

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal bridges the gap between constitutive modelling and the solution of engineering problems in the field of geo-materials and structures. The Editors aim to foster the exchange and dissemination of new ideas and results between engineers doing research on geomaterials (soils, concrete, rocks) and related materials (such as powders and ice), including applications to structures.

In this light the emphasis of the journal will be on experiments (both in-situ and in the laboratory), constitutive modelling, interface and surface phenomena, instabilities, fracture and failure, inverse problems, coupled deformation-diffusion processes, time-dependent phenomena and development of numerical techniques needed for large-scale computations.

Specifically within the scope of the journal fall simulation and modelling of the mechanical behaviour of heterogeneous materials at different scales, including micro-mechanics, and any other issue that bears upon the specific difficulties encountered in modelling materials where the microstructure becomes important for their macroscopically observed mechanical and physical properties.

Applications may be to any area of geotechnical, mining, environmental and structural engineering. E.g. reinforced systems (geotextiles, reinforced concrete), construction processes, earthquake engineering, reservoir engineering, off-shore technology, geo-thermal energy, earth-structure interaction are within the scope.

Instructions to Authors

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript submission (for refereeing purposes). Either submit a PDF version, or three copies of the manuscript (including copies of tables and illustrations) to Professor F. Darve or Professor R. de Borst or Professor S. Sture or Professor A. J. Whittle.

Félix Darve
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Laboratoire 3S-IMG. B.P. 53
38041 Grenoble, France
Ren?de Borst
Koiter Institute Delft
Delft University of Technology
PO Box 5058
NL-2600 GB Delft
The Netherlands
Stein Sture
University of Colorado
Department of Civil, Environmental
and Architectural Engineering
Engineering Centre OT6 26
Campus Box 428
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0428, USA
Andrew J Whittle
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room 1-353
77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge
MA 02139-4307, USA

Authors must also supply:

  • a Copyright Transfer Agreement with original signature(s) - without this we are unable to accept the submission, and
  • permission letters - it is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce (in all media, including electronic) material which has appeared in another publication. The author can use the Wiley Permission Request Form.

Submission of a manuscript will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere at the same time. Submitted material will not be returned to the author, unless specifically requested.

Submission of the final, accepted manuscript (for publication purposes). The electronic copy of the final version of the manuscript must be sent to the Editor together with the paper copy. Disks should be PC or Mac formatted; write on the disk the software package used, the name of the author and the name of the journal. We are able to use most word processing packages, but prefer Word or WordPerfect and TEX or one of its derivatives (PDF or PS are not acceptable as word-processing packages). Illustrations must be submitted in electronic format where possible. Save each figure as a separate file, preferably in TIFF or EPS format, and include the source file. Write on the disk the software package used to create the figures; we favour dedicated illustration packages over tools such as Excel or Powerpoint.

Manuscript style. The language of the journal is English and the spelling should conform to that of the Oxford English Dictionary. All submissions including book reviews must have a title, be printed on one side of the paper, be double-line spaced and have a margin of 3cm all round. Illustrations and tables must be printed on separate sheets, and not be incorporated into the text.

  • The title page must list the full title, short title, and names and affiliations of all authors. Give the full address, including email, telephone and fax, of the author who is to check the proofs.
  • Include the name(s) of any sponsor(s) of the research contained in the paper, along with grant number(s).
  • Supply a summary of about 200 words for all articles except book reviews. This should be a concise summary of the whole paper, not just the conclusions, and should be understandable without reference to the rest of the paper. It should contain no citation to other published work.
  • The journal also features a Letters section, allowing accelerated publication of original and significant contributions of high quality in geomechanics.

Reference style. References should be cited in the text by number within square brackets and listed at the end of the paper in the order in which they appear in the text. All references must be complete and accurate. Where possible the DOI for the reference should be included at the end of the reference. Online citations should include date of access. If necessary, cite unpublished or personal work in the text but do not include it in the reference list. References should be listed in the following style:

Journals 1. Rangeard D, Hicher PY, Zentar R. Determining soil permeability from pressuremeter tests. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 2003; 27(1):1-24. DOI: 10.1002/nag.258

Books 2. Jin JM. The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics. Wiley: New York; 1-22.

