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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

                                  International Journal of Computer Vision

The International Journal of Computer Vision provides a forum for the dissemination of new research results in the rapidly growing field of computer vision. Now publishing 15 issues a year, International Journal of Computer Vision presents high quality, original papers contributing to the science of computer vision, including:

  • computational aspects of vision (vision algorithms, visualization, systems, artificial intelligence approaches and computer architectures for vision).
  • applications of computer vision with special emphasis on robotics, photo interpretation, multi-media and medicine.

Instructions to Authors

Authors are encouraged to submit high quality, original works which have not appeared, nor are under consideration, in other journals. Papers which have previously appeared in conference proceedings will also be considered, and this should be so indicated at the time of submission. All papers must include:

  1. Title
  2. Author(s) and complete contact information
  3. Abstract
  4. Keywords

Process for Electronic Submissions of Manuscripts and Video

  1. Please upload your paper and video clip to the ftp site: ftp.wkap.com. The author login for the ftp site is: ijcv-author Password: ijcv-upload
    Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF and video clips in MPEG. In order to be considered video clips must be limited to 2 minutes (5 MB).
  2. You will need to send notification of the uploaded materials. Please send notification to the IJCV Journals Editorial Office at the following e-mail address: ijcv@wkap.com. In your message, we will require the following information:
    1. Title of Paper
    2. Author(s) name(s)
    3. Corresponding Author's complete contact information and e-mail addresses for all authors.
    4. Name of special issue and the Guest Editor's name (if applicable).
    5. Number of manuscript pages and number of videos (limited to two-minute clips or 5MB).

Process for Hard Copy Submissions

Prospective authors should submit five (5) hard copies of their complete manuscript to Ms. Melissa Andersen, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Assinippi Park, Norwell, MA 02061; Tel: (781)681-0595; Fax:(781)878-0449.

Your paper must include the following:

  1. Title of Paper
  2. Author(s) name(s)
  3. Corresponding Author's complete contact information and e-mail addresses for all authors.
  4. Name of special issue and the Guest Editor's name (if applicable).
  5. Number of manuscript pages.

For Accepted Papers Only

Please send the electronic version (of ACCEPTED papers only) via one of the methods listed below. Note, in the event of minor discrepancies between the electronic version and the hard copy, the electronic file will be used as the final version.

Via electronic mail

  1. Authors should send an ELECTRONIC VERSION (SOURCE FILES). Kluwer will accept almost any word processing format. Electronic figures must be embedded in the text or sent in postscript format. Video must be in MPEG format and no larger then 5 MB per paper. Please e-mail electronic version to: KAPfiles@wkap.com.
  2. Recommended formats for sending files via e-mail:
    1. Binary files-uuencode or binhex
    2. Compressing files- compress, pkzip or gzip
    3. Collecting files- tar
  3. The e-mail message should include the manuscript number, the author's last name, the name of the journal to which the paper has been accepted, the name of the special issue and Guest Editor's name (if applicable), and the type of file (e.g., LaTex or ASCII).

Via anonymous ftp

  1. ftp: ftp.wkap.com
  2. cd: /incoming/production (If you don't see "production" directory, then upload it to "incoming" directory.
  3. Send email to KAPfiles@wkap.com to inform Kluwer electronic version is at this FTP site. The e-mail message should include the manuscript number, the author's last name, the name of the journal to which the paper has been accepted, the name of the special issue and Guest Editor's name (if applicable), and the name (e.g., VISI_paper.zip) and type of file (e.g., LaTex or ASCII).

Via disk

  1. Label your disk with the manuscript code, the authors' names, the title, the name of the journal to which the paper has been accepted, and the operating system.
  2. Mail the disk to:
    Kluwer Academic Publishers
    Desktop Department
    101 Philip Drive
    Assinippi Park
    Norwell, MA 02061

    Questions about the above procedures should be directed to: dthelp@wkap.com.


Page proofs for the articles to be included in a journal issue will be sent to the first-named author for proofing. The proofread copy should be returned to the Publisher within 48 hours.


First-named authors will be sent fifty free reprints of the paper for distribution to all the contributing authors. Additional reprints may be ordered from the Publisher prior to publication. An order form will be sent to the authors with the page proofs.

Editorial Board
Professor Olivier Faugeras INRIA Professor Katsushi Ikeuchi University of Tokyo Professor Jean Ponce University of Illinois Editorial Assistants Assistant to Olivier Faugeras Marie Lafont (mclafont@sophia.inria.fr) Assistant to Katsu Ikeuchi Keiko Motoki (kmotoki@cvl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp) Assistant to Jean Ponce Sharon Collins (scollins@cs.uiuc.edu) Advisory Editors Thomas O. Binford Stanford University Robert C. Bolles SRI International Rodney Brooks Massachusetts Institute of Technology Martin A. Fischler SRI International Berthold K.P. Horn Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ray Jarvis Monash University Azriel Rosenfeld University of Maryland

Yoshiaki Shirai Osaka University Saburo Tsuji Wakayama University Editorial Board Edward H. Adelson Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nicholas Ayache INRIA Ruzena Bajcsy University of California at Berkeley Andrew Blake Microsoft Corporation Michael Brady Oxford University Chris Brown University of Rochester Larry Davis University of Maryland Jan-Olof Eklundh Royal Institute of Technology Eric Grimson Massachusetts Institute of Technology Richard Hartley The Australian National University Thomas Huang University of Illinois Takeo Kanade Carnegie Mellon University Jan Koenderink Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht

David Lowe University of British Columbia Jitendra Malik University of California/Berkeley David Mumford Brown University Joseph Mundy General Electric Company Hans-Hellmut Nagel University of Karlsruhe Shree K. Nayar Columbia University Pietro Perona California Institute of Technology Edward M. Riseman University of Massachusetts Steven Shafer Microsoft Corporation Richard Szeliski Microsoft Corporation Shimon Ullman The Wiezmann Institute of Science Luc Van-Gool Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven Andrew Zisserman University of Oxford Steven Zucker


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