

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Helicobacter recognises the critical role that has been established for Helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer, gastric adenocarcinoma, and primary gastric lymphoma. New helicobacter species are now regularly being discovered. By broadening the scope of the Journal to the entire field of helicobacter research, we will increase communication among the various fields such as:

  • gastroenterology
  • microbiology
  • vaccine development
  • laboratory animal science

As new discoveries in molecular biology and clinical trials of new treatment open up a wide range of possibilities for patient care and cure, Helicobacter will be there to report the results.


Instructions to Authors


Manuscript Submission and Specifications

Manuscripts should be submitted, both in hard copy and on disk, to the Editorial Office:

David Y Graham
Helicobacter Editorial Office
Digestive Diseases Section
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
2002 Holcombe Blvd (111D)
TX 77030-4298

Page Charges
Helicobacter does not make the payment of page charges an absolute condition for the acceptance of a manuscript for publication.  Authors will be charged at $50 per printed black and white page, or $550 per page including color illustrations. However, in exceptional cases, upon appeal by the author before publication of the article, the Editor may waive the assessment.

Hard Copy
Three clear copies should be submitted, printed or typed double-spaced on one side of an 81/2 x 11 paper with margins of at least 3cm. Three copies of any artwork should also be submitted. All pages, including tables, must be numbered. All art must be labelled with the author's name, the figure number, and the name of the journal. Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively to Helicobacter, and if accepted, will become the copyright of the journal. Please submit a completed and signed Copyright Assignment Form with final accepted manuscript.

Once a manuscript has been accepted, authors will be required to submit a final version on disk. Disks may be either IBM or Macintosh compatible. Manuscripts should be prepared preferably using the latest versions of Microsoft Word or WordPerfect; alternatively, manuscripts may be saved on disk in ASCII format. Please be sure to indicate platform, software name, and version number for all disks submitted (e.g. IBM WordPerfect, version 6.0). Make sure the file is double-spaced and has no hard returns at the end of lines. Ragged right margins are preferable to justified lines. All textual elements should begin flush left with no paragraph indents and two returns after every element, such as titles, headings, paragraphs, legends, etc. Please be sure to keep a back up copy of the file for reference and safety.

The data stored on your diskette will be used directly for typesetting. Authors should be aware that preparation of an electronic manuscript for use by a typesetter differs from traditional or conventional preparation. Thus, we strongly advise you to observe the following guidelines:

(a) Do not attempt to make your output approximate or match the typeset page.

(b) Be consistent in style (i.e. units, abbreviations).

(c) End paragraphs in a uniform manner, and in a different manner from line endings within paragraphs. A frequently used paragraph ending is simply two carriage returns. The code used for paragraph endings should be used to indicate a required line ending in the final output.

(d) Never type the letter "el" for the number "one" or vice versa. Likewise, do not interchange the number "zero" and the capital letter "oh".

(e) Do not add extra line spacing (except as a normal paragraph ending indication) above or below titles, subheads, or between paragraphs. For the double-spaced output that must accompany the diskette (upon final submission) use printer commands in your word processor to double space the printout.

(f) Avoid using multiple spaces (horizontal) in your electronic manuscript. End sentences with only one space. Never use multiple spaces for horizontal positioning of text.

(g) Tables and figure captions should be prepared in separate files. The copyeditor will indicate the placement of this material within the text.

(h) Do not divide words by hyphenating at line endings. Let the text wrap. If your word processor has automatic hyphenation, turn it off to prepare your electronic manuscript.

(i) Style your references according to the guidelines set forth by Helicobacter (see References section for examples). Do not attempt to incorporate small capital letters when typing authors' names. If your reference section is incorrectly styled, this may reduce or even nullify the efficiency of disk usage.

Please enclose the diskette in a protective cover or wrapping to prevent damage during mailing, particularly if the manuscript is coming from overseas.

First Text Page
The first text page should contain:
1. Title;
2. Full names and affiliations for all authors;
3. Full postal and e-mail address for the corresponding author, to whom the proofs will be sent, including also telephone and fax numbers for that person;
4. Running title of no more than 45 characters, including spaces.

The abstract should not exceed 250 words and must be structured in four separate sections headed Background, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The abstract should state clearly the relevance of the work to human disease.

The text of the manuscript should be in the following sequence: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussions, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, and figure legends. Type footnotes (double-spaced) on the bottom of the page on which they are mentioned. Cite all tables and figures in the text, numbering them sequentially as they are cited.

Tables should be typed double-spaced on separate sheets and numbered consecutively within the text. Tables and text should not duplicate each other. If possible, hold tables to one standard manuscript page; if the table continues past one page, repeat all heads and the stub (left-hand column). Explain all abbreviations in a footnote. Provide a number and title for each table.

All illustrations should be able to be reduced to 50-66% of their original size with no loss of clarity or legibility. Note that an original and two copies of all illustrations must be submitted. Illustrations should be submitted unmounted. Do not trim or write on back; do not use paperclips. Attach a gummed label to the back of each illustration giving the figure number, author's name, and an arrow to indicate top.

Have artwork drawn by an experienced illustrator. Labels and callouts should be done with preset type or template lettering, not by hand. The labels should be legible when the figure is reduced to column width. The publisher does not reconstruct artwork. Black and white photographs (5" x 7" ) of drawn materials should be supplied. Do not send original art.

For half tones (photographs, photomicrographs), clear black and white prints must be submitted. For photographs of recognisable persons, submit a signed release form from the patient authorising publication. Photomicrographs must have internal scale markers.

Indicate crop marks on tracing paper overlays. Arrows, indicators, or letters can be applied using a professional graphic transfer product (such as Chartpak). Consider clarity after reduction.

Colour figures that significantly enhance the article will be considered for publication. It is preferable to submit positive 35 mm transparencies for evaluation, however, colour prints may be submitted.

Figure Legends
Each figure must have a corresponding legend which must be typed, double-spaced, on a separate sheet of paper. Do not attach the legends to the figures. Each legend must be numbered with an Arabic number to correspond to the illustration as it appears in the text. Explain all symbols, arrows numbers, or letters used in the figure and provide information on scale and/or magnification. For photomicrographs, include information on scale and/or magnification. For photomicrographs. include information on the method of staining. Cite each figure in the text by its number. Figures should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. If a figure has been previously published, permission must be received in writing for its use regardless of authorship or publisher. Acknowledgement of the original source must be included in the legend.

References must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parenthesis in the order in which they appear in the text. The reference list should conform to the style used by the National Library of Medicine and Index Medicus. Spell out single-word journal titles and abbreviate all others as shown in the latest edition of the "List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus," available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, or found in the January issue of Index Medicus. All references must be verified by the author(s).


Editorial Board


David Y. Graham
Helicobacter Editorial Office
Digestive Diseases Section
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
2002 Holcombe Blvd (111D)
TX 77030-4298
Tel: + 713 795 0232
Fax: + 713 790 1040



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