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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems was the number-three journal in aerospace engineering in 2001, according to the annual Journal Citation Report (2001 edition) published by the Institute for Scientific Information. Read more at http://www.ieee.org/products/citations.html
This publication focuses on the equipment, procedures, and techniques applicable to the organization, installation, and operation of functional systems designed to meet the high performance requirements of earth and space systems.

Instructions to Authors

The IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems is a quarterly journal that publishes papers concerned with the various aspects of systems for space, air, ocean, or ground environments. The boundaries of acceptable subject matter has been intentionally left flexible so that the Transactions can follow the research activities to better meet the needs of the members of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society. The topics of current interest are best summarized in the titles of the editorial areas published in the inside front cover of the transactions and on our website at http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/aes/IEEE_Editors.html.

Restrictions on Publication: The IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society publishes only original material that has not been either published or submitted for publication elsewhere. However, prior publication of an abbreviated and/or preliminary form of the material in conference proceedings or digests shall not preclude publication in the transactions when notice is made at the time of submission. Notice of prior publication of an abbreviated version of the manuscript must be given at the time of submission to the transactions and submission. Submission of the manuscript elsewhere is precluded unless it is refused for publication or withdrawn by the author. Concurrent submission to other publications and these transactions is viewed as a serious breach of ethics and, if detected, will result in immediate rejection of the submission.

Sanctions for Plagiarism: If a manuscript is substantially similar to any previous journal submission by the same authors, its history and some explanation must be provided. If a manuscript was previously reviewed and rejected by a different journal, the authors shall provide to their technical editor copies of all correspondence involving the earlier submission. In addition, the authors must discuss the reasons why it has been re-submitted and be prepared to deliver further material if more is requested. Manuscripts that are found to have been plagiarized from others, or that contain a crossover of more than 25% with another journal manuscript by the same authors, will incur sanctions by the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society. The following sanction will be applied to any of the above-noted infractions: (1) immediate rejection of the manuscript in question; (2) immediate withdrawal of all other submitted manuscripts by any of the authors to any of the Society's publications (journals, conferences, workshops); (3) prohibition against all of the authors for any new submissions, either individually, in combination with the authors of the plagiarizing manuscript, as well as in combination with new co-authors, to ALL of the Society's publications (journals, conferences, workshops). The prohibition shall continue for one year from notice of suspension.

Types of Contributions: Contributions may be in the form of regular papers or correspondence. The distinction between regular papers and correspondence is not one of quality, but of nature. Regular papers are to be a well-rounded treatment of a problem area, while a correspondence item makes one or two points concisely. In regular papers, the title, abstract, and introduction should be sufficiently informative to illuminate the essence of the manuscript to the broadest possible audience and to place the contributions in context with related work. The body of the manuscript should be understandable without undue effort by its intended audience. Correspondence should be less discursive but equally lucid. Authors should be aware that a well-written correspondence usually can be published more rapidly that can a regular paper.

Submission of Manuscript for Review: Authors should submit five legible copies of the manuscript and one signed copy of the IEEE copyright form directly to the appropriate editor. Each submission should include a cover letter with the names and addresses of four potential reviewers of your manuscript. The manuscript should be double-spaced in a single column and single sided. Each manuscript should include a list of key words and title of less than nine words. An abstract of 75 words or less that clearly indicates the purpose and content of the paper must be included as part of the manuscript. Correspondence items should include an abstract of 50 words or less. If there is reference material that is both essential for the reviewing process and unavailable to the reviewers, the authors should provide five copies of relevant excerpts for the sake of expediting their review process.

Contributions should comprise novel, previously unpublished material. Prior publication of an abbreviated or preliminary form of the material in a conference record does not preclude publication herein; indicate this with your submission. It is assumed that your contribution has not been submitted elsewhere pending any contrary information; likewise submission elsewhere is precluded prior to publication or withdrawal. Contributions may be as papers or correspondence. The distinction is not one of quality, but rather of nature. Papers are a well-rounded treatment of a problem area; correspondence concisely addresses one or two points related to a problem area. For papers: The title, abstract, and introduction should make the content of the paper clear to the broadest possible audience, while placing the work in context with other published items. The body of the paper should be understandable without undue effort by its intended audience. For correspondence: An informative title and abstract are necessary; the text less discursive, but equally lucid. Well-written correspondence is almost always in print more rapidly. 

