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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Journal Description - Inflammatory Bowel Diseases® is the first journal dedicated exclusively to IBD. It covers all topics of interest to the professional treating patients or conducting research in this burgeoning field. Each bi-monthly issue features original, peer-reviewed articles in clinical and basic science areas, as well as invited in-depth reviews of key treatment issues and groundbreaking research. Coverage includes articles highlighting the unique and important issues in pediatric IBD, as well as articles pertaining to adult patients. Also included are critical examinations of the design and results of recent clinical trials; elucidative discussions of controversial diagnostic and management issues and techniques; and summaries of significant articles from around the world with relevant commentary by experts in the field.

In Every Issue of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases® ...
  • Controversies in IBD
  • Basic Science Review
  • Case Reports

ISSN: 1078-0998
Online ISSN: 1536-4844
Frequency: Six issues per year

Instructions to Authors
The focus of the journal Inflammatory Bowel Diseases® is to bring the most current information in the clinical and basic sciences to all physicians caring for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, and to investigators performing research in inflammatory bowel diseases and related fields. The journal will publish peer-reviewed manuscripts and review articles in basic and clinical sciences, updates on clinical trials, reviews of the current literature, case reports, editorials, and other features.

Ethical/Legal Considerations A submitted manuscript must be an original contribution not previously published (except as an abstract or preliminary report), must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and, if accepted, must not be published elsewhere in similar form, in any language, without the consent of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Each person listed as an author is expected to have participated in the study to a significant extent. Although the editors and referees make every effort to ensure the validity of published manuscripts, the final responsibility rests with the authors, not with the journal, its editors, or the publisher. All manuscripts must be submitted online through the journal's website at https://ibd.edmgr.com. See submission instructions below, under "Online manuscript submission."

Patient anonymity and informed consent: It is the author's responsibility to ensure that a patient's anonymity be carefully protected and to verify that any experimental investigation with human subjects reported in the manuscript was performed with informed consent and following all the guidelines for experimental investigation with human subjects required by the institution(s) with which all the authors are affiliated. Authors should mask patients' eyes and remove patients' names from figures unless they obtain written consent from the patients and submit written consent with the manuscript.

Copyright: A copy of the journal's "Authorship Responsibility, Financial Disclosure, and Copyright Transfer" form must be signed by all authors and submitted to Molly Sullivan, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 530 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Permissions: Direct quotations, tables, or illustrations that have appeared in copyrighted material must be accompanied by written permission for their use from the copyright owner (usually the publisher) and the original author, along with complete information as to the source.

Manuscript Submission
Online manuscript submission: All manuscripts must be submitted online through the new website at https://ibd.edmgr.com. First-time users: Please click the Register button from the menu above and enter the requested information. On successful registration, you will be sent an e-mail indicating your user name and password. Print a copy of this information for future reference. Note: If you have received an e-mail from us with an assigned user ID and password, or if you are a repeat user, do not register again. Just log in. Once you have an assigned ID and password, you do not have to re-register, even if your status changes (that is, author, reviewer, or editor). Authors: Please click the log-in button from the menu at the top of the page and log in to the system as an Author. Submit your manuscript according to the author instructions. You will be able to track the progress of your manuscript through the system. If you experience any problems, please contact Molly Sullivan, msulliva@LWW.com, 215-521-8470, fax 215-521-8488. Requests for help and other questions will be addressed in the order received.

Preparation of Manuscript
Manuscripts that do not adhere to the following instructions will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revision before undergoing peer review.

Title page: Include on the title page (a) complete manuscript title; (b) authors' full names, highest academic degrees, and affiliations; (c) name and address for correspondence, including fax number, telephone number, and e-mail address; (d) address for reprints if different from that of corresponding author; and (e) sources of support that require acknowledgment.

Unstructured abstract and key words: Limit the abstract to 250 words. It must be factual and comprehensive. Do not cite references in the abstract. Limit the use of abbreviations and acronyms, and avoid general statements (e.g., "the significance of the results is discussed"). List three to five key words.

