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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

                                                   International Journal of Medical Informatics on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)

The Journal provides an international medium for dissemination of original results and interpretative reviews concerning the field of medical informatics.
The scope of the journal covers:
Information systems, including national or international registration systems, hospital information systems, departmental and/or physician's office systems, document handling systems, electronic medical record systems, standardization systems integration etc.;
Organizational, economic, social, ethical and cost-benefit aspects of IT applications in health care;
Computer-aided medical decision support systems using heuristic, algorithmic and/or statistical methods as exemplified in decision theory, protocol development, artificial intelligence, etc.
Evaluations of educational computer based programs pertaining to medical informatics or medicine in general.
The emphasis is on the description of clinically evaluated systems. Short technical communications concerning (solved) problems in implementing or using existing information systems are welcome. Review articles concerning subjects falling in the scope of the journal are also invited.


Instructions to Authors



  • The original and one copy of the typescript should be sent to the Editors or Associate Editors, preferably as per the geographical guidelines and addresses stated on inside front cover. A transmittal letter signed by the senior author must accompany the typescript.
  • The paper must be written in English and typed double-spaced with about 3 cm margins all around; the front page will show title, name of author(s), institution(s) where work was done and mailing address with postal code (zip in USA) of senior author if different from that of the institution.
  • Acknowledgements, if any, should be given at the end of the paper, before bibliographic references.
  • The following types of contributions will be published: (i) Papers reporting original work; (ii) Interpretative reviews; (iii) Technical notes; (iv) Letters to the Editor; (v) Reports from Congresses or Conferences (by invitation only); (vi) Book reviews (by invitation only).
  • Books for review should be sent by the publishing houses to the respective geographical editors indicated inside the front cover.
  • Announcements and notices of congresses and meetings are welcome and should be sent to Siebren Groothuis, Department of Medical Informatics, University of Limburg, 6229 RA Maastricht, The Netherlands well in advance for timely publication. For advertising rates apply to the Publishers.
  • Submission of a paper to International Journal of Medical Informatics is understood to imply that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and that the author(s) permission to publish his/her (their) article(s) in this Journal implies the exclusive authorization of the publishers to deal with all issues concerning the copyright therein.

Electronic Manuscripts: Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for the rekeying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery of proofs.

For the initial submission of manuscripts for consideration, hardcopies are sufficient. For the processing of accepted papers, electronic versions are preferred. After final acceptance, your disk plus two final and exactly matching printed versions should be submitted together. Double density (DD) or high density (HD) diskettes (3¨ö or 5¨ù inch) are acceptable. It is important that the file saved is in the native format of the wordprocessor program used. Label the disk with the name of the computer and wordprocessing package used, your name, and the name of the file on the disk. Further information may be obtained from the Publisher.

Authors in Japan please note: Upon request, Elsevier Science Japan will provide authors with a list of people who can check and improve the English of their paper (before submission). Please contact our Tokyo office: Elsevier Science Japan, 9-15, Higashi-Azabu 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0044, Japan; Tel: (+81)3-5561-5032; Fax: (+81)3-5561-5045; E-mail: info@elsevier.co.jp.


Summary: The page following the front page should contain only a summary written in English of about 150-200 words which describe accurately and concisely the purpose, methods and results of the paper.

Format: The paper proper will begin on the third page of the typescript. A stereotyped organization of materials into an introduction, methods, results and discussion is not necessarily required. Any logical and clear presentation of the material is acceptable. Computer nomenclature and abbreviations should conform to the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics' Terms. Laboratory slang or colloquialisms should generally be avoided as they may not be understood by some readers. Such terms, however, often have a precision that cannot otherwise be obtained (e.g. "hydraulic rabbit" as a device for carrying samples rapidly in and out of an atomic reactor). In such instances these may be used, provided they are adequately defined and explained. Authors should familiarize themselves with issues of the Journal recently published when preparing a typescript for submittal.

Programming languages: Names of programming languages such as FORTRAN or BASIC are spelled all in italicized capitals (underlined when preparing the typescript).

Abbreviations: They will be used without periods and without intervening space between letters. Universally known abbreviations (USA for United States of America) need not be defined. Otherwise, abbreviations, symbols and acronyms for terms and expressions should always be spelled out and placed in parentheses following the full expression the first time it appears in the text, e.g. "intensive care unit (ICU)." Henceforth, the abbreviation alone may be used. Chemical substances should be designated by their systematic chemical name orformula (namely, potassium chloride or KCI), and drugs by their generic names. Trade names of chemicals, drugs or technical devices (spelled exactly as trademarked) may be used after having once been identified by their scientific names. Radionuclides (radioisotopes) will be symbolized with the atomic mass as a left superscript, e.g. 14C, 32P.

Keywords: The author(s) must supply up to six words or expressions to encode the typescript. These keywords are to be written on the front page. In the author(s) interest these keywords should be from the collection used in Index Medicus published by the US National Library of Medicine. Considerable care should be used in selecting keywords because they will be used for subject indexing in this Journal and in other databases.

Figures: All figures, including charts, graphs, photographs, computer printouts and the like, must be submitted in duplicate and should be numbered with consecutive arabic numbers. Figures should be kept separate from the text with an approximate position for each indicated in the margin.

Preparation: Figures submitted must be of sufficient quality for direct reproduction. Computer printouts must be completely legible. Line drawings should be prepared in black (India) ink on white paper or tracing cloth, with all lettering and symbols included. Alternatively, clear sharp photoprints (glossies) are acceptable. Each print intended for halftone reproduction must be a good glossy original of maximum contrast. Each illustration must be properly identified on the reverse by number, author's name, first two or three words of the article title, and clear indication of the top and bottom. This identification should be typed or printed on a label on the back of the print; pencil may be used directly on the back of the print (however, care must be taken not to indent or damage the front surface of the print). Do not crop photos. All captions must be typed on a separate sheet in numerical order. There are charges for colored illustrations.