Submission of manuscripts for review. Authors should submit five (5) legible copies of the manuscript together with a signed copy of the IEEE Copyright Form directly to the appropriate editor. Each submission should, in the cover letter, include the names and addresses of four potential reviewers of the work. Be sure to double-space your manuscript, in a single column, and, please, use only one side of the paper. The title should not exceed eight or nine words in length. An abstract of 75 words or less (50 for correspondence) that clearly indicates the purpose and content of the contribution must be included. If reference material essential for proper refereeing is not readily available, provide five copies of relevant excerpts for facilitation. For review purposes illustrations may be legible copies¡ªoriginals are not essential. DO NOT send your material in electronic form for review. 

Upon Acceptance. Your contribution, after any and all reviews and revisions are completed, will be forwarded directly to our Administrative Editor. He will provide you with tentative publication information, and request any items that are missing or unusable for publication. You will be advised as to the need for original illustrations, biography, photo, and similar items essential for publication. He will also inquire if your material is available in electronic form (disk or other); if you can provide your material this way you may be able to save us time and effort. Be careful, however! The electronic form must be identical to the paper copies that you submitted for review, including any revisions. Our experience is that many times the electronic form of a contribution does not reflect what was printed on paper; we use the paper copy from the accepting editor as the control. Preferred format is 3 1/2" disk, windows/DOS, with text in ASCII file format; coding in TEX. If you are using TEX or LATEX, please submit both text and macro files. 

Information for IEEE Authors. General information for IEEE authors is available at http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/authors.html, or on request from IEEE Publishing Services Administration, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, telephone 732-562-3960, facsimile 732-981-8062. 

Copyright. It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes. Therefore authors are required to sign an IEEE copyright transfer form before publication. This form, a copy of which appears in this and all other IEEE journals from time to time (and is available on the site listed above), returns to authors and their employers full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes. Authors must submit a signed copy with their manuscript; if not, one will be requested upon contribution acceptance. Publication will not take place without a copy on file. 

Page Charges. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author's company or institution will be requested to pay a charge of $110 per final printed page to cover part of the cost of publication. Page charges for IEEE Transactions, like those for journals of other professional societies, are traditional, but their payment is not a prerequisite for publication. The author will receive 100 reprints without covers if the charge is honored. Information will be forwarded upon acceptance and scheduling for publication; additional information will accompany proofs. 

Discloseability. The IEEE must, of necessity, assume that material submitted for publication is properly available for general dissemination to the audiences the IEEE is organized to serve. It is the responsibility of the author, not the IEEE, to determine whether disclosure of material requires prior consent of other parties, and, if so, obtain it.
Editorial Board


W. Dale Blair

7220 Richardson Rd. 
Smyrna, GA 30080

ph: 770-528-7934 
fax: 770-528-7883 

Associate EIC

Lance Kaplan

CTSPS, Box 92 
Clark Atlanta Univ. 
223 J.P. Brawley Drive SW 
Atlanta, GA 30314

ph: 404-880-8537 
fax: 404-880-8360 

Business Editor

Jos¨¦ Bolanos

4014 45th Ave NE 
Tacoma, WA 98422

home ph: 253 952-2955 
work ph: 206 655-4076 
fax: 206 655-0934 

Administrative Editor and Publication Office

David B. Dobson

4500 N. Park Ave. 
Chevy Chase, MD 20815

ph: 301-657-0208 
fax: 301-657-0209 

Editors-in-Chief Emeriti

William M. Brown

2950 P St. 
WPAFB, OH 45433-7765

ph: 937-255-3636 x4613


Jack R. Harris

1601 Research Blvd. 
Rockville, MD 20850

ph: 301-251-4810/4001/4004 
fax: 301-279-4655


Cary R. Spitzer

3409 Roxridge Rd. 
Williamsburg, VA 23188-2499

ph: 757-221-8031 
fax: 757-221-8031

 Editors for Technical fields of Interest

Avionics Systems

Dr. Myron Kayton

P.O. Box 802
Santa Monica, California 90406

Tel: (310) 393-1819
Fax: (310)  393-1261

Command, Control and Communications Systems

Theodore F. Roome

MS 020 
202 Burlington Rd. 
Bedford, MA 01730-1420

ph: 781-271-7415 
fax: 781-271-7990 

Electronic Warfare Systems

Jim P.Y. Lee

Defence Research Establishment Ottawa 
Department of National Defence 
Ottawa, Ontario 
Canada K1A 0Z4

