

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

An Official Journal of the British Society for Immunology

Published on behalf of the British Society for Immunology

Edited by:
M. Kemeny


Print ISSN: 0019-2805
Online ISSN: 1365-2567
Issues per Volume: Monthly
Current Volume: 109
ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2002: 38/119 (Immunology)

Recognised as one of the leading journals in its field, Immunology publishes papers describing original work in all areas of immunology including:

¡ì                                 cellular immunology

¡ì                                 allergy

¡ì                                 antigen presentation

¡ì                                 infection

¡ì                                 autoimmunity

¡ì                                 lymphocyte migration

¡ì                                 immunogenetics

¡ì                                 mucosal immunology

Original articles describing mechanistic insights to the immune system are particularly welcome and emphasis is placed upon clarity of expression. Immunology does not in general publish papers of a prima

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Please note, manuscripts may now be submitted to the Journal electronically.


Immunology publishes papers describing original work in all areas of immunology including cellular immunology, immunochemistry, immunogenetics, allergy, transplantation immunology, cancer immunology and clinical immunology.


The Journal also occasionally publishes solicited and unsolicited review articles on subjects of topical interest to immunologists. It does not in general publish papers of a primarily methodological nature. Please note that excessively long manuscripts and unnecessary data will slow down the review process.


Papers will be accepted for publication provided they meet these requirements and provided they have not been and will not be published elsewhere, in whole or in part. Papers accepted become copyright of the Journal.




Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts electronically. Electronic submission reduces both the costs to authors (reduced photocopying, figure preparation and postage costs) and the handling time during the review process by removing postage delays. For further information, please see below or e-mail the editorial office (allison@immunology.org).


If you are unable to submit your manuscript in this way, please send four complete copies of the text, tables and figures, along with a disk containing a word-processed file of the manuscript, to:



Editorial Office, Immunology

British Society for Immunology

Triangle House

Broomhill Road


SW18 4HX


Tel: +44 (0) 20 8875 2441

Fax: +44 (0) 20 8875 2422/2424

e-mail: rubina@immunology.org


Further information regarding postal submissions can be found in the Manuscripts on disk and Illustrations sections.


For BOTH electronic and postal submissions, the following forms must be completed and returned to the editorial office at the address given above: authors declaration, Copyright Assignment, Colour Work Agreement (only applicable if colour is used in the manuscript).


Review articles


Immunology welcomes Review articles in all topical areas of immunological research. Review articles are typically 4000-5000 words, and should include a maximum of 1-2 Figures or Tables. Please see below for instructions for electronic submission. The Editors are happy to discuss any ideas for Review articles in advance of submission, please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial office for details.


Electronic Submission


All you, as an author, have to do to submit your manuscript electronically is upload a single PDF file of your paper which contains the text, figures and tables (as applicable) to a secure website, following initial registration with the site.


If you already have your manuscript prepared as a single PDF, and have read and complied with the important points regarding electronic submission, then please submit your manuscript following the instructions given on the ESPERE website.


Full information regarding PDF preparation and electronic submission can be found in the following sections.


Immunology, as a member of the ESPERE consortium, can now receive manuscripts submitted electronically via the Internet. Both authors and referees find the system easy to use and, by reducing postal delays, it is hoped that electronic submission and peer review will result in a more efficient and faster reviewing process. Manuscripts are submitted to a secure workspace that only the editorial staff have full access to; designated referees and authors can only access those manuscripts pertaining to them.


To ensure that invited referees can read the electronic files, all manuscripts must be submitted as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Such files avoid the general compatibility problems posed by the use of different computer systems e.g. Mac versus PC.


Please note that, although the file format required for electronic submission is PDF, authors should still prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the guidelines given above.


Accepted manuscripts may NOT be submitted as PDFs because such files cannot be used for the production process.


PDF Preparation


To prepare a PDF, you will need conversion software and it is recommended that you use Adobe Acrobat. This software is not expensive and institutional discounts are available. Indeed, it may be that your institution already has a licence for the software. Please note that Adobe Acrobat is not the same as Acrobat Reader (the software used to view PDFs) which is freely available via the Internet.


If you encounter any problems, or are unable to supply your manuscript as a PDF, please contact the editorial office (allison@immunology.org) for assistance.


The following instructions outline the best way to prepare your initial electronic version of your manuscript, followed by PDF conversion.


1. Production of electronic text files


The preferred system for this Journal is IBM-compatible, using Word, but any system can be handled. You should use a general font such as Times Roman/New Roman, Arial or Helvetica throughout when preparing your manuscript. You should avoid using Far Eastern/Asian fonts. When adding symbols, e.g. Greek characters, you should use the Insert, Symbol option in the word processing program. Alternatively, you may wish to write out any unusual characters/symbols out in full.


