

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

International Geology Review is a monthly publication dedicated to publishing original and timely research papers as well as in-depth scholarly reviews dealing with the petrotectonic framework of the earth and the distribution of mineral and energy resources within that framework. Particularly emphasised are petroleum geology, economic geology, tectonics, geochemistry and petrology. Geographic coverage is global and work on any part of the world is considered.  The journal has been published since 1959.

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors

The instructions below are specifically directed at authors who wish to submit a manuscript to International Geology Review. For general information, please visit the Publish With Us section of our website.

International Geology Review considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to International Geology Review, that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. Authors who fail to adhere to this condition will be charged with all costs which International Geology Review incurs and their papers will not be published.

Contributions to International Geology Review must report original research and will be subjected to peer review by referees at the discretion of the Editorial Office.

International Geology Reviewconsiders for publication in-depth reviews as well as original and timely research papers dealing with the petrotectonic framework of the earth and the distribution of mineral and energy resources within that framework. Papers addressing the economic potential of mineral and energy resources, and the environmental consequences of human activities, especially resource production, are encouraged. Geographic coverage is global and work on any part of the world will be considered. Research papers focused on areas in South America, the former Soviet Union, East and Southeast Asia, and Africa continue to be encouraged. Manuscripts of any length may be submitted, but the Editors will generally accept for publication papers in the range of 4,000 to 10,000 words.

1. Manuscript submission

Double-spaced manuscripts  should be sent electronically (in Microsoft Word format), as well as original copies of professionally designed and drafted illustrations (the original application files together with either a PDF or JPEG) and tables (Microsoft Word format or Excel), to the Editor:

W. Gary Ernst
Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences
Geocorner, Building 320, Room 118
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2115
Telephone: (650) 723-0185

2. General guidelines

  • Manuscripts should be submitted in English; British spelling and punctuation should be used.
  • A typical paper will be between 4,000-10,000 words. 
  • Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text; acknowledgments; appendixes (as appropriate); references; table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figure caption(s) (as a list).
  • Abstracts of ca. 100-300 words are required for all papers submitted.
  • Each paper should have a minimum of five, but no more than 10 keywords.
  • Section headings should be concise.
  • All the authors of a paper should include their full names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses on the cover page of the manuscript. One author should be identified as the Corresponding Author.
  • Authors must adhere to SI units. Units are not italicised.
  • When using a word which is or is asserted to be a proprietary term or trade mark, authors must use the symbol "or '

3. Style guidelines

4. Figures

  • It is in the author's interest to provide the highest quality figure format possible. Please ensure that all imported scanned material is scanned at the appropriate resolution: 1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for greyscale and 600 dpi for colour.
  • Figures must be saved separate to text. Please do not embed figures in the paper file.
  • Files should be saved as one of the following formats: TIFF (tagged image file format), PostScript or EPS (encapsulated PostScript), and should contain all the necessary font information and the source file of the application (the original application files together with either a PDF or JPEG).
  • All figures must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the paper (e.g. figure 1, figure 2). In multi-part figures, each part should be labelled (e.g. figure 1(a), figure 1(b)).
  • Figure captions must be saved separately, as part of the file containing the complete text of the paper, and numbered correspondingly.
  • The filename for a graphic should be descriptive of the graphic, e.g. Figure1, Figure2a.

5. Colour

There are a limited number of colour pages within the annual page allowance. Authors should restrict their use of colour to situations where it is necessary on scientific, and not merely cosmetic, grounds. Authors of accepted papers who propose publishing figures in colour in the print version should consult Taylor & Francis at the proof stage to agree on an appropriate number of colour pages. If the colour page budget is exceeded, authors will be given the option to provide a financial contribution to additional colour reproduction costs. Figures that appear in black-and-white in the print edition of the Journal will appear in colour in the online edition, assuming colour originals are supplied.

6. Reproduction of copyright material

Contributors are required to secure permission for the reproduction of any figure, table or extensive extract (more than 50 words) from the text of a source that is copyrighted or owned by a party other than Taylor & Francis or the contributor. This applies to direct reproduction as well as 'derivative reproduction', where the contributor has created a new figure or table that derives substantially from a copyrighted source. Authors are themselves responsible for the payment of any permission fees required by the copyright owner. Copies of permission letters should be sent with the manuscript upon submission to the Editor(s).

7. Supplementary online material

Authors are welcome to submit animations, movie files, sound files or any additional information for online publication.

8. Copyright

It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to Taylor & Francis.

This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the Journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors retain many rights under the Taylor & Francis rights policies, which can be found at www.informaworld.com/authors_journals_copyright_position. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.

Exceptions are made for authors of Crown or US Government employees who may limit such assignments, to the extent of their transferability. We ask that a signed statement to this effect is submitted when returning proofs for accepted papers.

Further details and FAQs on Taylor & Francis's policy on copyright and authors' rights

9. Reprints

Corresponding authors will receive free online access to their article through our website (www.informaworld.com). Reprints of articles published in International Geology Review can be purchased through Rightslink?when proofs are received or alternatively on our journals website. If you have any queries, please contact our reprints department at reprints@tandf.co.uk.

For further information about Taylor & Francis journals please visit www.tandf.co.uk/journals. For a guide to research in your subject area, connect to www.informaworld.com/ea.   

10. Contact Information


W. Gary Ernst

Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences

Geocorner, Building 320, Room 118

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305-2115

Telephone: (650) 723-0185


Editorial Board

Editorial Board


W. Gary Ernst

Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences
Geocorner, Building 320, Room 118
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2115

Associate Editors

Raymond V. Ingersoll
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

Lawrence A. Taylor

University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996

Editorial Board

Don L. Anderson
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125

Hubert L. Barnes
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802

B. Clark Burchfiel

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
Grenville Draper

Florida International University
Miami, Florida 33199

Suzanne M. Kay

INSTOC, Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14850

A.M. Celal Sengoumlr
Istanbul Technical University
Ayazaga 80626, Istanbul

Brian J. Skinner

Department of Geology
Yale University
Box 208110
New Haven, CT 06520-8110

Marcos Zentilli

Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS B3H 3J5


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