Text: For full-length research articles, organize the manuscript in the following sequence: Abstract and Key Words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Ethical Considerations, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgment, References, Tables, and Figure Legends. Original Research Articles: Authors are encouraged to submit articles in basic or clinical science. Review Articles of exceptional merit will also be accepted. Contributors should communicate with the Editors before submitting a review. Abbreviations must be defined at first mention in text and in each table and figure. If a brand name is cited, manufacturer and address (city and state/country) should be supplied. Acknowledge all forms of support, including pharmaceutical industry support, in an Acknowledgment paragraph.

Abbreviations: For a list of standard abbreviations, consult the Council of Biology Editors Style Guide (available from the Council of Science Editors, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814) or other standard sources. Write out the full term for each abbreviation at its first use unless it is a standard unit of measure.

References: The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Key the references (double-spaced) at the end of the manuscript. Cite the references in text in the order of appearance. Cite unpublished data, such as papers submitted but not yet accepted for publication, personal communications, in parentheses in the text. If there are more than three authors, only name the first three authors and then use et al. For abbreviations of journal names, refer to List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus. This can be accessed at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html. Sample references are given below:

Journal article
1. Gudlaugsdottir S, van Dekken H, Stijnen T, et al. Prolonged use of proton pump inhibitors, CagA status, and the outcome of Helicobacter pylori gastritis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2002;34:536?40

Book chapter
2. Tobin RW, Kimmey MB. Painful diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In: Loeser JD, ed. Bonica's Management of Pain. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001:1269?292.

Entire book
3. Rohen JW, Yokochi C, LŸtjen-Drecoll E. Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002

4. Epi Info [computer program]. Version 6. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 1994.

Online journals
5. Friedman SA. Preeclampsia: a review of the role of prostaglandins. Obstet Gynecol [serial online]. January 1988;71:22?7. Available from: BRS Information Technologies, McLean, VA. Accessed December 15, 1990.

6. CANCERNET-PDQ [database online]. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute; 1996. Updated March 29, 1996.

World Wide Web
7. Gostin LO. Drug use and HIV/AIDS [JAMA HIV/AIDS Web site]. June 1, 1996. Available at: http://www.ama-assn.org/special/hiv/ethics. Accessed June 26, 1997

Figures:Art should be created/scanned and saved and submitted as either a TIFF (tagged image file format), an EPS (encapsulated postscript) file, or a PPT (Power Point) file. Line art must have a resolution of at least 1200 dpi (dots per inch), and electronic photographsÑradiographs, CT scans, and so onÑand scanned images must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. If fonts are used in the artwork, they must be converted to paths or outlines or they must be embedded in the files. Color images must be created/scanned and saved and submitted as CMYK files. Please note that artwork generated from office suite programs such as Corel Draw and MS Word and artwork downloaded from the Internet (JPEG or GIFF files) cannot be used. Cite figures consecutively on the site, and number them in the order in which they are discussed.

Figure legends:Legends must be submitted for all figures. They should be brief and specific, and they should appear after the text and before the references. Use scale markers in the image for electron micrographs, and indicate the type of stain used.

Color figures:The journal accepts for publication color figures that will enhance the article. Authors who submit color figures will receive an estimate of the cost for color reproduction. The cost of printing color illustrations will be charged to the author. If they decide not to pay for color reproduction, they can request that the figures be converted to black and white at no charge.

Tables:Create tables using the table creating and editing feature of your word processing software (eg, Word, WordPerfect). Do not use Excel or comparable spreadsheet programs. Group all tables in a separate file. Cite tables consecutively in the text, and number them in that order. Key each on a separate sheet, and include the table title, appropriate column heads, and explanatory legends (including definitions of any abbreviations used). Do not embed tables within the body of the manuscript. They should be self-explanatory and should supplement, rather than duplicate, the material in the text.