2. Production of electronic graphics


Digital versions of figures should ideally be in native format or PICT if created on a Mac, or native format or WMF if created in Windows. Files saved as PS, EPS, GIF and TIF may also be used, but please note that it may not be possible to modify these files during production. If figures are added to the text this will tend to make the final file large so it is worth keeping individual figure files as small as possible. Figure files can be reduced considerably in size by the following methods:


(i) if colour, reduce the colour depth e.g. from millions of colours to 256 or from 256 to 16 (remember to keep an archive version)


(ii) reduce the resolution e.g. from 300 dpi to 150 dpi (not applicable to line figures where you should use 600 dpi minimum)


(iii) reduce the actual size of the figure


3. Preparation of separate PDFs


Convert each file (text, figures, tables) into a separate PDF file. This is achieved by printing to Acrobat Distiller (File, Print, Select Acrobat Distiller) rather than your usual hard copy printer. It is recommended that the final size (including figures) of your PDF is below 1MB in order to keep the transfer time to a minimum. If your final file size is greater than this, please use the Compression option. To achieve this in Acrobat Distiller, select Settings, Job Options, Compression. You can reduce the resolution to 150 or even 72 dpi for screen viewing of colour or greyscale images. For line diagrams use a minimum of 600 dpi. Please ensure that the Embed all fonts box in the Properties option that appears in the print dialog box is ticked. To ensure that Far Eastern/Asian fonts are embedded, you must use Acrobat version 4 and Acrobat Distiller.


4. Preparation of a single PDF


Compile a single PDF from the multiple files. Open the Acrobat program (referred to as Acrobat Exchange) and then open the PDF containing the text of your manuscript. Using the Document option on the toolbar, select Insert pages..., chose the file containing the next section of the manuscript to be added e.g. the tables and insert the file after the last page of the text. Repeat this procedure for all additional files until your manuscript is totally contained within a single PDF. Please do NOT include the covering message within this PDF. You will be given the opportunity to write a covering message when submitting your manuscript to the ESPERE system. Save the complete file, naming the file xxxx.pdf where xxx is the surname of the first author. Do not include any unusual characters, punctuation, hyphenation, et al. or spaces in the filename.


It is advisable to print out a hard copy of the final PDF to check that everything appears as it should; symbols, figures and tables, in particular, should be carefully checked to ensure that there have not been any problems during PDF conversion.


Advice on PDF preparation can also be found on the ESPERE website in the section entitled Acrobat PDF.


Submission to ESPERE


You will need to register with the ESPERE system.


To do so you will have to provide contact details, including an e-mail address, and you will be sent a password to this e-mail address. You can change the given password to something that you find more memorable. Follow the simple instructions to upload your manuscript. You can either cut and paste a covering message into the space provided or upload a separate PDF of your covering letter using the browse button provided. At Immunology we would prefer you to use the cut and paste option. Please note that for submission to Immunology you MUST copy and paste the abstract into the space provided.


To register with ESPERE and submit a paper, please click here.


Important Points


Please pay particular attention to the following important points when preparing your electronic submission:


1. Use a general font such as Times Roman/New Roman, Arial or Helvetica. Avoid using Far Eastern/Asian fonts.

2. When adding symbols, e.g. Greek characters, use the Insert, Symbol option in the word processing program or write the characters out in full.

3. Embed all fonts during PDF preparation.

4. Keep the file size of the final file below 1MB.

5. Name your final file xxxx.pdf where xxx is the surname of the first author. Do not include any unusual characters, punctuation,

hyphenation, et al. or spaces in the filename.

6. Contain the complete manuscript, including references, figures and tables, within a single PDF. Do NOT include the covering message within this file. A covering letter can be submitted either as a separate PDF or a text message in the space provided when submitting your manuscript. The use of a text message is preferred by this journal.

7. Copy and paste your abstract into the space provided when submitting your manuscript to ESPERE.


Further details on these important points can be found in the full instructions on PDF preparation and submission.


Manuscripts on Disk


All manuscripts must be supplied on disk, together with four hard copies. The final version of the hard copy and the file on disk must be the same. Please make a note of the software and the type of computer used.


Do not use the carriage return (enter) at the end of lines within a paragraph. Always enclose a hard copy of figures and tables. Disks will not be returned to authors.


Ethical Issues


If the work involves experimentation on living animals, authors must provide evidence that it was performed in accordance with local ethical guidelines. In the case of work involving human beings, evidence must be provided that it was performed with the approval of the local ethical committee.