Illustrations. Supply each illustration on a separate sheet, with the lead author's name and the figure number, with the top of the figure indicated, on the reverse. Supply original photographs; photocopies or previously printed material will not be used. Line artwork must be high-quality laser output (not photocopies). Tints are not acceptable; lettering must be of a reasonable size that would still be clearly legible upon reduction, and consistent within each figure and set of figures. Supply artwork at the intended size for printing. The cost of printing colour illustrations in the journal will be charged to the author. If colour illustrations are supplied electronically in either TIFF or EPS format they may be used in the PDF of the article at no cost to the author, even if this illustration was printed in black and white in the journal. The PDF will appear on the Wiley InterScience site.

Copyright. To enable the publisher to disseminate the author's work to the fullest extent, the author must sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement, transferring copyright in the article from the author to the publisher, and submit the original signed agreement with the article presented for publication. A copy of the agreement to be used (which may be photocopied) will be reproduced in each volume of the International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics and on the Wiley InterScience website at www.interscience.wiley.com. Copies may also be obtained from the journal editor or publisher.

Further Information. Proofs will be sent to the author for checking. This stage is to be used only to correct errors that may have been introduced during the production process. Prompt return of the corrected proofs, preferably within two days of receipt, will minimise the risk of the paper being held over to a later issue. Twenty-five complimentary offprints will be provided to the author who checked the proofs, unless otherwise indicated. Further offprints and copies of the journal may be ordered. There is no page charge to authors.

Editorial Board
Félix Darve
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Laboratoire 3S-IMG. B.P. 53
38041 Grenoble
Stein Sture
University of Colorado
Department of Civil, Environmental
and Architectural Engineering
Engineering Centre OT6 26
Campus Box 428
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0428, USA
Ren?de Borst
Koiter Institute Delft
Delft University of Technology
PO Box 5058, NL-2600 GB Delft
The Netherlands
Andrew J Whittle
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room 1-353
77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge
MA 02139-4307, USA
Ian M. Smith
Simon Engineering Laboratory
University of Manchester
Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PL, UK
J. Mazars
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Laboratoire 3S, B.P. 53
61 Avenue du Président Wilson
38041 Grenoble Cedex, France
R. Nova
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
I-20133 Milano, Italy
M. Pastor
Head of Comp. Engg. Division
CETA-CEDEX, Alfonso XII, 3
280 14 Madrid, Spain
Professor. R.K. Rowe
Geotechnical Research Centre
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of Western Ontario
London ON N6A 5B9 Canada
S. Sloan
Geotechnical Research Group
Civil Engineering
University of Newcastle
NSW 2308, Australia
Professor T. Tanabe
Nagoya University
Department of Civil Engineering
Furo-chu, Chikusa-ku
Nagoya City 464, Japan
Professor Ioannis Vardoulakis
E. M. Polytechnion
Laboratory of Testing and Materials
5 Heroes of Polytechnion Avenue
GR-157 73 Athens, Greece
Professor Kaspar Willam
University of Colorado
Department of Civil, Environmental
and Architectural Engineering
Campus Box 428
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0428
Professor O. C. Zienkiewicz
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Wales
Singleton Park
Swansea SA2 8PP, UK
E. Aifantis
Dept. of Mech. Eng. and Eng. Mechanics
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, Michigan 49931, U.S.A.


