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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


G¨¦otechnique is a leading geotechnical research journal which contains papers and technical notes in English or French in the fields of soil and
rock mechanics, engineering geology and environmental geotechnics. Topics include experimental or theoretical research, novel design and onstruction methods, detailed geotechnical case histories and observations and measurements both during and after construction. G¨¦otechnique publishes papers by internationally renowned authors from industry and academia and also has an on-line discussion forum,geotechnique-interactive.G¨¦otechnique has 6 issues per year of approx. 96 pages (Feb, April, June,Aug, Oct, Dec).

Instructions to Authors
Before setting out to write a paper, please have a look at a recent issue of the journal you are intending to submit to as its contents represent the current editorial standard. If the paper that you are intending to write is fundamentally different from the type of papers shown, it may still be of interest to the editorial panel but it is worth checking with the panel secretary first to ensure that your time and energy is not misspent. Please do not try to recreate the look or style of the journal as it appears in print. Papers that are accepted for publication will go through many processes before they are finally published. Any original formatting will not be retained and, if anything, hinders production. Most importantly, please ensure that the electronic copy sent in when the paper has finally been accepted is the final version of the paper, complete with any of the referee's amendments.

Authors are encouraged to submit a 100-200 words synopsis for approval before submitting a paper, technical note or article to avoid duplication and wasted effort.

Electronic submissions
Electronic submissions are preferred, as they speed up both the review and production process. Submissions should be sent by email or on PC compatible disk or CD. The text, captions and tables should be in Microsoft Word or rtf files and figures should be in separate .jpg, .tif, .eps, Excel or Word files as appropriate (see section on figures for specific details). File names must contain all or part of the lead author's surname and indicate what it contains (e.g. smithtext.doc, smithfig2.jpg).

Hard copy submissions
If authors are unable to submit electronically, four printed copies of the submission must be supplied (one original and three duplicate copies). Each copy should comprise text, references, tables, illustrations and captions in separate sections. The text must comprise consecutively numbered pages and use double-line spacing and wide margins.

The text should be as short and concise as possible, excluding anything that is not directly relevant to the subject matter but including any associated safety, environmental or ethical issues. The text should be in English and should be readily understood by practicing engineers. All statements and references should be correct and accurate. Speculative material must be clearly identified as such. The text should be in the third person and should avoid colloquialisms - texts originally prepared for oral presentation therefore will usually need to be rewritten. The text should not refer to the names of individuals, organisations, products or services unless it is essential to understanding and then should only appear once. Text must be neither gratuitously complimentary nor in any way derogatory about any person or organisation. Principal participants in a project should be listed separately from the text in a table or acknowledgement.

Spelling should follow the first spelling in the latest edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, however 's' spellings rather than 'z' spellings are preferred (e.g. specialise). Capital letters should only be used at the beginning of proper nouns and acronyms and abbreviations should be avoided. Symbols should be in accordance with latest edition of the relevant industry guidelines.

Page 1 should comprise the following information:
  • date written/revised
  • title of paper (maximum eight words)
  • full names and qualification of authors
  • positions/affiliations of authors
  • contact address and telephone, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of all authors
  • number of words
  • number of tables and figures

Page 2 should start with:

  • a synopsis of 100-200 words which summarises the topic and conclusions as fully as possible - this is vital for on-line searching

Mathematical equations should only be used where absolutely necessary and should be clear and easily understood by engineers. Each equation should be numbered and appear on a separate line in the text. A list of notation defining all symbols used should be provided at the start of the paper. Only relevant equations should be shown in the main body of the text - any development of an equation should appear, if essential, in an appendix.

SI units should be used throughout, even for descriptions of historic projects using imperial or other units.

Information which is additional yet essential to the understanding of the text - and which cannot be better presented graphically - should be supplied as tables on separate pages. Tables should be simple with brief column headlines (including all units) and as few rows and columns as possible. Each table should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text (e.g. Table 1). Each table should have a caption (e.g. Table 3 Material properties).

Any information, work or ideas from other sources used or referred to must be properly acknowledged in a list of references.

Books: Author's surname, initials, title of book, publisher, place of publication, year, eg Wearne S. Principles of Engineering Organisations (3rd edn). Thomas Telford, London, 2000.

Perodicals: Author's surname, initials, title of article, title of periodical, year, volume, month or part, first to last page number, eg Gibbons C., Experimental behaviour of partially restrained steel columns. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings, 2001, 146, No.1, 29-42.

Perodicals: Author's surname, initials, title of article, title of periodical, year, volume, month or part, first to last page number, eg Gibbons C., Experimental behaviour of partially restrained steel columns. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings, 2001, 146, No.1, 29-42.

Conference proceedings: Author's surname, initials, title of paper, title of conference proceedings, place of conference, year, first to last page number, eg Bishop A.W. Factors controlling the strength of partially saturated soils. Proceedings of the Residential Conference on the Shear Strength of Soils, Colorado, 1960, pp.503-532.

All references should be indicated in the text with consecutive superscript numbers in the text where appropriate (e.g. Smith,1). The numbered references should then be listed at the end of the text in numerical order.

Line drawings and photographs should be included wherever possible to enhance the understanding of the text. As a rough guide, there should be one or two figures (or tables) per 500 words. Figures must be suitable for reproduction in black and white, and must be saved separately from the text as a separate file (see the separate sections on photographs and drawings below for preferred file formats). Where hard copies are supplied, each figure must be marked with the author's name, and must be no larger than A4 in size. Figures must be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text (e.g. Fig. 1). A list of captions for all figures should be supplied on a separate page. Detailed maps, CAD drawings and large charts do not reproduce well in print, and will not normally be accepted.

