PDF copy of the paper but hard copy reprints may be ordered at proof stage. A Publication Charges Form will be sent with the proofs, which will itemise page charges, costs of extra reprints and charges for colour printing. This must be returned with the corrected proofs. The use of the PDF copy is subject to the Conditions of Use.

Please advise us if you are likely to be away at the time the proofs will be sent.

Checklist for preparation of manuscripts

1.       Submit your paper in electronic format only. At the same time, fax a completed Licence to Publish form to +61 3 9662 7611, or include a scan of the completed form with your electronically submitted manuscript.

2.       Type the title and all headings with only the first initial letter upper case, except for proper nouns.

3.       Align headings at the left. Main headings (Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References) are set in bold roman type. Minor headings are set in light italic type.

4.       Ensure all lines in the manuscript are numbered.

5.       Use the following conventions: ´from x to y´, ´between x and y´, ´range x-y´; use L for litre (hence mL, etc.); use single not double quotation marks; abbreviate the units hour(s) as h, minute(s) as min, second(s) as s, e.g. 4 h, 5 min, 3 s.

6.       Check that all references mentioned in the text are listed in the References, and vice versa.

7.       List references in the text in chronological order, separated by semicolons except references by the same author, where they are separated by commas. List references in the Reference list in alphabetical order. In the text, do not use a comma between the author´s name and the date. Italicise a, b, c etc. where several references are the same year.

8.       In the References, use italic type for the journal name and use bold roman type for the volume number.

9.       Give full journal names and book titles in the References list.

10.   Spell out numbers lower than 10 unless accompanied by a unit, e.g. 2 mm, 15 mm, two plants, 15 plants, but 2 out of 15 plants. Do not leave a space between a numeral and the unit % or oC.

11.   Prepare figures with symbols and letters appropriate for the size at which the figure is intended to be reproduced.

12.   Type the title of each table as a separate paragraph from the table. Put explanatory matter referring to the table as a whole in the headnote, which should be a separate paragraph from the table title.

13.   File naming: save and name your files using the first author´s family name followed by F1, F2, etc. for figures, T1, T2, etc. for tables. For example. Smith.doc = text document; smithF1.eps = Figure 1, smithT1.doc = Table 1.

14.   Suggest a running head for the paper of about eight words.

15.   Provide the postal address, telephone number, facsimile number and email address of at least the corresponding author; we may need to contact you urgently.

International Journal of Wildland Fire is committed to the rapid publication of your paper. Please assist us in this aim by adhering to the guidelines above.

Editorial Board


Editor in Chief
Dr Mike Flannigan
Natural Resources Canada
1219 Queen Street East
Sault Ste Marie, ON Canada P6A 2E5
Telephone +1 705 541 5541
Fax +1 705 541 5701
Email mflannig@NRCan.gc.ca

Associate Editors

The panel of Associate Editors is international in scope and will be strengthened by addition of new members from time to time. The panel is responsible for oversight of manuscripts in specific subject areas within the broad fields related to wildland fire. Members of the Editorial Advisory Committee also handle peer-review of papers in their fields of interest.

Fire ecology

Fire behaviour

Fire/Climate/History/Landscape/Ecosystem modelling

  • Brian Amiro, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, AB, Canada
  • Geoff Cary, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
  • Mark Finney, USDA Forest Service, Missoula, MT, USA
  • Jeremy Russell-Smith, Tropical Savannas Cooperative Research Centre, Winnellie, NT, Australia
  • Tom Swetnam, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

Fire management systems

  • Neil Burrows, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Kensington, WA, Australia
  • Jeremy Fried, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR, USA
  • Keith Gilless, Berkeley, USA

Fire suppression, protection, economics

Editorial Advisory Committee

  • B. Butler, USDA Forest Service, Missoula, MT, USA
  • R. Bradstock, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville, NSW, Australia
  • S. Conard, USDA Forest Service, Washington D.C., USA
  • K. Hirsch, Department of Natural Resources Canada, Edmonton AB, Canada
  • D. Xavier-Viegas, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Ex officio

Managing Editor
Dr Laurie Martinelli
PO Box 1139 (150 Oxford Street)
Collingwood, Vic. 3066
Telephone +61 3 9662 7644
Fax +61 3 9662 7611
Email publishing.ijwf@csiro.au

International Journal of Wildland Fire is published by CSIRO PUBLISHING on behalf of the International Association of Wildland Fire.


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