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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September and November. Its scope includes new results in the field of power electronics. For example, papers that treat new or novel component, device, module, circuit, control, system, or application issues are of interest. However, papers that do not show sufficient overlap with interest in the power electronics field (a few examples are device physics, component manufacturing technologies, circuit theory) should be submitted to other IEEE Transactions that cover these fields. Authors should pay particular attention to documenting their work in relationship to the known literature. Papers of a historical or tutorial nature within the scope of this publication will not be excluded from consideration.

Instructions to Authors

The IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September and November. Its scope includes new results in the field of power electronics. For example, papers that treat new or novel component, device, module, circuit, control, system, or application issues are of interest. However, papers that do not show sufficient overlap with interest in the power electronics field (a few examples are device physics, component manufacturing technologies, circuit theory) should be submitted to other IEEE Transactions that cover these fields. Authors should pay particular attention to documenting their work in relationship to the known literature. Papers of a historical or tutorial nature within the scope of this publication will not be excluded from consideration.

The Transactions will also publish "Letters to the Editor." These letters are as a matter of policy only restricted to errors in published papers or discussion of unfounded claims in papers. These letters will be limited to no more than two published pages in the Transactions using the guide provided in the "Guidelines for Submitting a Paper for Review" in the Information for Authors.

Papers submitted for consideration should report on new results not previously presented in any other archival publication, including any IEEE Transactions. Notwithstanding this requirement, papers previously presented and published in a Conference Record or Conference Proceedings such as the Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC), Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), and the like will be considered although it is not required for a paper to have been presented and published at a conference to make it eligible for consideration for publication in the Transactions. Copyright release may be required if the conference publication is copyrighted by an entity other than the IEEE. Authors must indicate in their submission any prior presentation and publication at a conference.

Guidelines for Submitting a Paper for Review

These Guidelines are specified by the PELS Editor in Chief. Please notice that all paper submissions for review must be in electronic format.

Papers in the two-column single-spaced format common for conference publication are not acceptable. The paper should be on one side of 8.5 x 11 in size paper or size A4 paper and should be in single-column double-spaced format. The paper should include all figures, tables, captions, and references. Author biographies, photos, and copyright form are not required for the initial submission for review.

The first page should contain the paper title, full first and last names of all authors (do not use an initial for the first name), author organizational affiliation, and which of the authors is the corresponding author along with the corresponding author's title, name, postal address, voice telephone number, fax telephone number, and e-mail address. The first page should also indicate whether or not the paper has been presented at a conference and if so should specify the conference name, dates, and location.

The first page should also contain an abstract of not more than 200 words. The abstract should not only indicate the subject and scope of the paper but should also summarize, if possible, the author's conclusion, so that the abstract itself may be a useful document in an information-retrieval system. Begin the main text of the paper on the second page.

Papers submitted to the PELS Editor are to be of original content and void of significant duplication with other papers by the same or different authors. In addition, by submitting to PELS the author is acknowledging that the paper has not been submitted to any other journal simultaneously, with the exception being conference papers as described under the "Information for Authors" section.

In contrast to the final paper, for readability in the review paper, figures and tables may be interspersed in the text and be accompanied by captions. Alternately the authors may choose to use separate figures, tables, and captions as specified by the instructions for the final paper as shown below. Authors should not use color in the review paper unless the authors also intend to use and pay for color in the final paper as required by IEEE.

The references should be indicated using numbers in square brackets (e.g. [1], [2], and [3]) should be in a separate section at the end of the paper and should be in IEEE style:

Style for conference publications: Authors (first initials followed by last name), title of paper, title of conference, dates of conference, location of conference, and page numbers (inclusive).

Style for periodical journal publications: Authors (first initials followed by last name), title of paper, title of periodical, volume, page numbers (inclusive), month, and year.

Style for books: Authors (first initials followed by last name), book title. Publisher: publisher name, year, chapter or page numbers.

