

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


LCA is a process to evaluate the environmental burdens associated with a product, process, or activity by identifying and quantifying energy and materials used and wastes released to the environment; to assess the impact of those energy and material uses and releases to the environment; and to identify and evaluate opportunities to affect environmental improvements.

Aim and Scope
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Int J LCA) is the first journal devoted entirely to LCA. LCA has become a recognized instrument to assess the ecological burdens and impacts connected with products and systems, or, more generally, with human activities.

The LCA-Journal - which has been expanded by a section on Life Cycle Management (LCM) - is a forum for
  • Scientists developing LCA and LCM
  • LCA and LCM practitioners
  • Managers concerned with environmental aspects of products
  • Governmental environmental agencies responsible for product quality
  • Scientific and industrial societies involved in LCA development
  • Ecological institutions and bodies

  • Papers on the improvement and development of LCA methodology
  • Social and political acceptance of LCA
  • Governmental activities + EC, OECD, ISO
  • Examples from industrial applications
  • "Historical series": LCA How it came about
  • Energy analysis
  • Short versions of actual LCAs and case studies
  • LCA-Peer reviews
  • LCA and eco-labeling
  • Reports on:
  • LCA data banks
  • LCA software
  • LCA standardization
  • LCA-active groups
  • LCA workshops, symposia, conferences
  • Activities within UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
  • Activities within SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), SETAC-Europe, SETAC-GLB (SETAC-German Language Branch)
  • Activities within UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative
  • Governmental Activities + EC, OECD, ISO
  • National activities

Target Groups
The target group of the journal is partly identical with the groups listed above (see Aim and Scope). It is to be expected, however, that decision makers in industry and government, consumer advisers, ecologically engaged groups and individuals, and quality managers, will also be potential readers and authors.

Geographically, the following countries are especially engaged in LCA and m

Instructions to Authors


Submission of papers: Before submitting the manuscript, the authors are requested to send an abstract by E-mail to both the Editor-in-Chief (walter.kloepffer@t-online.de) and the Publisher Editor (a.heinrich@ecomed.de).

This abstract must present the following structure:

?Goal, Scope and Background

?Methods (or Main Features)

?Results and Discussion


?Recommendation and Perspective (Outlook)

After having studied the abstract, the Editor-in-Chief will then either invite the author to submit the complete paper or discuss further details with him which he thinks may prove to be necessary.

The manuscript must completely reflect the author guidelines. Among others, figures and tables have to be embedded, whereas the final submission requires text, figures, tables, list of figure legends and table captions to be stored as separate files. The Publisher Editor will screen the manuscript in terms of the author guidelines. If the paper does not satisfy the guidelines, it will be returned for further improvement. Otherwise it will electronically be forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief for processing and supervising the review procedure.

To authors from non-English language countries:

To have the best possible pre-requisition for the review process, please ask a native speaker to check the quality of the English language and, if necessary, to improve it before you submit the complete paper.

Submission of the final version:

If you do not have the opportunity of a language check, we can offer you this service to a price of Euro 17,90 per hour. Average value, depending on paper length and language quality, is 1,5 to 2 hours.

Ma n u s c rr iip tt Re q u ii rr eme ntt s


MS-Word for Windows, Office 97 format (do not submit Mac-generated files)

Internet index of authors:


We request that you send us your Photo (TIF, GIF or JPG, not inserted into Word ),

as well as a brief Text (running text, no table) in which you present your current interests and activities.

This text may also appear as a footnote or endnote to your printed article (should adequate space be available).

The Ten Golden Rules

1. In the head of your manuscript, please note:Date of submission, number of pages, figures, tables, diagrams, formulas, equations

2. Do not make any use of indentations and refrain from centering your text;instead, format your text in a block format

3. Line-spacing: 1.5

4. Text size: 10 pt

5. Format: Times New Roman

6. Use no automatic syllabifying and also make no use of hard hyphens (dashes)

7. Place page numbers at the end of each page

8. Quotation marks: Only use straight (no typographical) and single quotation marks.

Double quotation marks should only be used for quotations

9. Do not make use

- of italics excluding species' names,

- of underlining words excluding E-mail and internet addresses,

- of capitals excluding acronyms (like LCIA), and

- of small capitals (LIFE CYCLE IMPACT ASSESSMENT).

10. Do not make any use of active documents including E-mail and internet addresses.

Length of the articles:

1 printed page of text is equivalent to 2 pages of manuscript of the following format:

10 pt Times New Roman, 1.5 line-spacing, 2 cm of margin upper, lower, right, left

?LCA Methodology:

up to a maximum of 8 pages of text

?LCA Case Studies:

up to a maximum of 10 pages of text

?Commentaries and Discussions:

up to a maximum of 6 pages of text

If more space is needed, please separate the paper into two parts to be published in subsequent issues.

From the Top through the Bottom of the manuscript

?Title: Formatted with a left margin using only upper-/lower-case letters. Formulate an informative title which is easy

to grasp. If necessary, separate the title into a title and subtitle.

?Author line: Formatted with a left margin using only upper-/lower-case letters. Please include the Christian name,

initial(s) of the middle name(s), and surnames of all authors. The complete addresses should be found below this

author line. In articles with more than one author, the corresponding author, including his/her E-mail address,

should appear directly below these addresses. Use Arabic numerals to associate the authors with their addresses.


Lara J. Hansen, David L. Fabacher  and Robin Calfee

1 Section of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis, California 95616, USA

2 Columbia Environmental Research Center, Biological Resources Division, United States Geological Survey, 4200 New Haven Road,

Columbia, Missouri 65201, USA

* Corresponding author (lara.hansen@wwfus.org)


The authors' names in the author line, in the text as well as in the references must appear in upper-/lower-case letters (no small capitals or capitals)

Abstract: Please separate the abstract into the following sections, which can be adapted to suit the particular type

of article (e.g. methodological papers, case studies, discussion papers, commentaries):

Goal, Scope and Background

Methods (or Main Features)

Results and Discussion


Recommendation and Perspective (Outlook)

?Keywords: Please cite up to a maximum of 10 keywords, listed alphabetically and separated by semicolons.

