

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Official Journal of the British Endodontic Society, the European Society of Endodontology, the Flemish Society of Endodontology, the Irish Endodontic Society, the Netherlands Society of Endodontology and the Portuguese Society of Endodontology

Published on behalf of the British Endodontic Society, the European Society of Endodontology, the Flemish Society of Endodontology, the Irish Endodontic Society, the Netherlands Society of Endodontology and the Portuguese Society of Endodontology

Edited by:
Paul Dummer


Print ISSN: 0143-2885
Online ISSN: 1365-2591
Issues per Volume: Monthly
Current Volume: 36
ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2002: 25/49 (Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine)
Impact Factor: 0.974

The Official Journal of the British Endodontic Society, the European Society of Endodontology, the Flemish Society of Endodontology, the Irish Endodontic Society, the Netherlands Society of Endodontology and the Portuguese Society of Endodontology

The International Endodontic Journal is a leading international forum for publications in the field of Endodontology; the branch of dental sciences dealing with health, injuries to and diseases of the pulp and periradicular region, and their relationship with systemic well-being and health.

The International Endodontic Journal is published monthly and strives to publish original articles of the highest quality to disseminate scientific and clinical knowledge; all manuscripts are subjected to peer review. Original scientific articles are published in the areas of biomedical science, applied materials science, bioengineering, epidemiology and social science relevant to endodontic disease and its management, and to the restoration of root-treated teeth. In addition, review articles, reports of clinical cases, book reviews, summaries and abstracts of scientific meetings and news items are accepted.

The International Endodontic Journal is essential reading for general dental practitioners, specialist endodontists, research, scientists and dental teachers.


Instructions to Authors

General Information

The International Endodontic Journal publishes original scientific articles in the areas of biomedical science, applied materials science, bioengineering, epidemiology and social science relevant to endodontic disease and its management, and to the restoration of root-treated teeth. In addition, review articles, reports of clinical cases, book reviews, summaries and abstracts of scientific meetings and news items are accepted.

Manuscripts should be in concise English and be typed (double-spaced) on one side of the paper only with at least 30-mm margins all round on international A4 or quarto paper. Standards for spelling are the Concise Oxford Dictionary (Oxford, Clarendon Press), The Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors (Oxford, Clarendon Press), and the Concise Illustrated Dental Dictionary (Wright, Bristol).

Three copies both of the manuscript and of the illustrations should be submitted to the Editor:

Professor Paul M. H. Dummer
Department of Adult Dental Health
Dental School
University of Wales College of Medicine
Heath Park
CF14 4XY

The author should retain a copy of the manuscript

Covering letter

The manuscript should be accompanied by a covering letter from the author who will be responsible for correspondence arising from its publication. The covering letter should state that the manuscript has been approved by all authors and is solely the work of the author(s) named. Include copies of permission to reproduce published material or to use illustrations that may identify subjects.

The Manuscript

Title page

The title page should bear: (i) Title, which should be concise as well as descriptive; (ii) initial(s) and last name of each author; (iii) name and address of department, hospital or institution to which work should be attributed; (iv) running title (no more than 30 letters and spaces); (v) no more than six keywords (in alphabetical order); (vi) name, full postal address, telephone, fax number and e-mail address of author responsible for correspondence.


Papers should normally be divided into an Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References.


For all 'Original Articles' (i.e. scientific studies) a structured abstract of not more than 250 words should be given that details what was done, the results and the conclusions. The subtitles below should be used:

Aim Give a clear statement of the main aim of the study and the main hypothesis tested, if any.
Methodology Describe the methods adopted including, as appropriate, the design of the study, the setting, entry requirements for subjects, use of materials, outcome measures and statistical tests.
Results Give the main results of the study, including the outcome of any statistical analysis.
Conclusions State the primary conclusions of the study and their implications. Suggest areas for further research, if appropriate.

Abstracts for Case Reports, Clinical Techniques and Review Articles should have a conventional abstract of not more than 250 words.

Experimental subjects

When human subjects are used, manuscripts must be accompanied by a statement that the experiments were undertaken with the understanding and written consent of each subject. Authors should be aware of the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki), which has been printed in the British Medical Journal (18 July 1964).