Tables: Each table should be typed on a separate sheet regardless of how short it may be. Number tables consecutively with roman numerals, and give each a clear descriptive caption. If possible, avoid the use of vertical lines in tables.

Measurements and Units: Measurements and units should be expressed with their exact abbreviations in the modernized metric version known as the Systeme Internationale d'Unite officially abbreviated to SI. Examples of the six basic SI units are: for length, meter m; for mass, kilogram kg; for time, second s; for electric current, ampere A; for amount of substance, mole mol; for luminous intensity, candela cd. Note specially the following SI units and abbreviations: for force, newton N (not kg force); for work and energy of any kind, joule J (not erg); for power of any kind, watt W; for voltage, volt V; for light flux, lumen lm; for magnetic flux density; tesla T (note 1 T =104 gauss); for radioactivity, becquerel Bq (although until the readership is more familiar with the becquerel, curie Ci may still be used; note 1 Ci = 3.7 1010 Bq). There are no periods or plurals when the official abbreviations are used. Note capital letter abbreviations only for eponyms. Note also the abbreviations for minute min and hour h, and specially micrometer symbolized by m (not ), microgram by g (not ) and microliter by l (not ). For cubic centimeters use cm3 and for liquid measures ml (not cc or c.c.). Note also kb, Mb and Gb, respectively, for kilobyte (103 bytes), megabyte (106 bytes) and gigabyte (109 bytes). It is preferable to avoid nonmetric units, but if strongly needed by the author they can be used in parentheses after the proper SI units.

Bibliographic References: Each bibliographic reference should be identified in the text by a number in square brackets (e.g. [ 31] in order of appearance and be listed in numerical order at the end of the typescript. Insider's information or promissory notes, as the much abused personal communication and to be published, are not advised as they are of little use to readers. All authors' names, full title of journal article, as well as the first and last page numbers, are required for the information of readers. Abbreviations for journals are those used in Index Medicus published by the US National Library of Medicine. Typical format for references is as follows:[1] G.L. Brownell, M. Berman, J.S. Robertson, Nomenclature for tracer kinetics, Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 19 (1968) 249-262.
[2] R. Rosen, Optimality Principles in Biology, Plenum Press, New York, 1967.
[3] S. Goldman, Cybernetic aspects of homeostasis, in: C.L. Comar, F. Bronner (Eds.) Mineral Metabolism; An Advanced Treatise, Vol. 1, Part A, Academic Press, New York, 1960, pp. 61 100.

Although not encouraged, reference to dissertation theses or so-called technical reports is permissable. In such cases, sufficient information must be given in the citation for the reader to be able to reach the original report.

Proofs and Reprints: one set of uncorrected proofs will be sent for checking to the corresponding author. Only printer's errors may be corrected: no changes in, or additions to the edited manuscript will be accepted. Proofs must be returned to the Publisher within 2 days of receipt. Fifty reprints are provided free of charge. Additional copies (100 minimum) can be ordered at prices shown on the Reprint Order Form which will be sent with the proofs.


Editorial Board


  A. Hasman, Department of Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands;Fax: (+31) 43-388 4170Email:hasman@mi.unimaas.nl
  C. Safran MD, One Wells Ave, Suite 201Newton, MA 02459, USA www.cstlink.comFax: (+1) 617-614-2525Email:csafran@harvard.edu
Associate Editors:
  H. Marin, Federal University of Sao Paulo. Rua Dep.Bady Bassit 440, CEP 05517-050, Sao Paulo, BrazilEmail:heimar@denf.epm.br
  H. Takeda, Osaka University Graduate School of Medical School, Department of Medical Information Science, Osaka University Hospital, Osaka, JapanFax: +81 6 6879 5903Email:takeda@hp-info.med.osaka-u.ac.jp
  J. Talmon, Department of Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The NetherlandsFax: (+31) 43-388 4170Email:talmon@mi.unimaas.nl
Founding Editor:
  J. Rose, St. Annes-on-Sea, UK
Editorial Board (term 2003 - 2006):
  E. Ammenwerth, Austria
  R. Baud, Switzerland
  P. Brennan, USA
  R. Buscart, France
  B. Cesnik, Australia
  A. Geissbuhler, Switzerland
  D. Goldsmith, USA
  K. Khun, Germany
  N. Lorenzi, USA
  E. Massad, Brazil
  N. Oliveri, Argentina
  T. Wetter, Germany
  C.P. Wong, Hong Kong
Editorial Board (2001 - 2004):
B. Blobel, Germany
  E. Coiera, Australia
  R. Gardner, USA
  E. Hammond, USA
  T. Hannan, Australia
  M. Kimura, Japan
  R. Klar, Germany
  H. Lowe, USA
  J. Moerhr, Canada
  K. Ong, Singapore
  J. van der Lei, The Netherlands
Editorial Board (term 2000 - 2003):
  M.J. Ball, USA
  P. Degoulet, France
  M. Fieschi, France
  E.J.S. Hovenga, Australia
  Y-C. Li, Taiwan
  K.C. Lun, Singapore
  J. Mantas, Greece
  V.L. Patel, Canada
  D. Rind, USA
  M. Stefanelli, Italy
  J. Zarova, Czech Republic
  B. de Faria Leao, Brazil



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