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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management is a research-based, refereed journal in engineering management, published quarterly since 1954 by the IEEE Engineering Management Society. Its worldwide subscription base is approximately 10,000.

The purpose of this Transactions is multifold:
  • To assist in the establishment and recognition of the engineering management discipline.
  • To provide the publications medium for authors at the leading edge of engineering management in academic institutions, industrial organizations, government agencies, or other settings.
  • To establish the guidelines and identify the future directions of critical issues in engineering management.
  • To become a forum for the researchers and practitioners of engineering management, regardless of their technical specialties.

In order to achieve its purpose, this Transactions invites contributions from both the managers of technology and researchers, educators, and students of technical management. The contributions can be conceptual, theoretical, empirical, or situational.

Instructions to Authors

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT is a research-based, refereed journal in engineering management, published quarterly since 1954 by the IEEE Engineering Management Society. Its worldwide subscription base is approximately 10,000.

The purpose of this TRANSACTIONS is multifold:

  • To assist in the establishment and recognition of the engineering management discipline.
  • To provide the publications medium for authors at the leading edge of engineering management in academic institutions, industrial organizations, government agencies, or other settings.
  • To establish the guidelines and identify the future directions of critical issues in engineering management.
  • To become a forum for the researchers and practitioners of engineering management, regardless of their technical specialties.

In order to achieve its purpose, this TRANSACTIONS invites contributions from both the managers of technology and researchers, educators, and students of technical management. The contributions can be conceptual, theoretical, empirical, or situational.

Four types of manuscripts are considered for publication:

  • Strategic and Policy Issues include authoritative discussions of research directions and strategic concepts in engineering and technology management.
  • Research Articles present the results of ongoing or completed research, novel applications, or tutorial summaries of the state of the art in engineering and technology management.
  • Technical Management Notes comment on papers previously published, pose critical implementation problems, discuss experiences using published results, and report on the successful and unsuccessful applications of engineering and technology management concepts and methodologies.
  • Focus on Practice papers describe significant application issues, present solutions, and reach conclusions that will have an impact on research and practice of engineering and technology management.

Of special interest are studies carried on within an industrial company or a government agency. In such cases, the Editorial Board will be available to advise on the treatment of proprietary data and to provide editorial assistance as needed.

All manuscripts are subjected to a review process, and the publication decision is based on the referees' comments.

In order to avoid delays in review procedures, the prospective authors are advised to use the following guidelines.

A. Submission of Papers

  1. The journal has moved to an electronic submission and review system at
  2. Please designate one corresponding author (if you have more than one author) to submit your manuscript, periodically check the status of the manuscript, and supply information if requested.
    All communication will be through the corresponding author.
  3. The referee process assures the anonymity of the reviewers of your paper. A "double-blind" review process is utilized.
  4. Submission of a paper to this TRANSACTIONS implies that the manuscript has not been copyrighted nor accepted for publication (or published) by any other journal, nor is it being refereed elsewhere.

B. Manuscript

  1. Print using a good quality printer, double space, and use one side of sheet only. Good office-duplicated copies are acceptable.
  2. Use a clear and descriptive title.
  3. Include a 100-200 word abstract at the beginning of the manuscript to give the reader a succinct summary of the paper and to state the principal results and conclusions. The abstract should not contain any concepts or conclusions beyond those discussed in the paper.
  4. Write objectively, avoid jargon, define technical terms on first use.
  5. Refer to all illustrations (tables and figures) in the text.
  6. If you have footnotes, they should be numbered and typed at the bottom of the pages on which they occur. Acknowledgment of financial support should be given as a footnote.
  7. Give references as a separate section at the end of the paper, with items eferred to by numerals in square brackets, e.g., [12]. IEEE style should be used in references.
    • Style for papers: author, first initials followed by last name, title of paper, title of publication, volume, issue number, inclusive page numbers, month and year.
    • Style for books: author, title, location and publisher, year, chapter, or page numbers (if desired).
  8. Provide a separate sheet listing all figure and table captions in proper style for the typesetter, e.g., "Fig. 1. Time and cost uncertainties in project life cycle."
  9. For further information see "Information for IEEE Transactions and Journal Authors" available upon request from IEEE Transactions/Journals, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331.

C. Illustrations

  1. It is in the authors' interest to submit professional quality illustrations (tables and figures) with sharp lines and good contrast. Drafting or art services are not provided by IEEE.
  2. Use black ink on white background for the drawings. Glossy prints of illustrations are also acceptable.
  3. Put tables and figures on 8" by 11" sheets.
  4. To avoid dense hard-to-read graphs, show only the coordinate axes, not the grid lines.
  5. Use large lettering to permit legible reduction of the illustrations to column width, sometimes as much as 4 to 1.
  6. Number each original on the back or at the bottom of the front. Captions do not need to appear on the illustrations since they will by typeset as shown on the separate caption list (see Section B-8 above).

D. Page Proofs

Page proofs are sent to the principal author of the paper prior to its publication. Minor and typographical errors should be corrected according to the instructions enclosed with the proofs. In general, major changes in the original manuscript are not permitted at this stage. To avoid the need for such changes, the authors are strongly recommended to proofread their manuscripts carefully before the final submission.

E. Copyright

It is the policy of IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employees, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the U.S. Copyright law, authors are required to sign the IEEE copyright transfer form before publication. This form returns to authors and their employees full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes.


F. Guidelines after Paper Acceptance

After your paper has been accepted, please complete and send the following materials to the following address as soon as possible:

Dr. George F. Farris
Technology Management Research Center
Rutgers Business School -312 Management Education Center
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
111 Washington Street,
Newark, NJ 07102-3027 USA

  • The IEEE copyright form. You can download this from at http://www.andromeda.rutgers.edu/~ieeetem/form.html
  • Biographical information and a photograph as described in the biography form. Available at http://www.andromeda.rutgers.edu/~ieeetem/form.html
  • A 2-3 sentence statement as to the potential usefulness of your paper to the Transactions readers which can be used in the preparation of my editorial.
  • Original figures and tables for your paper with clear indication of their location in the text.
  • Index terms (key phrases). Please place these at the beginning of your manuscript, after the title but before the abstract.
  • A 200-250 word abstract of your paper if the paper does not already have one. If it contains an abstract, please ignore this step.
  • Three hard copies and a floppy disk containing your manuscript (please refer to the instructions below).
  • Complete guidelines for publishing your manuscript are located at http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/transactions/information.htm
  • Please check out the Revised ¡®Guidelines for Author-Supplied Electronic Text and Graphics' for your reference.

Editorial Board
Dr. George F. Farris
Technology Management Research Center
Rutgers Business School - 312 Management Education Center
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
111 Washington Street,
Newark, NJ 07102-3027
Phone: 973-353-1077
Fax: 973-353-1664
Email: IEEETEM@business.rutgers.edu

Editorial Assistant:
Yi-Yu Chen
Technology Management Research Center
Rutgers Business School - 312 Management Education Center
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
111 Washington Street,
Newark, NJ 07102-3027
Phone: 973-353-1077
Fax: 973-353-1664
Email: IEEETEM@business.rutgers.edu


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