Experimental animals

When experimental animals are used the methods section must clearly indicate that adequate measures were taken to minimize pain or discomfort. Experiments should be carried out in accordance with the European Communities Directive of 24 November 1986 (86/609/EEC) or with the Guidelines laid down by the US National Institutes of Health regarding the care and use of animals for experimental procedures. The editor reserves the right to reject papers if there is doubt whether appropriate procedures have been used.

Tables and figures

Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively within the text in Arabic numerals, given a descriptive title, and each table and figure should be on a separate sheet. Table legends should appear above each Table; Figure legends should be grouped together on a single sheet.

Figures, charts and graphs must be professionally drawn. They should be drawn no larger than double the intended printed size, remembering that all lines and symbols must be of an adequate thickness and size to take a 50% reduction if necessary. Appropriate symbols for graphs and figures are (+ and x are not acceptable). Photographs must be clear, sharp, glossy prints. The use of 35-mm slides with glass holders should be avoided. A label on the back of each photograph should give the illustration number, the author and indicate the top of the figure.

For colour illustrations the author should consult the Editor when preparing the paper. Authors may be charged for the extra cost of colour illustrations.

Electronic artwork

We would like to receive your artwork in electronic form. Please save vecta graphics (e.g. line artwork) in Encapsulated Postscript Format (EPS), and bitmap files (e.g. half-tones) in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). Ideally vector graphics that have been saved in metafile (.WMF) or pict (.PCT) format should be embedded within the body of the text file. Detailed information on our digital illustration standards is available on the BSL Homepage at:



Units of measurement, symbols and abbreviations must conform with those in Units, Symbols and Abbreviations: A Guide for Medical and Scientific Editors and Authors, 5th edn (1994) published by the Royal Society of Medicine Press, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8AE. This specifies the use of SI (Syst¨¦me International) units.

Details of manufacturers or sources of supply (manufacturer's name, city, country) should be given in parentheses in the text.


In the text, single or double authors should be acknowledged together with the year of publication, e.g. (Pitt Ford & Roberts 1990). If more than two authors the first author followed by et al. is sufficient, e.g. (Tobias et al. 1991). All references should be brought together at the end of the paper in alphabetical order and should be in the following form. (i) Names and initials of up to six authors: when seven or more, list the first three and add et al.; (ii) year of publication in parentheses; (iii) full title of paper; (iv) title of journal in full; (v) volume number (bold) followed by a comma; (vi) first and last pages.

Examples of correct forms of reference follow:


Standard journal article

Bergenholtz G, Nagaoka S, Jontell M (1991) Class II antigen-expressing cells in experimentally induced pulpitis. International Endodontic Journal 24, 8-14.

Corporate author

British Endodontic Society (1983b) Guidelines for root canal treatment. International Endodontic Journal 16, 192-5.

Journal supplement

Frumin AM, Nussbaum J, Esposito M (1979) Functional asplenia: demonstration of splenic activity by bone marrow scan (Abstract). Blood 54 (Suppl. 1), 26a.

Books and other monographs

Personal author(s)

Gutmann JL, Harrison JW (1991) Surgical Endodontics, 1st edn. Boston, MA, USA: Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Chapter in a book

Wesselink P (1990) Conventional root-canal therapy III: root filling. In: Harty FJ, ed. Endodontics in Clinical Practice, 3rd edn; pp. 186-223. London, UK: Butterworth.

Published proceedings paper

DuPont B (1974) Bone marrow transplantation in severe combined immunodeficiency with an unrelated MLC compatible donor. In: White HJ, Smith R, eds. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Rematology; pp. 44-46. Houston, TX, USA: International Society for Experimental Hematology.

Agency publication

Ranofsky AL (1978) Surgical Operations in Short-Stay Hospitals: United States-1975. DHEW publication no. (PHS) 78-1785. (Vital and Health Statistics; Series 13; no. 34.) Hyattsville, MD, USA: National Centre for Health Statistics.

Dissertation or thesis

Saunders EM (1988) In-vitro and in-vivo investigations into root-canal obturation using thermally softened gutta-percha techniques (PhD Thesis). Dundee, UK: University of Dundee.

Web Sites



Proofs will be sent via e-mail as an Acrobat PDF (portable document format) file. The e-mail server must be able to accept attachments up to 4 MB in size. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following Web site:


This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen, and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. Proofs will be posted if no e-mail address is available; in your absence, please arrange for a colleague to access your e-mail to retrieve the proofs.


