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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

This bi-monthly journal covers the topics on experimental, theoretical and computational nuclear science, and its applications and interface with astrophysics and particle physics. The journal includes both review articles and research papers.


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Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts can also be sent to the publisher via Web-based submission.Hard copies of the manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate to any of the Managing Editors, whose addresses are printed on the inside front cover. Manuscripts should be prepared using standard Tex or Latex style files (Latex2e readme / Download) which can be obtained from the publisher's web site at http://www.worldscinet.com/authors/stylefiles.shtml. Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication with other journals.

The manuscript, which includes an abstract of not more than 100 words, references, tables, figures and figure captions should be clearly typed in English, double-spaced on one side only, on good letter-size paper (8?nbsp;?nbsp;11 in or A4) with ample margins around the text.

Legible, compact notation should be used, conforming to current practice. Each symbol must be clear and properly aligned tch symbol must be clearo distinguish superscript and subscript characters. Numerical fractions are preferably put on one line, e.g. ?I>a. Section headings are numbered in Arabic numerals; so are tables and figures. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered at the top.

Footnotes, other than those referring to acknowledgements, should be labelled alphabetically with superscript letters. References are numbered consecutively using superscript Arabic numerals. The preferred style of the references is indicated below:

  1. F. Wilczek, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A7, 3911 (1992).
  2. M. Tinkham, Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics (McGraw-Hill, 1964).
  3. T. Tel, in Experimental Study and Characterization of Chaos, ed. Hao Bailin (World Scientific, 1990) p. 149.
  4. W. J. Johnson, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968.
  5. P. F. Marteau and H. D. I. Arbabanel, "Noise reduction in chaotic time series using scaled probabilistic methods", UCSD/INLS preprint, October 1990.

Tables and figures are numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text. Each table and each figure should occupy a separate page. Glossy prints are acceptable and they should be large enough for reduction to a minimum of 50% of their original size. The final printed size of the figure must not exceed 5 in. ?nbsp;7.5 in. At the bottom of each figure, the name(s) of the author(s), the title of the paper and the figure number should be indicated. A list of figure captions should be given on a separate sheet. A condensed paper title (for running heads) should also be given.

All papers will be acknowledged and refereed. They will not be returned. Authors may recommended appropriate persons as referees for their papers although this in no way binds the Editors to follow their suggestions. Authors may also request to remain anonymous to the referees.

Once the paper is accepted, authors are assumed to have transfered copyright of the paper over to World Scientific Publishing Co. There will be no page charge for the journal. 50 free reprints will be provided to the first author of each accepted paper. Purchase orders for additional reprints can be made on order forms which will be sent to authors

Home > Journals by Subject > Physics > IJMPE
International Journal of Modern Physics E (IJMPE) Nuclear Physics
For Authors: Guidelines for Contributors

Manuscripts can also be sent to the publisher via Web-based submission.Hard copies of the manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate to any of the Managing Editors, whose addresses are printed on the inside front cover. Manuscripts should be prepared using standard Tex or Latex style files (Latex2e readme / Download) which can be obtained from the publisher's web site at http://www.worldscinet.com/authors/stylefiles.shtml. Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication with other journals.

The manuscript, which includes an abstract of not more than 100 words, references, tables, figures and figure captions should be clearly typed in English, double-spaced on one side only, on good letter-size paper (8?nbsp;?nbsp;11 in or A4) with ample margins around the text.

Legible, compact notation should be used, conforming to current practice. Each symbol must be clear and properly aligned tch symbol must be clearo distinguish superscript and subscript characters. Numerical fractions are preferably put on one line, e.g. ?I>a. Section headings are numbered in Arabic numerals; so are tables and figures. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered at the top.

Footnotes, other than those referring to acknowledgements, should be labelled alphabetically with superscript letters. References are numbered consecutively using superscript Arabic numerals. The preferred style of the references is indicated below:

  1. F. Wilczek, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A7, 3911 (1992).
  2. M. Tinkham, Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics (McGraw-Hill, 1964).
  3. T. Tel, in Experimental Study and Characterization of Chaos, ed. Hao Bailin (World Scientific, 1990) p. 149.
  4. W. J. Johnson, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968.
  5. P. F. Marteau and H. D. I. Arbabanel, "Noise reduction in chaotic time series using scaled probabilistic methods", UCSD/INLS preprint, October 1990.

Tables and figures are numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text. Each table and each figure should occupy a separate page. Glossy prints are acceptable and they should be large enough for reduction to a minimum of 50% of their original size. The final printed size of the figure must not exceed 5 in. ?nbsp;7.5 in. At the bottom of each figure, the name(s) of the author(s), the title of the paper and the figure number should be indicated. A list of figure captions should be given on a separate sheet. A condensed paper title (for running heads) should also be given.

All papers will be acknowledged and refereed. They will not be returned. Authors may recommended appropriate persons as referees for their papers although this in no way binds the Editors to follow their suggestions. Authors may also request to remain anonymous to the referees.

Once the paper is accepted, authors are assumed to have transfered copyright of the paper over to World Scientific Publishing Co. There will be no page charge for the journal. 50 free reprints will be provided to the first author of each accepted paper. Purchase orders for additional reprints can be made on order forms which will be sent to authors.

Copyright Transfer Form

Editorial Board

Managing Editors
W Greiner
Institut für Theoretische Physik der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Robert-Mayer-Straße 8-10
Postfach 11 19 32
D-600054 Frankfurt am Main 11
Fax: (069) 7982 8350
E-mail: greiner@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de

E M Henley
Physics Department FM-15
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Fax: (206) 685 0635
E-mail: henley@alpher.npl.washington.edu

Dmitri E Kharzeev
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bldg 510A
Upton, NY 11973-5000
E-mail: kharzeev@bnl.gov

Xin-Nian Wang
Nuclear Theory Program
Nuclear Science Division, MS 70R0319
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720
E-mail: XNWang@lbl.gov

Zong-Ye Zhang
Institute of High Energy Physics
19 Yu Quan Lu
Beijing 100039
E-mail: zhangzy@mail.ihep.ac.cn

Jie Meng
School of Physics
Peking University
Beijing 100871

R F Casten (Yale Univ, USA)
H Ejiri (Osaka Univ, Japan)
D H Feng (Univ of Texas at Dallas, USA)
G Fuller (UC Berkeley, USA)
T Goldman (Los Alamos Nat Lab, USA)
A M Green (Univ of Helsinki, Finland)
W-Y Pauchy Hwang (Nat Taiwan Univ, Taiwan)
T T S Kuo (SUNY, Stony Brook, USA)
S Nagamiya (Columbia Univ, USA)
M Rho (CEN-Saclay, France)
J Rasmussen (Lawrence Berkeley Lab, USA)
L L Reidinger (Univ Tennessee, USA)
H Stöcker (Univ Frankfurt, Germany)
D D Strottman (Los Alamos Nat Lab, USA)
S E Woosley (UC Santa Cruz, USA)
F J Yang (Fudan Univ, China)
K Yazaki (Tokyo Women's Christian Univ, Japan)


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