Style: Pattern manuscript style after the American Medical Association Manual of Style (9th edition). Stedman's Medical Dictionary (27th edition) and Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th edition) should be used as standard references. Refer to drugs and therapeutic agents by their accepted generic or chemical names, and do not abbreviate them. Use code numbers only when a generic name is not yet available. In that case, supply the chemical name and a figure giving the chemical structure of the drug. Capitalize the trade names of drugs and place them in parentheses after the generic names. To comply with trademark law, include the name and location (city and state in USA; city and country outside USA) of the manufacturer of any drugs, supplies, or equipment mentioned in the manuscript. Use the metric system to express units of measure and degrees Celsius to express temperatures, and use SI units rather than conventional units.

After Acceptance
Page proofs and corrections: Corresponding authors will receive electronic page proofs to check the copyedited and typeset article before publication. Portable document format (PDF) files of the typeset pages and support documents (e.g., reprint order form) will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail. Complete instructions will be provided with the e-mail for downloading and printing the files and for faxing the corrected pages to the publisher. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that there are no errors in the proofs. Changes that have been made to conform to journal style should be allowed to stand if they do not alter the authors' meaning. Authors may be charged for alterations to the proofs beyond those required to correct errors or to answer queries. Proofs must be checked carefully and corrections faxed within 24 to 48 hours of receipt, as requested in the cover letter accompanying the page proofs.

Reprints: Authors will receive a reprint order form and a price list with the page proofs. Reprint requests should be faxed to the publisher with the corrected proofs, if possible. Reprints are normally shipped 6 to 8 weeks after publication of the issue in which the item appears. Contact the Reprint Department, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 530 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, with any questions.

Publisher's contact: Return corrected page proofs, reprint order form, and any other related materials to Project Editor, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 351 West Camden Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, fax 410-528-4187.
Editorial Board


Robert Burakoff, M.D., M.P.H.
Chief of Clinical Gastroenterology
Division of Gastroenterology
Brigham & Women's Hospital
Boston, MA

Richard P. MacDermott, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Head, Division of Gastroenterology
The Albany Medical College
Albany, New York

Section Editors

Basic Science Articles
Richard S. Blumberg, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts

Scott Plevy, M.D.
New York, New York

Joel Weinstock, M.D.
Iowa City, Iowa

Clinical Reviews
Jean-Frederic Colombel, M.D.
Lille, France

Gary R. Lichtenstein, M.D.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Paul Rutgeerts, M.D., Ph.D.
Leuven, Belgium

William Sandborn, M.D.
Rochester, Minnesota

J¨¹rgen Schölmerich, M.D.
Regensburg, Germany

Clinical Articles
Maria T. Abreu, M.D.
Los Angeles, California,

Anders Ekbom, M.D.
Stockholm, Sweden

Kim L. Isaacs, M.D., Ph.D.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Bret Lashner, M.D.
Cleveland, Ohio

Edward Loftus, M.D.
Rochester, Minnesota

Theodore Bayless, M.D.
Baltimore, Maryland,

A. Hillary Steinhart, M.D.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

William J. Tremaine, M.D.
Rochester, Minnesota

Controversies in IBD
Robert Baldassano, M.D.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

Charles Bernstein, M.D.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Russell Cohen, M.D.
Chicago, Illinois

Hankje JC Escher, M.D.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Robin McLeod, M.D.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Daniel H. Present, M.D.
New York, New York

Sander van Deventer, M.D.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Scott A. Strong, M.D.
Cleveland, OH

Selected Summaries
Joshua R. Korzenik, M.D.
St. Louis, Missouri

Bruce E. Sands, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts

Basic Science Reviews
Claudio Fiocchi, M.D.
Cleveland, Ohio

Stephen P. James, M.D.
Baltimore, Maryland

Yashwant R. Mahida, M.D.
Nottingham, England, U.K.

Fergus Shanahan, M.D.
Cork, Ireland

William Stenson, M.D.
St. Louis, Missouri

Stephan Targan, M.D.
Los Angeles, California

Basic Science on the Cutting Edge
Fabio Cominelli, M.D.
Charlottesville, Virginia

Charles Elson, III, M.D.
Birmingham, Alabama

Alan D. Levine, Ph.D.
Cleveland, Ohio

Lloyd Mayer, M.D.
New York, New York

R. Balfour Sartor, M.D.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Clinical Viewpoints
Cosimo Prantera, M.D.
Rome, Italy

Steven Brant, M.D.
Baltimore, Maryland

Richard Duerr, M.D.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Derek P. Jewell, M.D.
Oxford, England, U.K.