The Journal recognizes the abbreviations given in the Instructions to Authors Biochemical Journal. Abbreviations not listed there may be used for unwieldy terms, when these occur frequently. These abbreviations and their meanings should be listed on a separate page and the list will appear as a footnote on the first page of the article.




Illustrations and diagrams should be referred to as Figs and given Arabic numbers; they should be about twice the size of the finished block, each on a separate sheet, bearing the authors name, short title of the paper and figure number on the back.


We would like to receive your artwork in electronic form. Please save vector graphics (e.g. line artwork) in Encapsulated Postscript Format (EPS) and bitmap files (e.g. half-tones) in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). Ideally vector graphics that have been saved in metafile (.WMF) or pict (.PCT) format should be embedded within the body of the text file. Detailed information on our digital illustration standards are available at www.blackwell-science.com/elecmed/authors.htm. Please enclose a good quality hard copies of all figures.


Hand-drawn diagrams should be prepared in Indian ink on plain white paper, with letters, numbers, etc., written lightly in pencil.


Photographs should be well contrasted on glossy paper and be about the same size as the finished block. Where there is any possible doubt as to the orientation of an illustration, the top should be marked with an arrow. Colour illustrations will be accepted, when found necessary by the Editor, although the authors will be expected to pay for all aspects of the colour reproduction. Please click here for a colour work agreement form.


Legends should be typed on one sheet, separate from the figures. Drawings and photographs should include a statement of magnification. In the full-text on-line version of the journal, figure legends may be truncated in abbreviated links to the full-screen version. Therefore, the first 100 characters of any legend should inform the reader of the key aspects of the figure.




Tables should be typed on separate sheets and should be given Arabic numbers. The approximate position in the text should be indicated.


Both figures and tables should be comprehensible without reference to the text. A list of figures and tables should accompany the manuscript.




Only papers related to the authors work should be referred to: exhaustive lists must be avoided. References should be numbered sequentially as they appear in the text, those cited in figure legends and tables should show the full title of the paper with first and last page numbers. The journal name should be abbreviated according to the system adopted by Index Medicus. In papers with 8 authors or less, all author names should be listed. In papers with more than 8 authors, please list the first three names followed by et al. For example:


Oyaizu N, Adachi Y, Hashimoto F, McCloskey TW, Hosaka N, Kayagaki N, Yagita H, Pahwa S. Monocytes express Fas ligand upon CD4 cross-linking and induce CD4+ T cells apoptosis: a possible mechanism of bystander cell death in HIV infection. J Immunol 1997; 158:2456-63.


Cheng J, Zhou T, Liu C et al. Protection from Fas-mediated apoptosis by a soluble form of the Fas molecule. Science 1994; 263:1759-62.


When the reference relates to a book, the following forms should be used:


Virella G, Goust JM, Fudenberg HH. Introduction to Medical Immunology, 2nd edn. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1990.


Specific chapter/section in book:

Kearse KP, Kaplan AM, Cohen DA. Role of cell surface glycoproteins in the formation of T-cell: APC conjugates. In: Schook LB, Tew JG, eds. Antigen Presenting Cells: Diversity, Differentiation, and Regulation. New York: Alan R. Liss, 1988:221-34.


Only papers that have been published or accepted for publication (in press) should be listed in the references. Unpublished observations and personal communications should be cited as such in the text.


Page Proofs


These will be submitted to the contributors for minor corrections and should be returned to the Desk Editor within 3 days. Major alterations to the text will not be accepted.


Proofs will be sent via e-mail as an Acrobat PDF (portable document format) file. The e-mail server must be able to accept attachments up to 4 MB in size. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following Web site:




This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen, and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. Proofs will be posted if no e-mail address is available; in your absence, please arrange for a colleague to access your e-mail to retrieve the proofs.




Fifty offprints of each paper are supplied free, but additional copies may be purchased if ordered on the printed card which will be sent to the author who corrects the proofs.

Editorial Board

Editorial Information


M Kemeny


Associate Editors

J Gordon

A Hayday

N Hogg

F Y Liew

M Peakman

J Trowsdale


Editorial Office, Immunology

British Society for Immunology

Triangle House

Broomhill Road


SW18 4HX


Tel: +44 208 875 2441

Fax: +44 208 875 2422/2424

e-mail: rubina@immunology.org


Production Editor


All manuscripts submitted to Immunology are peer-reviewed prior to publication. Referees complete a standard evaluation form, as well as providing comments for the editors and authors, ensuring that the quality of manuscripts published in the Journal is maintained to a consistently high standard.



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