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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The International Journal of Cancer accepts manuscripts for submission under a broad scope of topics relevant to experimental and clinical cancer research. The editorial categories within the journal are: Carcinogenesis, Cancer Cell Biology, Cancer Genetics, Tumor Virology, Tumor Immunology, Predictive Markers and Cancer Prevention, Epidemiology, Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy. International Journal of Cancer publishes original research articles, mini reviews, fast track articles, short reports, and letters to the Editor.

Instructions to Authors

Online Submission and Peer Review
Manuscript Submission Form
Wiley's Journal Styles and EndNote

International Journal of Cancer
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Im Neuenheimer Feld 242, F820
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Telephone: +49-6221-42-4800
Fax: +49-6221-42-4809

The International Journal of Cancer (official journal of the International Union Against Cancer¡ªUICC) appears 30 times per year. International Journal of Cancer accepts manuscripts for submission under a broad scope of topics relevant to experimental and clinical cancer research. The editorial categories within the journal are: carcinogenesis, cancer cell biology, cancer genetics, tumor virology, tumor immunology, predictive markers and cancer prevention, epidemiology, and cancer diagnosis and therapy. International Journal of Cancer publishes original research articles, mini reviews, fast track articles, short reports, and letters to the editor.

Editorial Process. All papers will be assessed initially by the Editors. A selection of papers will be sent for external review to experts in the field. When a decision is reached, a decision letter will be sent to the authors by fax, including the comments of the referee(s). Decision letters for papers not sent for review will also be returned by fax. To aid in the peer review, we invite authors to suggest potential reviewers of their paper (including address, fax, and email) in the cover letter or on the Submission Form upon submission. The receipt of a manuscript will be acknowledged the same day with a letter by fax or email giving the manuscript number.

We remind you that in submitting to International Journal of Cancer you agree that your work is original in presentation and content that the work has neither been published elsewhere ¡ª including being posted on any site on the Internet ¡ª nor is simultaneously under submission as a complete paper with another journal.

Submission Procedure (by express mail or post). The Journal requires written consent of all authors upon submission, verifying agreement with content and presentation, and knowledge of submission to International Journal of Cancer. Complete the bottom of the Submission Form for this. We will also accept a separate page with the same statement and signatures. All decision letters will be sent by fax. Therefore, please provide a fax number on the Title Page (beginning with the country code), ensure that the number is functional, and provide an alternate number if possible. Suggestions for potential reviewers are helpful, in the cover letter or on the Submission Form.

To submit, please send:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Three copies of the manuscript (text and figures)
  3. Disk containing text (preferably in Microsoft Word) and figures (when possible). It is critical that the hard copy matches the disk.
  4. Submission Form / Acknowledgement of Authors
  5. Copyright Transfer Agreement (signed by at least one author)
  6. Letter of permission from appropriate investigators when "personal communication" or "unpublished data" are cited in the manuscript.

Electronic Submission. International Journal of Cancer is pleased to accept electronic submission of papers by email or by ftp. Please do not send a hard copy by post unless requested to do so by the editorial office. We especially encourage papers containing no figures or line figures that can be easily transmitted as digital files to be sent electronically. Please consult the Guidelines for Disks section for specific directions in preparing electronic files.

Email submission. We require:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Submission form/Acknowledgement of Authors
  3. Copyright Transfer Agreement, signed by at least one author
  4. Word document attachment of manuscript text.
  5. Figure attachments. Please indicate the format of the figures in the cover letter.
  6. Letter of permission from appropriate investigators when "personal communication" or "unpublished data" are cited in the manuscript.

Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6 may be sent by fax, post, or as PDFs attached to the email.

If we have difficulty converting the email attachments, the Editorial office will request a hard copy to be sent by post or fax. Please know that a final hard copy of all figures is required for all accepted manuscripts and must be sent to the Editorial office with the final submission or upon acceptance. The printer requires these to ensure to highest quality reproduction for publication.

