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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The interdisciplinary interfaces of Information Systems (IS) are fast emerging as defining areas of research and development in IS. These developments are largely due to the transformation of Information Technology (IT) towards networked worlds and its effects on global communications and economies. While these developments are shaping the way information is used in all forms of human enterprise, they are also setting the tone and pace of information systems of the future. The major advances in IT such as client/server systems, the Internet and the desktop/multimedia computing revolution, for example, have led to numerous important vistas of research and development with considerable practical impact and academic significance. While the industry seeks to develop high performance IS/IT solutions to a variety of contemporary information support needs, academia looks to extend the reach of IS technology into new application domains. Information Systems Frontiers (ISF) aims to provide a common forum of dissemination of frontline industrial developments of substantial academic value and pioneering academic research of significant practical impact.
Information Systems Frontiers (ISF) will focus on research and development at the IS/IT interfaces in the academia and industry. The interfaces include the base disciplines of computer science, telecommunications, operations research, economics and cognitive sciences, for instance. Emerging areas that ISF will concentrate on in the next few years include, but are not limited to: enterprise modeling and integration, emerging object/web technologies, information economics, IT integrated manufacturing, medical informatics, digital libraries, mobile computing and electronic commerce. The publication highlights of ISF are:
  • Focus
    • Provide a forum for both academicians and industry specialists to explore the multiple frontiers of the IS/IT field
    • Bring innovative research on all aspects of IS/IT interfaces from analytical, behavioral and technological perspectives
  • Format
    • Published quarterly, with dedicated issues on a regular basis as well as a general issue per year
    • Internet support with abstracts, fast track reviews, discussion groups and a variety of other services
  • Content
    • Theories and models of IS/IT systems and solutions
    • Pragmatic solutions to practical IS/IT problems
    • Computational, empirical and system developmental studies
    • Perspectives synthesizing recent developments in interface areas
    • State-of-the-art, state-of-the-market, state-of-the-practice surveys
    • Reviews of challenges, solutions and lessons learned in practice
  • Management
    • An Editorial Advisory Group and an Editorial Board both including outstanding individuals from academia and industry
    • Eminent guest editors for the dedicated issues
    • Editors of websites managing and maintaining the internet services.

Instructions to Authors

Submission of Manuscripts

Papers submitted for publication should be addressed to:

Ms. Michelle Misner
ISFI Editorial Office
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive
Norwell, MA 02061
Tel: 781-871-6300
Fax: 781-878-0449
Email: Michelle.Misner@wkap.com

Manuscript Preparation (Articles)

Manuscripts must be submitted in English in triplicate (one original and two copies) and typed double-spaced on A4 metric 22 x 29cm (8 1/2 x 11in) white bond paper. This applies to all parts of the manuscript, including references, legends, etc. Liberal margins (2.5cm, 1in.) should be left at the top and bottom, as well as at the sides. The manuscript should be submitted in the following order: title page, abstract and key words, text, text references, tables, illustrations or figures and legends. Each page, beginning with the abstract, should also include the senior authors surname typed in the upper right-hand corner. Authors should retain a copy for reference because manuscripts will not be returned. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and must be explained when they first appear; after the first use, an abbreviation may be used.

Title page

The title page of each manuscript should include only (1) article title; (2) authors names (including first and middle names and degrees); (3) name and address of the institutions(s) from which the work originated, plus information about grants (including city and state of all foundations, funds, and institutions); (4) name, title, address, e-mail address, telephone, and fax numbers of person to whom proofs and reprint requests should be addressed; (5) any necessary footnotes to these items; (6) a running title not exceeding 45 letters and spaces.

Abstract Page

The page following the title page should include a brief abstract of 200--250 words describing the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions of the study.

Key words

Four to ten key words or terms must be provided for indexing. Include words already in the title.


The text of the article should begin on a new page and have the following parts: introduction, methods, ethics, statistics, results, discussion, and acknowledgments (including sources of financial support).


For details, see Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1999;18:80-81.

Personal communications, manuscripts in preparation, and other unpublished data are not cited in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text in parentheses.

References are to be numbered and cited in the order in which they appear except for reviews. The reference section should be typed double-spaced at the end of the text, following the sample formats given below. All authors names must be provided for up to six individuals; when there are seven or more authors, list the first three and add et al. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to verify all references. For reviews the Vancouver system (sequential numbering of references) becomes clumsy so that the Harvard system (authors names and years) should be used. For details see the journal Drugs.

  • JOURNAL ARTICLE: Bone J, Hey J, Sockling J. Are Groups More (or Less) Consistent Than Individuals? Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1999;18-63-81 (Journal titles abbreviated as in Index Medicus; omit issue number unless essential.)
  • BOOK: MacDonald R, Stein JL. Equilibrium Exchange Rates. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999
  • CHAPTER IN A BOOK: Opie LH, Mabin TA. Medical treatment of cardiovascular disease in the elderly. In: Messerli FH, ed. Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly, 2nd ed. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 1988: 317--337.
    Chinn Menzie D. Productivity, Government Spending and the Real Exchange Rate: Evidence for OELD countries. In: MacDonald R and Stein JL, ed. Equilibrium Exchange Rates. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1999:163-190

