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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Fish Physiology and Biochemistry is an international journal publishing original research papers in all aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of fishes. Papers dealing with experimental work in the following areas will be given preference, but other topics will be given consideration:

  • Biochemistry of organisms, organs, tissues and cells.
  • Structure of organs, tissues, cells and organelles related to their function.
  • Nutritional, osmotic, ionic, respiratory and excretory homeostasis.
  • Nerve and muscle physiology.
  • Endocrinology. Reproductive physiology.
  • Energetics.
  • Biochemical and physiological effects of toxicants.
  • Molecular biology and biotechnology.

Categories of articles include full papers, brief communications, rapid communications, unsolicited and invited reviews and editorial comments and announcements.


Fish Physiology and Biochemistry

Instructions to Authors

Presentation and Preparation of the Manuscript

Manuscripts submitted for publication and communications concerning editorial matters should be sent to:

Journals Editorial Office
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
Kluwer Academic Publishers
P.O. Box 990
3300 AZ
Fax: 00 31 (0)78 6576904

No page charges are applicable, but prospective authors should condense their pages as much as possible.

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry welcomes research papers, review papers and proceedings of thematic symposia or workshops.
All aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of fishes are appropriate subjects for consideration, particularly papers having an experimental focus. Research fields dealing with the following topics are encouraged: gross and microanatomy related to the function of fishes; nutritional, osmotic, ionic respiratory, circulatory and excretory physiology; nerve and muscle physiology; endocrinology, reproductive physiology, including applied aspects of reproductive technology; enegetics; immunology; biochemical and physiological effects of toxicancts; molecular biology and biotechnology as it relates to the physiology or biochemistry of the organism.
Full papers describing original research should not exceed twenty pages of printed text, including tables, figures and references (one page of printed text = approximately 600 words). These will usually be published within five months of acceptance.
Short Communications should not exceed 5 printed pages in total. The format for a Short Communication should be the same as for a Full Paper.
Authors wishing to submit a Review Paper should contact the Editor prior to submission, and provide an outline of the content of the review.
Submission of the paper to the journal implies that it is original work, the intellectual property of the author(s), and not being considered for publication elsewhere. If the article is accepted for publication, the copyright of the article is transferred to the publisher; the copyright includes the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article.
Papers already published or in press elsewhere will not be accepted. If any part of the subject matter or experiments included in a manuscript submitted to the journal has been the subject of any prior publication, this prior publication must be identified.
The journal encourages authors to submit a copy of the manuscript on floppy disk (see “Preparing Manuscripts on Floppy Disk”below), together with conventional typed manuscripts (see below).

Manuscript Format

Manuscripts are to be written in correct English using a 10 or 12 point font size, double-spaced throughout on one side of A4 paper with margins of 3--5 cm.
All pages, including the tables, figures, legends and references, are to be numbered consecutively.
Submit four complete copies of the manuscript (the original plus three copies); the Editor and the Publisher can accept no responsibility for manuscripts, figures or floppy disks that are lost in the mail or not returned by the reviewers.

On the first page of the manuscript include the following information:

  • Title (brief but informative)
  • Author(s)‘s initial and family name (if more than one author use  before the last author’s name, e.g., J. Smith, F.T. Jones and R. Edwards
  • Affiliations/Addresses of all authors (provide complete addresses, and a fax number and/or e-mail address for correspondence; also indicate to whom correspondence should be addressed)
  • Key words (a maximum of 10, in alphabetical order, suitable for indexing; these should differ from words used in the title)

For the remaining manuscript use the main headings, as follows:

  • Abstract (brief and informative; maximum 250 words)
  • Abbreviations (listed alphabetically as a footnote to page 2; limit these to words that are not familiar and/or commonly used)
  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements

Use Roman bold font for the main headings, italic font for the subheadings, and Roman font for subsequent levels of section headings.
The approximate location of figures and tables should be indicated in the margin.
The first paragraph in each section should not be indented; subsequent paragraphs should be indicated by clear indentations.
The first text citation of the common name of a fish species should be accompanied by the Latin name, in italic font (e.g., rainbow trout, Oncorhychus mykiss); thereafter, only the common name (rainbow trout) or the abbreviated Latin name (O. mykiss) is to be used consistently throughout the text.
Cite references in the text as follows: Smith (1998), (Smith 1998), Smith and Jones (1998), or Smith et al. (1998)
The References cited section is to be typed double-spaced and listed alphabetically; the format is to be as follows:


Luizi, F., Korsgaard, B. and Petersen, I.M. 1997. Plasma lipoproteins in European eels (Anguilla anguilla): effects of estradiol. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 16: 273--280.

Books (edited by someone other than author of article):

Smith, E.L., Austem, B.M., Blumenthal, K.M. and Nye, J.F. 1975. In: The Enzymes. Vol. 11, pp. 293--367. Edited by P.D. Boyer. Academic Press, New York.