FTP submission. To upload a file to the Journal's ftp site, it is better to use an ftp client (such as Fetch for Macs, or WS-FTP LE for Windows) rather than your web browser. Many ftp clients are available for downloading from the Internet. To proceed, use the ftp address or host name ftp.dkfz-heidelberg.de. Log into the site with the "Anonymous" option. You will then see a menu of folders. The correct folder to place your files in is named "Incoming". Open this folder by double-clicking on it, and then create a "subdirectory"¡ªa secured folder where your files are stored on our server. The files can only be retrieved using the exact name of the subdirectory you create. Therefore, you must share this name with the editorial office. Figure files and documents should be clearly named. For FTP submission we require:

  1. Email message or faxed letter to the Editorial office announcing the submission to the FTP site, with a list of the specific files placed on the site and the name of the subdirectory created
  2. Cover letter
  3. Submission form/Acknowledgement of Authors
  4. Copyright Transfer Agreement (signed by at least one author)
  5. Letter of permission from appropriate investigators when "personal communication" or "unpublished data" are cited in the manuscript.

Submission of revised manuscript. If you have been invited to submit a revised manuscript, please send:

  1. Three copies of the new paper. All changes made are shown in one additional copy of the paper, by underlining or marking with a colored pen in the margin. You must state the original manuscript number in your cover letter.
  2. Acknowledgment of Authors
  3. Title page with category of the manuscript and 3 or more key words listed
  4. Copyright Transfer Agreement (signed by at least one author), if not sent earlier

Types of Articles. International Journal of Cancer publishes four types of articles:

Mini Reviews. Though these are primarily commissioned by the Editors, exceptional proposals will be considered and sent for peer review. Presubmission enquiries providing the topic of proposed articles must be sent before submission. The Editors will then indicate whether the Review is of potential interest for the Journal.

Research articles. Full research papers should be as concise as possible, without sacrificing documentation of results. For studies on humans, a clear statement must be provided on the use of informed consent, and that the study was conducted after Human Experimentation Review by the relevant committee. Research articles should fit within the following categories and meet the Editorial standards stated.

Carcinogenesis. Reports on mechanistic investigations are particularly welcome and can include both animal and human studies.

Cancer Cell Biology. Analytical and functional data on tumor cell characterization (in vitro and in vivo) and on tumor-stroma interactions are very welcome. Immunohistochemical studies on tumor specimens should comprise representative numbers and sites of tumors and reliable characterization of the immune reaction with proof of antibody specificity and selectivity (positive and negative ¡ª e.g. antigen-absorption controls). These data should be seconded by RNA expression and/or functional studies demonstrating the reliability and relevance of the histochemical findings. Confirmatory findings on additional tumor types, stages, or sites without new functional, diagnostic, or therapeutic implications are not within the scope of the section. In vitro studies using freshly established and characterized tumor cells are preferable to those using cell lines established long ago with poor biological relevance to their tumors of origin.

Cancer Genetics. Genetic studies leading to the identification of factors and biochemical pathways relevant for the pathomechanism of tumors are particularly welcome. For studies concerning polymorphisms and cancer risk, a clear explanation of the biological hypothesis underlying the investigation, including possible biochemical pathways and functional relevance of genetic polymorphisms should be given. In cases of newly identified alleles, the potential functional relevance must be stated.

Case and control groups should be clearly defined, with a statement of inclusion/exclusion criteria including race, geography, age, gender, smoking status, for example. Differentiate between population-based and hospital-based controls. The criteria used for matching the data should be described. We remind authors of human population studies that informed written consent must be properly obtained and the study approved by an ethical committee. This information must be stated in the Materials and Methods section of your report.

Samples should be explicitly defined, stating completely the source of the DNA in genotyping (blood, tumor tissue, "normal tissue", method used to obtain oral cells, archived materials, or fresh materials) and describing the handling and storage of samples for phenotyping. Genotyping experiments should include a good description of the method used or a reference to a paper in which the exact method is specifically described. In addition we require a clear description of which polymorphisms have been investigated (nt position), and use of up-to-date nomenclature including the source (e.g. website address).

Statistical evaluations should include a clear statement of the power of the study; description of methods used including appropriate references; complete statistical analyses of the results: please a.) give adjusted ORs with 95% confidence intervals (arrived at using multivariate logistic regression), b.) state the adjustment parameters clearly, and c.) supply all necessary data for calculation of crude ORs; tables clearly presenting which groups have been compared to yield each individual result; and a clear explanation of why certain sample sets have been grouped together (e.g., different low frequency genotypes or different clinical parameters).

The discussion should present a cautious interpretation, especially if the results are based on small sample sets. This is especially important in order to avoid misuse of information published by organizations with commercial aims. Finally, we encourage a thorough discussion of other studies in the same area, especially when results differ, with a critical evaluation of the results being presented placed in the larger context.