Figures and tables

Include a photocopy of each figure above the legend. Original figures must be submitted as unmounted, clear glossy prints with lettering large enough to be legible in the event of half-size reduction. Submit one glossy print 13 x 18cm (5 x 7in.) and two photocopies of each figure. If the photocopies are not adequate for evaluation, as may be the case for photomicrographs, submit three glossy prints. On the back of each figure, give the first authors name, the figure number, and indicate the top with an arrow. Do not write directly on the back of the figure; rather, write on a gummed label and affix it to the back of the figure. Do not use paper clips or staples; submit figures in an envelope backed by cardboard. Each figure should have a separate, explicit legend, typed double-spaced on a sheet separate from the text. Figure numbers should be arabic, corresponding to the order in which the figures are presented in the text. Identify all abbreviations appearing on the figure in alphabetical order at the end of each legend. Estimates for color work will be provided upon acceptance of the manuscript. All costs of printing color will be charged to the authors. Tables should be typed double-spaced, each on a separate sheet, with the title above and any notes below. Explain all abbreviations. Tables and table numbers should be arabic, corresponding to the order in which the tables are presented in the text. Do not give the same information in tables and figures. You must obtain permission to use all tables and figures that have already been published.

Proofs and Offprints

Proofs must be returned within 3 days of receipt; later return may cause a delay in publication of an article. Please check text, tables, legends, and references carefully. To expedite publication, page proofs, rather than galleys, will be sent to the author. Alterations other than the correction of printing errors will be charged to the author(s). Order information for offprints will accompany authors proofs.

All authors submitting original research papers should include an assigned exclusive publication statement, as follows: I certify that none of the material in this manuscript has been published previously and none of this material is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. This includes symposia, proceedings, transactions, books, articles published by invitation, and preliminary publications of any kind except an abstract of 400 words or less. (Authors Signature)

Editorial Board

Ram Ramesh
State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
H. Raghav Rao
State University of New York at Buffalo, USA

Advisory Group

Dr. Kenneth Arrow, Nobel Laureate and Joan Kenney Professor Emeritus, Stanford University Dr. Alan Baratz, CEO, Zaplet Dr. Thomas Cook, CEO, Cabb Technologies, Corp. and President-Elect of INFORMS Dr. Gordon Davis, Honeywell Professor of MIS and Fellow of ACM, University of Minnesota Dr. Arthur Geoffrion, Member, National Academy of Engineering, and Professor, University of California at LA Dr. Fred Glover, MediaOne Professor of Systems Science, University of Colorado at Boulder Dr. Peter L. Hammer, Editor-in-Chief, Annals of Operations Research, and Professor, Rutgers University Dr. Karla L. Hoffman, Past President INFORMS and Professor, George Mason University Dr. John L. King, Dean, University of Michigan Ms. Ellen M. Knapp, VC and Chief Knowledge Officer, PricewaterhouseCoopers Dr. Robert D. Mueller, Vice President, Raytheon Systems Company Dr. S. N. Mukherjee, Chief Scientist, Philips Research Labs Mr. Narayana N. R. Murthy, Chairman, Infosys Technologies, Bangalore, India Mr. Suek Namgoong, President and CEO, Samsung Data Systems Dr. A. Netravali, President of Research, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Dr. Setsuo Ohsuga, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan Dr. Roy Radner, Member, National Academy of Science, and Stern School Professor, New York University Dr. Larry Reeker, National Institute of Standards and Technology Dr. Andrew Sage, Founding Dean Emeritus and First American Bank Professor, George Mason University Dr. Edward Shortliffe, Chair, Department of Medical Informatics and Professor, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center Mr. Hatim A. Tyabji, Chairman, Data Card Dr. A. B. Whinston, Hugh Roy Cullen Centennial Professor, University of Texas at Austin

Executive Group
Dr. Hojjat Adeli Ohio State University Dr. Dee Andrews Airforce Research Laboratories Dr. Richard Boland Jr. Case Western Reserve University Dr. Susheel Chandra Mentor Graphics Corporation, India Dr. Prabuddha De University of Dayton Dr. Alan Dennis Indiana University Mr. Chander Dhawan DOLNET Computer Communications Inc., Canada Dr. E. Dudewicz Syracuse University Dr. Guy Gable Queensland University of Technology, Australia Dr. Ram Gopal University of Connecticut Dr. Kannan Govindarajan Hewlett-Packard Company Dr. Paul Gray Claremont Graduate University Dr. James V. Hansen Brigham Young University Dr. John Henderson Boston University Dr. Varghese Jacob University of Texas at Dallas Dr. Benn Konsynski Emory University Dr. Soundar Kumara Penn State University Dr. Salvatore March Vanderbilt University Dr. Tridas Mukhopadhyay Carnegie Mellon University Dr. Kichan Nam Sogang University, Seoul, S. Korea Dr. Hasan Pirkul University of Texas at Dallas Dr. Sudha Ram University of Arizona Dr. M.R. Rao Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India Dr. J. Saha Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India Dr. Ramesh Sharda Oklahoma State University Dr. Mike Shaw University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign Dr. Gabriel M. Silberman Center for Advanced Studies, IBM, Canada Dr. Ted Stohr Stevens Institute of Technology Dr. Kar Yan Tam Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong Dr. Amjad Umar Bell Communications Research Dr.Vijay Vaishnavi Georgia State University Dr. Iris Vessey Indiana University Dr. R. Yuvatkar Intel Architecture Labs Dr. Stanley Zionts SUNY at Buffalo


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