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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

An interdisciplinary journal reporting on and helping to define the issues that challenge researchers in a rapidly growing field, Human-Computer Interaction publishes theoretical, empirical, and methodological articles on user psychology and computer system design as it affects the user. Combining research in cognitive science, computer science, and psychology, this journal profiles new advances in the field and points out directions for future research. Seeking to foster a scientific understanding of the behavior of computer users--programmers and nonprogrammers, experts and novices--with an emphasis on the cognitive aspects, the journal focuses beyond the individual users to explore the social and organizational contexts of user communities.

Instructions to Authors

Human-Computer Interaction is an interdisciplinary journal concerned with theoretical, empirical, and methodological issues of (1) user science and (2) computer system design as it affects the user. The goal of HCI is to be a high-quality journal coalescing the best research and design work from diverse fields into a distinct new field of human-computer interaction. User Science. HCI seeks to foster a scientific understanding of the behavior of computer users, especially the cognitive aspects. "Users" include both programmers and nonprogrammers and both experts and novices. HCI is concerned not only with the individual user and with small working groups of users, but also with the larger social and organizational context of the user community. Theoretical papers should deal with psychological models of user learning or performance or with social models of the user community. Empirical papers may range from controlled laboratory experimentation to field observation. Methodological papers should be concerned with such issues as how to analyze tasks and how to discover the structure of user behavior. System Design. HCI seeks to foster rational discussion of and methods for the design of new computer systems and the evaluation of existing systems. HCI is interested in user-interface design techniques, including the incorporation of intelligence into the interface. HCI is also concerned with the process of design (i.e., not only the what, but also the how and the why of design). Theoretical papers should deal with the design principles underlying a particular system or class of systems, or with the abstract structure and process of human-computer interaction. Empirical papers may assess existing or novel interaction techniques, or examine the design process itself. Methodological papers should be concerned with the application of design principles, the rationalization of design alternatives, or the role of empirical methods in the design process. HCI is interested in original papers of high quality and broad relevance that are within the scope of the above thematic framework. Papers may cover any domain in which computers are involved--such as programming, office systems, database systems, instructional and training systems, games, design systems, editing and authoring systems, and other interactive computer tools. Because HCI is an interdisciplinary journal, all papers must have both scientific content or implications and practical relevance as to how systems should be designed or how they are actually used. HCI favors substantial papers dealing with substantial pieces of research and/or design over smaller or narrower papers focusing on issues of only specialized interest. Review papers are welcomed but are expected to develop new conceptual views or codifications of existing material. Further Information. Consult the HCI Web site (hci-journal.com) or send e-mail to the Editor, Thomas Moran (moran@acm.org). Submission. Any readable manuscript format is acceptable for initial submission and reviewing. To submit a manuscript to HCI in hardcopy, send five copies to: Patricia Sheehan HCI Administrative Editor Xerox Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 HCI can also accept electronic submissions. Send an e-mail to the Administrative Editor, Patricia Sheehan (sheehan@parc.xerox.com) to find out how to do this. Final manuscripts will be expected to conform to the HCI journal style, which is best understood by looking at a recent issue of HCI. See the HCI Web site for style guidelines and a manuscript template.

Editorial Board
Editor: Thomas P. Moran
IBM Almaden Lab, San Jos, CA


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