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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics publishes articles on all aspects of basic and clinical research in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology and related subjects, with emphasis on matters of worldwide interest.


Editorials; Articles; Case Reports; Brief Communications; FIGO NEWS; Citations from the Literature; International Calendar; ACOG Educational Bulletins and Committee Opinions; Review Articles.

The journal is the official publication of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO).


Instructions to Authors


Type of articles
Full length articles should not exceed 8 printed pages (4400 words including tables and references - about 20 typewritten double-spaced 8? 11" sheets). Subject matter should be organized under suitable headings and subheadings such as: Structured Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments and References. Footnotes should be avoided and their contents incorporated into the text. Manuscripts should be in their final form when submitted. The first page should contain (a) title and subtitle of the paper, (b) name(s) of author(s); first names will be shortened to initials and degrees will not be used; (c) affiliation(s) of author(s) (i.e. department, section or unit of an institution, hospital or organization, city, state, and/or country where it is located; (d) a list of 3-6 keywords for indexing and retrieval; (e) synopsis no longer than 25 words, stating in one or two sentences the conclusions of the paper, for use in the table of contents. Papers are published in English, using American spelling. The editors reserve the right to make any necessary editorial changes.

Case reports should be limited to 800 words and 3 references - approximately 4 manuscript pages - and should include a synopsis, standard abstract of 75 words maximum, 3-5 key words/phrases for indexing purposes, and a short title. If tables and/or figures are used, an equivalent number of words must be deducted from the total.

Brief communications should be typed double-spaced and submitted in triplicate, and the text of the manuscript should be no more than 400 words - 2 manuscript pages, excluding references, name(s) and address(es) of the signers. There should be no more than 4 references, no more than 1 table or 1 figure, and no more than 3 authors, all of whom should sign the copyright release form. Keywords and name and mailing address of all authors should be included.

Social issues in reproductive health should address such topics as abortion, AIDS, contraception, domestic violence, infertility, regret after sterilization, sexual abuse, status of women, and work during pregnancy. Articles for this section should follow the format for regular articles, but should include a standard abstract.

Review articles should follow the format for a regular article, but should be submitted only after consultation with the Editor-in-Chief.

Submission of manuscripts. The original and 3 copies of each manuscript should be submitted to John J. Sciarra, M.D., Ph.D., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS, Room 490, 333 East Superior Street, Chicago, IL 60611, U.S.A. The author(s) should retain a complete copy of the manuscript; original manuscript cannot be returned. Prior to publication, the author(s) must guarantee (1) that the article has not been published; (2) that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere; and (3) that is has been submitted with the full knowledge and approval of the institution or organization given as the affiliation of the author(s). Submission of multi-authored manuscripts implies the consent of each of the authors. Generally, no more than six authors should be listed. All authors must sign the Author(s) Guarantee Form accompanying the transmittal letter. After the article has been accepted for publication, each author must also sign a Transfer of Copyright assigning the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics all rights to the manuscript to protect the author(s) and the IJGO from unauthorized use of the article's contents. The article's principal author is responsible for ensuring that all the necessary forms are signed and returned. Uniform requirements. The requirements of the International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics are in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. J Am Med Assoc 1993 May 5; 269: 2282-6. Single copies of these requirements are available free of charge from the Secretariat Office, American College of Physicians, Independence Mall West, Sixth Street at Race, Philadelphia, PA 19106-1572, USA. Tel: (800)523-1546 Ext. 2631.

Electronic manuscripts. Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for the re-keying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery of proofs. For the initial submission of manuscripts for consideration, hardcopies are sufficient. For the processing of accepted papers, electronic versions are preferred. After final acceptance, your disk plus two, final and exactly matching printed versions should be submitted together. Double density (DD) or high density (HD) diskettes (3?or 5?inches) are acceptable. It is important that the file saved is in the native format of the wordprocessor program used. Label the disk with the name of the computer and wordprocessing package used, your name, and the name of the file on the disk. Further information may be obtained from the Publisher.

Authors in Japan. Upon request, Elsevier Science Japan will provide authors with a list of people who can check and improve the English of their paper (before submission). Please contact our Tokyo office: Elsevier Science, Japan, 9-15, Higashi-Azabu 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0044; Japan; Tel: (+81)3-5561-5032; Fax: (+81)3-5561-5045; E-mail: info@elsevier.co.jp.

Abstract. A structured abstract is required for all regular and review articles. The structured abstract, limited to 150 words, should contain the following major headings: Objective; Method; Result; and Conclusion. The Objective reflects the purpose of the study, that is, the hypothesis that is being tested. The Method should include the setting for the study, the subjects (number and type), the treatment or intervention, and the type of statistical analysis. The Result includes the outcome of the study and statistical significance, if appropriate. The Conclusion states the significance of the results. A Standard Abstract not exceeding 75 words, containing pertinent information about the materials and methods, important results, and conclusions may be used for a case report or an article for social issues in reproductive medicine.

Synopsis. On a separate page, the author should provide a one- or two-sentence synopsis, no longer than 25 words, of the conclusions of the paper for use in the table of contents.
Full title: Pharmacokinetics of meperidine in pregnancy
Authors: E.L. Todd, D.T. Stafford, E.T. Bucovaz, J.C. Morrison.
Synopsis: The half-life of meperidine in pregnant women is longer (13.3 h) than expected. These data may have important clinical correlates in sequential dosing.

Acknowledgments. Personal acknowledgements will be limited to appropriate professionals who were contributors to the paper.

