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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The first issue of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics was published in January 1971. Since then the number of pages in the Transactions has increased greatly until, at this time, the society will be publishing approximately 2500 pages per year in a three part SMC Transactions beginning with calendar year 1998.

Until January 1966, the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics was published in a single part. It began to be published in two parts beginning with publication of the January 1996 issue which comprises Volume 26. This enabled the IEEE SMC membership to select a primary Transactions from among Parts A and B beginning in January 1996. In January 1998, there will be three parts, A, B, and C, to the Transactions and IEEE SMC members will automatically receive Part C and may elect, for a modest additional fee, to receive Parts A and/or B.

The IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics publishes papers in four primary areas, in accord with its defined scope and purpose. These are as follows.

  1. Systems engineering; including efforts that involve issue formulation, issue analysis and modeling, and decision making and issue interpretation at any of the lifecycle phases associated with the definition, development, and implementation of large systems. It also include efforts that relate to systems management, systems engineering processes and a variety of systems engineering methods such as optimization, decision making, modeling and simulation.
  2. Human system and human organizational interactions, cognitive ergonomics, system test and evaluation, and human information processing and decision concerns in systems and organizations.
  3. Cybernetics, including communication and control across humans, machines and organizations at the structural or neural level, as well as at functional and purposeful levels; design and development of biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms emphasizing vision, neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy systems, automated planning, computational intelligence, and robotics.
  4. Applications of these concepts, in terms of hardware and software, to the design, quality assurance, risk assessment and management, development, implementation, systems management, quality assessment and management, and reengineering and systems integration of realistic systems in any of several contemporary application areas.

The scope of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics includes the field of cybernetics, or computational intelligence, including: communication and control across humans, machines and organizations at the structural or neural level as well as at functional and purposeful levels. It focuses on such topics as vision, neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy systems, and robotics. Beginning in February 1998, the SMC Society will also publish Part C of the Transactions, the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews. These Transactions will present overview, tutorial, and application papers concerning all areas of interest to the SMC Society: systems engineering, human factors and human machine systems, and cybernetics and computational intelligence. Book reviews of interest will also be published.

The editor of Volume 28, for 1998, of all three parts of these Transactions is Andrew P. Sage. A common set of associate editors presently manages reviews for each Transactions although the specialty interests of the associate editors is such that they could be associated, with some difficulty in several cases, with either the Part A or Part B Transactions. All associate editors deal with Part C. Up to this time, authors may submit papers either with or without a designation of a preferred Transactions part. The final decision concerning the part of the Transactions in which a paper will appear taken by the Editor in Chief at the time of submission of the final reviewed and accepted manuscript for publication. This will now be changed.

Instructions to Authors

A. Process for Submission of a Technical Paper

  1. All papers should be submitted electronically in Portable Document Format (PDF) or PostScript. The paper should print correctly on 8.5 by 11 inch paper. For UNIX and Windows systems there are postscript to PDF converters, notably ps2pdf which is a part of Ghostscript. A text version of your abstract will be required.
  2. Please utilize our manuscript submission system at: http://smca-ieee.manuscriptcentral.com.
  3. We encourage the submission of attachments with the paper. An attachment (video, animations, applets, code, data, etc.) should be referenced in the text of the paper and enhance the presentation. We currently accept avi files (PowerPoint animations), MPEG video files, Java applets, code with specific compilation instructions and execution instructions and machine specific information, and data sets with a description of the data format. More information is at: http://isl.csee.usf.edu/smcB.
  4. In hardship cases, please send us one original copy of the paper for scanning and the reason why it could not be submitted electronically. Please note that this form of submission will significantly slowdown the review process.
  5. If the manuscript has been presented, published, or submitted for publication elsewhere, please inform the Editor. Our primary objective is to publish technical material not otherwise available, but we do occasionally publish papers of unusual merit that have appeared or will appear elsewhere.

