

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Heart (formerly the British Heart Journal) is a leading international clinical journal that keeps cardiologists and others in touch with advances that have the most impact on the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease. Heart publishes high quality original papers on all aspects of cardiovascular disease as well topical, authoritative editorials, comprehensive reviews, and case reports.

Instructions to Authors


Manuscript formatting guidelines
The manuscript must be typed double spaced. Articles should be arranged as follows (1) title page, (2) abstract (or summary for case reports), (3) text, (4) references, (5) legends, (6) tables. Do not use the automatic formatting features of your word processor such as endnotes, footnotes, headers, footers, etc.

Provide appropriate headings and subheadings using the hierarchy of headings Bold, SMALL CAPs, and Italic, as in the journal. Cite illustrations and tables in numerical order (fig 1, fig 2 etc) as they are first mentioned in the text.

For drugs use the recommended international non-proprietary name (with trade name at first mention). Give sufficient information for reagents and equipment to be identified and obtained by readers (that is, trade name, manufacturer, town, and country).

Patients must be identified by numbers (for example, patient 6) not their initials.

Put acknowledgements and details of support in the form of grants, equipment, or drugs at the end of the text, before the references.

Title page
When you choose a title bear in mind that others will have to find your work using bibliographic searches. Check that it represents the content of the paper and is not misleading. Also suggest a short running head.

The title and authors' names should be typed on the title page and in the journal style. Inconsistency in the number of forenames or initials given for an individual author will mean that several versions of an author's name will appear in the index. Authors' degrees etc are not printed in Heart.

Authors of original scientific papers must supply a structured abstract of no more than 250 words under the following headings:
Objective, Design, Setting, Patients, Interventions, Main outcome measures, Results (give numerical data rather than vague statements that drug x produced a better response than drug y. Favour confidence intervals over p values, and give the numerical data on which any p value is based), and Conclusions (do not make any claims that are not supported by data in the paper). Fuller guidance is given in Heart 1996;75:106-8 (reprinted with permission from JAMA).

For case reports provide an unstructured abstract summarising the main points in 150 words.

Supply up to 5 keywords or phrases suitable for inclusion in the index. For advice see Br Heart J 1994;71:212.

Measurements and abbreviations   Restrict the use of abbreviations (apart from conventional units of measurement) to two or three per paper.
  Spell out each abbreviation at first mention in the abstract and paper.
  All acronyms of trials referred to in a paper should be listed alphabetically and explained in a separate glossary.
  Measurements must be given in SI units. Blood pressure should be given in mm Hg. 

Please see earlier recommendations on p values and confidence intervals in the Results section of Abstracts.
  When quoting percentages, please also give the actual numerators and denominators.
  Confidence intervals should be given as "95% CI 1.02 to 3.2".
  If the same variable is measured by two different methods the agreement between the methods should be assessed according to the Bland and Altman method (Lancet 1986;i:307-10).
  Statistical measures of variation, such as SD or SEM, must be specified and given in parentheses - for example, mean (SD) 103 (0.5) mol/l, not as +/-.
  Comparisons between results should be shown as v (for versus).
  Probability values are expressed as p (not P).

Black and white images
Black and white images (photographs, line drawings, graphs etc.) should be saved and supplied as:
TIFF, GIF, or high quality JPEG files to a minimum of 300 dpi.

Colour images
Colour images should be saved and supplied as:
TIFF, GIF, or high quality JPEG files to a minimum of 600 dpi.
Colour images should not exceed 2MB at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. If you choose a higher resolution your image dimension should be reduced accordingly to keep the file under 2MB.
NB Scanners may automatically increase image size at a higher resolution.

Powerpoint files
SINGLE PAGE Powerpoint files can be submitted.  Please submit ONE slide per file ONLY.
Alternatively Powerpoint files can be saved as JPEG or TIFF files and submitted as a single image file.
NOT EMBEDDED IN THE MANUSCRIPT TEXT. Tables should be submitted in the same format as your article and embedded in the article.

Estimates for illustrations in colour will be provided when a paper is accepted for publication. Some of the cost of colour printing will be charged to the author(s).

Figures, particularly half tones and electrocardiographic tracings, should be submitted with the following guidelines in mind: the detail of the figure must be sufficiently clear to withstand reduction to one of the journal's standard widths and special features should be designated by arrows. The standard widths are: 67 mm, 103 mm: 139 mm, or 175 mm. Photographs should be "cropped" to cut off unnecessary material.

Include the figure title and caption material in the legend. They must not appear on the figure.

All abbreviations appearing on the figures must be spelled out at the end of each legend.

Authors must obtain written permission from the publisher and author to reproduce or amend any previously published figures.

Tables should be submitted in the same format as your article and embedded in the article.

Please note: Bench>Press CANNOT accept Excel files. If your table(s) are in Excel, copy and paste them into the manuscript file (where cited is preferable).  In extreme circumstances, Excel files can be uploaded as supplementary files; however, we advise against this as this will not be acceptable if your article is accepted for publication.

Tables should be self-explanatory, and the data they contain must not be duplicated in the text or figures.

All abbreviations used in the table must be explained in alphabetical order in a footnote to the table.

The author(s) should obtain written permission from the publisher and author to reproduce any previously published tables.