Proformas assigning copyright to the journal must be completed and returned with the final version of all accepted manuscripts. Papers accepted become the copyright of the journal and permission for reproduction must be obtained by application in writing to the Editor.  To access this form please click here.

The Editor reserves the right to edit the manuscript for clarity of expression, conformity to acceptable style and the limits of space available. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to incorporate changes made by the Editor.

Manuscripts on disk

On final acceptance of their paper, authors will be asked to submit a disk containing the final version. The final version of the hard copy and the file on disk must be the same. Details of the word-processing package used should accompany the disk, together with other relevant details; a Proforma is available for this purpose and will be supplied to authors.

Tables should always be supplied on disk and figures should be supplied on disk if possible. Figures on disk should be saved as eps or tiff files (eps, encapsulated postscript, files can usually be used but cannot be modified). Always enclose a hard copy of figures.

Disks will not be returned to authors.

Instructions for Authors: Clinical Articles

General Information

Manuscripts should be in concise English and be typed (double-spaced) on one side of the paper only with at least 30-mm margins all round on international A4 or quarto paper. Standards for spelling are the Concise Oxford Dictionary (Oxford, Clarendon Press), The Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors (Oxford, Clarendon Press), and the Concise Illustrated Dental Dictionary (Wright, Bristol).

Three copies both of the manuscript and of the illustrations should be submitted to the Editor:

Professor Paul M. H. Dummer
Department of Adult Dental Health
Dental School
University of Wales College of Medicine
Heath Park
CF14 4XY

The author should retain a copy of the manuscript and illustartive materials

Covering letter

The manuscript should be accompanied by a covering letter from the author who will be responsible for correspondence arising from its publication. The covering letter should state that the manuscript has been approved by all authors and is solely the work of the author(s) named. Include copies of permission to reproduce published material or to use illustrations that may identify subjects.

The Manuscript

Title page

The title page should bear: (i) Title, which should be concise as well as descriptive; (ii) initial(s) and last name of each author; (iii) name and address of department, hospital or institution to which work should be attributed; (iv) running title (no more than 30 letters and spaces); (v) no more than six keywords (in alphabetical order); (vi) name, full postal address, telephone, fax number and e-mail address of author responsible for correspondence.


Papers should normally be divided into an Abstract, Introduction, Report, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References.


A structured abstract of not more than 250 words should be given that details the content and key educational outcomes of the report. The following subtitles should be used:

  • Aim
  • Summary
  • Key learning points

Experimental subjects

When human subjects are used, manuscripts must be accompanied by a statement that the experiments were undertaken with the understanding and written consent of each subject. Authors should be aware of the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki), which has been printed in the British Medical Journal (18 July 1964).

Figures and Tables Clinical articles should be well illustrated with clinical images, diagrams and, where appropriate, supporting tables and graphs. The use of colour is actively encouraged.

All figures and tables should be numbered consecutively within the text in Arabic numerals, given a descriptive title, and each table and figure should be on a separate sheet. Table legends should appear above each Table; Figure legends should be grouped together on a single sheet.

Photographs and radiographic images must be clear and sharp. Such images should be submitted electronically wherever possible, though glossy colour prints, or 35mm slides are acceptable. Glass slide mounts are not acceptable. All illustrative materials should be clearly labelled, with the figure number, the author and the orientation of the image.

For the on-line version, the submission of illustrative video and animation is encouraged. Authors proposing to use such media should consult with the Editor during manuscript preparation.

Electronic artwork We would like to receive your artwork in electronic form. Please save vecta graphics (e.g. line artwork) in Encapsulated Postscript Format (EPS), and bitmap files (e.g. half-tones) in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). Ideally vector graphics that have been saved in mitafile (.WMF) or pict (.PCT) format should be embedded within the body of the text file. Detailed information on our digital illustration standards is available on the BSL Homepage at:



Units of measurement, symbols and abbreviations must conform with those in Units, Symbols and Abbreviations: A Guide for Medical and Scientific Editors and Authors, 5th edn (1994) published by the Royal Society of Medicine Press, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8AE. This specifies the use of SI (Syst¨¦me International) units.

Details of manufacturers or sources of supply (manufacturer's name, city, country) should be given in parentheses in the text.


