

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Journal publishes papers on all aspects of the ecology of inland surface waters, including rivers and lakes, connected ground waters, flood plains and other wetlands.  We publish studies of micro-organisms, algae, macrophytes, invertebrates, fish and other vertebrates, as well as those concerning whole systems and related physical and chemical aspects of the environment. Manuscripts with an experimental or conceptual flavour are especially welcome, as are those which integrate laboratory and field work, and studies from less well researched areas of the world.

The special section on APPLIED ISSUES focuses on issues related to management of inland waters in the face of a multitude of adverse human impacts. The Journal aims to publish good-quality applied science, papers interpreting fundamental research in a way that makes clear its applied or strategic relevance, and papers using applied research to test ecological theory.

We will consider whole SPECIAL ISSUES (or part-issues) devoted to a single theme of particular contemporary interest. They should be discussed at an early stage with the Associate Editor responsible for them (Dr Mark Gessner). Review articles (FRESHWATER BIOLOGY SPECIAL REVIEWS) and discussion papers (OPINION), whether basic or applied, are considered and aimed to enable authors to publish high-quality material outside the constraints of standard articles.


Instructions to Authors



Three copies of each manuscript should be sent to the appropriate Editor as listed below:


Regular papers (Northern Hemisphere)

Professor A.G. Hildrew
School of Biological Sciences
Queen Mary,
University of London
London, E1 4NS

Regular papers (Southern Hemisphere)

Professor C.R. Townsend
Department of
of Otago
PO Box 56
New Zealand

Associate Editors

Applied issues

Professor R.K. Johnson
Department of Environmental
Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences
PO Box 7050

Special Issues

Enquiries and proposals should be addressed to:

Dr M O Gessner
Department of Limnology
Limnological Research Centre
CH 6047 Kastanienbaum

Please refer to the Guidelines for Guest Editors of Special Issues


The text should be typed on one side of the paper, double spaced, with ample margins.

(a) Title page. This should include the title, list of authors names, institute or laboratory of origin, name, postal address and email address of the author to whom proofs should be sent, an abbreviated title for use as a running head line and five keywords, which should be relevant for literature searching and each normally comprising not more than two words.

(b) Summary. All papers should include a summary, in short numbered paragraphs, limited to about 3% of the length of the text. This should provide a concise statement of the scope of the work and its principal findings and be fully intelligible without reference to the main text.

(c) Introduction. This should contain a clear statement of the reason for doing the work, outlining essential background information but should not include either the results or conclusions.

(d) Methods. This should be concise but provide sufficient details to allow the work to be repeated.

(e) Results. This should not include material appropriate to the Discussion.

(f) Discussion. This should highlight the significance of the results and place them in the context of other work.

(g) Acknowledgments.

(h) References.

(i) Tables.

(j) Figure legends.

(k) Illustrations. The original drawings should not be sent until the Editor requests them.


The complete scientific name (genus, species and authority) should be cited for every organism when first mentioned except that the authority should not be given in the title or summary. Tables are often useful in collating specific names and, if used in this way, should be referred to early in the text. Subsequent to its first appearance in the text, the generic name may be abbreviated to an initial except where intervening references to other genera would cause confusion. Common names of organisms, if used, must be accompanied by the correct scientific name on first mention. Latin names should be italicized.


Full names with uncommon abbreviations must be given with the first mention; new abbreviations should be coined only for unwieldy names and should not be used at all unless the names occur frequently. In the title and summary unusual abbreviations should be identified, in the introduction and discussion they should be used sparingly. SI units are preferred. Contributors should consult the Royal Society pamphlet Quantities, Units and Symbols (1975) and the IBP pamphlet Quantities Units and Symbols for IBP Synthesis (1975).


Each table must be typed on a separate sheet, with a fully informative caption as a heading. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Column headings should be brief, with units of measurement in parentheses. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Electronic tables should be provided in an editable format (.rtf or .doc). All illustrations (including photographs) are classified as figures and should be numbered consecutively.

Figures and their lettering/numbering should be suitable for 50% reduction and should be drawn or grouped so that on reduction they will fit within the type area (165 ¡Á 220 mm). Where parts of figures need to be identified, lower case letters should be used. 

Authors are encouraged to submit artwork electronically where possible. Please save vector graphics (e.g. line artwork) in Encapsulated Postscript Format (EPS), and bitmap files (e.g. half-tones) in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). Halftones should have a resolution of at least 300 d.p.i. and line drawings at least 800 d.p.i. Ideally, vector graphics that have been saved in metafile (.WMF) or pict (.PCT) format should be embedded within the body of the text file. Even when electronic material is available original drawings, good glossy prints or laser printed diagrams should also be provided for the printers in case the electronic file is unreadable. Please see our guidelines here.