Tumor Virology. Contributions to the Tumor Virology category should cover novel observations to the role of infections in human cancers. Mechanistic aspects of viral oncogene functions will be considered, as well as the discovery of new viruses with growth-stimulating properties or studies on indirect contributions of infections to cancer development (e.g. by HIV infection-mediated immunosuppression). Seroepidemiological and immunological studies related to tumor viruses and other tumorigenic infections will also be considered.

Tumor Immunology. The scope comprises mechanistic evaluations of the immunological tumor/host relationship in human and in animal systems in vitro, en vivo, and in vivo. Particularly welcome are papers that further the understanding of tumor pathogenesis and rational treatment strategies.

Predictive Markers and Cancer Prevention. This section covers the area of predicting individual human cancer risk from molecular biology studies. We invite papers that explore the development and application of nucleic acid based approaches that identify biomarkers linked to cancer, as well as the results of current investigations using other novel molecular probes as diagnostic and prognostic indicators for cancer detection and therapy.

Epidemiology. Study design should be discussed in sufficient detail for the reviewers and readers to understand precisely what was undertaken. The source of subjects should be described and justified, and the sample size defended. If case control study has been undertaken, sufficient detail must be provided to enable reviewers and readers to assess the extent the chosen controls represent the population from which the cases are drawn.

If subjects with special characteristics were recruited for other types of studies, such as a cohort study, the authors must describe how subjects were identified, and the extent they were representative of the population.

If the authors are describing the results of a randomized controlled trial, it would be helpful to use the Consort style guidelines, as described below under Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy.

The statistical analysis should be described in detail, and appropriate reference made to the methods used. Excessive reliance upon statistical testing is discouraged, 95% Confidence intervals should be provided where appropriate.

Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy. Reports on new advances in cancer therapy in humans are welcome, especially the results of well designed randomized (Phase III) trials. The results from observational studies conducted with carefully selected contemporaneously treated controls will also be considered. Results of pilot Phase I or Phase II trials will not generally be accepted as they are more suitable for a specialized cancer therapy journal. If the authors are describing the results of a randomized controlled trial, we recommend use of the Consort style guidelines in describing the study population (see JAMA 1996; 276:637-639). We will accept, but do not insist upon, a Consort style flow diagram. If the authors are describing the results of observational studies of therapy, the standards applicable in observational studies in epidemiology should be followed (see above).

Fast Track. The Journal is pleased to offer a new fast publication track for articles presenting superior novel findings and for studies of greatest priority ranked against similar submissions. The Fast Track articles appear approximately four issues (2 months) earlier than regular papers. Fast Track papers are chosen specifically by the Editors by their judgement and upon the recommendation of reviewers.

Letters to the Editor. Comments on published papers and controversial issues will be considered for publication as Letters to the Editor. In the former case, the Editors may invite letters containing pertinent and interesting observations concerning cancer research in general, reports on new observations or pilot studies that do not justify a full research article, or comments on published papers will be considered for publication. In the latter case, the Editors may invite the authors of the paper being questioned to respond. Both letters may then be published, if found to be of interest to the Editors. Length should not exceed 2,500 words (2 printed journal pages). Letters may be submitted to peer review.

Short Reports: Articles containing pertinent and interesting observations concerning cancer research in general and reports on new observations or studies that do not justify a full research article will be considered for the Short Report section. Length should not exceed 4,000 words (3 printed journal pages). These articles will undergo full peer review.

Rejected Papers: Papers will be rejected either based on the opinions of Editors or based on the comments of external reviewers. Papers not reaching a high enough level of novelty, found to be too descriptive, or not fitting within the scope of the Journal will be returned to authors without comments. Because of pressure for space, only papers of high priorty and novelty will be considered. We will return all disks and figures of rejected manuscripts upon request; we can not ensure that all copies will be received back from reviewers.

Revisions requested: If the Editors and the reviewers respond positively to a paper and are interested in considering it further, after additional work is included, authors will be invited to resubmit the manuscript to IJC. A decision letter will be sent by fax, including the comments of the referees and/or Editors. We ask that changes are made within 3 months. Any questions concerning the requested changes/additional work should be addressed to the Editors by fax before submission of the revised paper, to clarify expectations of the second version. Revised manuscripts may be returned to the original reviewers for reassessment. Therefore, the review process of the revised manuscript may take over a month in some cases. The Editors maintain the option to reject a paper in a second or third round of revision, if the specific concerns have not been met or if the paper no longer meets a high enough level of priority. Please always include the manuscript number in the cover letter when sending your paper back.