References. References should not exceed 20-25 in number and should in general be limited to the last decade. They must be numbered and listed in the order cited in the article, using Index Medicus abbreviations for journal titles. List all authors, but if there are more than six, list first six plus et al.

1 Vellacott ID, Cooke EJA, James CE: Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1988; 27: 57-59.
2 Speroff L, Glass RH, Kase NG: Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. 1982: 105.
3 Disaia PJ, Creasman WT: Invasive cancer of the vulva. In: Disaia PJ, Creasman WT, editors, Clinical Gynecologic Oncology. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby. 1984: 214-219.

Text references should be indicated by Arabic numerals in brackets: "the incidence is similar to that in other reports [1,5,11,17]. Davies et al. [6] have reported...." To avoid any delays in the editing process, authors must make every effort to see that each reference is correct and complete. Incomplete references will be returned to the principal author for completion before the manuscript is edited. All references must be in English. This journal should be cited as Int J Gynecol Obstet.

Editorial style
Arabic numerals should be used for weights, measures, percentages and degrees of temperature. Weights and measures should be abbreviated according to the International System of Units: kg, g, mg, g, mmol, mol, m, cm, mm, m, nm, A, cm2, ml, l, M, mM, M, nM, N, h, min, s, ms, s. Use % after numerals throughout. Give generic names of all pharmaceutical preparations and, where appropriate, include (in parentheses, following) the trade name and manufacturer's name and address. Give the manufacturer's name and address (in parentheses) following names of any instruments or equipment cited by brand name.

Tables. Each table should be titled, numbered (with Arabic numerals), and typed on a separate page. Only standard, universally understood abbreviations should be used. Authors should prepare tabular material in an easily readable form, eliminating tables presenting information that can easily be incorporated into the text. Tables should be referred to in the text as "Table 1" etc. and approximate position indicated.

Figures should be submitted either as original, unmounted artwork suitable for reproduction or as glossy black and white photographs to fit either single or double columns (75 mm or 160 mm wide and no deeper than 175 mm). Also, insert a ubar (where applicable) on photographs, including autoradiographs and electronmicrographs, to indicate magnification. (Illustrations and photographs may be printed in color at the author's expense). On the back of each photograph and illustration, the figure number (in Arabic numerals), principal author's name, and an arrow indicating the top of the figure should be printed lightly. Care should be taken not to break photographic emulsions. Titles and legends for al figures should be typed on a separate sheet. All numerical and alphabetical notations within the figures should be large enough (1.5 - 2.0 mm) to be fully legible after reduction. Figures should be referred to in the text as "Fig. 1" etc. and approximate position should be indicated.

Proofs and reprints. Printer's proofs and a reprint order form will be sent to the principal author by the Publisher. They must be returned to the Publisher within 48 hours of receipt. The author is responsible for detecting typesetting errors and no change in, or addition to, the edited manuscript will be allowed at this stage. No free reprints will be supplied. Authors should supply a complete address for reprint requests, and should return the form even if no reprints are ordered.

Conflict of interest. All authors must sign the Author(s) Guarantee Form and include a statement in the transmittal letter that no conflict of interest exists.

Final Checklist and Mailing Instructions. Please attach a copy of this form to your manuscript, checking each item to be certain that the article is in compliance with the formation and requirements of the International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics.


Editorial Board



J.J. Sciarra, Professor and Chairman, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Northwestern University, 333 East Superior Street, Suite 490, Chicago, IL 60611, USA; Tel: +1 312 908 7510, Fax: +1 312 908 8777, Email: kwilliams@nmff.org

Assistant Editor:

L.G. Keith, Northwestern University, 333 Superior Street, Chicago, IL 60611, USA

Managing Editor:

K. Williams, USA

Honorary Editor:

H.A. Kaminetzky, USA

Honorary Associate Editors:

A. Ingelman-Sundberg, Sweden
W. Kuhn, Germany
L. Hamberger, Sweden

Citations from the Literature:

L. Keith, USA

Review Articles:

T. Johnson, USA

Symposia and Supplements:

G. Benagiano, Italy

Social Issues in Reprodutive Health:

M. Fathalla, Egypt
A. Rosenfield, USA

Ethical and Legal Issues in Reproductive Health:

R. Cook, Canada
B. Dickens, Canada

FIGO Staging of Gynecologic Cancer:

S. Pecorelli, Italy

Citations from Chinese Literature

N.T. Ng, Taiwan

Statistical Consultant:

G. Del Priore, USA

Averting Maternal Death and Disability:

D. Maine, USA
J. Fortney, USA

FIGO Officers:

S. Sheth, President - India
The Lord Patel, Vice-President - UK
A. Acosta, President-Elect - Paraguay
M. Seppäl?/B>, Past-President - Finland
S. Arulkumaran, Treasurer - UK
O. Benagiano, Secretary General - Italy

FIGO Executive Board:

I. Fraser, Australia & New Zealand
A. Staudach, Austria
E.C. Baracat, Brazil
D. Shaw, Canada
M Ruiz, Chile
V. Unzeitig, Czech Republic
M.B. Sammour, Egypt
R.A. Ramos, El Salvador
H.J. Philippe, France
W. Jonat, Germany
A.H.K. Collison, Ghana
G. Mandruzzato, Italy
Y. Murata, Japan
R. Naudisauskiene, Lithuania
M.S.W. Lum, Malaysia
C. Fernández del Castillo, Mexico
U. Kirste, Norway
R.L. Khan, Pakistan
P.C. Wong, Singapore
B.G. Lindeque, South Africa
L. Cabero-Roura, Spain
C. Sen, Turkey
R. Shaw, UK


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