Books (monographs):

Hicks, C.R. 1973. Fundamental Concepts in the Design of Experiments. Holt, Rinehard and Winston, New York.

Begin the first line of each reference flush left, and indent the second and subsequent lines of each reference.
Avoid citations of conference abstracts or proceedings, unless they are published in recognised journals.
Abbreviate titles of periodicals according to the style of the Bibliography Guide for Editors and Authors Biosis, Chemical Abstract Service and Engineering Index, Inc. 1974.

Tables must be mentioned in the text and prepared as follows (tables may be edited by the publisher to permit more compact typesetting):

  • type each Table on a separate page, and number it with Arabic numerals, followed by the title
  • do not use abbreviations or units of measurement in the title
  • horizontal rules are to be indicated, but do not use vertical lines
  • footnotes should be marked with superscript numbers

Figures must be mentioned in the text and prepared as follows:

  • they must be of high quality, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and the author¡®s name should appear on the back of the Figure
  • where multi-part figures are used, each part must be clearly identified in the legend
  • line drawings must be in black ink on white paper or blue graph paper; avoid the use of extremely small type since Figures are often reduced in size
  • halftone reproduction must be clear, well-constrasted black and white prints on glossy paper and mounted on card
  • when several photographs are to be included on the same page they should be mounted immediately adjacent to one another without spaces and without tooling
  • colour plates will be inserted only at the author¡®s expense and quotes will be provided for each individual case
  • draw bar scales directly on the Figure where magnification is to be given
  • the figure legends should be typed as the last section of the manuscript

Abbreviations and units must be in the form of SI units [mg, g, m, cm, mm, ppm, cpm, l (liter), ml, s (second), min (minute), h (hour), mol, m-2], etc., throughout the text, tables and figures, and the minus index form [i.e., use mg 1-1, nog mg/l] is to be used throughout.

The author will be sent an offprint order form and proofs, which should be returned to the Editor without delay. If there are typesetting problems, it is the responsibility of the author to contact the Publisher and Editor by fax (Publisher: (++) 31 78 63 92 555; Editor + 519 767 1540). The author is responsible for correcting errors in typesetting; alterations of the proofs must be kept to a minimum and the cost of making changes other than corrections of typesetting errors will be charged to the author. FIFTY OFFPRINTS WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE OF CHARGE.

Preparing Manuscripts on Floppy Disk

  • Manuscripts typed on IBM-compatible computers with operating system MS DOS (version 3.1 or higher) and the word processing package WordPerfect (version 4.0 or higher) are preferred, although other word processing packages can be accepted.
  • use only regular fonts, such as Courier, Times, Helvetica or standard Symbol.
  • identify your file clearly on the label
  • be absolutely consistent as regards the use of punctuation, abbreviations, capitals and lower case throughout the text
  • do not underline words to indicate italics, use italic font instead
  • for special characters that are not contained in the character set of the word processing package, key in a code between angle brackets,
  • , and use this each and every time you want the character to appear; provide a list of the codes that you have used
  • begin headings flush to the left with two line spaces above and one line space below; distinguish different levels of headings and be consistent; do not indent the first paragraph below each heading and subheading, but indent other paragraphs using the tabulation [TAB] key
  • separate the columns using the tabulation [TAB] key, not with the space bar
  • do not hyphenate words at the end of the line, let the word wrap feature of the word processing package set the line form, and do not use hard returns except when absolutely necessary [such as the end of a paragraph]

Further information is available from:

Kluwer Academic Publishers
P.O. Box 990
3300 AZ
Tel: 00 31 78-6576000 or Fax: 00 31 78-6576904)

Editorial Board


H.J.Th. Goos
Faculty of Biology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Editorial Board:
M. Forster, Dept. of Zoology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand; M.S. Gordon, Dept. of Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, USA; M. Jobling, NFH, University of Tromsø, Norway; S.J. Kaushik, INRA, Sainte-Pe-sur-Nivelle, France; T.J. Lam, Dept. of Zoology, National University of Singapore; P. Laurent, CNRS, Strasbourg, France; J.F. Leatherland, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Canada; T.P. Mommsen, Dept. of Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Victoria, BC, Canada; T.W. Moon, Dept. of Biology, University of Ottawa, ON, Canada; Y. Nagahama, Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan; R. Patino, Texas Coop. Fish and Wildlife Research, Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, USA; D.J. Randall, Dept. of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, PR of China; E.D. Stevens, Dept. of Zoology, University of Guelph, ON, Canada; D.R. Tocher, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, UK; A. Urano, Div. of Biological Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; M.M. Vijayan, Dept. of Biology, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada; M.J. Walton, Sea Mammal Research Unit, Cambridge, UK; S.E. Wendelaar Bonga, Animal Physiology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Y. Zohar, University of Maryland, Biotechnology Institute, Baltimore, USA



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