Accepted Papers: When a manuscript is accepted for publication by the Editors it is sent to the publisher (Wiley-Liss, Inc., Hoboken, NJ) to undergo typesetting, copyediting, and printing. A hard copy of all figures is required for accepted manuscripts. The print copies are required for the purpose of comparison, to ensure the highest quality reproduction in cases when digital art is used. A galley proof of the typeset and copyedited version will be sent to the author for approval. We ask that you report any changes immediately to John Wiley. Manuscripts will be held in the Heidelberg editorial office if outstanding materials are required (disk, Acknowledgement of Authors, or Copyright Transfer Agreement). Galley proofs may take approximately 6 weeks to generate. The publisher, Wiley-Liss, Inc., may be contacted with questions about proofs. See contact information at end. At authors' request, disks and CDs will be returned after publication.


Page charges: There is no fee for the first 6 pages of an article. A fee of US$150.00 for each page beyond the first 6 will be charged. (To calculate the number of printed pages your manuscript will become, count the number of text pages, allowing a page for each table and figure, and divide the total by 3.87. Though this gives only a rough estimate, it is fairly accurate.)

Color charges: Please be aware that the cost of color printing will be incurred by the author. Fees are calculated as per "cost cycle": one cost cycle = first page, US$950; following three pages, US$500 per page. After four pages of color, the cost cycle begins again.

Presentation of Manuscripts. Articles should be written in English (either British or American spelling).

Research articles should be divided into these sections:

  • Title Page (with short title, corresponding author contact information ¡ªaddress, fax, and email¡ª, three or more key words, abbreviations used, and the appropriate Journal Category. Please ensure the fax number is correct and list an alternate number if possible)
  • Summary/Abstract (maximum 250 words)
  • Introduction
  • Material and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figure Legends

The Acknowledgements section is an appropriate place to recognize coworkers, indicate funding sources, and disclose information about affiliations and potential conflicts of interest (for example, commercial affiliations, patent-licensing arrangements).

Letters to the Editor should begin with a Title Page (with the heading Letter to the Editor and corresponding author contact information¡ªaddress, fax, and email). Length should not exceed 2,500 words.

Short Reports should begin with a Title Page (with the heading Short Report and corresponding author contact information¡ªaddress, fax, and email). Length should not exceed 4,000 words.

Conflict of Interest. Authors are requested to provide a statement concerning any commercial sponsorship, commercial affiliations, stock/equity interests, or patent licenses of potential conflict of interest with the work presented in the submitted paper. This may be placed in the Acknowledgements section. Recognition of funding, including commercial sponsorship, must also be placed in Acknowledgements.

The International Journal of Cancer subscribes to the guidelines published by Davidoff et al. in the New England Journal of Medicine.1 The Editors reserve the right not to consider a manuscript if a sponsor has asserted control over the authors' right to publish.

Therefore, if the research reported in the manuscript has received partial or complete funding from commercial sponsors, the authors must include the following statement after they have stated their funding sources:

The authors certify that they have not entered into any agreement that could interfere with their access to the data on the research, nor upon their ability to analyse the data independently, to prepare manuscripts, and to publish them.

Statements relating to other potential forms of conflict of interest may be written as follows:

These authors /Initials/ have declared a financial interest in a company whose /potential/ product/ [Name] was studied in the work presented in this paper.

Gene names. Please mark all gene names in italics. Only the actual gene names should be written in italics, to distinguish them from gene products, gene segments, clusters, families, complexes, or groups. Authors should use the original name published for a gene unless they have written permission from the original authors to change the name.

References. The Journal introduces a new reference style. Please see examples below.

References are listed double-spaced in a separate reference section immediately following the text. All references must be verified by the corresponding author who submits the manuscript to International Journal of Cancer. Follow the style of the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals"2 for reference format and Index Medicus3 for standard journal abbreviations (please see examples below). Number references sequentially in the order cited in the text; do not alphabetize. A reference cited only in a table or figure is numbered in the sequence established by the first mention in the text of the table or figure containing the reference.

Reference to a personal communication or to a manuscript categorized as in preparation or submitted for publication is discouraged. However, if such a reference is essential and refers to a written communication, the source is cited parenthetically in the text (not in the reference section) with the comment "unpublished data" or "personal communication." Written permission from the source that is cited must be sent to the Editorial Office. Reference to a paper accepted but not yet published is listed in the reference section as "in press." "In press" references must be updated by the authors as soon as publication data is available.

