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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Forest Products Journal is the source of information for industry leaders, researchers, teachers, students, and anyone interested in today's forest products industry. Once you receive the Journal, you will receive the latest in news, scientific research, technical data, and interesting feature articles.

In addition to a feature article that focuses on a subject of current interest to the industry, each issue of the Journal contains a number of technical articles on: forest products research; industry news; information on changes and updates in codes, standards, and regulations; a review of pertinent reference sources; a listing of current patents; a summary of technical articles on forest products published in over 20 international technical journals; a listing of coming events; and numerous other items.


Instructions to Authors


The Forest Products Journal's primary purposes include communicating research findings at the applied or practical level, communicating news and items of current interest to the membership, and describing Society programs and activities. Technical manuscripts submitted for publication are reviewed by referees selected by the editor; however, final evaluation of the material rests with the editor.

Form of Manuscript

The original submission of a manuscript for review must be printed on a letter-quality printer with double spacing throughout and furnished in triplicate (original plus two copies) on nonerasable 8-1/2- by 11-inch paper. All pages, except the title page, should be numbered consecutively. The sequence of material in the manuscript as submitted should be: title page, abstract, text, literature cited, captions for figures, tables, and figures (i.e., drawings and photographs). Do not incorporate tables in the text.

  1. The title page should include the manuscript title, authors' names, titles, affiliations, complete addresses of the affiliation, and e-mail address. The title should be as concise as possible. If acknowledgments are necessary, they should be made as a footnote on the title page.
  2. The abstract should contain, in very condensed form (250 words for an article, 75 for a note), the essence of the whole work. It should summarize why the work was done, what was done and how, and results and conclusions, perhaps with a mention of the significance.
  3. In the text, make certain all figures, tables, and references are mentioned. If fewer than six references are mentioned, they should be typed as footnotes at the bottom of the page. If six or more references are mentioned, they should be cited in parentheses at the appropriate location in the text using the author-date style. For example: ... (Brown and Banks 1999, Adams 1997, Evans et al. 1985) -- most recent first.
  4. References should be listed at the end of the manuscript in a section called "Literature cited." They should be listed alphabetically (if an author is repeated, the sequence is single author first, then two authors, etc.). Use lowercase for periodical titles and uppercase for main words in book titles. Translate foreign titles, then indicate what language and if an English abstract is available.


Adams, R. 1997. Wood is good. Forest Prod. J. 47(1):68-70.

Adams, R. and T. Banks. 1995. Drying Wood. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 550 pp.

Adams, R. and H. Collins. 1994. Drying veneer. Wood and Fiber Sci. 29(2):25-28.

Adams, R., C. Albert, and H. Smith. 1992. Drying red oak. Forest Prod. J. 42(5):72-78.

Adams, R., P. Abner, and H. Collins. 1998. Drying hickory. In: Proc. Drying Various Woods. Proc. No. 7432. Forest Prod. Soc., Madison, WI. pp. 43-52.

Banks, T. 1991. Drying Wood for Fun and Profit. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. 485 pp.

  1. All tables should be typed on separate sheets and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Tables should be kept simple and used for summary data, rather than raw data, if possible.
  2. Photographs must be clear, detailed prints of standard 4 by 5, 5 by 7, or 8 by 10 size. The use of color photographs is extremely limited. Drawings must be made with black ink on good vellum or heavy white paper, and lettered in a size that will allow reduction to widths of approximately 2-1/4 to 4-1/4 inches. Do not incorporate drawings or photos in the text. Number lightly and assemble them separately. Preceding them should be a list of captions, numbered consecutively. Remember to include copies of the figures in the review copies. For more details regarding style, use the U.S. Government Printing Office style manual.
  3. Manuscripts should be submitted in correct English form. Authors speaking English as a second language should have their manuscripts edited by a native English speaker prior to original submission.

Page Charges

Technical manuscripts published in the Forest Products Journal are subject to a page charge of $135 per printed page ($155 per page if none of the first three authors are members of the Forest Products Society). Mail submissions to the Editor, Forest Products Journal, 2801 Marshall Ct., Madison, WI, 53705.

Final Format Guidelines

All FPJ articles are typeset on an in-house system. Revised manuscripts must be provided on an IBM-compatible, high- or low-density floppy disk containing the manuscript, tables, figures, and captions. When first submitting a manuscript, do not send a disk. If your submission is accepted for publication, you will be sent detailed instructions on the types of file formats that are acceptable for revised manuscripts.


Editorial Board


Executive Vice President

Arthur B. Brauner, ext. 213

E-mail: art@forestprod.org

Provides staff and program administration.

Conferences & Meetings Director

Julie Lang, ext. 208
Assists the Executive Vice President in the planning, budgeting, marketing, and managing of Society conferences and annual meetings.

Conferences & Meetings Coordinator

Doris Roberston, ext. 210
Coordinates awards program, Division and Technical Interest Group activities, annual elections, and Section mailings.

Conferences & Meetings Coordinator

Vickie Bruce, ext. 215
Assists the Conferences & Meetings Director in the planning, marketing, and managing of Society conferences and annual meetings.

Special Publications Director

Susan Stamm, ext. 206
Supervises the production and marketing of books, conference proceedings, special publications, and Wood Design Focus.


Erin Bosch, ext. 207
Edits technical articles and features for the
Forest Products Journal and manages all production aspects.

Editorial Assistant & Advertising Manager

Lyn Dodson, ext. 216
Coordinates review and revision process for the Forest Products Journal, assists in editing and proofing of FPJ technical articles, and manages FPJ advertising.

Membership Coordinator & Circulation Manager

Sheila Scafe, ext. 201
Responds to membership inquiries, coordinates membership billing, and maintains member and subscriber databases for the
Forest Products Journal and Wood Design Focus.

Comptroller/Business Manager

Bruce Learmonth, ext. 212
Prepares and maintains financial, legal, personnel, and insurance records and reports.

Operator/Publication Orders

ext. 202

Shipping/Receiving Clerk

Joe Gravunder, ext. 299
Coordinate all mailing and shipping and maintain records and inventory.



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