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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope

The IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine publishes articles and tutorials concerned with the various aspects of systems for space, air, ocean, or ground environments as well as news and information of interest to IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society members and practitioners in the fields of interest of the Society. Many of our readers are concerned with the practice of systems engineering. The boundaries of acceptable subject matter has been intentionally left flexible so that the Magazine can follow the research activities, technology applications and future trends to better meet the needs of the members of the Society. Our goal is to inform the readers of technologies, state of the art, design trades, historical achievements, etc. so that they will gain insights into a field heretofore unknown to them, technology applications, and ! on current or historical achievements. We want to introduce technical specialties to readers in the hope that something in the articles will give them some insight for their own fields of endeavor. In doing so we span professional interests in the organization, design, development, integration and operation of systems, including complex systems and systems-of-systems.

For more technically complex papers authors should consider submitting to the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.

We welcome letters; we reserve the right to edit for space, style, and clarity. Include address and daytime phone number.

Instructions to Authors
Information for IEEE Transactions,
Journals, and Letters Authors
A. Author Responsibilities
A manuscript submitted for publication to IEEE Transactions,
Journals, Letters, or to the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE
should be original work submitted to a single IEEE Journal.
It should not have been previously published and should not
be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The IEEE assumes that material submitted to its publications
is properly available for general dissemination for the readership
of those publications. It is the responsibility of the authors,
not the IEEE, to determine whether disclosure of their material
requires the prior consent of other parties and, if so, to obtain
it. If an author uses charts, photographs, or other graphics from
previously printed material, he/she is responsible for obtaining
written permission from the publisher to use the material in
his/her manuscript.
Statements and opinions given in work published by the
IEEE are the expressions of the authors. Responsibility for the
contents of published papers rests upon the authors, not the
B. Rights
Occasionally an author may disagree with the referees'
recommendations and with the editorial decision based on
those comments. In such a case, the author shall be given
the opportunity to prepare a suitably worded rebuttal to the
referees' criticism and to submit the rebuttal to the Editor-in-
Chief. Technical disagreements often occur in such instances
because the manuscript is interpreted differently by the referee
than is the intended interpretation of the author. Rebuttals
can correct such erroneous interpretations. In any case, the
Editor-in-Chief forwards the rebuttals to the referees for their
comments, acting as an intermediary to continue to preserve
the referees'  anonymity. The referees return their recommendations
if the argument put forth is persuasive. On the
other hand, the referee is free to counter the rebuttal of the
author. However the referee chooses to act, he or she furnishes
additional information to the Editor-in-Chief which, together
with the rebuttal of the author, provides the Editor-in-Chief
with additional information on which to base a decision.
The Editor-in-Chief may seek advice from additional referees
during such an exchange. It is understood that such occasional
lengthy exchanges will require an extension to the deadline
for the final decision of the submission beyond the 90-day
requirement. The author should be so informed.
The editorial policy of an IEEE publication is to be determined
by the entity that sponsors or controls the publication,
within the framework and policies set by the IEEE Publications
Board and the IEEE Board of Directors. Implementation of
these policies is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief of
the publication. The Editor-in-Chief is, in general, the final
authority on matters of content and appropriateness of material
in the publication. Disputes that arise over review or acceptance
of the material submitted for publication are expected to
be resolved by the Editorial Board of the publication.
In the event of a challenge to the review or publishing
process that cannot be resolved at the sponsoring entity level,
the Vice President of Publication Services and Products shall,
within 30 days of receipt of written complaint, determine
whether the dispute merits a formal arbitration process. For
arbitration, the Vice President shall appoint an individual who
will, through consultation with parties to the dispute and with
the assistance of knowledgeable members of the professional
community, assess the merits of the dispute and recommend
a resolution. The recommendation will be presented to the
Publications Board within 120 days of the receipt of the
complaint, unless a time extension is granted by the Vice
President of Publication Services and Products. The decision
on the matter will then be made by the Vice President of
Publication Services and Products and is binding on the IEEE
entity that is a party to the dispute.
C. IEEE Copyright
The IEEE Intellectual Properties Department will process all
permission requests and will monitor and report on electronic
reuses of IEEE-copyrighted material relative to the proposed
policies described here. The procedures outlined below will
enable the department to carry out these responsibilities.
For additional information, inqueries may be e-mailed to
A completed IEEE Copyright Form should accompany any
original material when it is first submitted to an IEEE technical
periodical or conference publication. In any event, an author
must transfer copyright to IEEE upon being notified of the
acceptance of his/her paper if the transfer has not been done
prior to acceptance. IEEE will not insist on a transfer of
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distribute) in any computer programs set out in the text of the
The following copyright notice must be displayed on the
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2) has been reviewed and accepted but not yet published.
Paper copy preprints must carry the following notice on the
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This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible
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Electronic Preprints: Upon submitting an article to the
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add the following notice to the first screen of any of his/her
posted electronic preprint versions of the paper:
This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible
publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice,
after which this version may no longer be accessible.
When the IEEE accepts the work for publication, the author
must add the IEEE copyright notice to any previously posted
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provide IEEE with the electronic address (URL, ftp address,
etc.) of the primary electronic posting.
When IEEE publishes the work, the author must replace the
previous electronic version of the accepted paper with either
1) the full citation to the IEEE work or
2) the IEEE published version, including the IEEE copyright
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Prior or revised versions of the paper must not be represented
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Collected Works: IEEE copyrighted collected works, such
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permission will be that the posted collected work include a
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Personal Servers: Authors and/or their companies shall
have the right to post their IEEE-copyrighted material on
their own servers without permission, provided that the server
displays a prominent notice alerting readers to their obligations
with respect to copyrighted material and that the posted work
includes the IEEE copyright notice as shown in Section I-C
above. An example of an acceptable notice is:
This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination
of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights
therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders.
All persons copying this information are expected
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Classroom Use: Instructors are free to post their own IEEEcopyrighted
papers on their institution' s servers, provided that
appropriate copyright, credit, and reuse notices appear prominently
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only with prior written permission from the IEEE.
After IEEE accepts the work for publication and the copyright
has been transferred, IEEE will not allow changes or
revisions to the work without further review and approval.
The IEEE and many affiliated societies provide publication
and society information via Internet servers. Links to society
servers are encouraged, and prior consent is not required.
Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board
Evelyn Hirt 
IEEE A&E Systems Magazine
4500 N. Park Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7230, USA
Fax: +1 301-657-0209
Email: Systems.AESS@ieee.org   Administrative Editor
David Dobson 
IEEE A&E Systems Magazine
4500 N. Park Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7230, USA
Fax: +1 301-657-0209
Email: Systems.AESS@ieee.org   Assistant Administrative Editor
A. Lim 
IEEE A&E Systems Magazine
4500 N. Park Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7230, USA
Fax: +1 301-657-0209
Email: Systems.AESS@ieee.org  


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