

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS is a quarterly periodical beginning from 1996 as a joint publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division and ASME Design Engineering Division. The aim of the present Transactions is to establish a high quality archival journal which presents the state of the art, recent advances and practical applications of mechatronics. Its scope encompasses all practical aspects of the theory and methods of mechatronics, the synergetic integration of mechanical engineering with electronic and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacture of industrial products and processes. The covered ten technical areas included are:

   Modeling and Design

   System Integration

   Actuators and Sensors

   Intelligent Control



   Motion Control

   Vibration and Noise Control

   Micro Devices and Opto-Electronic Systems

   Automotive systems

   Other applications

Instructions to Authors

Two types of contributions are regularly considered: 1) Regular Papers - Presentation of significant research and development in the technical areas listed above, with a page limit of eight Transactions pages. 2) Short Papers - Brief technical notes, comments on published papers and corrections to papers, with a page limit of no more than four Transactions pages. Special papers (tutorials, surveys, and perspectives on the art, advances, theory and practice of mechatronics) are solicited. Unsolicited special papers are welcome, but prospective authors should contact the Editor-in-Chief before submitting such papers. Manuscripts submitted for consideration should report on new results. Without impairing quality, authors should pay particular attention to documenting their work in relationship to the known literature for concise presentation. Readers are encouraged to submit Short Papers to the Editor-in-Chief. Short Papers are typically summaries of important results to be published later at greater length; remarks on, or extensions to, material already published, or problem challenges. Submission of material will be construed as indicating that the material has not been copyrighted, published, or presented elsewhere, unless explicit notice to the contrary is given. All papers will be reviewed, and the results will be forwarded to the authors. When a paper is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to furnish the text of the final manuscript on a disk, as well as three paper copies; the originals of all figures and tables; list of figure captions; a signed IEEE Copyright Form; and a biography and a photograph of each of the authors.


Procedure for Submission of a Manuscript


Submit the PDF file of the manuscript to




by e-mail with abstract, references, and illustrations, to the Editor-in-Chief of the TRANSACTIONS. Indicate on the cover page whether your contribution is primarily a regular or letter item, which technical area you prefer for review, and from three to five keywords. The Editor-in-Chief will forward the manuscript to one of the Technical Editors. The reviewers, as designated by the Technical Editor, will complete the review process of the manuscript. Each copy should be accompanied by the complete set of (not the original) figures (of which there should be not more than 10), and regular papers are limited to eight Transactions pages and short papers four Transactions pages. Also, refer to Information for Authors, found at http://www.ieee-asme-mechatronics.org.


Length and Style of Manuscript


1.   Manuscripts should be submitted in a double column format using an IEEE style file (downloadable from http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/authors.html). Regular papers are limited to eight Transactions pages and short papers four Transactions pages, with mandatory page charges imposed on extra pages beyond eight pages up to twelve pages for regular papers and beyond four pages up to six pages for short papers. Excessively long papers may be rejected without review. Papers requiring significantly major revision will be rejected. If the author resubmits an appropriate revision within six weeks, the paper retains its original submission date.

2.   The first manuscript page should contain author name(s), affiliation(s), and a corresponding author's address, phone/fax number, and e-mail address. If the corresponding author will be away for a length of time, please include an alternative contact.

3.   The paper should be written in correct English, and convey ideas of importance to the mechatronics community. Please write the paper so it can be useful to both the expert and neophyte. The references should help the neophyte expand his knowledge of the field.

4.   Provide a carefully worded abstract of a maximum of 200 words including what is the problem or topic discussed; what is the scope of its treatment; and what is the author's unique approach or important contributions. Provide a list of figures and table captions on a separate sheet of paper. Original illustrations should not exceed 22 X 28 cm (8 1/2 X 11 in). Original prints for photographs, figures, and tables are required for an accepted paper. They should be black on white paper and heavy enough to remain legible after reduction.

5.   Succeeding pages should contain, in order, the body of the paper, acknowledgements, references, biography, and figure captions on separate sheet. All pages should be numbered with the first page being the title-abstract page.

6.   References should be complete and follow IEEE style: Style for Papers: Author (with initials first), title, journal title, volume number, inclusive page numbers, month, year. Style for Book: Author, title. Location of publisher: year, page, or chapter number, if desired.


Procedure for Submitting a Letter:


All the above apply to correspondence items with the following exceptions: The manuscript should be limited to the equivalent of five single-column double-spaced typewritten pages in 12 point font; it should not contain more than three figures; and it should have an abstract of not more than 80 words.


Page Charges


After a paper has been accepted, the author's organization will be requested to pay a page charge per printed page to cover part of the publication cost. The author will receive 100 reprints without covers if the page charge is honored at the amount of 100$ per page. A mandatory over page charge of $175.00 per page will be imposed on each page over the first eight pages for regular papers and on each page over the first four pages for short papers counted using the final print typeset pages not the manuscript pages. This mandatory over page charge is a prerequisite for publication.




It is the policy of IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the U.S. Copyright Law, authors are required to sign an IEEE copyright transfer form before publication. This form, a copy of which appears annually in the first issue of this Transactions, returns to authors and their employers full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes.


Final Submission on Electronic Form


The following is the general guidelines for submission of electronic media by authors whose papers have been accepted. The operating system and word processing software used to produce your document must be netted on your disk or tape (e.g., DOS/WordPerfect). In the case of UNIX media, the method of extraction (i.e., tar, bar, dump) must be noted. The hardcopy must match the disk tape exactly. Any changes made to the hardcopy must be incorporated into your disk/tape. The disk/tape must be labeled with the file name(s) relating to the manuscript. No program files should be included on the disc/tape. Floppy discs should be packed in a way that minimizes possibility of damage in transit. A flat ASCII version should be included on the disk with word-processed version, if possible. The accepted style of this Transactions should be followed as much as possible. While most processing programs are acceptable, TEX and LATEX are preferred. They enable the preservation of the greatest amounts of information. An IEEE LATEX style file, IEEEtran.sty, is obtainable by authors who e-mail a request tohelp@ep.ieee.org. The following points are important to remember when submitting electronic manuscripts (compuscripts) in TEX or LATEX: Include all macros (\def) that are required to produce your document; IEEE TRANSACTIONS style dictates a 21-pica (3.5-in) column width. The IEEE will accept: 1) any IBM-PC (or 100% compatible) disk format: 5.25-in/360 k/1.2 Mb-3.5-in/720 k/1.44 Mb (DS/DD, DS/HD, DS/QD, etc.); 2)Macintosh disk format (low and high densities); 3) 0.25-in magnetic tape cartridges (UNIX: tar, bar, dump); 4) 3.5-in floppy disk (UNIX: tar, bar, dump); 5) 8-mm tape cartridges (UNIX: tar, bar, dump). If in doubt, don't hesitate to ask help@ep.ieee.org.


Membership Status:


Please indicate in your cover letter whether you are a member of 1) IEEE, 2) ASME, 3) both IEEE and ASME, and 4) neither of the them.


Submission and Correspondence:


The manuscript and all pertinent correspondence relating to publication should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief.


Editorial Board

Prof. Ren C. Luo, Editor-in-Chief

Office of the President


National Chung Cheng University


160 Shang-Shing, Ming-Hsiung


Chia-yi, TAIWAN 621


T: +886 5-272-0400


F: +886 5-272-3358


E: luo@ia.ee.ccu.edu.tw


Prof. Toshio Fukuda, Past Editor-in-Chief


Department of Micro System Engineering

Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603




T: +81 52-789-4478


F: +81 52-789-3115


E: fukuda@mein.nagoya-u.ac.jp


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