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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering is an archival journal published bimonthly. The information published in this Transactions is designed to inform researchers, developers, managers, strategic planners, users, and others interested in state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice activities in the knowledge and data engineering area. We are interested in well-defined theoretical results and empirical studies that have potential impact on the acquisition, management, storage, and graceful degeneration of knowledge and data, as well as in provision of knowledge and data services. Specific topics include, but are not limited to: a) artificial intelligence techniques, including speech, voice, graphics, images, and documents; b) knowledge and data engineering tools and techniques; c) parallel and distributed processing; d) real-time distributed; e) system architectures, integration, and modeling; f) database design, modeling and management; g) query design and implementation languages; h) distributed database control; j) algorithms for data and knowledge management; k) performance evaluation of algorithms and systems; l) data communications aspects; m) system applications and experience; n) knowledge-based and expert systems; and, o) integrity, security, and fault tolerance.

Instructions to Authors

Scope of the Journal

The IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) is published bimonthly. The information published in this transactions is designed to inform researchers, developers, managers, strategic planners, users, and others interested in state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice activities in the knowledge and data engineering area. We are interested in well-defined theoretical results and empirical studies that have potential impact on the acquisition, management, storage, and graceful degeneration of knowledge and data, as well as in provision of knowledge and data services. We welcome treatments of the role of knowledge and data in the development and use of information systems and in the simplification of software and hardware development and maintenance. Since the journal is archival, it is assumed that the ideas presented are important, have been well analyzed or empirically validated, and are of value to the knowledge and data engineering research community. Specific topics include, but are not limited to: a) artificial intelligence techniques, including speech, voice, graphics, images, and documents; b) knowledge and data engineering tools and techniques; c) parallel and distributed processing; d) real-time distributed; e) system architectures, integration, and modeling; f) database design, modeling and management; g) query design and implementation languages; h) distributed database control; i) algorithms for data and knowledge management; j) performance evaluation of algorithms and systems; k) data communications aspects; l) system applications and experience; m) knowledge-based and expert systems; n) integrity, security, and fault tolerance; o) data mining and knowledge discovery; and, p) knowledge and data engineering applications on emerging areas such as electronic commerce, Web data management, and mobile data accesses. For a more detailed list of current areas published in TKDE, or refer to the editorial in the February 1994 issue.

Submission of Manuscripts for Review

Submitting Materials

The IEEE Computer Society is now employing a secure, Web-based manuscript submission and peer-review tracking system called Manuscript Central. Please note that first-time users must create a new account. We will no longer accept hard copy submissions. To submit a manuscript, please click here. The site contains detailed instructions on usage and submission requirements.

Note: The information below is a summary of our detailed guidelines found at the TKDE author center. All authors are responsible for understanding these guidelines before submitting their manuscript. For further information on both our submission and peer review guidelines, authors are strongly encouraged to refer to TKDE's author center.

Manuscript Specifications

TKDE manuscript types and submission length guidelines are as follows:

  • Regular papers--35 double-spaced pages, single column (including reasonably sized figures and references)
  • Correspondence items--4 double-spaced pages, single column (including reasonably sized figures and references)
  • Concise papers--12 double-spaced pages, single column (including reasonably sized figures and references)
  • Survey papers--40 double-spaced pages, single column (including reasonably sized figures and references)

*Special Issue papers must adhere to the same page limit as regular papers. Please contact our Peer Review Supervisor for more information regarding Special Issue papers.

**Survey papers are well-focused manuscripts that put recent progress into a broader perspective and accurately assess the limits of existing theories.

A double-spaced page is defined as an 8.5" x 11" page with 12-point type and 24-point vertical spacing, containing approximately 250 words. Margins should be one inch all around (for top, bottom, right, and left).

Submissions must include all of the following: abstract, keywords, illustrations, and bibliography. An abstract should be 100 to 200 words for regular papers, no more than 50 words for correspondence items, and should clearly state the nature and significance of the paper. Abstracts must not include mathematical expressions or bibliographic references. Keywords should be taken from the taxonomy. Keywords should closely reflect the topic and should optimally characterize the paper. References should appear in a separate bibliography at the end of the paper, with items referred to by numerals in square brackets. Figures and tables must be sized as they are to appear in print. Figures should be placed exactly where they are to appear within the text. We ask that authors embed the figures in order to provide a smoother review process for the editors and reviewers. Figures not correctly sized will be returned to the author for reformatting. The IEEE Computer Society accepts supplemental materials for review.