?Text: The text should be formulated tightly. Avoid repetitions. Known facts should only be referred to through the use of references. Make divisions in the text through the use of meaningful headlines. A good subdivision of the paper is desired. The sections must be numbered sequentially and decimally (using Arabic numerals), besides of Introduction, Acknowledgement, List of References.

?List of References (must not be formatted as endnotes): Two different forms of presenting references are possible:

1. Numerical (in brackets) and in the sequential order of their appearance in the text. In the text, only the

appropriate number is to be found (also in brackets).

2. Alphabetical: The surname of the author and the year of publication - without a comma between - are found in the text and placed in parentheses. Multiple reference sites are separated from one another through the use of commas.

Citations from journals must include the author's name with initial of the first name, the year of publication, the title of the article, the title of the journal, volume number, and the number of the first and last page of the specific article.

Please use upper-/lower-case letters for the authors' names. For the titles of articles, use either upper or lower case letters, not both versions. For the titles of journals, please use the official abbreviations through the whole list of references or use the full titles (not both versions). Example:

Heinonen P, Paasivirta J, Herve S (1986): Periphyton and mussels in monitoring chlorohydrocarbons and chlorphenols in watercourses.

Toxicol Environ Chem 11, 191-201

Nevalainen T, Koistinen J (1990): Model Compound Synthesis for the Structural Determination of New Unknown Planar Aromatic

Compounds Originating from Pulp Mill. Organohalogen Compounds 4, 361-364


1. the initials (without a dot) follow the surnames

2. The authors' names are separated by commas

3. the journals are abbreviated without a dot

4. there is no dot at the end of the references

?Tables and Figures: Please provide a separate file including table captions and figure legends. Number (Arabic

numerals) all of the tables and figures with the respective numbers as they are to be found in the text.


1. Please use the table function available with Word. Set no tab stops

2. Width: 8.5 or 17.5 cm

3. Do not use any shadowing except for the purpose of making differentiations

4. Fonts (typeface): Helvetica or Arial

5. Note that references to tables should be marked with lower-case letters (do not use numbers or asterisks)

6. Use no frames or double lines; instead, a line above and below the table and lines within.

Use a line-size of 0.5 pt

Figures (line drawings):

1. Please provide figures in high resolution (300-600 dpi):

TIF, GIF, JPG, PPT, EXCEL, or figures inserted into WORD texts

Line-size: 0.5 pt

Width: 8.5 cm or as wide as is absolutely necessary

2. Lettering in the figure:

Helvetica or Arial. Please make no use of unusual fonts (typefaces).

It is merely important that the text can be read easily

3. Colors must be altered to shades of gray (gray scales).

Color reproduction is possible, although it will require a charge by the authors for the additional cost of printing.

The particular rates for this process may be obtained on request.

4. Shadowing should only be used to accentuate important contents and not for the purpose of design.

?Footnotes are to be numbered sequentially (Arabic numerals)

?Formulas and equations: All chemical formulas and mathematical equations are to be numbered sequentially.

?Abbreviations: Abbreviations are used according to the regulations of the Chemical Abstracts Index Guide. In the event of special abbreviations, please include a list of 'Abbreviations ' or a 'Glossary' at the end of your article, which includes all abbreviations and explains all dimensions.

?Units: Use only metric units (SI) and some other units listed in ISO 1000. Examples of such additional units, not belonging to SI, are hectare (ha), litre (= dm3) (l, L), day (d), hour (h), minute (min), km/h, tonne (=Mg) (t), Wh and its multiples, as kWh, MWh, GWh (only in order to distinguish electrical energy from other forms of energy), decibel (dB), mol/l or mol/L (= mol/dm3), electron volt (eV) and its multiples, as keV, MeV, GeV. The degree Celsius (°C) belongs to SI with the definition that zero degree Celsius is equal to (exactly) 273.15 K.

Online-First publication:

Until the articles are published in the printed version of the journal, they will first be made available in the OnlineFirst version of Int J LCA. Once the articles are published in OnlineFirst, they are officially published (no matter when the article will appear in the printed edition) and can be referenced by way of the DOI (Digital Object Identifier, see www.dx.doi.org). The DOI is likewise citation code and internet address of the articles. http://www.scientificjournals.com/onlinefirst/lca/

PDF-files, Reprints, free journal copies:

The authors can order the final PDF data files (in high resolution and with the actual page numbers)

to a price of Euro 20.00.

The PDF can be printed and distributed for personal use only.

The digital distribution of the PDF data files is not permitted.

Should the PDF data file be published in a Website, the logo of the journal must be placed beside it

along with the following statement: Courtesy of Int J LCA, ecomed publishers.

A link of the logo with the www.scientificjournals.com Website must also be ensured.


(minimal number: 50 copies)

may be ordered (see Reprints, www.scientificjournals.com/lca/) and billed (you will receive an invoice).

Author's copy:

Each author will receive a copy of the printed issue in which his/her article appears.



Editorial Board



Walter Klöpffer http://www.kloepffer.de


Publisher Editor

Almut Beate Heinrich

ecomed verlagsgesellschaft

Justus-von-Liebig-Str. 1

D-86899 Landsberg, Germany

Tel: + 49-8191/125-469

Fax: + 49-8191/125-492

E-mail: a.heinrich@ecomed.de

Internet: http://www.scientificjournals.com/lca/



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