B. Style for Manuscript

  1. Use double-space and 11 pt or larger (12 pt recommended). Please have your text fit in 8.5x11in. (21.6x27.9 cm) sheets. Print on one side of sheet only for submission on paper. Good office-duplicated copies are acceptable. Often, reviewers wish to write comments directly on a manuscript. This is not possible when the manuscript is single space or photo-reduced. In addition, you will be asked for a double-space manuscript in the event of acceptance of your manuscript.
  2. Regular papers are normally about 12 Transactions pages in length, or shorter. Technical correspondences are generally no more than 6 Transactions pages in length. The maximum number of Transactions pages for a review paper is 18. Please see the discussion in Section D on excess page charges for charges that are imposed when manuscripts exceed these limits..
  3. Since the TRANSACTIONS publishes only in English, contributors for whom English is not a native language should consult a colleague who is familiar with the English language, prior to submitting the paper, for the purpose of editing the original manuscript.
  4. Provide an informative 100 to 250 word abstract at the head of the manuscript; provide an abstract of not more than 100 words for Correspondences.
  5. Provide a separate double-spaced sheet listing all footnotes, beginning with "Manuscript received..." (date to be filled in by Editor) and affiliation of the author(s), and continuing with numeric citation. Acknowledgement of financial support is placed at the end of the first footnote.
  6. References should appear in a separate section at the end of the paper, double-spaced, with items referred to by numerals in square brackets. References must be complete and in IEEE style: Style for papers: Author, first initials followed by last name, title in quotations, periodical, volume, page numbers, month, year. Style for books: Author, title. Location: publisher, year, chapter, and page numbers (if desired). See any issue of the Transactions for examples.
  7. Provide a separate sheet listing all figure captions.
  8. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to supply a head and shoulders photograph of themselves and a technical biography. The biography should be in the form used in IEEE TRANSACTIONS, consisting of three paragraphs of information: name, where and when born, degrees earned, field(s) of study, school, city, state; chief employment dates, organizations, positions held, type of work, responsibilities, present position; and professional society membership, offices, awards.
  9. Accepted papers will rapidly appear on the Web in the IEEE XPLORE system approximately three weeks after corrected page proofs are received from an author. This will typically be before the paper appears in the print version of the journal. Hence, papers will be disseminated to the research community faster utilizing electronic submission.
  10. For further instructions see "Information for IEEE Authors," available on request from the IEEE Editorial Department, 345 East 47 Street, New York, NY 10017. This and other information may be obtained at http://www.ieee.org.

C. Style for Illustrations

  1. Originals for illustrations (including tables) should be sharp, noise-free, and of good contrast as they will be photographed or electronically scanned. We regret that we cannot provide drafting or art service.
  2. On graphs, show only the coordinate axes, or at most the major grid lines to avoid a dense hard-to-read result.
  3. All lettering should be large enough to permit legible reduction of the figure to column width, sometimes as much as 4 to 1. There should only be one illustration per page and only illustrations should be included in the set of illustrations. Please be very sure that your lettering is sufficiently large such that it will be readable after photo-reduction.
  4. If an illustration is to be reproduced in color the author is responsible for the incremental cost of printing in color.

D. Voluntary Page and Excess Page Charges

After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author's company or institution will be requested to pay a voluntary charge of $110 per printed page to cover part of the cost of publication. These page charges, like those for journals of other professional societies, are not obligatory nor is their payment a prerequisite for publication. The author will receive 100 free reprints without covers if this charge is honored. A mandatory overlength page charge of $175 is required for each page in excess of 12 pages for a regular paper, 6 pages for technical correspondences, and 18 pages for a review paper. Author who are concerned with these latter charges are encouraged to estimate the length of their manuscripts prior to submission. Detailed instructions on payment of these charges will accompany the page proof.

E. Electronic Publishing

The IEEE is now able to set galley proofs directly from a Windows, or Macintosh formatted disk. Most word processing formats are supported to some extent but TeX, LaTeX, or Troff are the preferred editors. A floppy disk should now accompany submission of final manuscripts that have been accepted for publication. The contents of the floppy must agree with those on the hardcopy of final manuscripts as both are used in the copy editing process. If this does not occur, significant delays in publishing your material will result. This material may be submitted by electronic mail. A floppy disk is still needed, however. A floppy disk is still needed, however. Further details are contained in the information for authors accompanying the final acceptance letters.

F. Copyright

It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the U.S. Copyright law, authors are required to sign an IEEE Copyright Form before publication. This form returns to authors and their employers full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes. Authors must submit a signed copy of this form with their final manuscripts.

Editorial Board
Dr. Lawrence O. Hall,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ENB 118
4202 E. Fowler Ave.
University of South Florida, Tampa, Fl 33620, USA
Voice: +1 813 974 4195, Fax: +1 813 974 5456, Email: hall@csee.usf.edu


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