Lab of Mechanics
Polytechnic School
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki Greece 54006
A. Asaoka
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Nagoya University
Chikusa, Nagoya 464-01, Japan
J.P. Bardet
Dept. of Civil Engineering
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089, USA
Z.P. Bazant
Department of Civil Engineering
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois 60201, USA
T. Belytschko
The Technological Institute
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, Illinois 60208-3109, U.S.A.
N. Bicanic
Department of Civil Engineering
Rankine Building
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K.
R.I. Borja
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305, USA
B. Cambou
Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides
36 Route de Dardilly
B.P. 17, F-69130 Ecully Cedex, France
A. Carpinteri
Department of Structural Engineering
Politecnico di Torino
24 Corso Duca degli Abruzzi
I-10129 Torino, Italy
E.P. Chen
Sandia National Labs
MS 9042
Livermore, CA 94551, USA
J.T. Christian
Consulting Engineer
23 Fredana Rd.
Waban, MA 02168, USA
O. Coussy
Laboratoires des Materiaux et des Structures du Genie Civil
N. Cristescu
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Mechanics and Engineering Science
The University of Florida
231 Aerospace Building
FL 32611-2031, U.S.A.
E. Detournay
Department of Civil and Mineral Enginering
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455, U.S.A.
P. Egger
EPFL Department of Civil Engineering
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
A. Gens
Universidad Politecnica de Cataluñya
Departement de Ingegnieria del Terreno
Gran Capitan S/N Modulo D-2
E-08034 Barcelona 34, Spain
G. Gudehus
Institut für Bodenmechanik und Felsmechanik
Universität Karlsruhe
Postfach 6980
D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
H. Horii
The University of Tokyo
Department of Civil Engineering
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan
T. Hueckel
Dept of Civil Engineering
Duke University
Durham NC 27706
A. Huerta
Universidad Politecnica de Cataluñya
Department Matematica III
E.T.S. d'Enginieros de Camins
Jordi Girona Salgado 31
E-08034 Barcelona 34, Spain
S. Iai
Division of Geo-disaster
Disaster Prevention Research Institute
Kyoto University
Uji 611-0011, Japan
A.R. Ingraffea
Department of Structural Engineering
Hollister Hall, Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853, USA
J. J. Jenkins
Department of Applied Mechanics
Cornell University
NY 14853-1503, U.S.A.
B. Karihaloo
School of Engineering
University of Wales at Cardiff
Queens Bldg, P O Box 917
Cardiff, UK
M.G. Katona
Dept. of Civil and Env. Engng.
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164, USA
E. Kausel
Dept. of Civil Engg., Rm 1-271
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
P.V. Lade
Department of Civil Engineering
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC 20064
R.W. Lewis
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Wales
Swansea SA2 8PP, UK
H. Mang
Institut für Elastizitats- und Festigkeitslehre
Technische Universität Wien
Karlsplatz 13
A-1040 Wien, Austria
Z. Mroz
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Swietokrzyska 21
00-049 Warsaw, Poland
H.B. Mühlhaus
CSIRO Rock Mechanics Research Centre
PO Box 1130
Bentley, WA 6151, Australia
D. Muir Wood
Department of Civil Engineering
Queen's Building
University Walk
Bristol BS8 1TA, U.K.
F. Oka
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-01, Japan
S. Pietruszczak
Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
McMaster University
1280 Main Street
West Hamilton
Ontario, Canada L8S 4L7
G. Pijaudier-Cabot
Laboratoire de Genie Civil de Nantes - Saint Nazaire
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
BP 92101
F-44321 Nantes cedex 03, France
J. Planas
Department Ciencia de Materiales
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
E.T.S. Ingenieros de Caminos
Ciudad Universitaria
E-28040 Madrid, Spain
M. E. Plesha
Department of Engineering Mechanics
University of Wisconsin,
1500 Engineering Drive
Building 525
Madison WI 53706, USA
J.H. Prevost
Department of Civil Engineering
Princeton University, Princeton
New Jersey, 08544, USA
E. Ramm
Institüt für Baustatik
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 7
D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany
M.F. Randolph
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, Western Australia 6009
J. Rudnicki
The Technological Institute
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3109, U.S.A.
K. Runesson
Department of Solid Mechanics
Chalmers University of Technology
S-41296 Goteborg, Sweden
M. Satake
Department of Civil Engineering
Tohoku-Gakuin University 13-1, Chuo-1
Tagajo Miyagi, Pref. 985, Japan
B. Schrefler
Universita di Padova
Facolta di Ingegnaria
Istituto di Construzioni
35100 Padova, Italy
H. L. Schreyer
The University of New Mexico
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Albuquerque, NM 87131, U.S.A.
A.P.S. Selvadurai
Department of Civil Engineering
and Applied Mechanics
McGill University
817 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal H3A 2K6, Canada
F. Tatsuoka
Department of Civil Engineering
Institute of Industrial Science
University of Tokyo
22-1, Roppongi 7 Chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan
H.R. Thomas
Geoenvironmental Engineering Research Centre
University of Wales at Cardiff
Cardiff CF2 1XH, UK
F.-J. Ulm
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
S. Valliappan
School of Civil Engineering
University of New South Wales
Kensington, Sydney, Australia
J. G. M. van Mier
ETH Hönggerberg
Institute for Building Materials
HIF E.12
CH 8093 Zürich
P.A. Vermeer
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering
University of Stuttgart, Pfafenwaldring 35
D-70565 Stuttgart, Germany
L. Vulliet
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Lausanne 1015, Switzerland
J.-X. Yuan
Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics
Academia Sinica
Wuhan 430071, China


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