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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Geografiska Annaler, Series A is a prestigious journal presenting new scientific results in the field of physical geography, glaciology and related subjects, with some emphasis on polar areas. The journal includes new ideas, methods and original research results which may stimulate work within various geo-sciences. Geografiska Annaler, Series A is supported by the Swedish Research Council.   

    Also published by Blackwell Publishers is Geografiska Annaler, Series BTogether these journals publish articles covering all theoretical and empirical aspects of physical (Series A) and human (Series B) geography.  Although published in English, papers still retain a Scandinavian touch.



Instructions to Authors

The publication of papers is subject to the approval of referees. Two complete copies of text and figures should be submitted. Photographic prints of line drawings reduced to the approximate final printing size should be included. Originals will be requested when the paper is accepted.

Accepted language is English. If this language is foreign to the author(s), the manuscript must be accompained by a letter from a competent person responsible for an adequate linguistic standard of the text.

Accepted manuscripts must be delivered in two complete copies, (one copy should be without any underlining or other remarks to make possible an automatic character reading) with 3 cm left margin, on A4 (or 8.5 x 11") standard size sheets on one side. Each sheet must be paginated. The first generation photocopy of good quality is also acceptable. Figure captions, tables and illustrations should be supplied on separate sheets.
A complete manuscript for a normal article consists of the following items:

  • Title.
  • Author's name, preferably without any abbreviations.
  • Place, institute, or laboratory where the paper was written.
  • A bibliographic note giving the author's name and initials, the title of the paper, and the words Geogr. Ann. (year and issue number will be inserted by the editor).
  • Abstract (not exceeding 250 words) in English. Three or four key words can be included here. Additional abstracts in other languages are welcome (see below).
  • Main text (not exceeding 6,000 words) with sub-headings.
  • Conclusions and/or summary.
  • Acknowledgements, if any.
  • Complete title, name(s) and address of the author(s).
  • List of references (for details, see below).
  • Figure captions in consecutive order.
  • Tables.
  • Illustrations (see below concerning originals).

The manuscript may contain a limited number of corrections in clear handwriting (block letters). Extra work due to numerous or unclear corrections may be charged to the author or the manuscript will be returned to him for retyping.

To reduce risks for printing errors, authors must submit their final (accepted) manuscript on diskette. Our printer prefers Macintosh format and documents created in MS Word. Other general word-processing programs are also accepted. PC diskettes made in MS Word may also be accepted. Manuscript in TeX-format is not accepted. Equations made in TeX-format must be submitted as a PostScript-filePlease give information about which type of word-processor and software was used. Indicate also if and where mathematical or other special characters beyond A-Z are used.
Note: Do not submit a diskette until the paper has been accepted for publication.

Abstract and summary
An abstract in English (not exceeding 250 words) should accompany each article. An English summary ("extended abstract") may be added at the end of the article.

The editor will decide types for headings, (max 4). The author should clearly indicate the desired order of headings. For instance by numbers in the margin: (1) = first order heading etc.

Italics should be indicated by a single underlining in the manuscript. Italics are used for species in Latin and for specially stressed words or sentences in the text and, in the reference list, for authors' names and regularly appearing journal titles.

Place exponents etc. with utmost care. If there are several formulae they should be numbered: (1), (2), (3), etc. Formulae can be referred to in the text by numbers (within brackets).
Only simple forumlae will be typeset. Complicated formulae should be supplied in a camera-ready form, for block-making. Formulaemade in TeX-Format must be submitted as a PostScript-file.

Footnotes are undesirable, and should be, in general, amalgamated with the text (if necessary in parenthesis). Longer pieces of note material may be separated from the main text as inserted paragraphs in smaller type (mark this in the margin of the manuscript, but do not reduce the distance between lines). Footnotes from the title ("Published with the permission... ") are also to be avoided. Notes of this kind may be added at the end of the article or included in the Acknowledgements.

Reference system
For references in the text the "Harvard system" should be used. It is demonstrated in the following examples: Schulze (1964a, p. 16-17) and (cf. Schulze 1964b, p. 12 and 96; M¨¹ller 1962, p. 232; Schmidt 1962, p. 835-389; Pl, IV. Fig. 2).

