

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

                            Current Issue Cover

The International Journal of Robotics Research was the first scholarly publication on robotics research. Today, it continues to supply scientists and students in robotics and related fields such as artificial intelligence, applied mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering with timely, multidisciplinary material on topics from sensors and sensory interpretations to kinematics to motion planning.

One of the leading journals in the field of robotics for 20 years and among the most consistently highly cited robotics publications, The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) provides engineers, researchers, and scientists with timely, multidisciplinary information on robotics research - from applied mathematics to artificial intelligence to computer science, to electrical and mechanical engineering.

The International Journal of Robotics Research offers incisive and thought-provoking original research papers and articles, perceptive reviews, and lively editorials on ground-breaking trends issues, technical developments, and theories in robotics by the outstanding scholars and practitioners in the field. The International Journal of Robotics Research covers more than just narrow technical advances-it embraces a wide variety of topics.

And now, IJRR offers even more

Multimedia Archives!

IJRR publishes at no additional cost to current subscribers online video clips, images, graphs and charts, general numerical data, models, and programs that are archived at:



Instructions to Authors

The International Journal of Robotics Research is published monthly by Sage Periodicals Press. All papers are submitted to a review procedure, and the decision to publish is based on the reviewers' comments. To facilitate the review process please make sure your manuscript is carefully prepared.

Submitting a Technical Paper

Submit four copies of the manuscript complete with illustrations. Papers can be submitted electronically.

Give the preferred address for correspondence for each author. In the case of multiple authors indicate who receives galley proofs.

Inform the editor if the manuscript has been presented, published, or submitted for publication elsewhere. The journal publishes technical material not otherwise available, but in exceptional cases we will consider outstanding papers that have appeared or will appear elsewhere. Failure to notify the editor in advance will lead to it being rejected.

Manuscript Style

Double space word-processed or typewritten manuscripts. Use this spacing for text, footnotes, figure captions, abstract, and reference list. Use one side of sheet only.

Submit lists of figure captions and footnotes on separate sheets.

Alphabetize the reference list and cite references by author and date in the text; for example, (Doe 1982). Include the following information in references.

Books: Authors' last names and initials, year, title, city, publisher, page numbers (if any).

Chapters in books/Papers in published proceedings: Authors' last names and initials, year, title of chapter/paper, title of book/proceedings, editors' initials and last names, city, publisher, page numbers (if any):

Journal articles: Authors' last names and initials, year, title of article, name of journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers.

Conference papers: Authors' last names and initials, year, month and days of conference, title of paper, name of conference, location of conference.

Memos and technical reports: Authors' last names and initials, year, identifying number of paper, city, name of institution, name of department.

Theses: Author's last name and initials, year, title of thesis, identification of paper as thesis (Ph.D. thesis), name of institution, department in institution.

Use "et al." after primary author if there are four or more authors.

Use section numbers for the first three levels of headings: 1., 1.1., 1. 1. 1.

Submit a 150-250 word abstract that states the subject of the paper, methods used in dealing with the subject, principal results, and their significance.


Type or mark mathematical copy exactly as it should appear in print. Journal style for letter symbols is as follows: variables, italic type (indicated by underline); constants, roman text type; matrices and vectors, boldface type (indicated by wavy underline). In word-processor manuscripts, use appropriate typeface. It will be assumed that letters in displayed equations are to be set in italic type unless you mark them otherwise. All letter symbols in text discussion must be marked if they should be italic or boldface. Indicate best breaks for equations in case they will not fit on one line.

Style for Illustrations

Provide camera-ready illustrations. A sharp image and good contrast are essential for quality reproduction. Keep in mind that most illustrations will be reproduced in a 3" column width, generally a considerable reduction of the original size. Keep originals clean and legible.

Prepare line drawings in black ink on stiff paper with generous margins on all sides.

Show only essential information on charts and graphs, for example, coordinate axis, major grid lines, and lines on points of interest.

Submit photographs as glossy prints whenever possible, with adequate contrast and tone gradation. Any reasonable size is acceptable.

Provide captions for all illustrations. The caption copy will be typeset and appear below the figure.

Number all illustrations on the back or on the bottom corners of the front. Label them clearly and concisely.