Do not use any vertical rules in tables.

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references cited: these should be checked against the original documents before the paper is submitted.

In the text   References must be numbered sequentially as they appear in the text. References cited in figures or tables (or in their legends and footnotes) should be numbered according to the place in the text where that table or figure is first cited. 
  Reference numbers in the text must be given in square brackets immediately after punctuation (with no word spacing) - for example, .[6] not [6]. Where more than one reference is cited, use a space - for example, [1] [4] [39] not a comma. For sequences of consecutive numbers give all numbers without spaces - for example, [22][23][24][25]. References provided in this format are translated during the production process to superscript type, which act as hyperlinks from the text to the quoted references in electronic forms of the article. 
  The category of the submission (for example, original scientific paper, review, editorial, letter, etc) determines the recommended maximum number of references you may cite (see Categories). 

In the reference list   References must be typed double spaced on sheets separate from the text (numbered consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned in the text) in the Vancouver style. Only papers published or in press should be included in the reference list. (Personal communications or unpublished data must be cited in parentheses in the text with the name(s) of the source(s) and the year. Authors should get permission from the source to cite unpublished data.) 
  Punctuation of references must follow the Vancouver style:
12 Surname AB, Surname CD. Article title. Journal title Year;vol:start page-end page.

Use one space only between words up to the year and then no spaces. The journal title should be in italic and abbreviated according to the style of Index Medicus. If the journal is not listed in Index Medicus then it should be written out in full. The volume number should be in bold.

List the names and initials of all authors if there are 3 or less; otherwise list the first 3 and add et al.


Editorial Board


Editor :  Roger J Hall

Deputy Editor :  David Lefroy

Commissioning Editor : Iain Simpson

Series Editor, Education in Heart
Peter Mills

Associate Editors :

Adrian P Banning
Eric G Butchart
Filippo Crea
David C Crossman
John L Gibbs
Bernard Iung
Theresa McDonagh
Andreas Mügge
Petros Nihoyannopoulos

US Associate Editor
Catherine M Otto (Washington)

JournalScan Editor
Iqbal S Malik

Statistical Advisor
Ian Ford

Managing Editor
Janet O'Flaherty

Technical Editor
John Weller

Senior Editorial Assistant
Stephanie Watkins

Editorial Assistant
Andy Fosberry

International Advisory Board
Gianni D Angelini (UK); Fause Attie (Mexico); Philip E G Aylward (Australia); George A Beller (USA); Martin R Bennett (UK); Nicholas A; Boon (UK); Roger M Boyle (UK); Paulo G Camici (UK); Terry Campbell (Australia); Alfred Cheng (Singapore); Stuart M Cobbe (UK); Lawrence S Cohen (USA); Martin R Cowie (UK); Nicolas Danchin (France); Henry J Dargie (UK); Mark A de Belder (UK); Pim J de Feyter (Netherlands); Carlo di Mario (UK); Jean-Noel Fabiani (France); Roberto Ferrari (Italy); Peter J Fitzgerald (USA); Keith A A Fox (UK); D S; Gambir (India); Clifford J Garratt (UK); Marc H Gewillig (Belgium); Sally Greaves (New Zealand); Jorgen Fischer Hansen (Denmark); Axel Haverich (Germany); Otto M Hess (Switzerland); Gerd Heusch (Germany); Pierre Jais (France); Jean Kachaner (France); Sanjiv; Kaul (USA); Bruce Keogh (UK); Robert A Kloner (USA); Cornelius Kluft (Netherlands); Michael Komajda (France); S Krishnaswami (India); C C Lang (Malaysia); Herve LeMarec (France); Janet M McComb (UK); Bernard Meier (Switzerland); R Gordon Murray (UK); Dudley J Pennell (UK); Shahbudin H Rahimtoolah (USA); John Sanderson (Hong Kong); Pinchas Sareli (South Africa); Richard Schilling (UK); James Scott (UK); Ajay M Shah (UK); Man Fai Shiu (UK); Jordi Soler-Soler (Spain) ; Giuseppe Specchia (Italy); Martin St John Sutton (USA); William G Stevenson (USA); Kenneth M Taylor (UK); Adam D Timmis (UK); James D Thomas (USA); Eric Topol (USA) ; Dimitris Tousoulis (Greece); Pavlos K Toutouzas (Greece); Tom Treasure (UK); Alec Vahanian (France); Cees A Visser (Netherlands); Ludwig K von Segesser (Switzerland); Carole A Warnes (USA); Hugh Watkins (UK); Gary Webb (Canada); Sylvan Lee Weinberg (USA) ; Harvey D White (New Zealand); Neil Wilson (UK); Junichi Yoshikawa (Japan)

Editor: British Medical Journal
Editor Emeritus: Michael J Davies

Editorial Office
9 Fitzroy Square

ALL manuscripts should now be submitted via Bench>Press.

However, if you are unable to do so, please contact the Editorial Office for further guidance (heartjournal@bmjgroup.com). Manuscripts should be typed in double line space and paginated, with the name, postal and e-mail address of a corresponding author clearly marked on the title page.

The Editorial Office (address as above) will help you with any enquiries about the journal's requirements.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7383 4006
Fax: +44 (0)20 7388 0323
Email: heartjournal@bmjgroup.com



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