Any hand-drawn figures should be in Indian ink on good-quality drawing paper, strong tracing paper or feint-ruled graph paper, not bigger than A4 size.

Legends to figures should be typed in sequence on a separate sheet. In the full-text online edition of the journal, legends may be truncated in abbreviated links to the full screen version. Therefore the first 100 characters of any legend should inform the reader of key aspects of the figure.

Each table and figure should have the authors name and the number written on the back in pencil.

The approximate position of table and figures should be indicated in the margin of the typescript.


It is the policy of Freshwater Biology for authors to pay the full cost for the reproduction of their colour artwork. Therefore, please note that if there is colour artwork in your manuscript when it is accepted for publication, Blackwell Publishing require you to complete and return a colour work agreement form before your paper can be published. This form can be downloaded as a PDF* here. If you are unable to download the form, please contact the Production Editor at: Production Editor ¨C Freshwater Biology, Blackwell Publishing, 23 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6AJ, UK and they will be able to email or FAX a form to you. Once completed, please return the form to the Production Editor at the above address.

Any article received by Blackwell Publishing with colour work will not be published until the form has been returned.

* To read PDF files, you must have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have this program, it is available as a free download from the following web address:



References should be made by giving the authors name with the year of publication in parentheses. When reference is made to a work by three authors all names should be given when cited for the first time and thereafter using only the first name and adding et al.; for four or more authors the first name followed by et al. should be used on all occasions. If several papers by the same author and from the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc., should be put after the year of publication. References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper in the following standard form:

Seddon B. (1972) Aquatic macrophytes as limnological indicators. Freshwater Biology, 2, 107-130.

Titles of journals should not be abbreviated. Unpublished material, except for PhD theses, should not be included among the references.


The editor will request submission of accepted articles, including any artwork (see above), on disk. Text should be submitted in an edtable format, e.g. .rtf or .doc. An accurate hardcopy, including figures, must accompany each disk, together with details of the type of computer used, the software employed, and the disk system if known (a form will be supplied for the submission of such information). Particular attention should be taken to ensure that articles submitted in this way adhere exactly to the journal style in all respects.


Authors will be required to assign copyright in their paper to Blackwell Publishing. Copyright assignment is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless copyright has been assigned. Papers subject to government or Crown copyright are exempt from this requirement. To assist authors the editorial office will supply an appropriate copyright assignment form. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form here.

A File Description Form must be completed for all electronic submission of manuscripts.


Proofs will be sent via e-mail as an Acrobat PDF (portable document format) file. The e-mail server must be able to accept attachments up to 4 MB in size. Acrobat Reader will be required in order to read this file. This software can be downloaded (free of charge) from the following Web site: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen, and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof. Proofs will be posted if no e-mail address is available; in your absence, please arrange for a colleague to access your e-mail to retrieve the proofs.


Fifty offprints of each paper are supplied free and sent to the author responsible for ordering the offprints. Additional copies may be purchased and should be ordered when the proofs are returned. Offprints are sent out about 6 weeks after publication.


Editorial Board


P.L. Angermeier, Blacksburg, VA, USA
A.C. Benke, Tuscaloosa, AL,  USA
W. DeMott, Fort Wayne, IN, USA

S. Dol¨¦dec, Villeurbanne, France
C.E. Gibson, Belfast, UK

J.H.R. Gee, Aberystwyth, UKP. Giller, Cork, Ireland
G.D. Grossman, Athens, GA, USA
J.P. Grover, Arlington, TX, USA
A. Huryn, Orono, MA, USA
B. Jonsson, Oslo, Norway
K.L. Kirk, Socorro, NM, USA
P.S. Lake, Clayton, Australia
S. Maberly, Ambleside, UK
H. MacIsaac, Windsor, ON, Canada
B. Moss, Liverpool, UK
S.J. Ormerod, Cardiff, UK
L. Poff, Fort Collins, CO, USA
P. Rincon, Madrid, Spain
A. Rosemond, Athens, GA, USA
J. Sarvala, Turku, Finland
P.C. Schulze, Sherman, TX, USA
R. Sinsabaugh, Toledo, OH, USA
J. Waters, Dunedin, New Zealand
J.R.  Webster,
Blacksbury, VA, USA

I.J. Winfield,
Ambleside, UK
M. Winterbourn,
Christchurch, New Zealand


Regular papers (Northern Hemisphere)

Professor A.G. Hildrew
School of Biological Sciences
Queen Mary,
University of London
London, E1 4NS

Regular papers (Southern Hemisphere)

Professor C.R. Townsend
Department of
of Otago
PO Box 56
New Zealand

Associate Editors

Applied issues

Professor R.K. Johnson
Department of Environmental
Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences
PO Box 7050

Special Issues

Enquiries and proposals should be addressed to:

Dr M O Gessner
Department of Limnology
Limnological Research CentreCH 6047 Kastanienbaum



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