

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Theoretical and experimental advances in antennas, including design and development, and in the propagation if electromagnetic waves, including scattering, diffraction, and interaction with continuous media; and applications pertaining to antennas and propagation, such as remote sensing, applied optics, and millimeter and submillimeter wave techniques.
Instructions to Authors


Manuscripts should be specially prepared for publication in this TRANSACTIONS and submitted electronically at the Manuscript Central website

Format: The preferred format of the manuscript is single-spaced with figures and captions included within the text.

Text: Text should use an 11-point or larger font.

Figures: Figures should be easily viewed on a computer screen.

Color: Color should be avoided unless the paper is intended to be published with color figures at extra cost.

Figure Text: Use large lettering, and label axes carefully.

Fonts: Fonts that might not be on reviewers' computers should be embedded in the PDF file (see Information on creating PDF files).

If you are unable to submit the manuscript electronically and must send paper, send your copies to the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Allen W. Glisson, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, 302 Anderson Hall, The University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848 USA. Telephone: +1 662 915 3931. Fax: +1 662 915 3931. Two typewritten copies with two sets of copies of the illustrations are required. Original illustrations will be called for if the paper is accepted. For details see "Information for Authors," available from IEEE Publications/Administration, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331. 


Electronic submission of manuscripts is required for both initial review and for publication. To submit your manuscript electronically go to the Manuscript Central website


It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the U.S. Copyright Law, authors are required to sign and submit an IEEE Copyright Form before publication. This form, a copy of which appears in the January issue, returns to authors and their employers the full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes. Authors must submit a signed copy of this form before their manuscripts can be published. 


All Authors are requested to honor page charges of $110 per printed page for the first eight pages of a Paper and for the first four pages of a Communication. Payment of page charges for this IEEE TRANSACTIONS, like journals of other professional societies, is not a necessary prerequisite for publication. The author will receive 100 free reprints (without covers) only if the page charge is honored. Detailed instructions will accompany the proofs. A Page Charge Form must be completed and returned to the Editor before a manuscript can be published. The page charge form, in PDF format, may be downloaded by clicking here


A mandatory EXCESSIVE PAGE LENGTH charge of $200 per page is required for Papers longer than eight (8) printed pages and Communications longer than four (4) printed pages. If the author will not agree to pay mandatory charges, the author will be required to reduce the manuscript to eight printed pages or less (four printed pages for Communications) prior to final acceptance and scheduling for publication. This reduction will occur after technical review of the manuscript. The above policy has no relationship to requests by the Editor to reduce very long manuscripts prior to technical review. 


PAPERS may be any length from one to about 25 typewritten double-spaced pages and are subjected to review by the Editor, Associate Editors, and their staff of reviewers. Each paper must have an abstract of about 150 words. Authors should allow approximately 12 weeks for the initial review cycle. Authors are encouraged to make their initial submission as short as possible. Because of limited space available in the TRANSACTIONS and the difficulty in finding reviewers for very long papers, manuscripts (either single or multiple-part papers) that exceed 40 pages of double-spaced text and figures will not be considered. Upon being informed that your paper has been accepted for publication, be sure that the final version is accompanied by a disk or CD. The electronic form of the paper should match the hard copy exactly and should include the references, biographies, footnotes, and figure captions. Most popular IBM-PC-compatible, Macintosh, and UNIX formats are acceptable. A more complete IEEE authors' electronic guide or an IEEE LATEX style file can be obtained by email or by fax at 732-562-0545.

COMMUNICATIONS are typically narrower in scope and shorter than papers. Their manuscript length should not exceed about 12 typewritten double-spaced pages including figures. Communications are subjected to the same rigorous review process used for papers.

COMMENTS are brief notes containing remarks (and Authors' replies) as well as corrections on previously published manuscripts. Usually, they are reviewed only by the Editor, and are published at his discretion.

REVIEWS AND TUTORIALS are full length papers which need not contain original work. They primarily review the state of the art and developments leading thereto. Please contact the Editor prior to undertaking preparation of a review or tutorial. 


Illustrations should be kept to a minimum. Figures and photos should be original proofs and not Xeroxes. Photos must be glossy prints with no screens. Laser prints are not acceptable in place of photos or where gray scale graphics are involved. All line drawings and photos should be in black and white unless specifically requested. Letters and symbols should be large enough to be readily legible when the drawing is reduced to a one-column width, as much as a 4:1 reduction from the original. Materials should be no larger than 22 x 28 cm (8 ¨ö x 11). For final versions, electronic graphics must be provided as separate files.


Page proofs are sent to each principal author just prior to publication of the paper. Minor and typographical errors should be noted and corrected according to the instructions enclosed with the proofs. Major changes required to correct errors in the author's manuscript will not, in general, be permitted. In order to avoid the need for a major change, the author should proofread his manuscript very carefully. 


The author must ascertain that any clearance, company or foundation release, necessary for publication of the paper in this TRANSACTIONS has been obtained. If the paper or any modification of it has been published in the public literature, the author must indicate this in the letter of transmittal accompanying the submitted paper. 


News items concerning the Society members and activities should be sent to the AP Magazine Editor-in-Chief, Dr. W. R. Stone, Stoneware Limited, 1446 Vista Claridad, La Jolla, CA 92037. Telephone: +1 619 459 8305. 


For more IEEE information for authors click here.


Creating good PDF files:

       Keep your reviewers happy!

Use only embeddable Type 1 (Postscript) or True Type fonts. Do not use bitmapped, or Type 3 fonts. Use of Type 3 fonts results in files that are often nearly unreadable on screen.

Embed all fonts into the PDF file. Failure to do this can result in files with text, and particularly equations, that are incorrect or unreadable.

Subset fonts at a threshold of 100%.

Create the PDF file on the same computer where the original document was created. This will insure that the fonts necessary for viewing and printing the resulting PDF file are available during PDF creation.

Do not use Adobe PDFWriter, period. Use Acrobat Distiller or Ghostscript instead. PDFWriter does not produce acceptable PDF files except under very limited circumstances. 

Preview the PDF file you generate to verify its correctness. View the file with local fonts turned off (if possible) or go to another computer, preferably one with no special fonts installed, and view the PDF file. 

Editorial Board

Allen W. Glisson, Editor-in-Chief

Dept. of Electrical Engineering
22 Anderson Hall
University of Mississippi
University, MS  38677-1848
662-915-3931 (telephone)  



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