Photographs: Photographs must be of good quality with sharp focus and clear definition. For electronic submission, photographs must be supplied as .jpg, .tif or .eps format. No other format can be accepted. The file name must include all or part of the author surname and the figure number (e.g. smithfig1.jpg). To be suitable for reproduction, the width of the image should be at least 1500 pixels or 'dots', for which you will need to scan a 125 mm wide photographic print at a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi) or use a a 2 mega-pixel digital camera.

For hard copy submission, the original photographs should be on glossy photographic paper at least 125 mm x 100 mm in size or on transparency. Inkjet and laser prints and photographs taken directly from brochures, books, magazines or journals are not acceptable as originals. Three duplicates of each photograph should be provided for referees but can be in the form of photocopies. The originals and duplicates should each be clearly marked with the lead author surname and figure number. Originals should be sent in stiff packaging and individually protected from marking and scratching. They will not normally be returned if the submission is accepted, but can be returned if requested. The correct orientation must also be indicated if there is any possibility of misunderstanding. Slides are acceptable, however figure details and the paper title must be included on the side of the frame.

Drawings: Drawings and charts should be sufficiently clear and simple to enable them to be used at a width of 175 mm without any loss of detail. As such, working drawings and plans are generally too detailed and need to be simplified. For electronic submission, line drawings can be supplied as Microsoft Word, Excel, .tif or .eps files. No other format (such as .bmp) can be accepted. The file name must include all or part of the lead author's surname and the figure number (e.g. smithfig2.tif). To enable reduction, drawings should be supplied both with and without annotations. All location plans must include a north point and a scale and all numerical values must include units.

Before submitting a paper, technical note or article, authors may send in a 100-200 word synopsis to ensure that the proposed subject matter does not conflict with other papers in preparation but not yet published. A covering letter should be sent with every submission indicating the journal for which it is intended. If the submission has been submitted or published elsewhere, the authors must provide full details.

All material submitted is approved before publication via the relevant journal's Editorial Panel. All papers and technical notes are refereed, usually by two referees chosen by the Panel. Referees are generally required to complete a report form within four weeks. In most cases authors are requested to make a revision, which may be returned to the referees for reassessment. The minimum time taken for a submission to be accepted or rejected by a panel is therefore about two months, though five months is the average.

Rejected submissions are returned to the author as soon as possible and the Thomas Telford relinquishes its license to publish.

At acceptance stage authors are asked to provide a final electronic copy of the text, which incorporates all the amendments made during the refereeing process, and is exactly the same as the finally accepted submission.

When a paper has been accepted, Production Editors at Thomas Telford check submissions for consistency, house style and grammar. Papers are copy edited as appropriate by technical editors, and sent for typesetting. Typeset page proofs are then sent to authors for checking prior to the paper going to press-authors will usually receive proofs (either on paper or by e-mail) six weeks after a paper has been accepted. Only corrections to errors in typesetting can be accepted at this stage, although last-minute amendments or updates can be made, where the change is absolutely essential.

At the author proof stage, authors also get the opportunity to order extra copies of their printed paper for distribution amongst colleagues. 25 copies are provided free of charge.

At minimum, publication will be around three months after final acceptance-making a total of about six to nine months after submission.

Papers appear on the journal's web site up to three weeks prior to publication of the print edition. There are several ways to add information to the paper for inclusion on the online version only. Acceptable information includes:
  • Biographical details-up to 1000 words on lead and co-authors, including affiliations and lists of previously published work.
  • Links-internet links to an author's organisation, or other relevant WWW or FTP sites.
  • Experimental data-where plots or analyses of recorded data are included in the paper, this can be extended and supplied in spreadsheet form (Microsoft Excel spreadsheets only) or as text files.
All supplementary electronic data must be supplied at the same time as the original submission, as it is assessed by the Panel as a part of the normal submission procedure.

Authors are free to update or amend the data or links at any time, particularly to draw attention to new information, research or discussion.

All papers, technical notes and articles published can also be the subject of written discussion in subsequent issues. The closing date for written discussion is normally six months after the publication date. Each discussion contribution should be no more than 500 words in length and should be prepared in accordance with these guidelines.

Editorial Board
Chairman and Editor:
Professor G Houlsby, guy.houlsby@eng.ox.ac.uk, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

  • Dr C Augarde, University of Durham, UK
  • Dr J A Charles, Building Research Establishment, UK
  • Professor R Lancellota, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • Dr B Littlechild, Dorset, UK
  • Dr R E May, Jacobs, UK
  • Professor G Pande, University of Wales, Swansea, UK
  • Professor R Pine, Camborne School of Mines, Cornwall, UK
  • Professor H F Schweiger, Technical University of Graz, Austria
  • Dr K Soga, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
  • Dr C Thornton, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
  • Mr N A Trenter, Surrey, UK
  • Professor H-S Yu, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
  • Dr L Zdravkovic, Imperial College of Science, UK

Corresponding members
  • Dr M Almeida, Cicade Universitaria, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Professor E T Brown, Queensland, Australia
  • Dr S-S Gue, Gue and Partners Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia
  • Professor F Tatsuoka, University of Tokyo, Japan


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