

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The TRANSACTIONS publishes papers dealing with electrical and electronics technology in vehicles and vehicular systems. Its scope is defined by the areas of Communications, Transportation Systems, and Vehicular Electronics.

The TRANSACTIONS is published every other month, averaging over 400 pages an issue. According to data from the Journal Citation Reports, this TRANSACTIONS ranks among the top journals in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. The Vehicular Technology Society is indebted to the authors, reviewers, and editors, whose dedication to excellence makes this journal possible.

Instructions to Authors

Papers are welcomed from both members and nonmembers which contribute to the advancement of the above and related fields on a technical or professional level. Acceptable papers include not only those describing significant advances in engineering or analysis, but also applications-oriented papers, papers describing approaches or methodology in engineering problem-solving, and papers which are tutorial in nature, but of interest to a wide cross section of Vehicular Technology Society membership. Conference or symposium papers may be published in this TRANSACTIONS, but the review process is the same as for contributed and invited papers. Standards generated by Societies or Society committees on standards which have been approved by the Standards Committee may be published in Society publications without editorial review.

Any paper that is submitted for possible publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. It must be prepared in accordance with approved IEEE practice.
  2. New products information is of interest when emphasis is placed on advances in the art rather than on proprietary aspects. All technical articles shall be free from references which are of an advertising nature, such as trade names, company names, or codes, unless such references are absolutely essential for technical reasons.
  3. The paper should contain a sufficient number of references so that a reader is conveniently led to other related work. Papers without references will normally be returned for correction prior to submission to the reviewers.

Detailed information on preparing material for IEEE publication is given in Information for IEEE Transactions and Journal Authors, available upon request from the IEEE Periodicals: Transactions/Journals Department, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855 or by emailing help@ep.ieee.org or FAX +1 732 562 0545.

Figures and photos should be original proofs and not xeroxes. Photos must be glossy prints with no screens. Laser prints are not acceptable in place of photos or where gray scale graphics are involved. All line drawings and photos should be in black and white unless specifically requested. Letters should be large enough to be readily legible when the drawing is reduced to one- or two-column widths as much as 4 : 1 reduction from the original. Materials should be no larger than 22 ¡Á 28 cm (8 1/2 ¡Á 11 inches). Do not incorporate electronic graphics into the paper. Graphs should be drawn with only the major coordinate lines showing, since a chart containing a large number of closely spaced lines will not reproduce legibly. Short "ticks," extending a short distance from the axes, may be provided for convenience in reading intermediate values.

Each paper should be submitted electronically. More information on electronic submission can be found at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society web site: http://www.vtsociety.org/.

Electronic Publishing: The IEEE urges authors to submit the final version of their accepted manuscripts in electronic form (disks). All papers submitted on disks must be accompanied by three sets of hard copy. For further information, see Author Resources under IEEE Publications listed on the IEEE web page http://www.ieee.org/ or email trans@ieee.org.

Copyright: It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes. To comply with IEEE copyright policy, authors are required to sign an IEEE Copyright Transfer Form before publication in either the print or electronic medium. The form is provided upon approval of the manuscript. Authors must submit a signed copy of this form with their approved manuscript.

Page Charges: After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author's company or institution will be requested to pay a charge of $110 per printed page to cover part of the cost of publication. Page charges for this TRANSACTIONS are not obligatory nor is their payment a prerequisite for publication; however, the author(s) should strongly encourage his or her employer, or institution, to honor this payment in order to offset some of the expenses incurred in publication. The cost of publishing and giving the author's work a distribution comparable to that of this TRANSACTIONS would be far more costly to the employer, or author, than the page charge requested. The author will receive 100 reprints of the paper or correspondence if the page charge is honored. Self-employed authors should also seriously consider honoring the page charge; without this means of disseminating their work, they may find it very costly and much more difficult to achieve recognition through publication. Detailed instructions will accompany the page proofs.

Special issues are planned with the coordination of IEEE Publishing Services, to assure that there is no conflict with publication plans of other Societies. A goal of one special issue per year is established. Papers for special issues, whether invited or contributed, follow the same review process as other papers.

Associate Editors, each specializing in one area of interest to the Society, select reviewers for papers submitted for publication and assure timely and thorough reviews. At least two reviewers actively working in the field, who are recognized authorities, shall review each paper submitted. The author will be notified of action taken, usually within three months.

Information on advertising in publications of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society may be obtained from the Editor.

Editorial Board

Editor: Greg Bottomley



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