J. Satsangi, M.D.
Oxford, England, U.K.

Stefan Schreiber, M.D.
Kiel, Germany

Pediatric Articles
Marla Dubinsky, M.D.
Los Angeles, California

Richard J. Grand, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts

Jean Perrault, M.D.
Rochester, Minnesota

Ernest G. Seidman, M.D.
Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec, Canada

Editorial Board

James Becker, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

David G. Binion, M.D.
Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Alan L. Buchman, M.D.
Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

Massimo Campieri, M.D.
Bologna, Italy

Christine Cartwright, M.D.
Stanford, California, U.S.A.

Eugene Chang, M.D.
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Mitsuro Chiba, M.D.
Akita City, Japan

Stephen Collins, M.D.
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Carmen Cuffari, M.D.
Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

Kiron Das, M.D., Ph.D.
New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Geet D'Haens, M.D.
Leuven, Belgium

Francis Farraye, M.D.
Boston, MA,

Victor W. Fazio, M.D.
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

Brian G. Feagan, M.D.
London, Ontario, Canada

George D. Ferry, M.D.
Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

Warren Finkelstein, M.D.
Glen Ridge, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Glenn T. Furuta, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Ivan Fuss, M.D.
Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.

Anne M. Griffiths, M.D.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Matthew Grisham, M.D.
Shreveport, Louisiana, U.S.A.

Stephen B. Hanauer, M.D.
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Maria Oliva-Hemker, M.D.
Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

Toshifumi Hibi, M.D.
Tokyo, Japan

Humphrey H. Hodgson, M.D.
London, England, U.K.

Jeffrey S. Hyams, M.D.
Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A.

Steven H. Itzkowitz, M.D.
New York, New York, U.S.A.

Gunnar Järnerot, M.D., Ph.D.
Örebro, Sweden

Michael Kamm, M.D.
Middlesex, England

Jeffry Katz, M.D.
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

Ciaran Kelly, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Barbara S. Kirschner, M.D.
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Burton I. Korelitz, M.D.
New York, New York, U.S.A.

Thomas LaMont, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

James D. Lewis, M.D.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Herbert Lochs
Berlin, Germany

Edward V. Loftus, M.D.
Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A.

Averil I. Ma, M.D.
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Thomas MacDonald, Ph.D.
London, England, U.K.

David R. Mack, M.D.
Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.

Uma Mahadevan, M.D.
San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.

Juan Malagelada, M.D.
Barcelona, Spain

Jim Markowitz, M.D.
Manhasset, New York, U.S.A.

Philip B. Miner, M.D.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A.

Markus Neurath, M.D.
Mainz, Germany

Francesco Pallone, M.D.
Catanzaro, Italy

Amado Salvador Peña, M.D.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mark A. Peppercorn, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Theresa T. Pizarro, Ph.D.
Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.A.

Daniel K. Podolsky, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Fiona Powrie
Oxford, England

Daniel Rachmilewitz
Tel Aviv, Israel

Hans Christian Reinecker, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Patricia L. Roberts, M.D.
Burlington, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Robert Sandler, M.D.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, U.S.A.

Ellen Scherl, M.D.
Fort Lee, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Samir Shah, M.D.
Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.

Charles A. Sninsky, M.D.
Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.

Eduard Stange, M.D.
Stuttgart, Germany

Warren Strober, M.D.
Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.

Lloyd R. Sutherland, M.D.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Vasundhara K. Tolia, M.D.
Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

John F. Valentine, M.D.
Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.

W. Allan Walker, M.D.
Charleston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

John Wallace, Ph.D.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Harland S. Winter, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Bruce Yacyshyn, M.D.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Martin Zeitz, M.D.
Berlin, Germany


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