Provide names of all authors in a reference when there are twelve or fewer; if there are thirteen or more authors, list the first twelve, followed by "et al."

Journal references shall include the specified information listed in the following order: authors, article title and subtitle, journal abbreviation, year, volume number in Arabic numerals, and inclusive pages.

Cohn KH, Ornstein DL, Wang F, LaPaix FD, Phipps K, Edelsberg C, Zuna R, Mott LA, Dunn JL. The significance of allelic deletions and aneuploidy in colorectal carcinoma: results of a 5-year follow-up study. Cancer 1997;79:233-44

Book references are listed as follows: authors, title, edition (if other than the first), volume (if more than one), city, publisher, year, pages.

2. Sobin LH, Wittekind C, eds. TNM classification of malignant tumors, 5th ed. New York: Wiley-Liss, 1997. 227p

When referencing a book chapter, the order changes as follows: authors of the chapter, title of the chapter, "In:" editors/authors of the book, title of the book, edition (if there are more than one), volume (if there are more than one), city, publisher, year, and inclusive pages of the chapter.

3. Luketich JD, Ginsberg RJ. Diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. In: Johnson BE, Johnson DH. Lung cancer. New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc., 1995:161-73.

Figures. Authors should send three sets of figures (continuous tone, glossy prints of halftone illustrations, or laser prints of line figures) with any postal submission and with the submission of the final version of the paper. [Halftone refers to photomicrographs, gels, etc.] Please submit figures as small in size as possible to convey the necessary information. We ask for your help in conserving space in the Journal and preventing unnecessarily large figures. Under most circumstances figures will be printed at one-column width, 8.25 X 24 cm. Therefore, titles, letters, and other symbols should be large enough to be legible when figures are reduced in size for publication. Labeling should be approximately 2mm in height when reduced to 1-column width. Lane width on gel photographs will be 3mm. All photomicrographs should have a scale bar indicating magnification. Figure legends should appear as part of the text, separate from the figures. Please label figures (on front or back) with first author's name and figure number, and indicate the top of the figure.

All color figures will be reproduced in full color in the online edition of the journal at no cost to authors. Authors are requested to pay the cost of reproducing color figures in print. Authors are encouraged to submit color illustrations that highlight the text and convey essential scientific information. For best reproduction, bright, clear colors should be used. Dark colors against a dark background do not reproduce well; please place your color images against a white background wherever possible.

Guidelines for Disks:

Electronic files can expedite both the review process and production process. Please complete the "DISKS" section of the Submission Form when sending disks to the Editorial office (or to the publisher). The final version of your paper must be received on disk and in hard copy. The hard copy must match the version on the disk.


Storage. 3.5-inch floppy disk in MS-DOS, Windows, or Macintosh format; CD; Iomega ZIP.

Software and format. The latest version of Microsoft Word is preferred, although manuscripts prepared with other operating systems and software may be accommodated. It is not necessary to use desktop publishing software such as Aldus PageMaker or Quark XPress. If you prepared your manuscript with one of these programs, including EndNote, export the text to a word processing format.

Labels. Please label all disks with your name, the file name, and the word processing program and version used.


All print reproduction requires files for full color images to be in a CMYK color space.

Storage. 3.5-inch floppy disk; CD; Iomega ZIP.

Software and format. All figures of accepted manuscripts should be in TIFF or EPS formats. For use in the peer review process, the Editorial office can use PPT, PDF, GIF, TIF, JPG, and EPS files. Figures may be submitted in these formats.

Resolution. Journal quality reproduction will require greyscale and color files at resolutions yielding approximately 300 dpi. Bitmapped line art should be given at resolutions yielding 600¡ª1200 dpi. These resolutions refer to the output size of the file; if your images must be enlarged or reduced to fit one column, resolutions should be adjusted accordingly.

Color art. Resolution should be at least 300 dpi for all color figures. Files must be in CMYK format.

File names. Illustration files should be named by the figure number and the 3-letter extension that identifies the file format used (i.e., .tif, .eps, .ppt).

Labels. Label all disks and cartridges with your name, the file names, formats, and compression schemes (if any) used.