Authors should attempt to limit paper length so that when published in the Transactions the paper is eight or fewer pages. The submission of papers in a series (Part I, Part II, etc.) on the same subject is actively discouraged as a matter of policy. In such cases the author(s) will be asked to consolidate the work into one paper.

Mandatory page charges will apply to page nine and above, and the authors must agree to pay the page charges in advance of publication. When submitting the paper for review, estimate the length of a paper using the following method:

1.Three (3) pages of text in single-column double-spaced format translates to approximately one page when published in the Transactions.

2.Six (6) figures translate to approximately one page when published in the Transactions. For the purpose of estimation, count as separate figures different parts of the same figure. For example, if Figure 1 has parts (a), (b), and (c), then for the purpose of estimating final paper length Figure 1 is estimated to take approximately one half of a published Transactions page.

This method is only approximate and the authors are responsible for page charges regardless of any previously estimated length of the paper.

Electronic submission

Send a single file containing the paper to the PELS Editor as an attachment to an e-mail using the address peleditor@ieee.org. In the text body of the e-mail please include the same information as on the first page of the paper. The files should be created electronically as described subsequently. It is not acceptable to print the paper and use a scanner to create the electronic version of the paper. The authors should avoid unusual fonts as this may make the submission incompatible and delay the review. Use standard fonts such as: Times (serif), Helvetica (sans serif), and Symbol.

Only Adobe portable document format (".pdf") files are acceptable. The authors must use Adobe Distiller to create the pdf file directly from the original paper in electronic form. For information about Adobe Distiller, please visit their web site at http://www.adobe.com. Authors need to be cautious of the Adobe Japan platform, as it has created delays in the review process. When using the Adobe Japan platform authors need to verify within the platform the fonts being used.

It is the author's responsibility to make sure the pdf file is both viewable and printable. Files in other formats will be returned to the authors. Because of the possibility of macro viruses and font incompatibilities, Microsoft Word (".doc") files will not be accepted.


Checklist and Guidelines for Submitting a Final Paper for Publication

The Following Checklist has been provided by the Editor in Chief

  • Two copies of the manuscript
    • Format: single column and double spaced
    • No figures or tables embedded in the text
  • Each figure/table is to be on its own page without caption
    • To identify each figure, list only the figure number on the top of the page
    • Figures with multiple parts - each part is to be printed on its own page
    • Figures/tables to be of good quality
  • Full and complete figure/table captions should be provided on a separate page
    • The use of color will result in a very large expense to the author
  • Short Biography of each author
  • Diskette containing all the above
    • Submit the text of the paper in the native electronic format of the word processing software used to create it (e.g. Windows 95/Microsoft Word)
    • Do not send portable document format ".pdf" or postscript ".ps" files
    • Files may be compressed and/or segmented onto multiple diskettes
    • The electronic copy should exactly match the printed copy
    • The disk should be labeled with the file name(s) relating to the paper
    • No program files should be included on the disk
    • Package floppy disks in a way as to minimize possible damage in transit
    • Include a flat ASCII version with the word-processed version, if possible
  • Signed Copyright form
  • An actual picture of each author
    • A scanned/printed will not reproduce a quality picture and will not be used

Printable Checklist: Final Manuscript Checklist

The Following Guidelines are specified by the IEEE Publications

After a paper has been accepted for publication the authors will be notified by the PELS Editor.

After notification, send two printed copies of the paper to the editor at the address given at the end of these instructions. The basic requirements are the same as for the review submissions except that, in contrast to the paper submitted for review, in the final paper figures and tables should not be embedded in the body of the text. In addition, the final paper for publication should include a complete mailing address for every author and should indicate whether the each author is an IEEE member.