For further style or formatting information, consult the IEEE Computer Society Style Guide, or direct questions to the TKDE Transactions Assistant.

Submission Policies and Copyright Information

Papers are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has been neither submitted to, nor published in, another journal. Concurrent submission to other publications and these Transactions is viewed as a serious breach of ethics and, if detected, will result in immediate rejection of the submission. Papers previously published in conference proceedings, digests, preprints, or records are eligible for consideration provided the editor-in-chief is informed at the time of submission and that they have undergone substantial revision. Please click here to refer to the IEEE policies on authorship (section 6.4.1.A) and duplication publication and self-plagiarism (sections 6.4.1.B(f) and (h)) to ensure your article meets all criteria for submission.

The author is responsible for obtaining copyright releases and corporate and security clearances prior to submitting material for consideration. It is the IEEE's policy (Policy 6.16) to assume all clearances are granted when a paper is submitted. For more information about our Copyright policies or to get a copy of the Copyright Transfer form, please click here.

Review Process

The length of the review process varies between papers, and many factors affect the time it takes to review a paper. The time it takes for an Associate Editor to be assigned and for qualified referees to be located who are available to handle the review of a paper depends on the complexity and the type of material submitted for review. TKDE makes a concerted effort to keep the review time to a minimum that is consistent with keeping TKDE's reputation for quality and integrity. Each submission placed into review is sent to at least three reviewers, making one submission correspond to roughly three review requests. Based on this information, the review process may take approximately six months to be completed.

Mandatory Overlength Page Charges

In its mission to maintain a consistent and high quality publication process, the IEEE Computer Society follows a strict policy on the lengths of both submitted manuscripts and final papers. Submission length restrictions not only encourage authors to submit concise papers that readers will appreciate but they help to keep the review process timely. Length limits on final papers help maintain uniform editorial standards and consistency with page budgets. So that manuscripts meet submission requirements, supporting but nonessential information should be submitted as supplemental material. However, there may occasionally be an accepted (final) paper for which an editor-in-chief determines that an exception to the standard limit is appropriate and that from one to four additional pages are needed. The IEEE Computer Society allows for this possibility within its policy on mandatory overlength page charges.

Independent of any voluntary page charges, the IEEE Computer Society assesses the authors of accepted papers that exceed the regular paper length limit a fee called Mandatory Overlength Page Charges (MOPC). The regular paper page length limit is defined at 12 formatted transactions pages, including references and author biographies. Any pages or fraction thereof exceeding this limit are charged $200 per page. Regular papers may not exceed 16 formatted transactions pages. Authors will be notified of any assessed charges when galley proofs are sent for review. Payment must be sent at the time galley proofs are approved by the author. The Computer Society's policy on page limits as described here is strictly enforced.

Page Charges and Reprints

After a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author's company or institution is asked to pay a charge of $110 per printed page to cover part of the cost of the publication. Page charges for the IEEE Computer Society Transactions are not obligatory  payment is not a prerequisite for publication. However, the author will receive 100 free reprints if the charge is honored. Detailed instructions on paying page charges and ordering reprints are sent to authors at the time the manuscript is prepared for publication. Administration of page charges is handled by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Office in Los Alamitos, California. Please click here for further information about purchasing reprints.

For additional information, please visit the IEEE Computer Society Web site or contact the TKDE Transactions Assistant.

TKDE Transactions Assistant
IEEE Computer Society
PO Box 3014
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-1314, USA
PHONE: +1.714.821.8380
FAX: +1.714.821.9975

Subject Areas Published in TKDE


  • application-oriented intelligent systems
  • automatic programming
  • constraint satisfaction
  • decision support
  • deductive reasoning
  • heuristics design
  • knowledge discovery
  • machine learning
  • artificial neural networks
  • nonmonotonic reasoning
  • reasoning systems
  • search methods
  • theorem proving
  • uncertainty reasoning


  • access methods
  • active databases
  • application-oriented databases
  • data organization
  • database architectures
  • database integration
  • database models
  • database query languages
  • database semantics
  • database systems
  • database views
  • deductive databases
  • main memory databases
  • multimedia systems
  • physical database design prototypes
  • query processing
  • relational models
  • relational updates
  • relational systems
  • recursive queries
  • secure databases
  • semantic integrity
  • spatial databases
  • statistical databases
  • temporal databases
  • transaction processing