ph: 613-998-2112 
fax: 316-998-8401 

Energy Conversion Systems

William M. Polivka

Power Integrations Inc. 
5245 Hellyer Avenue 
San Jose, CA 95138-1002

ph: 408 414-9629 
fax: 408 414-9729 


Dr. Marcelo Godoy Simoes

Division of Engineering 
Colorado School of Mines 
Golden, Colorado 

Tel: (303) 384-2350 
Fax: (303)  273-3602 

Fault Tolerant Systems

Asok Ray

329 Reber Building 
The Pennsylvania State University 
University Park, PA 16802

ph: 814-865-6377 
fax: 814-863-4848 

Electrooptic and Infrared Systems

John J. Barnett

Code D 742, E-O Br 
SPAWAR Sys. Ctr. San Diego 
San Diego, CA 92152

ph: 619-553-2609 
fax: 619-553-5675 

Intelligent Systems

Dr. Marcelo Godoy Simoes

Division of Engineering 
Colorado School of Mines 
Golden, Colorado 

Tel: (303) 384-2350 
Fax: (303)  273-3602 

Large-Scale Systems

Kuo-Chu (KC) Chang

System Engrg. Dept. 
George Mason Univ. 
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

ph: 703-993-1639 
fax: 703-993-1706 


Joseph L. Leva

MS E085 
202 Burlington Rd. 
Bedford, MA 01730-1420

ph: 781-271-2138 
fax: 781-271-8915 


Dr. Gerard Lachapelle

Dept of Geomatics Engineering
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4

Phone: 403 220-7104
Fax: 403 284-1980

Radar Systems

Lance Kaplan

CTSPS, Box 92 
Clark Atlanta Univ. 
223 J.P. Brawley Drive SW 
Atlanta, GA 30314

ph: 404-880-8537 
fax: 404-880-8360 


Pierfrancesco Lombardo

Dept. INFOCOM, University of Rome "La Sapienza" 
Via Eudossiana 18 
I-00184 Rome, Italy

ph: +39 06 44585472 
fax: + 39 06 4873300 
e: lombardo@infocom.uniroma1.it


Dr. Edward S. Chornoboy

M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory, Room A-153 
244 Wood St. 
Lexington, MA 02420-9108

ph: +1 781 981-3447 
fax: +1 781 981-2780 

Robotics Systems

Robert C. Michelson

7220 Richardson Rd
Smyrna, GA 30080

Tel: (770) 528-7568
Fax: (775)  796-9535

Simulation Facility Instrumentation

Ernest S. Hanff

National Research Council 
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R6

ph: 613-993-2521 
e: ernest.hanff@nrc.ca

Sonar and Undersea Systems

John A. Tague

ONR 321 (US) 
800 Quincy St. 
Arlington, VA 22217-5660

ph: 703-696-4399 
e: taguej@onr.navy.mil

Space Systems

Marina Ruggieri

University of Rome "Tor Vergata" 
Department of Electronics Engineering 
Via di Tor Vergata, 110 - 00133 
Rome, Italy

ph: +39 06 7259 7451 
fax: +39 06 7259 7455 

Support Systems

Oscar W. Sepp

1148 Via Nice 
Redlands, CA 92372

ph: 909-794-8183 
e: owsepp@aol.com

Target Tracking and Multisensor Systems

X. Rong Li

Dept. Elec. Engrg. 
Univ. New Orleans, Lakefront 
New Orleans, LA 70148

ph: 504-280-7416 
fax: 504-280-3950 
e: xli@uno.edu


Peter K. Willett

Dept. ESE, U-157 
Univ. Conn 
260 Glenbrook Road 
Storrs, CT 06269-9005

ph: 860 486-2195 


Thia Kirubarajan

Electrical & Computer Engineering Department 
McMaster University 
1280 West Main Street 
Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8S 4K1

ph: 905 525 9140 ext. 24819 
fax: 905 523 4407 
e: kiruba@mail.ece.mcmaster.ca


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