

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Human Reproduction features full-length, peer-reviewed papers reporting original research, clinical case histories, as well as opinions and debates on topical issues. Papers published cover the scientific and medical aspects of reproductive physiology and pathology, endocrinology, andrology, gonad function, gametogenesis, fertilization, embryo development, implantation, pregnancy, genetics, genetic diagnosis, oncology, infectious disease, surgery, contraception, infertility treatment, psychology, ethics and social issues. The highest scientific and editorial standard is maintained throughout the journal along with a rapid rate of publication.

Instructions to Authors

Submission of manuscript for consideration

By e-mail: Send manuscript as an attachment to editorial@humanreproduction.co.uk. Please send the file as a word document, including any tables. All figures should be included in the e-mail, but half-tone and colour figures (two copies) must be also be posted to the address given below (see Figure specification). By post: Send two hard copies of the manuscript. A disc containing text, tables and line drawings must be enclosed for the manuscript to be considered. The manuscript should be submitted in Word, in PC not MAC format. In cases of a mismatch between the hard copy and the disc the hard copy will be taken as the definitive version. Two copies of each half tone or colour figure must also be submitted (see Figure specification). Send the manuscript to the Editorial Office, Moor Barns Farmhouse, Madingley Road, Coton, Cambridge CB3 7PG, UK.

Guidelines for preparation of manuscript

Should be written in English, using English standard spelling and conventions following the CBE style manual (The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Sixth Edition, 1994, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK) For Biochemical and Bacterial terminology follow the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) recommendations Genotypes must be italicized (underline in hard copy); phenotypes should not.
Units of measurement and abbreviations
Units of measurement should be in Système International (SI) units and those recommended by the IUPAC should be used wherever possible. Standard units of measurements and chemical symbols of elements may be used without definition in the body of the paper. Abbreviations should be given in brackets after their first mention in the text, and used thereafter. For centrifugation rates give g values rather than rpm.
Double spacing on one side of the paper only. Number each page top right. Number lines. Avoid footnotes. Avoid underlining. Differentiate clearly letters O, l and numbers 0, 1. Ensure unusual symbols are clearly written.

Should not exceed 25 words and should be specific and informative.
Running title
Should not exceed 50 characters.
Give initials and family name of all authors. For more than 10 authors the editors reserve the right to allocate additional authors to a study group, details of which will be given in a footnote.
The department, institution, city and country should be given with postal code for each author. An e-mail address will be published for the corresponding author, who should be clearly identified. Current addresses should be provided for all authors.
The abstract should be a single paragraph of not more than 200 words which clearly summarizes the findings of the manuscript. Note that online abstracts are published for viewing in isolation to the main body of the manuscript and should be self-explanatory.The following structured headings should be used to divide the text of abstracts: BACKGROUND, METHODS, RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS. Clinical papers should clearly describe within the BACKGROUND section the background and objective of the study and within the METHODS section the design, setting, patients, interventions and main outcome measures should be described. Where multiple methodologies have been used, these and the results obtained can be presented in sequence in a combined METHODS AND RESULTS section. Citations should not appear in the abstract. A structured abstract format is not applicable to Debates, Opinions and Case reports.

Key words
Up to five key words must be supplied by the author. These should appear in alphabetical order separated by a slash. The key words, together with the title and abstract, are used for online searches. They should therefore be specific and relevant to the paper.
Materials and methods
The names, town and country of origin of all suppliers should be included. Note the requirement for ethical approval from all studies involving humans and animals.
Reference list
Please use the following style. Note that correct punctuation and journal abbreviations must be used in order to run the search programs used to edit the manuscript. Incorrectly typed references take a lot of time to correct, for which we reserve the right to charge. Up to 10 authors should be included, after which et al. should be used.

Editorial Board

D H Barlow

Managing Editor
H K Beard

Senior Editor
A C Williams

Senior Editorial Secretary
M E Gill

Editorial Secretary
J A Lewin

Editorial Office
Moor Barns Farmhouse
Madingley Road
Cambridge, CB3 7PG
Tel: +44 (0)1954 212404
Fax: +44 (0)1954 212357/8/9

Associate Editors
M Aboulghar, Egypt
D F Albertini, USA
R A Anderson, UK
D. Archer, USA
J Balasch, Spain
A Balen, UK
C R Barratt, UK
C Bergh, Sweden
J D Biggers, USA
P Bischof, Switzerland
J Boivin, UK
R A Bronson, USA
D J Cahill, UK
O B Christiansen, Denmark
J Collins, Canada
G S Conway, UK
J M Cummins, Australia
S Daya, Canada
D de Ziegler, Switzerland
M Dhont, Belgium
J Donnez, Belgium
U Eichenlaub-Ritter, Germany
J L H Evers, The Netherlands
N Exalto, The Netherlands
S Fernandez-Shaw, Spain
N M Fisk, UK
W C L Ford, UK,
I S Fraser, Australia
H Fujiwara, Japan
R Garry, Australia
L Gianaroli, Italy
C Gosden, UK
G M Hartshorne, UK
R Homburg, Israel
O Hovatta, Sweden
S Juul, Denmark
P R Koninckx, Belgium
D Lamb, USA
C B Lambalk, The Netherlands
D Y Liu Australia
M A Lumsden, UK
R Martin, Canada
R Maymon, Israel
I E Messinis, Greece
H Møller, UK
R J Norman, Australia
K Oktay, USA
D L Olive, USA
A Pellicer, Spain
J Ramalho-Santos, Portugal
H N Sallam, Egypt
S Schlatt, Germany
L Scott, USA
R Sharpe UK
K Sharpe-Timms, USA
M Simoni, Germany
F Van der Veen, The Netherlands
Z van der Spuy, South Africa
G Verheyen, Belgium


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