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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


IEEE Micro, a bimonthly publication of the IEEE Computer Society,  reaches an international audience of microcomputer and microprocessor  designers, system integrators, and users. Readers want to increase  their technical knowledge of computers and peripherals; systems,  components, and subassemblies; communications, instrumentation,  and control equipment; and software.

Instructions to Authors

IEEE Micro publishes original works up to a maximum of 5,000 words (less an allowance of 325 words for each average-size figure, table, or program).

These works discuss the design, performance, or application of microcomputers and microprocessor systems. Readers welcome tutorial material, review papers, and standards discussions. Topic areas include systems, chips, applications, architecture, fault tolerance, data acquisition, languages, operating systems, application software, artificial intelligence, communications, and hardware/software design and implementation.

Note that Micro does not accept manuscripts that are also submitted to another publication

Writing tips

  • Readers welcome clear, accurate articles that are presented in logical sequence and offer material they can use on the job.
  • Tutorials, how-to articles, and real-world cases are most welcome.
  • Let readers know in the first paragraph why your subject is important; give them a reason to continue reading.
  • Define your thesis or problem and discuss your solution(s) and any trade-offs.
  • Augment your discussion with examples, tables, diagrams, charts, and photographs to help readers grasp your point.
  • End by putting your topic in perspective and stating any further work plans.
  • All readers won't be familiar with your specialty; you will have to explain unusual terms or intricate processes.
  • Readers move swiftly through articles written in the active voice and containing short words, short sentences, and concrete examples. An example of active voice is "This scheme contains two main buses" NOT "Two main buses are contained in this scheme."
  • Avoid jargon, explain acronyms, and simplify your language. For example, use "to" NOT "for the purpose of" and use "can" NOT "has the capability to." In other words, write the way you talk.
  • Remember that magazine style differs from journal and report styles.

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Article checklist

  • Submit articles that offer solutions to clear needs, are useful to workers, and/or advance research
  • Explain concepts clearly and briefly
  • Report costs, ROIs, and trade-offs
  • Submit only original works
  • Limit text to 5,000 words (less allowance of 325 words per figure)
  • Limit references to 10-12 (including those in boxes)
  • Expect your work to be reviewed by your peers and to be asked to make revisions
  • Expect your work to be edited before publication
  • Sign a copyright agreement transferring reproduction rights to the IEEE
  • Be prepared to submit an electronic version that exactly matches your hard copy via e-mail to the manuscript assistant. (Strip graphics files and identify your text editor, operating system, software, and version numbers, for example, WinWord 6.0/DOS 6.2.) Unformatted MS Word or ASCII text is preferred.

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Illustrations, tables

All illustrations and drawings should be clear and submitted in hard copy and .eps or .tif versions; they will be adapted to match magazine style (except certain files such as screen dumps). Submit good-contrast, black-and-white photographs. Number, caption, and cite in text all illustrations and tables.

IEEE Micro publishes issues with articles of general interest and theme issues that focus on special topics (see IEEE Micro's Editorial Calendar) but may also include nontheme articles. Submit a PostScript version of theme articles to the Guest Editor; submit a PostScript version of general interest articles to IEEE Micro Manuscript Assistant Cheri Shelton.

Include a 100- to 150-word abstract with four or five index terms, and your full contact information (mailing address, work and home phone and fax numbers, e-mail address). Mail a completed IEEE copyright form. This form transfers certain rights to the IEEE (excepting key rights retained by the author). Also submit a 75-word biographical sketch of each author. Include (in the following order) current position, technical interests,  education, and professional affiliations.

Successful contributions avoid the style of transactions and academic journals to provide easy reading. Sufficiently introduce the material, place it in context with similar works, describe the practical or potential applications of the material presented, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your approach. If appropriate, include a box explaining an application(s); examples of real-world applications help readers grasp theoretical concepts. At least 20 percent of the text should be tutorial in nature. Brief literature surveys do not satisfy these requirements.

Peer-review process

All manuscripts pass through a peer-review process consistent with other professional-level technical publications. This process may take three months or more, and referees may require revisions. If a manuscript exceeds the specified length, you will be asked to shorten it.

Editorial Board

Pradip Bose
Research Staff Member and Project Leader
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
PO Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Janet Wilson
Managing Editor, IEEE Micro
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
PO Box 3014
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-1314
Phone: +1 714 821 8380
Fax: +1 714 821 4010



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