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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



Over the last nine decades, the Journal of Heredity has established and maintained a tradition of scholarly excellence in the publication of genetics research. Since 1905, virtually every major figure in the field has contributed to the journal.
Now in its eighty-ninth year, Journal of Heredity covers organismal genetics in greater depth than ever before. Articles discuss gene action, regulation, and transmission in both plant and animal species, including the genetic aspects of botany, cytogenetics and evolution, zoology, and molecular and developmental biology.
Also included are papers on such rapidly advancing fields such as genome organization, comparative gene mapping, molecular-functional analysis of interactive gene systems, animal models of human disease, molecular genetics of resistance to infectious disease in plants and animals, genetic engineering in plants and animals, conservation genetics of endangered species, molecular evolution and speciation, now computer algorithms and genetics biodiversity.

Instructions to Authors


Before final acceptance, an electronic version of the manuscript (with revisions incorporated) must be submitted on floppy disk to the editorial office. This should be submitted with the revised manuscript. The disk should be labeled with the date, the manuscript number (if a revision), the first author's name, the file name, and the software, disk format, and hardware used. A cover letter should include a statement, signed by any one of the authors, that the electronic file matches the hard copy of the manuscript. Any discrepancy between the disk and the hard copy will result in a delay of publication.

The 3.5-inch disk size should be used. Disks must not be write-protected. All sections of the paper should be in a single .doc file, in the order specified elsewhere in these instructions, including tables. Most types of word processing software may be used, although Microsoft Word version 6.0 is preferred. The disk format may be either IBM-compatible PC or Macintosh, although IBM-compatible PC is preferred.

The electronic file should be prepared accurately, consistently, and simply, avoiding the use of special fonts or elaborate formatting for aesthetics. Paragraphs should be formatted the same way throughout. The lowercase "ell" (l) and the numeral one (1), and the capital "oh" (O) and the numeral zero (0), should be used correctly, not interchangeably; the lowercase "oh" should not be used as a subscript zero. Greek symbols, diacritical marks, italics, superscripts, and subscripts should be typed in the electronic file using software features as much as possible. When a special character cannot be typed in the file, it should be represented by an available character that is not otherwise used, and authors should provide a translation key to those characters in the cover letter. If accents or other unusual characters must be drawn in on the manuscript, they should be highlighted and listed in an accompanying note.

Figure creation and submission. Figures may be submitted as either hard copy or electronic files. Please see instructions below for your preferred method of submission, keeping in mind that electronic figure submissions must be accompanied by printouts that match the appearance of the file(s) themselves. These printouts will be used by the editor for evaluation purposes. Please note that illustrations in color will be accepted only if the authors defray the cost (currently estimated at $1000 per page of color) or by special permission by the Editor. We ask that you submit figures containing color only if you want them to be printed in color. Note also that authors should add 100% for any offprints including color reproduction.

Hard copy submission: Please submit high-quality paper figures, formatted according to submission standard and suitable for reproduction For black-and-white and color photographs, we require both original glossy prints and three copies. Each hard copy figure should be identified by the name of the author, article title, and figure number (penciled lightly on the back of the figure); do not label or write in ink on the back of the artwork because these marks often show through the figure when reproduced. This is especially critical with light image or background areas.

Electronic submission: Figures should be submitted in desired final size as Encapsulated Postscript (.eps) or Tagged Image Format (.tif) files, created and saved at 350 dpi (dots per square inch) for photographic and color images, or 1200 dpi for black and white line drawings. They should use Adobe Postscript fonts, NOT TrueType or system "bitmap" fonts, and any unnecessary white space should be cropped from around the image if the file is a .tif file. If you choose to submit figures electronically, you will need to use high-resolution original sources, such as scanned original artwork or original image files, to create your .tif or .eps figures. Even when saved as .tif or .eps files, graphics downloaded or saved from Web pages (and other low-resolution materials) will not meet print quality standards and are therefore unacceptable for figure creation. Blurry, illegible, or other low-quality figures will be returned to you for recreation and may delay publication of your paper.

We recommend that you produce your figures with high-quality graphics software, such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, to help ensure appropriate resolution and workability. Always use the latest version of the software program available--files from older versions often lose integrity when opened in newer versions. If the software available to you cannot generate .tif or .eps files, you may wish to print a high-quality copy of the figure, scan it, and then save it as a .tif.

Cover consideration. A full-color illustration is featured on the cover of each issue, the cost of which is borne by the journal. Authors whose photo is used on the cover receive 25 free color covers. The cover is available to any contributor whose manuscript is accepted for publication, providing the photographic material is of high quality. If you wish to submit potential cover images in hard copy, please send two prints of each cover submission to the editor; one original of each cover selection will be retained by the editorial office. If possible, submissions should be 8 1/2 by 7 1/2 inches, with the top indicated and a brief caption on the back of the illustration. For electronic submission of potential cover images, please send the image at 350 dpi CMYK as both a .jpg and a .tif or .eps file to the editorial office; the .jpg will be used for evaluation only.


Editorial Board


Stephen J. O'Brien, Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, National Cancer Institute, USA

Editorial Board
Leif Andersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
C. Scott Baker, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Stephen E. Bloom, Cornell University, USA
Brian Bowen, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, USA
Neal Copeland, NCI-FCRF, Frederick, USA
Muriel T. Davisson, The Jackson Laboratory, USA
Rob DeSalle, American Museum of Natural History, USA
Robert C. Fleischer, Smithsonian Institution, USA
Susan Gabay-Laughnan, University of Illinois, USA
Brandon Gaut, University of California, Irvine, USA
Irwin Goldman, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
J. Perry Gustafson, University of Missouri, USA
James L. Hamrick, University of Georgia, USA
Philip Hedrick, Arizona State University, USA
Prem P. Jauhar, USDA-ARS, North Dakota State University, USA
Halina T. Knap, Clemson Unviersity, USA
Christine Kozak, NIAID, LMM, NIH, USA
Sudhir Kumar, Arizona State University, USA
Susan J. Lamont, Iowa State University, USA
Ross MacIntyre, Cornell University, USA
Sally Mackenzie, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
Victor A. McKusick, Johns Hopkins University, USA
William S. Modi, NCI-SAIC, Frederick, USA
Masatoshi Nei, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Elaine Ostrander, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA
Reid G. Palmer, USDA, Iowa State University, USA
Roger H. Reeves, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Oliver A. Ryder, Zoological Society of San Diego, USA
Stephen Schaeffer, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Hector Seuanez, Instituto Nacional de Cancer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Martin Tracey, Florida International University, USA
William F. Tracy, University of Wisconsin, USA
David B. Wagner, University of Kentucky, USA
Robert Wayne, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Bruce S. Weir, North Carolina State University, USA
Jonathan F. Wendel, Iowa State University, USA
James Womack, Texas A&M University, USA
R. C. Woodruff, Bowling Green State University, USA
Shozo Yokoyama, Syracuse University, USA


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