The text of the paper will be typeset by the IEEE. In contrast, figures and tables will be produced directly from the originals submitted by the authors. For the final submission, figures and tables should not be embedded in the text but should be on separate pages in single-column format with, preferably, one figure per page. Originals for figures should be of the highest quality: sharp, noise free, and of good contrast. Line drawings should be in black ink on a white background or originals printed on a high-quality laser printer using sufficient toner. Figures consisting of photographs must be glossy prints. Figures should be no larger than 8 x 10 in (20.3 x 25.4 cm). Use lettering on figures only where necessary. All lettering on figures must be of uniform size and large enough to permit legible reduction to column width (3.5 in or 8.9 cm), sometimes as much as a reduction 4:1. Authors may use color in figures, but there will be an extra basic charge of $1,045.00 (depending on the number of figures) plus an additional $125.00 for each color figure.

Figures and table captions should go on a separate sheet and should also be in double-spaced single-column format. For submission of a final paper, a brief biography and a personal photo (passport type) of each author should be included.

Electronic Form

Electronic submission of the final paper saves rekeying and possible errors by IEEE and should be by one or more diskettes included with the submission. The following general requirements should be observed:

  1. Submit the text of the paper in the native electronic format of the word processing software used to create it. Do not send portable document format ".pdf" or postscript ".ps" files. The operating system and word processing software used to produce the paper should be noted on the disk (e.g. Windows 95/Microsoft Word).
  2. Many files are too big for one diskette and may be compressed and/or segmented onto multiple diskettes. The method of compression (e.g. ".zip", ".sit") should be also be noted.
  3. The electronic copy should exactly match the printed copy.
  4. The disk should be labeled with the file name(s) relating to the paper.
  5. No program files should be included on the disk.
  6. Package floppy disks in such a way as to minimize possible damage in transit.
  7. Include a flat ASCII version on the disk with the word-processed version, if possible.
  8. Figures and tables may also be submitted electronically. For details see http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/transactions/information.htm. Regardless, the authors must submit printed copies of the figures.

Further details in electronic submission are available at: http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/authors.html

Page Charges

Papers published in the PELS Transactions should normally be eight or fewer pages. Pages nine and above will incur an excess page charge of $162 per page. After the final paper has been submitted, the PELS Editor will estimate the length of the final paper using the formula given above, and will notify the author of the potential for excess page charges. Authors must commit to paying excess page charges before the paper is sent to the IEEE for publication.

After production of the final paper by IEEE and prior to final publication, the IEEE will send "galley proofs" to the author for final editing. The final paper length is exactly known at this time. Papers in excess of eight pages will incur a mandatory page charge of $162 for each page more than the stipulated eight pages. While failure to pay mandatory page charges in a timely fashion will not prevent publication of the subject paper, the PELS Editor reserves the right to refuse subsequent paper submissions from authors who are in arrears on mandatory page charges.


It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the U.S. Copyright Law, authors are required to sign an IEEE copyright form before publication. This form, a copy of which appears in the January issue of the PELS Transactions, returns to authors and their employers full rights to reuse their materials for the their own purposes. Authors should submit a signed copy of this form with their papers.

Additional Information: IEEE Guide for Transactions Authors


Other Information
PELS Transactions Review Form

Obtain the review form in Adobe portable document format ("pdf"). To use this form you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

NOTE: Browsers (Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer) may behave differently depending on how they have been configured and on which version you have.

1) If your browser has been equipped with the proper "Plug In" this form will not download, but will appear in your browser window. Almost all recent browsers behave this way.

2) If your browser is not equipped with the "Plug In" then you will be presented with an opportunity so save the file.

Click Here for Review Form

If you have the full NOT-FREE Adobe Acrobat suite installed you can fill in your review in the appropriate fields, save the modified form, and e-mail it to the Associate Editor. If you have only the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader, please print out the blank form, fill it in by hand and then postal mail it to the Associate Editor.

Editorial Board
J.D van Wyk
Center for Power Electronics Systems
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
674 Whittmore Hall
Blacksburg, Virginia   24061-0179
Phone: +1 540 231-7497
Fax: +1 540 231-6390
Email: peleditor@ieee.org


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