Reference list
The reference list should be constructed as shown in the following example. Note the details of punctuation. Page number should be given for beginning and end of papers, or for the total number of pages in a textbook, a report etc:

Ahlmann, H. W., 1924: Le niveau de glaciation comme fonction de l'accummulation d'humidit¨¦ sous forme solide. Geogr. Ann. , 6: 223-272.
--1953: Glacier variations and climatic fluctuations. Am. Geogr. Soc. Bowman Mem. Lect. , Ser 3. New York, 51 p.
Ives J. D. and Barry, R. C. , 1974: Arctic and alpine environments. Methuen. London. 997 p.
Otterman, J. , 1981: Studies of dust storms from satellites. In: Cracknell A. P. (ed.): Remote sensing in meteorology, oceanography and hydrology. Horwood, Chichester, (542 p.): 249-257.
Retzer, J. L. , 1956: Alpine soils of the Rocky Mountains. J. Soil. Sci. , 7: 22-32.

Tables should be as simple as possible. They must be numbered Tab. 1. , Tab. 2. etc. and additional text should follow en suite after the table number (which should be placed above the table).

Small and simple tables will be typeset. More complicated tables or larger tables with many columns must be supplied as camera-ready originals or prints. However, tables typed clearly on white paper may be accepted for block-making (without editing). Horizontal and/or vertical lines may be drawn by black ink.

Typed tables will be reduced to about 70%, and reproduced 67 mm or 140 mm wide. Please take this into account when the table is constructed!

All illustrations must be ready for reproduction, including lettering etc. The final scale should usually be adjusted either to the width of a single column (67 mm) or the maximum width of the printing area of the page (140 mm). Widths between these mentioned are also accepted, e.g. 100 mm. For width larger than 60 mm and smaller than 110 mm, the figure text will normally be placed at the side of the figure.

Photographs should be submitted as glossy prints. A suitable size is about 1.0-1.5 times the final printing size.

A suitable size for line drawings is about 1.5-2 times the final printing size. Consider this reduction when deciding size of numbers, letters and symbols, and line thicknesses. Numbers and letters should not be less than 1 mm in the printing scale. In print, lines can not be finer than 0.1 mm, and the distance between lines not less than 0.2 mm. Original drawings (or high quality photographic reproductions) will be required for the final block production. Please do not submit as originals illustrations (line drawings etc.) which are xerox copies or similar.

Areas may be given different grey shades (tints). No more than 3 or 4 different grey shades are advisable. Illustrations can also be submitted digitally (on diskette). The accepted formats for this are TIFF and EPS with preview for Macintosh.

Illustrations requiring a special quality of paper, or colours, and large folded illustrations can not be accepted unless all extra costs are carried by the author.

Laboratory data
When results of laboratory work are presented in the manuscript, such as C14 ages, relevant laboratory data should be given (name and address of the laboratory, procedure, material studied etc.).

Authors receive 25 offprints free of charge. Additional reprints may be ordered when galley proofs are returned to the editor.

Page charge
For articles exceeding ten printed pages, the author(s) will be charged for the extra costs. The per-page charge is 100 US dollars.

Editorial Board

Professor Wibjorn Karl¨¦n, University of Stockholm, Sweden

Editorial Board
Marie-Frantoise Andr¨¦, Universit¨¦ de Clermont-Ferrand, France
Nel Caine, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
George H. Denton, University of Maine, USA
Paul Fogelberg, University of Helsinki, Finland
Hugh M. French, University of Ottawa, Canada
A. S. Goudie, University of Oxford, UK
Ole Humlum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Moshe Inbar, University of Haifa, Israel
Wibjörn Karl
¨¦n, Stockholm University, Sweden
Sven Lindqvist, Göteborg University, Sweden
Gunnar Østrem, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration, Norway
Eberhard Parlow, University of Basel, Switzerland
Olav Slaymaker, University of British Columbia, Canada
Johan Ludvig Sollid, University of Oslo, Norway
Michael Stocking, University of East Anglia, UK
David E. Sugden, University of Edinburgh, UK
Herman Th Verstappen, International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences, The Netherlands
Desmond E. Walling, University of Exeter, UK

Journals Rights & Permissions Controller
Blackwell Publishing
9600 Garsington Road
Oxford OX4 2DQ
Email: JournalsRights@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com



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