

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The field of interest of the Communications Society consists of all telecommunications including telephone, telegraphy, facsimile, and point-to-point television, by electromagnetic propagation including radio; wire; aerial; underground, coaxial, and submarine cables; waveguides, communication satellites, and lasers; in marine, aeronautical, space and fixed station services; repeaters, radio relaying, signal storage, and regeneration; telecommunication error detection and correction; multiplexing and carrier techniques; communication switching systems; data communications; and communication theory.

Instructions to Authors

The IEEE Transactions on Communications invites the submission of technical manuscripts on topics within the scope of the IEEE Communications Society, which includes all areas indicated on the inside front cover of the Journal and those shown under the Technical Committees listing. Manuscripts reporting on original theoretical and/or experimental work and tutorial expositions of permanent reference value are welcome. In general, material which has been previously copyrighted, published, or accepted for publication will not be considered for publication in this Transactions. Exceptions to this rule include items that have limited distribution, have appeared in Abstract form only, or have appeared only in conference proceedings; notice of such prior publication or concurrent submission elsewhere must be given at the time of submission to this TRANSACTIONS. A manuscript identical to, or largely based on, a conference paper must be so identified. All papers are reviewed by competent referees and are considered on the basis of their significance, novelty and usefulness to the Transactions readership. Contributions may be in one of two forms: Papers and Letters.

Transactions Papers should be concisely written and be no longer than 20 double-spaced pages (12-point font, approximately 26 lines per page with 6.5-in line length) excluding figures. Double-sided printing is encouraged. Figures must be used sparingly and repetitive patterns or results omitted. Transactions Papers must have no more than a total of ten figures and tables. Submitted manuscripts significantly exceeding these guidelines will be returned to the authors for revision before being reviewed. It is essential that each manuscript be accompanied by a 75- to 200-word abstract clearly outlining the scope and contributions of the paper and a list of up to five keywords should be included on the manuscript. The list of IEEE keywords is available by sending an email message to keywords@ieee.org.

Transactions Letters, limited to seven double-spaced pages and four figures, are intended to articulate new results and are to be published in the most expeditious manner. This category includes comments on published papers, corrections, and open problems, as well as new high-quality technical contributions primarily representing enhancements of a previous paper. It is the intention to provide a very rapid review process as well as publication of Transactions Letters. A Letter must be accompanied by an abstract of 50 words or less.

All papers should be written in English. Introductory discussion should be kept at a minimum and material published elsewhere should be referenced rather than reproduced or paraphrased. Authors should strive for maximum clarity of expression, bearing in mind that the purpose of publication is the dissemination of technical knowledge and that an excessively complex or poorly written presentation can only obscure the significance of the work described. Care should be taken in the organization of the material such that contributions of the work and a logical, consistent progression of thought are evident. It is strongly suggested that material which is not essential to the continuity of the text (e.g., proofs, derivations, or calculations) be placed in Appendixes.

Either hard copy or electronic submissions that conform to the respective guidelines following will be accepted for review:

1) Hard Copy: Six copies each of the manuscript (including the abstract and illustrations, but not the original illustrations themselves) should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief,

Dr. Norman C. Beaulieu
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, Canada
T6G 2V4

Papers submitted to any other Editor of this Transactions will be returned to the author. Double-sided copies of the initial manuscript are preferred, although an accepted manuscript must be submitted with a single-sided copy when in final form. A separate signed letter should indicate the preferred mailing address (including postal code), telephone and fax numbers, and email address (when available) for correspondence. Supplementary material, such as biographies and original figures, will be requested when needed for publication.

2) Electronic Copy: Electronic submissions should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief at beaulieu@ee.ualberta.ca. Manuscripts can be sent in the form of a MIME email attachment in either PostScript (PS) format or Portable Document Format (PDF). Files in Microsoft Word (*.doc) format will not be accepted. Manuscripts can also be sent in the form of uncoded Postscript in a plain-text email message. When printed, the manuscript must satisfy all the page and figure count guidelines noted above. In addition, there should be a covering email containing (i) the name, address, phone and fax numbers of all the authors; (ii) the manuscript category; and (iii) the title and a text-only version of the abstract.

All authors must also enclose, or mail separately in the case of electronic submission, a signed IEEE Copyright Form on submitting a paper and should have company clearance before submission. Submitted papers are assumed to contain no proprietary material unprotected by patent or patent application; responsibility for technical content and for protection of proprietary material rests solely with the author(s) and their organizations and is not the responsibility of the IEEE or its Editorial Staff. The format of papers submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Communications should follow IEEE editorial and typographical standards, as described in "Information for IEEE Authors," available on request from the IEEE Transactions/Journals Department, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA or by email to trans@ieee.org.

After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author's company or institution will be requested to pay a page charge of $110.00 per printed Transactions page, for the first seven pages of a paper, to cover part of the cost of the publication. Payment of page charges for this IEEE Transactions (in keeping with journals of other professional societies) is not a prerequisite for publication. The authors will receive 100 free reprints if the page charge is honored. All submissions after January 1, 1994 that are accepted for publication are subject to a mandatory page charge of $220.00 for each Transactions page exceeding seven printed pages.

Please Note: Authors must provide to the Publications Editor an electronic version of their paper after acceptance (PostScript files cannot be accepted). Make sure that as you make changes to the paper version you incorporate these changes into your disk version. Try to adhere to the accepted style of this Transactions as much as possible. A list of various types of electronic media which the IEEE can accept can currently be obtained from the IEEE Transactions/Journals Department, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 or from the Publications Editor of this Transactions.

Transactions Abstracts are abstracts of Transactions Papers accepted for publication in later issues. Transactions Abstracts are selected for publication from the accepted manuscripts.

All authors must comply with the IEEE Policy on Self-Plagiarism and the IEEE Electronic Posting Policy.

Editorial Board

J. LoCicero, Director of Journals
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL 60616

N. C. Beaulieu, Editor-in-Chief

(email: beaulieu@ee.ualberta.ca)
Dept. Elec. & Comput. Eng.
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2V4


D. G. Daut, Publications Editor
Dept. Elec. & Comput. Eng.
Rutgers Univ.
Piscataway, NJ 08855

I. Jacobs, Senior Advisor
Dept. Elec. Eng.
Virginia Polytechnic Inst.
Blacksburg, VA 24061



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