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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


European Journal of Horticultural Science
Formerly Gartenbauwissenschaft

Archive-journal for horticultural plant protection, horticultural economics and technique. Associated with Archiv f¨¹r Gartenbau.

Instructions to Authors
Guidelines for authors
Journal scope and publication
1. The European Journal of Horticultural Science
publishes original contributions, which have not been
published elsewhere, from the wide range of horticultural
science. This includes the science of fruit, vegetable,
ornamental and nursery crops and their breeding,
protection, nutrition, economics and technology.
2. The original contributions can be full papers, short
communications, subject reviews and book reviews.
3. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and published after
acceptance by two referees. The editorial office reserves
the right of final judgement.
4. Manuscripts are only accepted in English.
Manuscript format
1. Two copies of the printed manuscript should be
submitted accompanied by a floppy disk.
The floppy containing the manuscript should be marked
with the author‘s affiliation, manuscript title and type of
word processor used.
All parts of a manuscript series should be submitted
2. Text should be printed single-sided in 12 point font
with 2.5 cm (one-inch) margins and double-spaced with
lines numbered consecutively.
3. Full papers do not exceed 15 manuscript pages
including references plus up to 8 figures o r tables.
4. Short communications should not exceed 2,000 words,
equivalent to 2 printed pages, and less than one table o
r figure.
5. Full papers should be arranged in the following order:
English Summary, German Summary, 6-8 key words
based on CABI in alphabetical order and excluding
words already used in the title, Introduction, Materials
and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements
and References. Exceptions are possible for contributions
on horticultural economics. Results should also be
discussed with respect to their application to practical
horticulture. The Summary should be short and concise.
The editorial office will provide the German summary
if necessary.
6. Please consult a recent issue of the journal for style,
formatting and layout.
7. The manuscript comprises a cover page, stating the
number of text pages, words, tables and figures, short
running title, author’s name(s) and address, telephone,
FAX number and e-mail of the corresponding author.
8. Citations in the text should be in UPPER CASE, e.g.
SMITH 2001.
9. Species should be written in italics, e.g. Malus
domestica Borkh.
10. SI units should be used, e.g. t ha-1 or kg m-2
12. Only internationally recognised abbreviations
should be used or otherwise explained on first
Tables and figures
1. Tables and figures are numbered with Arabic numerals
in the sequence they occur. Their positions should be
indicated in the text or margin. Tables and figures have
to be submitted on separate pages (one page per table
or figure). Captions and legends to figures and tables
have to be listed on a separate page. Font size of legends
should be sufficiently large for readability after
reproduction and reduction for printing.
2. Photographs should be well focussed with high contrast
and submitted as either slides or prints. Negatives cannot
be processed. Digital photos should be of the highest
possible resolution. Graphic patterns rather than
different grey levels should be used to distinguish bars
in the figures.
3. Photos etc. can be reproduced in colour at the author‘s
expense of subsequent colour reproduction on the same print sheet.
1. Restrict references to the most relevant and internationally
accessible references only, preferentially in English.
2. References are cited in the text using UPPER CASE for
authors, e.g. (JONES 1999; JACKSON 2000, 2001),
(TING et al. 2001), (WILLMER and FRICKER 2003).
3. References are cited in alphabetical order in the
Reference section.
3.1 Journals:
Parentage analysis in interspecific crosses between rose
species with RA PD markers. Europ. J. Hort. Sci. 68,
3.2 Books:
LAWLOR, D.W. 2001: PHOTOSYNTHESIS. 3rd edition.
Bios, Oxon, England.
4. References are cited in their original language.
Requirements for floppies and CDs or contributions
submitted by e-mail
1. Word processor: Manuscripts should be submitted in
MSDOS Word format with the version employed, e.g.
Word 6.0, indicated on the floppy cover. Alternatively,
text formats such as ASCII files or rich text format
(*.rtf) can be used.
2. Formatting: The beginning of a new paragraph is not
indented. The manuscript should be typed continuously
without forced line breaks and without hyphenation.
Forced line breaks should only be used at the end of a
3. Master files can be downloaded from the homepage:
4. Tables: Tables are printed without lines; table columns,
including space columns, are separated by tabs. Each
table line ends with a forced line break.
5. Figures: The following formats and resolutions are
acceptable for pictures: halftones 300 dpi in TIF format,
colour reproductions 300 dpi in TIF-CMYK or
JPG format, line sketches 700 dpi in TIF format or as
EPS file and equivalent in Macintosh.
H:\Allgemein\Autorenmerkblatt\Endfassung\EJHS guidelines.doc
Authors receive either 25 free reprints of their paper by
post or a pdf file thereof by e-mail. Further reprints can
be purchased; prices are available from the publisher.
The legal implications of the author’s and publisher‘s
copyright for published papers are printed in the journal.
German authors are advised to contact Verwertungsgesellschaft
WORT, Goethestr. 49, 80336
M¨¹nchen to apply for their copyright loyalties.
Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be submitted to the editor-in-chief:
Prof. Dr. Gert Forkmann
Lehrstuhl f¨¹r Zierpflanzenbau der TU M¨¹nchen
D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
E-Mail: gawi@lzw.agrar.tu-muenchen.de
Manuscript receipt is acknowledged. Page proofs are
provided by post or email for the correction of typos
only. Further amendments will be charged to the
author(s). Rejected manuscripts will be returned.
February 14, 2003
Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart - Germany

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief
Prof. Dr. Gert Forkmann, Freising-Weihenstephan
Dr. Sybille Michaelis, Freising



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