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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation publishes original papers on all subjects relevant to nonlinear sciences and numerical simulation. The highest priority will be given to those contributions concerned with a discussion of the background of a practical problem, the establishment of an appropriate nonlinear model, the determination of a solution, approximate or exact, analytical or numerical, and a discussion of the relevance of the results when applied to the real-life problem.
The following types of manuscript are encouraged:
1. New nonlinear model for a real-life problem with possible exciting applications;
2. New analytical techniques for new nonlinear problems with physical understanding;
3. Numerical simulation revealing possible hidden pearls in nonlinear sciences.
Although the journal concentrates mainly on the applications side, review articles dealing with establishment of nonlinear models, new numerical or analytical techniques, with potential for wider application to real-life problems, are invited by the Editor, and will be published from time to time.

Instructions to Authors

Only original contributions, which are not published in any language and are not submitted for publication elsewhere, are accepted for peer review. Three copies of manuscripts should be sent to:
Dr. Ji-Huan He
College of Basic Science,
Shanghai Donghua University,
1882 Yan'an Xilu Road,
Shanghai 200051
P. R. China
or to any editor member of the editorial board with a statement that the paper has never been published anywhere.
Manuscripts should be typed, with double spacing throughout (including references), on A4 size paper, leaving ample margin.
To speed up the review process, we also accept e-manuscript with Word or LaTex under the permission of the editor.
Once accepted for publication, the final version of the manuscript with a diskette must be provided, the author is encouraged to send his/her e-manuscript by email (Word or LaTex), or send the camera-ready manuscripts in order to quickly publish. Instructions of how to format the camera-ready manuscripts are available from the publisher or the editor. Author's photo and a brief resume will be appeared at the end of his paper. Only black-white photo is required, colour photo requires additional fee by publisher.
In general, there is no limitation of the length. Short letters no longer than 4 printed pages are automatically transformed to Communications in Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation (An International Journal of Rapid Publication)
Preparation of Manuscripts
1. The language of the papers is English only.
2. Symbols for physical quantities should be in italic (sloping) type. Mathematical operators and constants and symbols for units should be in roman (upright) type. Vectors should be in bold italic type and matrices in bold upright type.
3. Manuscripts should be typed, with double spacing throughout, on A4 size paper, leaving ample margins. Lengthy mathematical proofs and derivations should be given in an appendix.
4. The arrangement of manuscripts should be as follows:
o Title of the paper;
o Author's name and his institute (including Email and Fax);
o Abstract, Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification 1991/95 (available from the editor or from Elsevier);
o Text;
o Acknowledgment;
o References, which should be arranged in the following forms:
¡ì [1] Li,S., Liu,W.K. Reproducing kernel hierarchical partition of unity, Part I: formulation and theory, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 45 (1999), 251-288
¡ì [2] Yan, S., Liu, G.L. Variational variable-domain finite element method for hybrid problems of 3-D incompressible rotor flow, International Journal of Turbo & Jet Engines, 11(1999), 71-82
¡ì [3] He, J.H. Generalized Variational Principles In Fluid (in Chinese), Shanghai University Press, Shanghai, 1999.
¡ì [4] He, J.H. Nonlinear oscillation with fractional derivative and its applications, International Conf. On Vibration Engineering, 1998, Dalian, China, 288-291
References in the text should be quoted by the corresponding number in brackets [1]. The references can also be listed in alphabet order.
All illustrations and photographs should be clear, sharp, black and white prints, with good contrast, on glossy paper; the most suitable size is twice the final size.
Colour illustrations are encouraged, but authors will be asked by the publisher to cover the full costs incurred in colour printing.
Copyright Papers are considered for publication on the understanding that they have not been submitted to any other publisher. The submitted works must be original and not previously published elsewhere. The copyright in papers accepted for publication becomes the property of the publisher and reproduction of any part of the paper elsewhere is not allowed without the permission of the publisher. Authors who wish to reproduce illustrations which have already been published elsewhere must obtain the written permission of the copyright holder.
Page Charges
Generally speaking, no page charge is required, and the author will receive 25 free offprints, further copies can be ordered at a reasonable cost prior to printing. However, the paper is subject to a voluntary page charge of $30 per Journal page if the work is financially supported.


Editorial Board
Honorary Editor
Wing Kam Liu
Professor of Mechanical and Civil Engineering
Northwestern University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2145 Sheridan Rd.
Evanston, IL 60208-3111
E-mail: w-liu@nwu.edu
Yu. Mitropolsky
Director of International Mathematical Center
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Tereshchenkivska Str. 3,252601, Kiev-4, GSP
K. J. Bathe
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room 3-356
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Ji-Huan He
College of Basic Science
Shanghai Donghua University
1882 Yan'an Xilu Road
Shanghai 200051
P. R. China
Fax: 86-21-36033287
E-mail: jhhe@dhu.edu.cn, ijnsns@yahoo.com.cn
M.S. El Naschie
P.O. Box 272
Cobham, KT11 2FQ
United Kindom
Thomas J.R. Hughes
Division of Applied Mechanics
Durand Building, Room No.281
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4040, USA
Robert S. Mackay
Mathematics Institute
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
E-mail: mackay@maths.warwick.ac.uk
Managing Editor
Mao-An Han
Dept. Math.
Shanghai Jiaotong University
P. R. China
Shanghai 200030, China


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