In the text, single or double authors should be acknowledged together with the year of publication, e.g. (Pitt Ford & Roberts 1990). If more than two authors the first author followed by et al. is sufficient, e.g. (Tobias et al. 1991). All references should be brought together at the end of the paper in alphabetical order and should be in the following form. (i) Names and initials in capitals of up to six authors: when seven or more, list the first three and add et al.; (ii) year of publication in parentheses; (iii) full title of paper; (iv) title of journal in full; (v) volume number (bold) followed by a comma; (vi) first and last pages.

Examples of correct forms of reference follow:


Standard journal article

Bergenholtz G, Nagaoka S, Jontell M (1991) Class II antigen-expressing cells in experimentally induced pulpitis. International Endodontic Journal 24, 8-14.

Corporate author

British Endodontic Society (1983b) Guidelines for root canal treatment. International Endodontic Journal 16, 192-5.

Journal supplement

Frumin AM, Nussbaum J, Esposito M (1979) Functional asplenia: demonstration of splenic activity by bone marrow scan (Abstract). Blood 54 (Suppl. 1), 26a.

Books and other monographs

Personal author(s)

Gutmann JL, Harrison JW (1991) Surgical Endodontics, 1st edn. Boston, MA, USA: Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Chapter in a book

Wesselink P (1990) Conventional root-canal therapy III: root filling. In: Harty FJ, ed. Endodontics in Clinical Practice, 3rd edn; pp. 186-223. London, UK: Butterworth.

Published proceedings paper

DuPont B (1974) Bone marrow transplantation in severe combined immunodeficiency with an unrelated MLC compatible donor. In: White HJ, Smith R, eds. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Rematology; pp. 44-46. Houston, TX, USA: International Society for Experimental Hematology.

Agency publication

Ranofsky AL (1978) Surgical Operations in Short-Stay Hospitals: United States-1975. DHEW publication no. (PHS) 78-1785. (Vital and Health Statistics; Series 13; no. 34.) Hyattsville, MD, USA: National Centre for Health Statistics.

Dissertation or thesis

Saunders EM (1988) In-vitro and in-vivo investigations into root-canal obturation using thermally softened gutta-percha techniques (PhD Thesis). Dundee, UK: University of Dundee.

Web Sites



Proofs will be sent via e-mail as an Acrobat PDF (portable document format) file. The e-mail server must be able to accept attachments up to 4 MB in size. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following Web site:


This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen, and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. Proofs will be posted if no e-mail address is available; in your absence, please arrange for a colleague to access your e-mail to retrieve the proofs.


Proformas assigning copyright to the journal must be completed and returned with the final version of all accepted manuscripts. Papers accepted become the copyright of the journal and permission for reproduction must be obtained by application in writing to the Editor.

The Editor reserves the right to edit the manuscript for clarity of expression, conformity to acceptable style and the limits of space available. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to incorporate changes made by the Editor.

Manuscripts on Disk

On final acceptance of their paper, authors will be asked to submit a disk containing the final version. The final version of the hard copy and the file on disk must be the same. Details of the word-processing package used should accompany the disk, together with other relevant details; a Proforma is available for this purpose and will be supplied to authors.

Tables should always be supplied on disk and figures should be supplied on disk if possible. Figures on disk should be saved as eps or tiff files (eps, encapsulated postscript, files can usually be used but cannot be modified). Always enclose a hard copy of figures.

Disks will not be returned to authors.

Editorial Board

Paul Dummer, Department of Adult Dental Health, Dental School, University of Wales College of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XY, UK
e-mail: IEJeditor@cardiff.ac.uk

Associate Editors

J.L. Gutmann, Baylor College of Dentistry, 3302 Gaston Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75246, USA

P.R. Wesselink, Department of Cariology and Endodontology, ACTA, Louwesweg 1, 1066 EA Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Assistant Editors

C. Reit, Department of Endodontology and Oral Diagnosis, Faculty of Odontology, University of Göteborg, Box 450, SE-405, 30 Göteborg, Sweden

J. Whitworth, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental School, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Framlington Place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE2 4BW, UK

Honorary Consultant Editors

T.R. Pitt Ford, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Floor 25, Guy's Tower, GKT Dental Institute, London, SE1 9RT, UK

A.H.R. Rowe, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Floor 25, Guy's Tower, GKT Dental Institute, London, SE1 9RT, UK

W.P. Saunders, Unit of Restorative Comprehensive Care, University of Dundee Dental School, Park Place, Dundee DD1 4HN, UK



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