  • Mining methods and algorithms
  • Machine learning
  • Data and knowledge representation
  • Modeling of structured, textual and multimedia data
  • Data and knowledge visualization
  • Interactive data exploration and discovery
  • Personalization
  • Web mining
  • Complexity, efficiency and scalability issues in data mining
  • Data mining systems and tools


  • data dependencies
  • data encryption
  • disk caches
  • distributed file systems
  • file organization
  • hashing methods
  • lattice computations
  • query processing
  • string matching


  • allocation
  • availability
  • concurrency control
  • distributed control
  • distributed query processing
  • replicated databases
  • transaction processing
  • voting algorithms


  • Electronic Commerce
  • Web data management
  • Mobile data accesses


  • benchmarks
  • expert systems
  • knowledge acquisition
  • knowledge and software engineering
  • knowledge base management
  • knowledge base verification
  • knowledge-based systems
  • knowledge engineering
  • knowledge integration
  • knowledge representation
  • rule-based systems
  • storage mechanisms
  • tools and supports
  • uncertainty knowledge management


  • architectures
  • distributed processing
  • garbage collection
  • inference control
  • logical inference
  • logic processing
  • nonmonotonic logic processing
  • rule-based processing


  • CASE tools
  • logic languages
  • query languages
  • temporal query languages
  • user interface


  • object-oriented databases
  • object-oriented models
  • object-oriented systems
  • query processing

Editorial Board


PHILIP S. YU psyu@us.ibm.com



GAUTAM BISWAS biswas@vuse.vanderbilt.edu

SURAJIT CHAUDHURI surajitc@microsoft.com

ING-RAY CHEN irchen@cs.vt.edu

PAOLO CIACCIA pciaccia@deis.unibo.it

MARGARET DUNHAM mhd@seas.smu.edu

THOMAS EITER eiter@kr.tuwien.ac.at

AHMED K ELMAGARMID ake@cs.purdue.edu

CHRISTOS FALOUTSOS christos@athena.pc.cs.cmu.edu

PAOLO FRASCONI paolo@dsi.unifi.it

GEORG GOTTLOB Gottlob-kde@dbai.tuwien.ac.at

KIEN HUA kienhua@cs.ucf.edu

S.S. IYENGAR iyengar@csc.lsu.edu

H. V. JAGADISH jag@eecs.umich.edu

DANIEL A. KEIM keim@informatik.uni-konstanz.de

MASARU KITSUREGAWA kitsure@tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp

RAVI KOTHARI rkothari@in.ibm.com

NICK KOUDAS koudas@research.att.com

LAKS V.S. LAKSHAMAN laks@cs.concordia.ca

BING LIU liub@cs.uic.edu

HONGJUN LU luhj@cs.ust.hk

HEIKKI MANNILA heikki.mannila@cs.helsinki.fi

RAJEEV MOTWANI rajeev@cs.stanford.edu

RAYMOND NG rng@cs.ubc.ca

KRITHI RAMAMRITHAM krithi@cse.iitb.ernet.in

LOUIGA RASCHID louiga@umiacs.umd.edu

RAJEEV RASTOGI rastogi@research.bell-labs.com

CHINYA RAVISHANKAR ravi@cs.ucr.edu

ELKE RUNDENSTEINER rundensst@cs.wpi.edu

PETER SCHEUERMANN peters@ece.nwu.edu

MUKESH SINGHAL singhal@cis.ohio-state.edu

PADHRAIC SMYTH smyth@ics.uci.edu

PRADIP K. SRIMANI srimani@cs.colostate.edu

JAIDEEP SRIVASTAVA srivasta@cs.umn.edu

WEI-TEK TSAI wei-tek.tsai@asu.edu

VASSILIS J. TSOTRAS tsotras@cs.ucr.edu

ALEXANDER TUZHILIN atuzhilin@stern.nyu.edu

KE WANG wangk@cs.sfu.ca

GERHARD WEIKUM weikum@cs.uni-sb.de

KYU-YOUNG WHANG kywhang@mozart.kaist.ac.kr

KUN-LUNG WU klwu@us.ibm.com

XINDONG WU xwu@emba.uvm.edu

JOHN YEN jyen@ist.psu.edu
















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