LATEX or TEX Submission

Electronic submission of manuscripts prepared using TEX is encouraged. Any disk or electronic submission must also be accompanied by a paper manuscript. This paper manuscript must follow the manuscript style listed above and should match what is on the disk or electronic file. In the case of a discrepancy, the paper manuscript will be used.

Suggestions for electronic submission of manuscript files:

Files may be either mailed using standard email file-append methods or transferred via FTP. E-mail should not be used for files larger than approximately l00Kb, unless the file is broken into subfiles smaller than the l00Kb limit and sent separately. Generally, if several files are involved (for instance, macro and illustration files that are called in the main document), the preferred method would be to archive the files using standard TAR methods and then to transfer via FTP. ASCII mode should be used if files are transferred via FTP without TARing them first. Contact the editorial office at Oxford for e-mail and FTP addresses.

Authors wishing to submit illustration files electronically should prepare them as encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files, and send those files along with the main manuscript files. These files should not contain labels or tags that are not intended to be printed with the illustration. Illustrations should be submitted as camera-ready copy (on paper) if it is not possible to prepare the EPS files of them. Other file formats cannot be accommodated at this time.

Persons without network access, or using computers running operating systems other than UNIX, may submit on disk. Files should be in ASCII text format on 3-1/2"disks compatible with either MS-DOS or Macintosh operating systems.

If the manuscript has been prepared using LATEX, the generic article style (Article.sty, LATEX version 2.09) should be used. No attempt to emulate the typographic style of The International Journal of Robotics Research should be made.

All rules of submission for conventionally prepared manuscripts apply.

If the manuscript has been prepared using plain TEX.

All TEX submissions should use only Computer Modern typefaces. Source files as well as all relevant input files should be submitted in generic ASCII format. A DVI file of the paper should be included.


Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use drawings, photographs, tables, and other previously published material.


It is the policy of Sage Publications, Inc., to own the copyright to the contributions it publishes and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the U.S. Copyright law, authors are required to sign a Copyright Transfer Form before publication. This form is supplied to the authors by the editor after papers have been accepted for publication and grants to authors and their employers full rights to reuse their own material.

Mail all manuscripts to:

Michael Brady, Editor

Department of Engineering Science

Oxford University

Parks Road

Oxford OX1 3PJ


For electronic submission, email: jennet.batten@eng.ox.ac.uk for a directory name before you send your paper.

Editorial Board

John M Hollerbach ,University of Utah, USA  

Managing Editor
Jennet Batten ,University of Oxford, UK  

Multimedia Editor
Peter Corke ,CSIRO Manufacturing Science & Technology, Australia  
Al Rizzi ,Carnegie Mellon University, USA  
Sanjiv Singh ,Carnegie Mellon University, USA  

Editorial Board
Antonio Bicchi ,University of Pisa, Italy  
Herman Bruyninckx ,Catholic Univeristy of Leuven, Belgium  
Martin Buehler ,McGill University, Canada  
Henrik Christensen ,Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden  
Joris De Schutter ,Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium  
Michael Erdmann ,Carnegie Mellon University, USA  
Gerd Hirzinger ,German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany  
Radu Horaud ,INRIA Rhône-Alpes and GRAVIR-IMAG 655, av. de l'Europe, 38330 Montbonnot Saint Martin, France  
Oussama Khatib ,Stanford University, USA  
Jean-Claude Latombe ,Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA  
Mathew T Mason ,Carnegie Mellon University, USA  
Yoshihiko Nakamura ,The University of Tokyo, Japan  
Mark W Spong ,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA  
Charles Wampler ,General Motors, Michigan, USA  
Alex Zelinsky ,Australian National University, Australia  

Advisory Board
Suguru Arimoto ,Ritsumeikan University, Japan  
Robert C Bolles ,SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA  
Hirochika Inoue ,The University of Tokyo, Japan  
Takeo Kanade ,Carnegie Mellon University, USA  
Bernard Roth ,Stanford University, USA  
Yoshiaki Shirai ,Osaka University, Japan  
Russell H Taylor ,Johns Hopkins University, USA  
James P Trevelyan ,University of Western Australia, Australia  
K Waldron ,Stanford University, USA  


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