

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Industrial Management & Data Systems aims to improve managerial skills by promoting awareness of new technology and related concepts and their implications for new products and processes; and to improve understanding of all aspects of management activity, facilitating better communication between functions, so enhancing prospects for more effective corporate integration. Technological aids to management cover a growing and diverse area. Using technology is one thing - being in control of it is another, and an increasingly important factor in developing managerial, communication and technical skills. This journal provides the information needed to exploit the potential of new technology knowledgeably.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts should be submitted in double line spacing with wide margins. All authors should be shown and author's details must be supplied on a separate sheet and the author should not be identified anywhere else in the article.


As a guide, articles should be between 3,000 and 6,000 words in length. A title of not more than eight words should be provided. A brief autobiographical note should be supplied including full name, affiliation, e-mail address and full international contact details. Authors must supply an abstract of 100-150 words. Up to six keywords should be included which encapsulate the principal subjects covered by the article.


Where there is a methodology, it should be clearly described under a separate heading. Headings must be short, clearly defined and not numbered. Notes or Endnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers, enclosed in square brackets and listed at the end of the article.


Figures, charts and diagrams should be kept to a minimum. They should be provided both electronically and as good quality originals. They must be black and white with minimum shading and numbered consecutively using arabic numerals.


Artwork should be either copied or pasted from the origination software into a blank Microsoft Word document, or saved and imported into a blank Microsoft Word document. Artwork created in MS Powerpoint is also acceptable. Artwork may be submitted in the following standard image formats: .eps - Postscript, .pdf - Adobe Acrobat portable document, .ai - Adobe Acrobat portable document, .wmf - Windows Metafile. If it is not possible to supply graphics in the formats listed above, authors should ensure that figures supplied as .tif, .gif, .jpeg, .bmp, .pcx, .pic, .pct are supplied as files of at least 300 dpi and at least 10cm wide.


In the text the position of a figure should be shown by typing on a separate line the words "take in Figure 2". Authors should supply succinct captions.


For photographic images good quality original photographs should be submitted. If submitted electronically they should be saved as tif files of at least 300dpi and at least 10cm wide. Their position in the text should be shown by typing on a separate line the words "take in Plate 2".


Tables should be kept to a minimum. They must be numbered consecutively with roman numerals and a brief title. In the text, the position of the table should be shown by typing on a separate line the words "take in Table IV".


Photos and illustrations must be supplied as good quality black and white original half tones with captions. Their position should be shown in the text by typing on a separate line the words "take in Plate 2".


References to other publications should be complete and in Harvard style. They should contain full bibliographical details and journal titles should not be abbreviated. For multiple citations in the same year use a, b, c immediately following the year of publication. References should be shown within the text by giving the author's last name followed by a comma and year of publication all in round brackets, e.g. (Fox, 1994). At the end of the article should be a reference list in alphabetical order as follows


(a) for books

surname, initials and year of publication, title, publisher, place of publication, e.g.Casson, M. (1979), Alternatives to the Multinational Enterprise, Macmillan, London.


(b) for chapter in edited book

surname, initials and year, "title", editor's surname, initials, title, publisher, place, pages, e.g.Bessley, M. and Wilson, P. (1984), "Public policy and small firms in Britain", in Levicki, C. (Ed.), Small Business Theory and Policy, Croom Helm, London, pp.111-26. Please note that the chapter title must be underlined.


(c) for articles

surname, initials, year "title", journal, volume, number, pages, e.g.Fox, S. (1994) "Empowerment as a catalyst for change: an example from the food industry", Supply Chain Management, Vol 2 No 3, pp. 29-33


If there is more than one author list surnames followed by initials. All authors should be shown.


Electronic sources should include the URL of the electronic site at which they may be found, as follows:

Neuman, B.C.(1995), "Security, payment, and privacy for network commerce", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 13 No.8, October, pp.1523-31. Available (IEEE SEPTEMBER) http://www.research.att.com/jsac/


Notes/Endnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary. They should, however, always be used for citing Web sites. They should be identified in the text by consecutive numbers enclosed in square brackets and listed at the end of the article. Please then provide full Web site addresses in the end list.


Final submission of the article

Authors should submit via e-mail attachment in MS Word format directly to the Editor-in-Chief at blin@pilot.lsus.ed

Editorial Board

Dr Binshan Lin
Authors should submit via e-mail attachment in MS Word format directly to the Editor-in-Chief at


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