Contact Information. We invite enquiries to the editorial office at any time during the editorial process. For all matters concerning presubmission, editorial policies and procedures, and general production matters, please contact the Heidelberg editorial office. Specific questions regarding your galley proofs and copy editing of your manuscript can be handled by the publisher, Wiley-Liss, Inc., in Hoboken:

Michael Bond
Senior Production Editor
Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Tel. 001-201-748-8851
Fax. 001-201-748-6825
Email. mbond@wiley.com


Davidoff F, DeAngelis CD, Drazen JM, Nicholls MG, Hoey J, Hojgaard L, Horton R, Kotzin S, Nylenna M, Overbeke AJ, Sox HC, Van Der Weyden MB, Wilkes MS. Sponsorship, authorship, and accountability. N Engl J Med 2001;345:825-6.


International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Ann Intern Med 1997;126:36-47. Available from: ACP Online: The Web Site for Internal Medicine from the American College of Physicians, URL: http://acponline.org/journals/resource/unifreqr.htm [accessed November 23, 1998].


National Library of Medicine. List of journals indexed in index medicus. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office [published annually].

Editorial Board


Professor H. zur Hausen

Associate Editors:

Helmut Bartsch, Norbert Fusenig, Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz, Peter H. Krammer, Peter Lichter, Anthony Miller

Editorial Office:

International Journal of Cancer
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Im Neuenheimer Feld 242, F820
69120 Heidelberg, GERMANY
Phone: +49 6221 424 800
+49 6221 424 801
+49 6221 424 810
Fax: +49 6221 424 809
E-mail: intjcanc@dkfz-heidelberg.de


Managing Editor:

Sherryl Sundell


Lauri A. Aaltonen (Helsinki, Finland)
Stuart A. Arsonson (New York, USA)
Kari Alitalo (Helsinki, Finland)
Bruce Armstrong (Sydney, Australia)
Mariano Barbacid (Madrid, Spain)
J.Carl Barrett (Bethesda, USA)
Walter Birchmeier (Berlin, Germany)
Mina J. Bissell (Berkeley, USA)
Mikhail V. Blagoskonny (Hawthorne, USA)
Thomas Boehm (Freiburg, Germany)
Thierry Boon (Brussels, Belgium)
MaxM. Burger (Basel, Switzerland)
Walter Cavenee (La Jolla, USA)
Pelayo Correa (New Orleans, USA)
Jack Cuzick (London, UK)
Albert de la Chapelle (Columbus, USA)
Wafik El-Deiry (Philadelphia, USA)
Adi F. Gazdar (Dallas, USA)
William E. Grizzle (Birmingham, USA)
Ulf Gyllensten (Uppsala, Sweden)
Curtis C. Harris (Bethesda, USA)
Carl-Henrik Heldin (Uppsala, Sweden)
James G. Herman (Baltimore, USA)
Monica Hollstein (Heidelberg, Germany)
Waun K. Hong (Houston, USA)
Peter M. Howley (Boston, USA)
Tadao Kadizoe (Tokyo, Japan)
T. Kishimoto (Osaka, Japan)
Paul Kleihues (Lyon, France)

Alexander Knuth (Zurich, Switzerland)
Stanley J. Korsmeyer (Boston, USA)
Carlo La Vecchia (Milan, Italy)
David Lane (Dundee, UK)
Gilbert M. Lenoir (Lyon, France)
Arnold J. Levine (New York, USA)
Frederick P. Li (Boston, USA)
Lawrence A. Loeb (Seattle, USA)
David Malkin (Toronto, Canada)
C.J.L.M. Meijer (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Kees Melief (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Ira Mellman (New Haven, USA)
Paul Meltzer (Bethesda, USA)
Patrick S. Moore (New York, USA)
Steven A. Narod (Toronto, Canada
Brian J. Nickoloff (Chicago, USA)
M. Oren (Rehovot, Israel)
Donald Maxwell Parkin (Lyon, France)
Roger Reddel (Westmead, Australia)
Guido Reifenberger (Dusseldorf, Germany)
Janet D. Rowley (Chicago, USA)
Erkki Ruoslahti (La Jolla, USA)
Keerti V. Shah (Baltimore, USA)
Kunitada Shimotohno (Kyoto, Japan)
Michael R. Stratton (Surrey, UK)
Tadatsugo Taniguchi (Tokyo, Japan)
Masaaki Terada (Tokyo, Japan)
Ian Tomlinson (London, UK)
P. Vineis (Torino, Italy)
S.H. Yuspa (Bethesda, USA


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